Adam Thinks #4 What to do With Cesaro, Owens/Cena

Adam Thinks #4 What to do With Cesaro, Owens/Cena

It's Friday night (and the moon IS right). In just a few days we get Money in the Bank where a number of high profile matches will give us a lot of insight into the general path the WWE takes for the next several months. The most important of which to many people is the rematch of Kevin Owens and John Cena. This is a perfect segue into discussing what I'll be going over in this column, which is what I would do if booking it. First, though, for the undercard of the column, let's talk about Cesaro. But why, says Vince and no one else. Well, with Tyson Kidd being injured and out for several months, Cesaro's path is somewhat uncertain. So I'm going to discuss that as well because there are a LOT of intriguing possibilities.

There's the most obvious path first. He could find another partner to tag with, as he has been a very strong addition to the tag ranks, and it wasn't that long ago that pairing Kidd and Cesaro up seemed sort of random. One suggestion that I've heard and like is teaming him up with the remaining Uso brother. That would be pretty interesting, given that both are in the same boat, and both have the credentials to form a strong team that is immediately at the same level of contention that each guy was already at with his real partner. Plus you could have some interesting storylines when Kidd and the other Uso return.


This one, I think. I don’t really know if we’re being honest.

There's also the idea of teaming him up with someone else. Any number of people are just sort of floating around now and would work well with The King of Swing. An R-Truth/Cesaro team up would surely be entertaining. Him being the straight man to Truth's antics would be wonderful TV in my book and the ring work would still be excellent. If that's not your cup of tea, why not pair him with Adam Rose or Fandango. Both guys could use a boost and both could make a fun tag team with Cesaro (though I would personally prefer to see them team with each other. It's sort of a natural fit). There are other candidates, but most of them are in feuds unless you delve into NXT to pick up some talent, or pull Christian out of mothballs. And I think I speak for everyone when I say just let that guy retire and become the great color commentator we all have been waiting for.

If not teaming, what do you do with him? Do you throw him into either midcard title picture? Do you have him go to NXT for a while and feud with Joe for injuring Kidd? Do you just let him do his thing and have great matches? Well, probably not the last per se. That's not really their M.O. What would I do with him, though? Why thank you for asking, myself. That's an excellent question. Personally, I'd go back to Heyman. Lesnar is face-ish right now, so Paulie running with a face wouldn't be so bad. You let the Paulrus devote more time than you did last time and you fix what you screwed up. You let him advocate for Cesaro and let Cesaro go on a tear where he starts small and beats everyone for 3-4 weeks, which is just enough time to let most current feuds die off. Then you put him in a feud with any midcard heel champ you may have, or a solid heel in need of a foil. Then you let them have a nice old fashioned little feud, and elevate both guys in the process.

I would absolutely give Cesaro every chance to get (back) over with the crowd and show the decision makers in the back that this is a guy you can run with. Let him have glorious slobberknockers with Sheamus one week and technical marvels with Dolph the following week. I might even have him win the Money in the Bank Briefcase and then build him. While we're at it, let him talk some, while you're at it, but let Paulie do the magic he does so well. Maybe even let Nattie wrestle and give her the same treatment.

Why do you want me to manage a diva so much?

Why do you want me to manage a diva so much?

There are a number of paths you could take with Cesaro. Which one they'll take is beyond my ability to predict. For all I know he'll be in polka dots on Monday and doing a Dusty gimmick (RIP) and teaming up with Axel and Sandow. I mean, if you're going to waste two great talents, why not waste three? Anyway. That's my take on Cesaro's situation. What ideas do YOU have? Share them in the comments. Maybe they'll do what you said and you get Internet Bragging Rights, which are actually accepted as currency in both Thailand and Utica, New York.

This brings us to the big one. Owens and Cena round two. The match that every smark in the world KNOWS is going Cena's way. Just like they KNEW it was going Cena's way two weeks ago. That's why they bust out actual stats like "John Cena has only lost cleanly ten times in the last decade", as if Hogan, Rock, Austin, or Flair lost that much as faces either. Hell, I bet they all lost cleanly LESS than Cena has. Not that it stops people from complaining. Non-coincidental shout out to my buddy Chris right here.

So what would I do? Well, my plan would be two fold. The first would take place during this upcoming match. After a grueling back and forth, Cena would get the pin nice and clean in the middle of the ring. Owens would kick out right after the three count, not realizing he'd lost, and then pop up and drop Cena before pinning him for a three that the ref does not count, as the ref tries to explain to him that he'd already lost. So Owens would drop the ref, too, and then Cena once more for good measure and declare himself the winner on the mic. As a bonus, if Owens timed the kickout perfectly enough, we could have a little bit of controversy as to whether Cena even won before firmly declaring him the winner.

Then at Summerslam, after some kind of cooloff match away from one another, I'd have Owens challenge Cena to a Last Man Standing Match. We'd get nice and brutal as they went back and forth trying to get the ten count, before finally laying each other out and BOTH getting counted out. On Raw the following night Owens would declare that he was done with Cena, and had nothing left to prove. Maybe have Cena complain about it but acknowledge it. Then I'd actually NOT have them face for a while.

I don't get it. Why aren't you making them fight four more times in a row?

I don’t get it. Why aren’t you making them fight four more times in a row?

You know what you have at that point? A readymade feud that you can pick up at any time. An undiminished Cena who could move on to the next person. A Kevin Owens who is firmly cemented near the top of the card. A stronger upper midcard overall. And you'd have seeds planted for the future. The way they used to be really good at. You see, during the Attitude Era, one of the things that REALLY drove their success was that they built feuds up and let them go. You could always come back to something on almost no notice and have it be hot, because you didn't murder it into the ground to begin with. Do that again. Let Cena and Owens be the start of it. We shall see what they actually do, since they will probably not listen to my advice. Maybe if I was a Hollywood actor on the writing team.

Nope. They wouldn't listen to me either.

Nope. They wouldn’t listen to me either.

Well….crap. In that case let's all get hammered and hope for the best.