WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Fri, 04 Sep 2015 17:19:00 +0000 hourly 1 Dustin Murray Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:42:00 +0000 Its hard to hate somebody for hateful comments they made behind closed doors. I think its kind of lame in this day and age how many people will let you do or say something stupid and keep an audible or visual record of it and save it for a rainy day and when they want to cash in sell it to TMZ or the National Inquirer for profit.

Its hard to hate somebody for hateful comments they made behind closed doors. I think its kind of lame in this day and age how many people will let you do or say something stupid and keep an audible or visual record of it and save it for a rainy day and when they want to cash in sell it to TMZ or the National Inquirer for profit.