Guys Nation Perspective: WWE Missed An Opportunity With Adam Rose

Guys Nation Perspective: WWE Missed An Opportunity With Adam Rose

There's still a glimmer of hope that the WWE might not entirely miss out on this opportunity, but they can't catch the full impact of what a tag team featuring Adam Rose and The Bunny could've been.

That's right, I said The Bunny is part of a missed opportunity.

Currently booked for Survivor Series is a four-corners tag match for the top tag team championship in the business, and Los Matadores are wasting a spot which should've been filled by Adam Rose and The Bunny. That duo should've been booked to become huge fan favorites as a duo, and it should've started months ago.

In Mid-September, The Bunny built up some heat with Heath Slater, leading to the two squaring off in a tag match involving Adam Rose with his Rosebud and Titus O'Neil putting together Slater And The Gator. That small feud should've been the start of a pairing between Adam Rose and The Bunny which should be running strong still this week, as we head into Survivor Series – a pay per view built around the concept of teamwork.

Now the best they can do is to temporarily quell the animosity between the duo, sparked by some spotlight-stealing spots by The Bunny. We've already seen Adam Rose get into physical altercations with The Bunny, recently kicking him in the stomach for distracting him against Tyson Kidd. Even if the duo makes amends and tries to come back together to be a tag team, there will always be the idea that Adam Rose is going to turn on The Bunny.

Instead of putting time, energy and creative brainpower into building up that partnership, for which the groundwork was already laid, WWE "Creative" went with the stale Los Matadores.

20140923_Raw_GOTN_v2 Kids don't care about Los Matadores. If they did, that ship has sailed. They've had their chance to make their mark on the WWE Universe, and they've plateaued. Any success they were going to gain, they reached it. But a gimmick where a guy is dressed up like a bunny, partnering with a guy who eats lollipops all the time and doesn't seem to have a care in the world? That's something that kids can enjoy, and yet the drug over-tones and attractive, costumed women escorting the duo to the ring are sufficient to keep the key 18-48 male audience.

I'm not saying that the duo had to ever hold the WWE Tag Team Championships, but they should've been given a chance to partner up and rise through the ladder of the tag team division. It would've certainly sold some tshirts in addition to plenty of other unique memorabilia. Stuffed bunnies? Lollipops with rosebuds on them? Necklaces with rosebuds on one side and a crossed-through lemon on the other?

Forget the entertainment value of it all… WWE missed out on an opportunity for merchandising dollars.

This article was originally published by our friends @ .