Ross’ Retro Review – ECW TV – 1/30/1996

Ross’ Retro Review – ECW TV – 1/30/1996


ECW – 1.30.96

-This episode is from WWE 24/7. Not sure how I feel about that.

-Wow, the piped in music is AWFUL on this.

-Apparently I was wrong about Dreamer/Douglas facing Raven/Richards…it’s actually against Cactus/Whipwreck for the ECW Tag Team Titles.

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-Richards is now calling himself and Meanie “The Fabulous Ones”. Wow.

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-Stevie Richards sweet talks Francine into the ring…

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-Stevie has her totally hooked, and then says “By the way, you aren’t pregnant are you?”

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-Axl Rotten and J.T. Smith against the Dudleys…J.T. keeps interrupting Bubba when he’s trying to say his name. Axl gets pissed about it, but he does it again, and J.T. randomly clocks his own tag team partner. That earns him a Buh…Buh….Bubba Bomb.

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-A clip – A CLIP! – of the first Van Dam/Sabu match.

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-This tag match isn’t Foley’s last match is it???

-Raven blinds Dreamer with hairspray, and Dreamer accidentally DDTs Douglas….but Douglas kicks out of Cactus’s pin attempt.

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-Cactus then gets a win after a drop toe-hold onto a chair

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-After claiming he didn’t need a chair to beat Douglas.

ECW TV 1/30/96

-Douglas in a promo after the match tells Cactus that he completely fell into Shane’s trap – that he baited him into going hardcore. February 17 – Cactus Jack against Shane Douglas. I’m guessing THAT is Foley’s last match.

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-Styles highlighting problems between Sandman and Woman

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-Now we have Sandman against Raven, with new girlfriend…Kimona Wanalaya.

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-So was Woman working for both ECW and WCW at this point? Because this event that we’re getting footage from was AFTER the Clash.

– Interesting how Styles is playing it as Woman wanting to extend her stable to include Savage and Hogan…so I guess that answers that question. I’m guessing a working agreement between WCW and ECW?

-Interference from Dreamer, Cactus, Meanie, Richards, and Douglas, and the match is still going on.

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-Sandman misses his legdrop, Raven hits a DDT onto a chair!

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-We have a NEW ECW World Heavyweight Champion….awesome!

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-Love that Raven’s the champ.


-Woman after the match, telling Sandman it’s fantastic, because now “you can come with me…nationwide TV, big time money, you get to come with me!”

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-Sandman says, “I am the king of extreme, unlike you, I got a little loyalty!”

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-Woman says she made Sandman and she can break him…Sandman demands the beer from Woman – she dumps it out while Scorpio tells him to back off.

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-Scorpio starts asking how much money she’s talking about

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-Sandman says “don’t talk to that bitch”. They both tell him to decide who he’s gonna be with…

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-Scorpio says, “All I can say Nancy, is I’m gonna go with…YOU” as he turns to Sandman.

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-And so Woman leaves ECW…and they kinda trashed her on the way out. Scorpio says that unlike Eddie & Dean who walked out the front, she’s going out the back…

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-Was this just a good way to write out a heel, or was there some resentment over Woman leaving?