Infinity Results; Standing Room Crowd; Returns February 21

Infinity Results; Standing Room Crowd; Returns February 21

Infinity Results; Standing Room Crowd; Returns February 21

Infinity Pro packed the National Guard Armory in Bloomington, Indiana on Saturday, January 24 for ‘Vindication’ to a standing room only crowd!

Infinity Aero champion Bret Havoc retained over Scotty Young

Shane Mercer defeated Percy Davis

Tripp Cassidy and Josh Crane fought to the outside, resulting in a double count out after a spear through the guard rail and then continued to brawl. On February 21, Cassidy & Crane will battle again – in a Falls Count Anywhere match!

Ace Perry defeated Adam Beuller and Dale Patricks . After Perry won, Scotty Young attacked him and locked him in a Texas Cloverleaf, until Bret Havoc made the save!

Jake Omen pinned Austin Manix

Infinity Duos champions Donnie Hallows & Jacob Hallows retained over Handsome Vinnie & Southpaw Sonny

Infinity Grand champion GT Vega retained over Micas Silva

DVD of ‘Vindication’ coming soon to and the Infinity Pro online store at!

Infinity Pro returns Saturday, February 21 with ‘Legacy of a Champion’ at the National Guard Armory, 3380 S Walnut ST in Bloomington, IN!

Already announced:
* Infinity Grand champion GT Vega vs. Micas Silva vs. Austin Manix vs. Jake Omen!
* Infinity Dous champions The Painkillers (Jacob & Donnie Hallows) will face Zero Gravity ( Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)!
* Infinity Aero champion Bret Havoc vs. Ace Perry!
