BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 150



This week on BoredWrestlingFan Radio, we’re joined by Michael Kingston, creator ofВ Headlocked: The Last Territory , a wrestling comic. В Michael talks about his influences, the difficulty of promoting a wrestling themed comic book, and the people who have helped him out along the way, such as Christopher Daniels and Jerry “The King” Lawler. В (Donate to the Headlocked Volume 2 Kickstarter here )

In the news, the numbers are in for the WWE Network, and they aren’t pretty. В Stevie Ray reveals Hulk Hogan’s reaction to being called the n-word by Booker T in a promo. В CM Punk returns to WWE…. Shop. В Ric Flair and Dennis Rodman film a fitness DVD. В Jim Ross talks about WWE Network’s promotion, or lack thereof. В Ken Shamrock thinks he should be in the Hall of Fame. В All this, and much, much more on this week’s episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 150 (MP3, 2:05:28)

This week’s break song was “I Fell Asleep On My Arm” by The Aquabats. В Buy it here !