MY New Year's Wrestolutions!

MY New Year's Wrestolutions!

Greetings and Salutations Cheap-Heaters! Welcome to the.. "Something… something… Cool AND Clever Column". (name is a work in progress) – These are MY New Year's Wrestolutions! (see what I did there?)

Oh, Dear. I'm getting ahead of myself. You're all out there wondering who in the chartreuse hell is THIS?! And why do we care about HIS wrestolutions?! Well allow me to introduce myself:

I'm the S…C… O… double-T … Hmm… that doesn't feel right.

How �bout? I'm the trail blazing, eyebrow raising… wait… that's REALLY not me.

Okay in the interest of brevity (not my strong suit) we'll come up with a fancy, clever, Attitude Era styled introduction NEXT time. This time we'll keep it simple.

My name is Scott, and I'm a longtime wrestling fan, and part time writer. I was an efedder, have been to two Wrestlemanias, have a slew of the take home floor seats from WWE PPVs. I've been there live to seen Daniel Bryan cash in Money in the Bank. Edge Spear Foley through a flaming table. The DX as the Nation segment, and most importantly I saw the Fake Razor and Fake Diesel! My college friends joked that a pick up line of mine would be "Hi I'm Scott and I've been to 10 live wrestling shows". For the record? That number is much higher now. I've drunkenly exchanged Flair chops for… uh… fun? I've exchanged tweets with John Cena (it was about the Red Sox). I've been subpoenaed for a lawsuit against Shane Douglas and ECW (a story I'll tell at a later date.). I've met Chris Jericho (my all time favorite). I've been bled on by… someone at that same ECW show that landed me the subpoena (I mention that in my bio) and got to 2nd base with the Blue Meanie! (when high fives go wrong) There you have it a bit of my resume slash wrestling "street cred".

Mostly I'm here to write about something i enjoy, have so laughs, have fun, and hopefully drag a few of you kicking and screaming with me. While I toyed with the idea of debuting myself with a year end list? I decided against that and instead of looking back at 2014? I'd look ahead to 2015.

And I'm not looking to fantasy book. Not looking to see how what the bidness should resolve to do. This column is how i resolve to be a better wrestling fan in the upcoming year. Like a great man once said, I think it was Khali?

Garble-gargle-warble – no, wasn't me.

Maybe it was Hacksaw.

N-hOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! wasn't me either.

I dunno… I you can google it.

" Be the change you want to see in the world… of wrestling."

So here are my (insert number here) Wrestolutions:

i - Do more writing about wrestling. Sweet! I'm already on my way! Resolutioning is easy!

ii - Attend 5 live events. This might be a stretch. I think I got to three shows last year. I COULD be 40% done this by the weekend of the Royal Rumble, but THAT will be another story for another day.

iii - Invest more time, money, and, or effort into non-TNA/WWE federations. I dabble in RoH. I've watched a little Lucha Underground. I've enjoyed both, and it would be a lot easier if they both were available on my cable provider. But I'm looking to branch out with my wrestling fandom a little more. Starting with the GFW/NJPW (I really don't know what I'm supposed to call it) – PPV on Sunday. I'm always willing and open to suggestions so feel free to hit me up here or on Twitter if there is something you'd think I'd like.

iv - Lose thirty… wait… wrong list.

v - Tweet more wrestling stuff. My twitter is by far the place where I'm most active and public as a wrestling fan. I like engaging in discussions during shows. I want to not only continue my activity, but increase it. Possibly working to combo live tweeting a show with a review type column. Its been an idea I've been kicking around in the ole noggin.

vi - Dissolve my Cesaro man crush. This one won't happen. It might be the NYE spirits coursing through my veins. But its clear the WWE doesn't feel about him like I do, and so I'm destined to be miserably let down. Again… This one won't happen, but hey if i keep fifty-one percent of these resolutions Its a win, right?

vii - I guess I'll follow THAT lovely little piece of cynicism with this: Be more positive. Or at least optimistic. I pride myself on having a pretty level headed and fair outlook on the industry. I try to take away positives, but I think I can be better. Though there were Raws over the last 12 weeks that really REALLY tried me.

viii - The one I REALLY hope I keep: See NXT live while the getting is good. I want to strike while the iron's hot. I've already been looking into making a trip to Full Sail (I live in the Northeast) for the next NXT special. I'd like to be a part of that, and especially considering the current roster they have. Plus a trip to Florida even if its in spring? Sounds wonderful… Hayes fact 261 : I hate the cold.

There you have it. A list of eight Wrestolutions for my 2015. What about you? What are your own aspirations for your wrestling fandom for the upcoming year? Shout them from the roof tops. Send a raven (For you GoT fans out there). Or ya know… leave a comment.

Happy New Year!