Ross’ Retro Review: WWF Monday Night RAW – 1/29/1996

Ross’ Retro Review: WWF Monday Night RAW – 1/29/1996

So I decided to start doing just one episode per article. So instead of all the shows of the week on one day, you get a show a day. You’re Welcome. So anyway… today you get WWF’s Monday Night RAW from January 29th, 1996.


WWF Monday Night RAW – 1.29.96

-Lawler states during the opening that “despite the threat of legal action against the WWF, we proudly present the latest from Billionaire Ted.” Did WCW try to sue over those skits?

-Diesel against the British Bulldog to lead off Monday Night RAW.

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-This arena they’re in can’t be any bigger than the ECW Arena. Wow.

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-Diesel drops Bulldog onto the exposed turnbuckle…Cornette distracts the referee.

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-Yokozuna hits the ring and drops the leg…excpet Diesel moves so he nails the Bulldog. Diesel gets the win,a nd Cornette’s pissed at Yokozuna.

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-Backstage interview with Bret, who has a wicked black eye from…something. Bret says he’s never lost a cage match. Did that record hold up throughout his career?

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-“Cry Baby Match” for IYH with Razor and the Kid…the loser has to be fed a baby bottle. What?

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-Also, Hunter Hearst Helmsley against Duke Droese at IYH.

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-Hendrix says that some TNT official called the WWF praising the Billionaire Ted segments, and then threatened a lawsuit. So they show another segment.

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-Bodydonnas against Henry Godwinn and his “cousin”, Phinneas.

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-So the other Godwinn has arrived.

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-HUGE match next week…Undertaker and Bret Hart square off again for the WWF Title.

-Clarence Mason is basically going to sue the WWF if they don’t reinstate Vader. Monsoon will answer this next week…they actually put up an address to send Get Well cards to Monsoon.

-OK, so here’s an ad for the WWF Hotline – and it’s using Lex Luger’s WCW music. That’s so weird.

-McMahon hits the ring and announces the interim interim WWF President – Rowdy Roddy Piper. Nice!

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-Piper’s first question to Vince: “Does this make me your boss?”

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-Piper ends the segment by picking Vince up in a fireman’s carry and spinning him around and around.

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-Vince looked legitimately surprised afterward. lol

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-THE FIRST PROMO FOR MANKIND! Has he left ECW officially yet? I assume not since we haven’t seen his farewell, and since Douglas is still talking about getting to him.

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-Yokozuna against Shawn Michaels is our main event.

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-Cornette brings down Owen Hart for reinforcement early on. Doesnt’ matter, Michaels wins.

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-Yokozuna and Owen getting into things in the ring afterward. I just realized that Mr. Fuji is gone…wonder why that happened. Anyway, they all face toward HBK, and Diesel runs to ringside to back Michaels up.

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-McMahon interviews Cornette over the house mic at ringside, Cornette says there’s no dissention in Camp Cornette and challenges Diesel/Michaels to face Yokozuna and the Bulldog next week. REALLY big RAW coming up.