Results: EVOLVE Wrestling – EVOLVE 45 – July 10th, 2015 – Ybor City, Florida

Results: EVOLVE Wrestling – EVOLVE 45 – July 10th, 2015 – Ybor City, Florida

The Premier Athlete Brand makes their way to the ring as FIP World Champion Caleb Konley, Anthony Nese, and Trent Baretta are accompanied by SoCal Val and Andrea.

Val comments on Rob's height and tells him to leave the ring.

Val says that you can tell your children that you witnessed the Golden Jubilee of the Premier Athlete Brand. She introduces the new FIP World Champion Caleb Konley. She says that they will bring gold at Shine on July 24th when Marti Belle and Andrea win Tag Team Gold. Tomorrow night Trent Baretta will defeat Drew Galloway to become the new Evolve Champion. She says they are on fire.

She says the Premier Athlete Brand is unstoppable.

Gary Jay comes to the ring and he takes the mic. He says he has been waiting for this opportunity. He tells Caleb that he wants to face him right now.

Match Number One: Caleb Konley (with Anthony Nese, Trent Baretta, SoCal Val, and Andrea) versus Gary Jay

They lock up and Caleb with a wrist lock but Gary with a reversal. Konley with an arm drag and then he rolls up Gary for a near fall. Caleb tells Gary to go to the back and he pie faces him. Caleb blocks a chop but Gary with a punch and chops to Konley and he backs up into the corner. Caleb with a kick and he gets Gary on his shoulders. Gary with a rollup for a near fall and then Caleb is sent over the top rope to the floor.

Gary with three suicide dives onto Caleb and it is so forceful that it turns off one of the lights at ringside. Gary with a chop to Caleb against the apron. Nese and Baretta distract Gary and Caleb avoids a chop and Gary chops the pole. Caleb power bombs Gary into the pole as power is restored.

Caleb with a forearm to the back and he rolls Gary into the ring. Caleb kicks Gary in the chest followed by a cross face to the upper chest. Caleb with a forearm to the back and then he works on the left arm by wrapping it in the ropes. Caleb with a snap mare and he slams the left hand into the mat. Caleb does it again and he gets a near fall. Caleb with a chop.

Gary kicks Caleb out of the corner and he comes off the turnbuckles and Caleb blocks a chop and he punches Gary and gets a near fall. Caleb with a reverse chin lock. Gary with a head butt and then he charges into the corner but Caleb sends him to the apron. Gary with kicks and then Andrea grabs Gary as Caleb distracts the referee. Gary kicks Andrea away but when he comes off the turnbuckles, Caleb with a drop kick for a near fall. Caleb returns to the hand and stomps on it.

Caleb with a wrist lock and he sends Gary to the mat. Caleb holds on to the wrist lock. Caleb continues to work on the hand and he comments on Gary having red hair as he kicks Gary. Gary with slaps to Caleb. Caleb has a kick blocked and Gary with a chop and then he hits a cross body that sends both men over the top rope to the floor.

They both get back into the ring and Gary hits a running chop followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Gary goes up top but Caleb crotches him and then Caleb kicks Gary in the tree of woe. Caleb gets some revenge on Gary for slapping him in the face but Gary is pulled off the turnbuckles and he hits a stunner. Caleb with a Regalplex for a near fall. Caleb goes for a German suplex but Gary with a victory roll for a near fall.

Caleb with a Cradle Shock for a near fall after countering a rollup attempt. Caleb with a wrist clutch Cloverleaf but Gary kicks Caleb in the head. Caleb with a spinning back elbow. Gary lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and he hits a tornado DDT followed by a drop kick that sends Caleb into the corner. Gary puts Caleb on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Caleb sends him to the mat and Caleb with a double jump moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Caleb Konley

After the match, Val says they are on fire tonight. They are experiencing something that none of you will experience, great success.

Rich Swann comes out and he tells the Premier Athlete Brand to shut up. Rich reminds them that the last time Evolve was in Orlando, him and Johnny Gargano whipped their ass. He says he has a little bit of unfinished business with Trent. He tells Trentylocks to put his drink down and get ready to go All Night Long with Rich Swann.

Match Number Two: Trent Baretta (with Caleb Konley, Anthony Nese, SoCal Val, and Andrea) versus Rich Swann

They lock up and Trent backs Swann into the corner and he taps Swann on the chest before breaking. They lock up and Trent with a side head lock and Trent with a shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Swann with a side head lock. Swann with a shoulder tackle but Trent stays on his feet. Swann tries again and has the same result. Trent with a shoulder tackle and Swann goes down. Trent with a side head lock take down.

Swann with a head scissors and drop kick to Trent and Trent goes to the corner. Swann slams Trent's head into the turnbuckles and then he climbs the turnbuckles to punch Trent. Swann with a short chop to the upper chest and Swann accepts the applause of the crowd. Swann with a snap mare and kick to the back. Swann with a snap mare and a running kick to the back as he swings for the fences. Swann with a modified chicken wing that he turns into a seated abdominal stretch. Trent gets to the ropes and Swann kicks Trent and chops him.

Swann goes to the turnbuckles but Trent with a drop kick to stop Swann as he comes off and Trent gets a near fall. Trent with a chop and back body drop. Trent with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Trent chokes Swann in the ropes and then Caleb taunts Swann while Trent, Val, and Andrea talk to the referee. Trent with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall.

Trent with a reverse chin lock. Swann with punches to Trent and then both men go for a cross body and both men are down. Trent misses a splash into the corner but Trent with a kick. Swann with an enzuigiri and jumping rana to take Trent off the turnbuckles and back to the mat. Swann with punches to Trent but Trent with a kick. Swann with a swinging neck breaker and a running kick to the back of the head. Swann with a splash for a near fall. Swann goes up top but in front of the Premier Athlete Brand.

Trent rolls to the other side of the ring so Swann goes back to the mat. Swann charges at Trent and Trent with boots to the chest as he sends Swann to the mat. Trent misses a knee to the head but Swann does not miss an enzuigiri. Trent with a running double jump elbow followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall. Trent kicks Swann in the head and then he chops Swann.

Trent with more chops. Swann blocks Irish whip attempts so Trent with a forearm to the head. Swann with a springboard cutter for a near fall. Swann goes for a shoulder but Trent avoids it and he hits a leg drop to the back of the head. They are both on the apron and Trent get Swann on his shoulders but Swann gets back to his feet. Trent and Swann with forearms on the apron. Trent with a chop and Swann chops back.

Swann with punches and an enzuigiri. Trent with a German suplex on the apron and Swann lands on his head on the apron. Swann struggles to get back to his feet but he gets back into the ring before the twenty count, but who knows how effective he will be. Swann with a flip piledriver counter and both men are down. Swann gets a near fall.

Swann struggles to get to his feet and he eventually goes up top but Trent leaps up and hits an overhead belly-to-belly superplex followed by a flying knee for a two count. Swann with a backslide for a near fall. Swann with a round kick to the head and Trent is down. Swann goes up top and hits a frog splash but Trent kicks out at two.

Swann slaps Trent and Trent with a forearm. Swann with a discus punch but Trent with a chop. Swann with a chop. Swann with a spinning back heel kick. Trent with an enzuigiri. Swann with a running boot to the head. Trent with a flying knee followed by the Dudebuster for the three count.

Winner: Trent Baretta

Val says they will continue to win All Night Long, so keep bringing them out.

Match Number Three: Anthony Nese (with Caleb Konley, Trent Baretta, SoCal Val, and Andrea) versus Andrew Everett

Everett wants to know if they are going to wrestle or circle each other the entire time and Nese says he wrestles on his own time. It is his time because they lock up and Nese with a waist lock but Everett with a side head lock. Nese escapes the side head lock and gets back to his feet. They lock up and Nese with a side head lock. Nese with a shoulder tackle. Everett goes for a leap frog but he appears to have hurt his knee and he could not get over Nese and Nese goes to the floor.

Everett wants to continue but he definitely favors his knee. They lock up and Nese with a side head lock and take down. Everett goes for a dropsault but he has trouble with the elevation and then he cannot fully connect with a chop. Nese with an Irish whip and Everett floats over and he leaps over Nese and goes to the apron. Everett with a springboard drop kick and Nese goes to the floor.

Everett with a double jump somersault dive onto Nese and Konley. Everett sends Nese back into the ring. Nese sends Everett into the corner but Everett gets his leg up and Nese pulls him out of the corner by the leg. Everett with a head scissors and drop toe hold followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Nese goes to the floor again. Andrea grabs Everett's leg and that allows Nese to get back into the ring and he connects with a clothesline and Nese gets a near fall. Nese kicks Everett in the head. Nese chops Everett in the corner. Nese with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Nese stands n Everett's leg as Everett holds the rope. Nese tries to work on the injured leg and Everett tries to kick him away. Nese with a kick to the back of the leg followed by a leg drop for a near fall.

Nese with a chop followed by a slam and leg drop for a near fall. Nese with a sleeper but Everett gets to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Nese trips Everett as he goes to the floor. Nese sets for the double jump moonsault but Nese takes too long and Everett moves out of the way. Everett with forearms and a head scissors take down.

Nese with a forearm to Everett. Everett with an enzuigiri followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Everett goes up top but Nese with a rolling forearm to stop Everett. Nese with a rollup for a near fall. Everett with elbows and a standing switch. Everett with a German suplex but Nese lands on his feet and he hits a double stomp for a near fall.

Nese with a forearm but Everett fires back. Nese with a chop and Everett with a forearm. Nese with a punch and Everett goes down. Nese chops Everett in the corner. Nese with an Irish whip but Everett kicks Nese away. Nese with a super kick but he has one blocked. Everett with a rollup for a near fall. Everett kicks Nese away.

Everett with a kick to the leg followed by an enzuigiri. Everett goes for a rana but Nese blocks it and sends Everett to the mat and follows with a super kick for a near fall. Nese goes up top and Everett moves. Everett with a reverse rana for a near fall. Nese with a rollup and he goes for a one arm power bomb but Everett counters into a sunset flip. Nese with a one arm buckle bomb and he applies a single leg crab and Everett fights through the pain and he gets to the ropes.

Nese slaps Everett but Everett with forearms. Nese with a pump handle into a reverse pile driver but Everett kicks out. Nese goes up top but he takes too long and Everett with an enzuigiri. Everett with forearms to Nese and they fight on the turnbuckles. Everett with forearms to the back and Nese with the position for the superplex but Everett counters and sends Nese to the mat. Everett with a shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Andrew Everett

After the match, Andrew gets on the mic, he says tomorrow, barring any schedule changes, it is him versus Caleb Konley. Since he took care of Nese tonight, why not put the FIP title on the line? It wouldn't look too bad around his waist. He wants Caleb to accept his challenge.

Andrew says it is Caleb's decision. He says that he didn't realize that in the time he has been gone that SoCal Val had surgery to remove Caleb's balls.

Konley gets in the ring and he tells Everett the title is on the line tomorrow.

Match Number Four: Chris Hero versus Trevor Lee

Trevor kicks Hero in the leg and then they lock up. Trevor misses a kick. Trevor goes for the arm but Hero picks up Trevor and sends him to the mat. Hero with a wrist lock and take down followed by a kip up. Trevor wants to know why Hero keeps backing up. Lee with a rollup for a near fall and he applies a front face lock. Hero with a wrist lock. Trevor is able to escape and he snap mares Hero and applies a reverse chin lock. Hero with a cravate.

Trevor escapes the cravate and Lee goes into the ropes to stop Hero. Trevor with a kick to the leg but Hero with chops. Lee with a drop kick. Lee gets a near fall. Hero sends Lee to the apron and then he kicks him off the apron. Hero goes to the floor and he goes after Trevor and he kicks Trevor in the head. Hero with a forearm and kick. Hero with a knee drop and he sends Lee back into the ring.

Trevor with a kick and forearms. Hero with elbows to Lee and he sets for a power bomb but Lee blocks it and Hero gets a near fall. Lee with a kick to the head and then he goes for the leg but Hero with a drop kick and kip up. Hero with a back senton and he gets a near fall. Lee tries to get to the floor but Hero waits for Lee to figure out what he is doing. Lee with elbows but Hero with a chop.

Hero with another chop and hard Irish whip. Hero gets a near fall. Hero kicks Lee in the head and then the ribs. Lee with chops. Lee with a kick but Hero with a kick and then he sets for a tombstone piledriver but Lee with kicks and then he hits a moonsault for a near fall. Lee is sent to the apron and he hits an enzuigiri but Hero with a boot to send Lee to the floor.

Hero looks like he is going for a suicide dive but he goes to the apron. Lee sends Hero to the floor and he connects with a series of running kicks from the apron. Lee with a running forearm into the corner followed by knees to the head and forearms. Hero pushes Lee away but Lee with a round kick and he gets a near fall. Lee with forearms and Hero ducks a cross body and counters with a cutter for a near fall.

Lee with a forearm but Hero with a boot and he gets a sunset flip but Lee rolls through and hits a power bomb followed by a Superman punch for a near fall. Lee goes up top but Hero rolls to the other side of the ring. Hero with a rolling elbow and then he tries for the KO but Lee with a kick and a deadlift German suplex for a near fall.

Hero runs Lee into the turnbuckles and Lee with a back heel kick. Lee with a suplex but Hero lands on his feet and he connects with an elbow to the back of the head but he can only get a near fall. Hero with a running forearm into the corner but Lee with a flip power slam for a near fall. Trevor with a kick and slap combination to Hero. Lee focuses on kick and Hero slaps him. Lee with a kick and forearm. Lee goes for a moonsault but Hero moves. Hero with two rolling elbows and then he takes off the elbow pad and hits another two rolling elbows for the three count.

Winner: Chris Hero

After the match, Hero wants the crowd to give it up for Trevor Lee. He says that Trevor is good, but tonight, he was not good enough. Chris mentions good guys like Drew Gulak. Good but not good enough. Biff Busick is good, but he couldn't make it to Florida. He is good, but not good enough. Chris says that he wants challengers. He is the guillotine and he will continue to take their heads off.

He says that he wants people to name someone better than Chris Hero. Chris wonders why someone would say that Zack Sabre Jr. is better than him. Chris says that he wrestled Zack 9 years ago when he was 16 to kick his ass. He did the same thing in Japan for NOAH. What makes you think he is good enough.

Match Number Five: Roderick Strong versus Zack Sabre Jr.

The referee has to separate Roderick and Zack before the bell rings.

They lock up and Strong goes to the floor. Roderick returns to the ring and Strong takes Sabre to the mat and he blocks attempts by Sabre to escape for a moment but Sabre with a reversal and they both go to their feet. Sabre goes for the arm and he applies a hammer lock. Strong with a reversal into a side head lock. Strong takes Sabre to the mat but Sabre with a reversal into a front face lock. Strong with a reversal and Sabre with another reversal as Strong gets to the ropes.

Strong goes to the floor. Strong has something to say to the referee before a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Sabre takes Strong to the mat. Sabre with a crucifix rollup for a near fall. They go for another Greco Roman knuckle lock and Strong with the advantage but Sabre gets to his feet and he applies a straitjacket choke but strong with a reversal. Sabre reverses but Strong reverses again, but it is only for a moment as Sabre regains control. Strong with another reversal. Sabre backs Strong into the corner and snap mares Strong.

They go for another Greco Roman knuckle lock and Strong tries to take Sabre to the mat and he succeeds and gets a near fall. He gets another near fall and Sabre bridges. Strong tries to get Sabre to the mat by getting on top of Sabre but Sabre bridges again. Sabre gets Strong onto his back and he gets a near fall but Strong with a bridge. Strong gets back to his feet and Sabre rolls through and gains the advantage.

Strong pulls saber over and then Sabre goes for the leg but Strong with a leg take down and he gets a near fall. Strong goes to the floor to regroup and strategize. Roderick has the referee check his eye before returning to the ring. They return to the Greco Roman knuckle lock but Strong with a knee and chop. Sabre with an Irish whip but Strong floats over and leap frogs Sabre. Strong goes for another leap frog but Sabre goes after the knee.

Sabre works on the ankle and has Strong in a modified figure four and then trailer hitch using his arms. Strong kicks Sabre in the head. Sabre with a Kimura and body scissors but Strong picks Sabre up and runs him into the turnbuckles. Strong kicks Sabre in the back. Strong with a chop to Sabre in the corner and he puts him on the turnbuckles to set for the superplex.

Sabre escapes and works on the elbow but Strong slaps Sabre and goes to the apron. Strong grabs Sabre but Sabre fights him off. Sabre with elbows. Strong pulls Sabre off the turnbuckles and he crotches him on the top rope as both men go to the floor. Strong with a torture rack and then he tosses Sabre onto the apron.

Strong returns to the ring and the referee starts his count. Sabre has trouble getting back to his feet and Strong with a baseball slide to send Sabre to the floor again. Sabre with European uppercuts on the floor but Strong with a chop. Strong sends Sabre chest first into the apron. Strong swings Sabre into the side bar and he returns to the ring. Strong with an Olympic Slam for a near fall.

Strong with kicks to Sabre. Sabre tries to kick Strong away but he does not have too much power on his kicks so Strong continues the attack. Strong waits for Sabre to get up and he chops Sabre. Sabre with European uppercuts as they go back and forth. Strong with a suplex for a near fall. Strong with a modified camel clutch on Sabre. Strong works on the shoulder and gets a near fall.

Strong with reverse chin lock on Strong. Sabre gets to the ropes but Strong with a baseball slide kick to the head. Strong runs into a European uppercut from Sabre and Sabre goes to the turnbuckles for another European uppercut. Sabre with a kick to the head followed by a leg sweep. Sabre with a running European uppercut and he hits two more before Strong falls to the mat. Sabre with a full nelson but Strong gets to the ropes. Sabre with a kick to the head and Strong goes down.

Sabre stomps on Strong's elbow. Strong with chops but Sabre blocks the third on and he stomps on the right forearm. Strong with a forearm that barely catches Sabre. Sabre with an arm bar and then he bends Strong's hand. Strong with a knee to the midsection. Strong with a forearm but Sabre with a European uppercut. Strong with a forearm. Sabre with a European uppercut and he tries for a suplex but Strong blocks it. Strong with a forearm and kick. Sabre with a kick to the head but Strong with an enzuigiri that stops Sabre.

Strong goes up to the turnbuckles for a superplex. Sabre with a forearm and Strong goes to the mat. Sabre with a boot to the arm and a half nelson German suplex for a near fall. Sabre misses a running kick and Strong goes to the apron. Strong tries to suplex Sabre onto the floor but Sabre blocks it. Strong with a gourdbuster and then he hits the running knee in the corner followed by the running forearm. Strong with a front driver out of a belly-to-back suplex position for a near fall.

Sabre with a European uppercut followed by a knee from Strong. Sabre with a victory roll. Strong tries to escape but Sabre bridges for a near fall. Strong with a jumping knee followed by a running knee. Strong gets Sabre on the turnbuckles and he hits a superplex. Sabre with an arm bar but Strong picks up Sabre and catapults him into the ropes. Strong sets for the Strong Hold and he locks it in.

Sabre tries to get to the ropes and he eventually gets out of the hold by going after Strong's arm. Strong picks up Sabre and connects with a forearm. Sabre with a European uppercut. Strong with a chop. Sabre misses a European uppercut. After a series of reversals, Sabre applies an Octopus. Strong with an Olympic Slam for a near fall. Sabre goes for a cross arm breaker but Strong counters into a Strong Hold and a rollup for a near fall.

Sabre with a forearm but Strong fires back. Sabre kicks Strong and Strong punches Sabre. They continue the forearm exchange. Strong kicks Sabre and Sabre kicks back. Strong pushes Sabre. Sabre with a forearm but Strong kicks Sabre in the shin and the chest. Strong with forearms to Sabre. Strong with a back elbow but Sabre with a head butt followed by a suplex and a cross arm breaker but Strong gets to the ropes.

Sabre kicks Strong in the arm and then in the chest and he gets a near fall. Sabre returns to the right arm but Strong with forearms. Sabre with a European uppercut. Strong with a sick kick, Strong Breaker, and another sick kick but Sabre escapes. Sabre with a Kimura into a chicken wing using his leg and he applies an arm bar to the other arm and Strong taps out.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

After the match, Roderick gets on the mic and he thanks everyone before going to the back.

Before the main event, Thatcher asks for the mic. He says a year ago, they both debuted on the same show in this building. You were in the main event, while I was in the opening match. Timothy says he took one slap from Biff Busick and he lost five weeks from his career. He wants this to be a match for the Evolve Title. He wants that title. He needs that title.

Drew takes the mic and he thinks about it. Drew says he will give Timothy a quick history lesson. He just turned 30 years old. He has lived in Tampa for 8 years. Tampa has shaped him and however crazy he is, it Tampa's fault. He says that after he was cut from WWE, his first match was here and it was against Chris Hero.

Drew became Evolve Champion that night. He vowed to show the world what he could do and what Evolve can do. He says it is hard to be last on an Evolve show because of the other matches on the show. He was lucky enough to have people believe in him and he had Evolve believe in him. He defended the title all over the world and spread the name of Evolve because this is the home of the best wrestlers on the planet.

He got an opportunity Wrestlemania Weekend to face Johnny Gargano in a title versus title match and he is now the face of WWN. He has done a lot with the titles over the last year. He says that Timothy is a hell of a wrestler and a hell of a man. He is going to put both titles on the line.

Match Number Six: Drew Galloway versus Timothy Thatcher for the Evolve Championship and the Open the Freedom Gate Championship

Thatcher with a double leg take down and forearms. Drew with forearms and punches to Thatcher. Thatcher with punches and a European uppercut followed by punches. Thatcher goes after the arm. Drew with a forearm and wrist lock take down into an arm bar. Thatcher with a forearm to Drew's head followed by European uppercuts.

Thatcher with a forearm to the back and a kick to the head. Thatcher with an arm bar. Drew with a punch and kick to the midsection. Drew stomps on the left foot and he drops an elbow to the left leg. Thatcher with a cross arm breaker but Drew gets to the ropes. Thatcher goes for the leg and he takes Drew to the mat and he applies an ankle lock and Drew gets to the ropes. Drew with a waist lock but Thatcher with a kimura take down and Drew gets to the ropes and Thatcher releases the hold.

Drew with a forearm and a kick to the side of the head and the referee checks on Thatcher. Drew kicks Thatcher in the head one more time. He continues to kick Thatcher in the head. Drew with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and he gets a near fall. Drew with chops to Thatcher. Thatcher with a head butt to the upper chest and Drew falls to the floor. Thatcher goes to the floor while holding the side of his head. Thatcher with a forearm to the back. Drew with a back heel kick and forearms. Thatcher with a European uppercut and Drew with a kick. Thatcher with another European uppercut. Thatcher looks under the ring but Drew pulls Thatcher shoulder first into the apron.

Drew kicks Thatcher in the head and the referee checks on Thatcher to make sure he can continue. Thatcher is sent back into the ring. Thatcher grabs Drew's ankle but Drew with kicks and then he works on the shoulder. Thatcher tries to kick Drew away but Drew with a forearm to the head and he applies a Kimura but Thatcher does not give up. Drew stomps on the bicep and wraps the arm in the ropes. Drew with forearms to the back and then he slaps Thatcher in the face. Thatcher with a double leg take down and he connects with knees to the shoulder and he tries for a cross arm breaker but Drew locks his hands.

Drew with a kick to the head and another kick to the head. Drew lines up Thatcher and hits a drop kick to the temple. Drew slaps Thatcher and connects with forearms to the back but Thatcher sends Drew to the apron. Drew with a forearm and he returns to the ring but Thatcher with a European uppercut and Drew goes to the apron. Thatcher with a hammer lock and he sends Drew into the ring post. Drew falls to the floor.

Thatcher follows Drew to the floor and he hangs Drew over the edge of the apron and he connects with a forearm and he slams Drew's throat into the side of the apron three times. Thatcher kicks Drew in the corner and the referee warns Timothy. Thatcher sets for a double underhook but Drew turns it into a back drop for a near fall. Thatcher holds on and hits a butterfly suplex and gets a near fall. Thatcher goes for an arm bar but Drew locks his hands. Drew with forearms.

Drew with another forearm followed by a kick to the head. Thatcher with European uppercuts but Drew with chops. Thatcher with a series of European uppercuts followed by a kick. Drew with a flying kick and both men are down. Drew with punches and he puts Thatcher on the turnbuckles. Drew with a chop and Drew climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex but Thatcher pushes Drew off. Drew with a head butt and a forearm. Drew goes up top again and Thatcher with forearms to stop Drew. Thatcher with head butts but Drew with a flying boot to the head to stop Thatcher.

Drew gets Thatcher on his shoulders for Super Schwein but Thatcher kicks out at two. Drew sets for Future Shock but Thatcher counters into a Fujiwara arm bar. Drew gets to the ropes so Thatcher pulls him into the center of the ring and applies the Fujiwara arm bar again. Thatcher leans back and Drew taps out.

Winner: Timothy Thatcher

After the match, Drew reluctantly gives Thatcher the Evolve Title belt. They shake hands and hug.

The crowd chants for Drew, but Drew starts a chant for the new Open the Freedom Gate and Evolve champion.

Source: PWInsider