Ring of Honor Best in the World 2015

Ring of Honor Best in the World 2015

Welcome back to my once-quarterly coverage of Ring of Honor pay-per-view events. This is an interesting time for ROH as the perpetual third-party brand is finally available to fans nationwide. We just witnessed the third week of programming on Destination America, which just so happened to be a go-home show for their biggest event of the summer. I had mixed feelings heading into this show, as a number of matches on the card seemed rather forced . There were certainly a few slower-paced bouts, but nothing stood out as BAD . In fact, this was a pretty stellar show from top to bottom.

Donovan Dijak w/ Truth Martini vs. Mark Briscoe w/ ODB
The opening match tonight is a one-on-one preliminary bout between members of the Briscoe Clan and the House of Truth. Donovan Dijak is going head to head with Mark Briscoe, who comes to the ring with ODB. This is a fun match from start to finish, and really set the pace for things to come. I feel that people are down on Donovan Dijak for no reason; he's a rookie with very little time in the ring under his belt. That being said, I think he's pretty darn impressive, and works perfectly as part of Truth Martini's stable. My favorite part of the match was when ODB captured the valuable "Book of Truth" and tore it to shreds! The match was over when Mark Briscoe leapt from the top rope, taking out Dijak with a flying elbow. Mark Briscoe is your winner.
Winner: Mark Briscoe
Rating: 3 Stars ***

The Decade w/ Colby Corino vs. ACH and Matt Sydal
Our next contest is a tag team grudge match pitting the evilly egotistical Decade against the fan favorite duo of ACH and Matt Sydal. ACH has been feuding with BJ Whitmer and Adam Page for a number of weeks—maybe even months at this point—and Matt Sydal seems to be along for the ride. As always, the Decade is accompanied to the ring by King Steve Corino's son Colby, who holds his team's towel and a bucket of ice water. This is a fast-paced throw down wherein styles aren't so much meshing, as they are evolving to create a strong-style of sports entertainment. BJ Whitmer is a sadistic man who earns the ire of the New York crowd, and even prompts them to chant "Fuck You Whitmer." The Decade gets the pinfall thanks to Adam Page and an interruption by Colby Corino. Your winners are BJ Whitmer and Adam Page, but this rivalry is far from over.
Winner: The Decade
Rating: 3.25 Stars ***1/4

Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young
This was the match I was most looking forward to on the entire card, if you can believe that. I absolutely adore the Dalton Castle character, and have always had an affinity for Silas Young as well. Silas is the cigarette smoking nephew of Stan Hanson, whereas Dalton is an ambiguously eccentric showman who hits the ring wearing a "Freddie Mercury" jump suit, flocked by his "boys." Silas controls the pace of the match from the get-go, putting the relative newcomer through the ringer. Silas offered his hand in the "Code of Conduct," but Castle refused, presenting his hand for kiss instead. Silas gets a warm ovation from the audience despite his regular role as a heel. Castle comes back toward the tail end of the match by employing his amateur background, much to the surprise of Silas Young. He hits Silas with the Deadlift German Suplex for a near fall, sending the crowd into a frenzy! Silas gets angry with referee Todd Sinclair, and shoves him into the corner. Dalton takes advantage and rolls the veteran up with a school boy to earn an impressive victory. Your winner is Dalton Castle!
Winner: Dalton Castle
Rating: 2.5 Stars **1/2

War Machine vs. C and C Wrestling Factory
Cedric Alexander is coming into the match after earning a huge victory over the previously undefeated Moose on ROH TV. Tonight Cedric reforms C and C Wrestling Factory with Caprice Coleman to take on the dominant duo of Warbeard Hanson and Raymond Row—War Machine. Cedric defeated Moose on television this week after introducing a wrench to his opponents skull, and tried to pick up another win the same way. However Caprice Coleman was less enthused to take the low road and refused to act on Cedric's idea. War Machine was able to take advantage and pick up a win within mere moments. After the match, Cedric wrestled with whether or not to strike his partner, but decided against it. He stood across from Caprice and told him, "You and me? It's over." Cedric left Caprice in the ring. Your winners are War Machine!
Winner: War Machine
Rating: 2 Stars **

Number One Contender's Match
Michael Elgin vs. Moose vs. Roderick Strong
Moose gets a Wrestlemania entrance along with cheerleaders and football-inspired entrance gear. Admittedly—I was streaming this show illegally. And when you do things like that, it's only a matter of time before you're bit in the ass. Or at the very least, you witness somebody biting somebody else's ass. I was streaming the show and immediately following the introductions, the stream cut away to some of the most hardcore gay porn you've ever seen. Or maybe not, it really depends on what kind of gay porn you're use to watching, I guess. When the problem was fixed, this match was well underway and Roddy Strong was in firm control. He hit Moose with a sidewalk slam from the top rope and hit him with a double knee gut buster for a near fall. Roddy was moving at a hundred miles-per-hour, and took home the win after hitting Moose with two jumping knees and a SICK KICK! Roddy Strong wins, but the action is far from finished. Following the bell, Cedric Alexander returned and attacked Moose, claiming this was his match, and that he's the only person that matters.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: 3.25 Stars ***1/4

The Bullet Club vs. The Kingdom
The following contest is a six man tag team match featuring two of the most popular stables in the world. In one corner are the current IWGP tag team champions Matt Taven and Michael Bennet, alongside the former ROH World Champion Adam Cole. Their opponents are the highly decorated threesome of the Young Bucks and AJ Styles. Before the match can begin, both teams approach one another as if to engage in the "Code of Conduct," but the BC crotch chops, and the Kingdom hold up four fingers, signifying their four-person team including Maria Kanellis. Right off the bat this is perhaps the most enjoyable match of the night, and why wouldn't it be? AJ Styles is currently the IWGP champion, as well as the UK Heavyweight title holder, and his partners are the guys that made Super Kicks cool again. And the Kingdom? Matt Taven is a former world TV champion, Michael Bennett is a highly accomplished mat-technician, and Adam Cole is destined for NXT greatness. Back and forth the momentum shifts as both teams employ their signature spots including more kicks to the face than I could begin to count. The match took a turn for the Bullet Club when the �Bucks hit the Double Meltzer Driver, and even dragged Maria into the match. AJ hit Cole with "Bloody Sunday" for what was presumed to be the finale, but the Kingdom refused to give up! The fans chanted: "This is Wrestling," along with the incredible athleticism on the stage. Adam Cole was along in the ring with the Bullet Club, and it was only a matter of time before the end was at hand. The Young Bucks performed another beautiful Meltzer Driver on Cole, followed by a "Styles Clash" by AJ, earning the pinfall victory and bragging rights for the Bullet Club.
Winner: The Bullet Club
Rating: 3.75 Stars ***3/4

No Disqualification Tag Team Match
ROH World Tag Team Titles
The Addiction (c) vs. reDRagon
This is a bona fied grudge match between two teams that despise one another. The Addiction defeated reDRagon for their world titles just a few months ago when they were revealed to be two-thirds of the mysterious "Knights of the Red Dawn." Kyle O'Reilly received an opportunity at the titles by himself when Bobby Fish was unfit for competition, but this is their first official rematch since the title switch. Things are off to a hard-hitting start and all four men waste no time in leaving the ring for greener pastures—IE the narrow entry way and the unforgiving ring side area. The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels is rocking a brand new wardrobe tonight; from his Gestapo-inspired entrance attire to an all-black singlet, Christopher Daniels is feeling rather festive tonight. This is most certainly a no disqualification match, as nobody hesitates in regards to turning up the heat on the competition. Frankie Kazarian gets backdropped from the entry way onto the floor, earning a boisterous "Holy Shit" from the New Yorkers in attendance. ReDRagon is on fire; Bobby Fish puts both members of the Addiction in one chair on the outside and holds another steel chair in front of them. Kyle O'Reilly heads to the apron and runs toward the Addiction, hitting the Double Foot Stomp on the chair, and into Daniels and Kaz. ReDRagon is far more sadistic than we've seen in recent years, but that's in response to their inordinate opponents. The Addiction has a plan however. They tape Bobby Fish to the middle rope with a roll of white wrist tape, and lay into him with a punishing assault. They set their sights on Kyle O'Reilly, and this match is all but finished. That's when O'Reilly summoned the strength to apply the Triangle Choke, breaking the Addiction's momentum and allowing for an opportune opening. This match teetered from side-to-side with both team's earning the right to be called champion, but in the end, only two men would walk away with the titles. Frankie Kazarian successfully hits "Celebrity Rehab," following a distraction by fellow KRD member Chris Sabin. Kazarian gets the 1-2-3 ; your winners and still world tag team champions, the Addiction.
Winner: The Addiction
Rating: 4 Stars ****

World Championship vs. Television Championship
Jay Briscoe (World Champ) vs. Jay Lethal (TV Champ)
This show was in many ways a "one match show," where fans were excited to see a card of carnage, but were most intrigued by the main event. The pomp and circumstance associated with this match is unequalled by previous bouts, save for Christopher Daniel's SS uniform. Jay Lethal is escorted by the entire House of Truth, including Truth Martini who has a brand new "Book of Truth," with a shimmering white cover. Jay Briscoe gets an enormous ovation and the fans battle Briscoe chants against Lethal for nearly five minutes after the bell. Both men's parents are in attendance; Jay's mom and dad made the quick trip from Elizabeth New Jersey, whereas "Papa Briscoe" drove up from Sandy Fork, Delaware. This match has everything I want as a wrestling fan. The athleticism is truly main event caliber, and the story being told couldn't be any more personal if it needed to be. Referee Todd Sinclair, who's been on a hot streak tonight, sends Truth's cronies back to the locker room after Dijak gets involved early on. Jay Briscoe might not be my favorite wrestler in the world, but he's looking pretty darn good in this match. Lethal is undoubtedly more marketable, so it would seem almost inevitable that a now-nationwide company would hand the ball to someone such as "Black Machismo." Especially if he truly is the "Greatest First Generation Wrestler Ever." This is an awesome match, that could take the cake for "Match of the Night," but I think the Addiction and reDRagon might give the champs a run for their money. This was a seesaw-style contest, which allowed for both men to wow the crowd, and earn their share of adoration in the process. I like Jay Briscoe when he wears pants instead of shorts, and when he's completely bald instead of all stubbly. He looked like a real champion tonight, and despite my affinity for Jay Lethal, I was fully supportive of Briscoe's efforts. Briscoe locks Lethal in a dangerous submission hold, and nobody is louder than Lethal's dad at ringside! He slams his hand against the barricade, screaming for his son to regain his composure! Back and forth, both men have an equal shot of walking out of New York City with TWO championships! TWO titles! That's unprecedented within the confines of Ring of Honor Wrestling, and yet somebody is going to do it once the bell rings. Nigel McGuinness—who always sits ringside for the main event matches—grew tired of Truth Martini's interference, and as head match maker, kicked him out of the arena! This distraction gave the world champion an opening to delivery the "Jay Driller" to the world television champion through a table from the apron. They returned to the ring by the 18-count from senior official Todd Sinclair, and this match continued. Jay Briscoe hit the Jay Driller! Jay Briscoe hit the RAIN MAKER! But Jay Lethal refused to quit! The fans, who might otherwise loathe Lethal, cheered with all their might for both men—knowing full well that their New York accents would be hoarse the next morning. Jay Lethal rallied on account of the support and hit the Lethal Injection—for a TWO COUNT! Jay Lethal struggled to hit Briscoe with his own finishing move, but couldn't quite get it. Briscoe hit Lethal with a sunset flip, but Lethal was ready and delivered THE JAY DRILLER to the innovator of the move himself. Lethal smiled and ran toward the ropes, hit the springboard and came back for another successful LETHAL INJECTION! Jay Lethal pinned Jay Briscoe for the one, two—THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jay Lethal becomes the Ring of Honor World Champion for the first time in his life, and even shakes hands with Jay Briscoe following the match. Lethal fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as his parents cheered from ringside and the audience chanted: "You deserve it!"
Winner: Jay Lethal
Rating: 4.5 Stars ****1/2

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