Scraping the Barrel – The Top 5 Moments from Impact Wrestling 9/2/15

Scraping the Barrel – The Top 5 Moments from Impact Wrestling 9/2/15

It's that time again! What time? Vader Time? No, it's time to start SCRAPING THE BARREL! Howdy-do brother truckers—it's your boy Mark Haggerty, back in the swing of things are autumn is almost here. It's September 3 rd , which means I'll be turning 29 tomorrow. I feel like I'm getting old, despite the obvious grand scheme of things that I'm purposefully failing to see. I started high school in 2001, and by the summer vacation, my 15-year old wrestling world was warped by the arrival of TWO new promotions on the decidedly empty scene. There was Ring of Honor , which I wasn't too familiar with until CM Punk debuted for the WWE. Then there was TNA: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling . Fourteen years later—I'm nearly 30, and believe it or not, TNA is still alive. Alive and well? We'll know for sure by the onset of 2016. Until then, let's get down to what we came here to do! Scrape the Barrel! We're looking back on this week's episode of Impact, in an attempt to find FIVE moments worth remembering.

5. The American Wolves defend their Tag Team Titles
Jeff Jarrett is in possession of the "Feast of Fired" briefcase won Magnus, which allows whomever may possess it a tag team title opportunity. Jeff informs the audience—as well as Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards—that GFW is cashing in on the American Wolves. Earl Hebner refuses to accept the briefcase, which leads to his immediate expulsion from the situation. Lei'D Tapa comes down the ramp way with Brian Stiffler; Jeff orders him to ring the bell, and the �Wolves are now forced into a title match with Trevor Lee and Brian Meyers.
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4. EC3 versus Version 1
Ethan Carter is defending his championship against Matt Hardy for the second time in less than a month. If Hardy loses this time however, his brother Jeff will be forced into indentured servitude by EC3. Toward the end of the match, Carter grounds Hardy with the "One Percenter." Both men were out on the canvas; Tyrus tried to get involved, just as he had earlier in the bout. Jeff hit the big man with a steel chair, and Matt accidently shoves Carter toward the official. EC3 catches himself and drills Hardy with a low blow before sealing his victory with a sunset flip. Following the bell, Carter forced Jeff to raise his hand as proof of his great victory.
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3. The Reunion of the Beautiful People
Velvet Sky is in the six-sided ring, and says that the Knockouts Division is currently overrun by "Taryn's Little Monsters," the Dollhouse. Velvet demands Taryn Terrell show herself inside the Impact Zone , but the best we get from the former champ is another big screen appearance. The Dollhouse surrounds the ring; Jade, Rebel and Marti Bell corner Velvet. Just then Velvet is saved by the most unlikely of allies—Madison Rayne and Angelina Love! The Beautiful People have reunited to take on Taryn Terrell and her fiendish Dollhouse.
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2. The King of the Mountain Championship
Bobby Roode is the number one contender to PJ Black's King of the Mountain championship. The King of the Mountain belt is of course the symbol of the number one contender to the TNA Championship. PJ Black seems to be at home inside a six-sided ring, and appears happier than he ever was in NXT. After a variety of back-and-forth, Bobby Roode hits the Roode Bomb from the top rope to secure a three-count, and the King of the Mountain championship title.
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1. Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett are at War
The show starts off with Jeff Jarrett and members of Global Force Wrestling inside the TNA ring. Jarrett says that hell truly froze over when he walked back into TNA Wrestling, after "living and breathing" for the company for over a decade. Karen—who took responsibility for the attacks on TNA in recent weeks—says that Chris "The Adonis" Mordetzky was the man behind the collisions with Bully Ray and Drew Galloway. Later that night, GFW returns to the ring and Jarrett tells Dixie Carter that he's not leaving the Impact Zone until his hostile takeover is successful. He says that he's there to retrieve what was stolen from him. Dixie appears in the Impact Zone and says that Jarrett left TNA on his own, and removed himself from power. Dixie propose a "Winner Take All" competition for complete control of the company . Drew Galloway appears behind Dixie Carter, followed by the �Wolves, and Bobby Lashley. Galloway warns Jarrett that if he wants to takeover, he'll have to go through the TNA Roster.
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