Honorable Mention – ROH TV 9/9/15

Honorable Mention – ROH TV 9/9/15

Welcome to a very special edition of Honorable Mention – the once-weekly Ring of Honor breakdown exclusively available at Daily Wrestling News. Wait a tick. This isn't Daily Wrestling News, this is Cheap-Heat! What's going on here? It's like when Vince McMahon hosted ECW talent on Monday Night Raw in 1997; Cheap-Heat patrons get something special, and Daily Wrestling News gets a little promotion. It's win/win. So without further ado, let's blast off into this week's 2-match show from the Meyer's Pavilion in Baltimore.

2. Lethal and Truth

This is a star-studded event with just two bouts—both of which for championship gold, however. The opening contest features the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions the Addiction, as they defend against the Young Bucks. It's Ring of Honor versus New Japan; it's experience versus youth; it's the Knights of the Red Dawn versus the Bullet Club . The Young Bucks get an early advantage over the champions, but Chris Sabin—who's conveniently located at ringside—pulls his friend from the action, in an attempt to save the titles. The referee immediately ejects Sabin from ringside, but not before the Young Bucks send him packing with a Super Kick. The �Bucks deliver another kick to Daniels, but Kazarian breaks up the monotony with a tornado DDT into the first commercial break. When we return, the Addiction is doing a number on Matt Jackson, who manages to squeeze from a body lock with an impressive corkscrew attack, and makes the hot tag.

3. Kaz and Nick Jackson

The Young Bucks are in the lead, using their quickness to cut their opponents down to size. It's no use, as the first available pin attempt is broken up by Kazarian. Kaz eats a Super Kick—that's three so far, if you're keeping track. A fourth to the face of Daniels following an attempted "Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels hits a suicide dive on Nick Jackson on the outside, but the Kingdom makes the presence felt when they blindside Daniels. Inside the ring, the �Bucks are preparing to deliver an IndyTaker to Kazarian, but opts to go the opposite way—landing a moonsault on the Kingdom and Daniels. After a successful IndyTaker, the �Bucks go for the pin, but the Kingdom pulls the official from the match. Daniels uses the distraction as an opening, and hits Nick Jackson across the skull with the championship belt. Maria distracts Matt Jackson, and Frankie Kazarian gets the pin with a roll up. The Addiction are still Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions.

4. Maria is so hot

After the match, we see ROH Matchmaker Nigel McGuinness, who says the outcome of the previous bout doesn't work for him. Therefore, Nigel says, the Young Bucks will be added to the championship match at All Star Extravaganza . On October 18 th it'll be the Addiction vs. the Kingdom vs. the Young Bucks. I'm really excited for this year's All Star Extravaganza. Certain people might scoff at a Friday night pay-per-view when the designated night for wrestling has always been Sunday. But WrestleMania 2 was on a Monday. And boxing and UFC fights go down on Saturday all the time. I say if Ring of Honor wants to differentiate itself by promoting shows on a different day of the week, more power to them. And hey—this isn't the first Friday night show they've done—there must be some magic glue inside those gentle walls. That's from the Family Matters theme song.

5. Roddy Strong

It's time for the main event. If it seems soon, remember that this is a world championship match, and the last time these competitors squared off, they went to a one-hour time limit. So it's probably smart to give them as much time as necessary. Both men adhere to the " Code of Honor, " but refused to relinquish the other man's hand. Jay Lethal is such an interesting personality; "a character babyface," as JR would say. There's nothing inherently evil about Jay Lethal, who doesn't really cheat to win, and very rarely attacks someone from behind. Jay is like Keanu Reeves in "The Devil's Advocate." Too much? Okay, let's move on. But seriously, go watch the "The Devil's Advocate"—it's fucking BONKERS: "I've got my hand up Mona Lisa's skirt!" Okay seriously, I should talk about the match, right?

6. Strong Roddy

Once things get underway this match turns into an all-out brawl with both men using whatever kind of offense they can muster. After a quick commercial, we return to find them still at odds, but now on the outside of the ring. Strong attacks Lethal's underlings—Jay Diesel and Donavan Dijak—but gets kicked in the face by Lethal in the process. Strong is juicing. If you're wondering if there's juice in this match—there's juice. Roddy gets hardwayed, and Lethal follows up with a sleeper hold—as if to pump all of Strong's blood out of his face. Strong makes his comeback when Dijak and the rest of the goons on the outside decide to get involved again; Strong uses the distraction and comes back with nearly 2 dozen vicious chops to the chest of Jay Lethal. Roddy hits Jay with a slam, but can only manage a 2-count as Jay returns to his very own Lethal Combination for the same count of two. Strong counters the Lethal Injection with a Sick Kick as we head into the final break of the night. We return and Jay Lethal is choking Roderick Strong with his wrist tape. The referee takes the tape, giving Lethal the chance to hit Strong with his title belt. There seems to be a lot of that going on tonight. After two Lethal Injections , Jay Lethal remains the undisputed Ring of Honor Champion, as he'll walk out of Baltimore with both belts once again.

7. Lethal

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