Destroying Kayfabe: Wrestling Promotions With Financial Issues

Destroying Kayfabe: Wrestling Promotions With Financial Issues

In the world of professional wrestling there are two types of people, the people who pay you and the people who dont, todays topic is based on deadbeats and crooked promoters. Over the last decade there have been promotions who refuse to pay their talent or are just behind on making their day to day payments, our biggest example for that would be a current fed that has been so far behind on paying their talents that the morale has dropped to an all time low, that company is known as Impact Wrestling.

While TNA has been either behind or not paying their talent at all most of these guys still go out there and do their job because it’s their passion to entertain the fans of the wrestling world, but TNA isnt the only promotion that has come into situations like this, prime examples for that have been a company we knew and loved dearly known as extreme championship wrestling, this is where you have the one of the greatest masterminds in the business today and leave him with blank checks that he could not cash because he was too busy spending the money away elsewhere.

Another promotion that has had the same issue but is able to stay afloat was the likes of Ring of Honor, while this company has been bailed out by JBL and Vince McMahon this company has been through the struggle of going out of business just like ECW did and TNA. Money is a huge essential to the business because without it you can’t pay your talent, the vendors of who sell merch and other products.

Just a few days ago there was a promotion down south that has become the biggest example for the indies that needs to be exposed, it goes by the name of Glory Championship Wrestling Alliance, this is now just another trial and error promotion that has went out there and shafted not only the fans, but the talent and the vendors who were out there trying to make a few bucks to keep the business and themselves alive, it was a full roster full of indie talent and a legend known as Tracy Smothers who went out there and busted their asses and got nothing in return which is down right unjustified. The promoter of this company is known as Terry Teague who is now a well known scammer to the indies circuit.

While these promoters do everything they can to bring in a stacked card for the evening they also need to have their piggy banks ready to pay out these talents for doing their job and the vendors who go out there and sell the merch, while some of these promoters say things like “you should be lucky you’re evening working here” they should be accepting the fact that if these talents weren’t here your company would not be relevant and should be grateful to have them on board.

Another company that took a huge downfall due to not paying talent and screwing over the fans was a promotion known as Extreme Rising owned by Steve O’Neill, he made so many promises to the fans and could not deliver that he ended up abandoning the fed putting all the weight down on former ecw star shane douglas, these are just prime examples of what deadbeats and crooked promoters look like and need to have their licenses removed from running an indie promotion.

But if there was any company who had money issues back in the glory days of wrestling it had to be the WWE and WCW, while WWE wasnt too hurt in money it was getting hit below the belt by WCW who would spend millions of dollars to bring in WWE’s current stars and wage a war against them to create the monday night wars, during this time vince mcmahon wasn’t sure if he was willing to spend much money on his top stars of a past era and help them lead a new era of superstars to battle against their competitors, was this smart on his behalf or was it selfishness in its true form, while the wwe is still standing tall today and wcw isnt it seems to me that one company had its head above the water while watching the other one drown, but this is my take on deadbeat and crooked promoters, I am CM Stylez and you can catch me tuesday nights @ 8:30pm only at as I bring you live wwe raw results.