WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Sun, 20 Sep 2015 01:35:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sat, 22 Aug 2015 15:50:56 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Blogs Apollo Crews B+ Players Podcast Baron Corbin Bayley Blake and Murphy Brooklyn Dragon Gate Field of Honor Finn Balor Jushin Liger Jushin Thunder Liger Kevin Owens Ladder Match NJPW NXT NXT Championship NXT TakeOver NXT Takeover Brooklyn Prince Pretty Pro Wrestling Syndicate PWS ROH Samoa Joe Sasha Banks Tag Team Championship Takeover The Vaudevillians Ty Dillinger Tye Dillinger Tyler Breeze Uhaa Nation Womens Championship WWE Summer time is almost at an end, and soon we'll be privy to chilly autumn days and back-to-school shopping. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the last two weeks of the seasons! What's Crack-a-Lackin' everybody? My name is Mark Adam Haggerty, and tonight is NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn LIVE on the WWE Network! I will […]

Summer time is almost at an end, and soon we'll be privy to chilly autumn days and back-to-school shopping. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the last two weeks of the seasons! What's Crack-a-Lackin' everybody? My name is Mark Adam Haggerty, and tonight is NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn LIVE on the WWE Network! I will be one of the tens-of-thousands of people in attendance at the Barclay's Center, hoping against hope for an exclusive Jushin "Thunder" Liger t-shirt. But what about the card? What might we expect to go down when the men and women of NXT perform in front of 16,000 fans—40 times the size of the fledgling Full Sail fan base? I've got a few ideas. When other professional wrestling pundits are making predictions, I'm doing the due diligence required to form Educated Guesses .

Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin
For someone that came into the WWE on a wave of momentum, Samoa Joe sure is jerking the curtain on an event that's set to break every record imaginable. Joe was part of TNA's tapings at the Manhattan Center , and made a name for himself with Ring of Honor in smaller venues across the city. This will DEFINITELY be the largest crowd Joe has ever worked in New York. It might even be the largest crowd he's worked in America , save for the dark match wherein he crippled Tyson Kidd. This is a tough one to predict; Baron Corbin is still undefeated as far as I'm aware—at least on television. One would assume Baron's toppling of the Samoan Submission Machine would cement him as part of the upper echelon of NXT. But Samoa Joe losing to Baron Corbin is a hard pill to swallow, especially when you've got almost twenty thousand blood thirsty New Yorkers who paid to see professional wrestling. You'd also have to guess that Corbin is due for his inevitable humbling sooner than later. Samoa Joe is the kind of "living legend" that can defeat Corbin at the end of a hard-fought battle, only to raise his hand in proverbial triumph at the end. Baron Corbin could lose the fight, but gain the respect of Samoa Joe—and in turn, the NXT fans.
Educated Guess: Samoa Joe

Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger
With CJ Parker exploring the independent ranks of professional wrestling, there's a hole left on the roster. Parker was, for lack of a better term, "Jobber to the Stars"—the first stop for future Superstars such as Baron Corbin and Kevin Owens. Tye Dillinger appears to have adopted the mantle, as the "Perfect Ten" is booked to compete with the recently signed Uhaa Nation—debuting as "Apollo Crews." Listen—I get what they're doing with the name; Apollo like Creed and Crews like Terry, I get it. But a simple Google Image Search for "Apollo Crews" will yield nothing but group photos of NASA astronauts. Just wanted to make that known before its too late. I think it's safe to say Apollo will more than likely achieve victory. I'll be curious to see if they do the Titan Tron "fade out" with the name change, the way they did with KENTA into Hideo Itami and Prince Devitt into Finn Balor. I'm also wondering if he'll continue to employ his "Uhaa Combination"; most independent stars are allowed to keep their finishing moves, with the exception of Kevin Owens' package piledriver.
Educated Guess: Apollo Crews

Tag Team Contest
NXT Tag Team Championship
Blake & Murphy (c) vs. The Vaudevillians
This week's episode of the Outsiders' Edge features our official preview show for both NXT and SummerSlam. No one on the show could understand why the Vaudevillians are in contention for the titles, especially since Enzo Amore and Big Cass aren't even scheduled for the main show. They're in an eight man tag during the TV tapings! Enzo and Cass are more over than the Vaudevillians, they've got history with Blake and Murphy, and it's their hometown! Big Cass is from the City, whereas Enzo's from Hackensack—which is THROWING DISTANCE from Brooklyn! I made a really outlandish guess, and said maybe something happens to the Vaudevillians? Maybe they get attacked before the show, or perhaps they're defeated courtesy of some underhanded tactics. We very well could see the "Certified G," as well as the big seven-foot Italian. Getting back to this match—there's no way the Vaudevillians are winning the titles. If this is truly the match they're going with, then I have no doubt Blake and Murphy are set to retain.
Educated Guess: Blake & Murphy

Tyler and Jushin
Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Tyler Breeze
I write a column for Daily Wrestling News called " Weights & Measures ," about the "Excitement Factor" going into an event. It's just your average percentage scale with 0% representing no interest whatsoever, and 100% being the presumable cap. I broke the rules this month and said this match was at a 500% . You heard me. FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT! I mentioned earlier that I'm looking forward to finding an exclusive Jushin "Thunder" Liger t-shirt, but there's so much more involved! This guy has been wrestling professionally since 1984; he was in the OPENING MATCH on the first- ever WCW Monday Nitro. He's wrestled everyone from Ric Flair to Daniel Bryan to Dalton Castle! And now he's come to the WWE for the first time in his 31-year career at the age of 50 to wrestle one of the brightest stars in the company! Tyler Breeze seems to have been left by the wayside in recent months—since NXT TakeOver: Fatal 4-Way— and has been defeated in the opening match on the last TWO TakeOver specials. Tyler is destined for great things in the WWE and the business at large, he's just been submerged beneath a deluge of debuting independent darlings. His time will come; tonight will be a defining moment in the career of Tyler Breeze.
Educated Guess: Tyler Breeze

Becky Sasha
NXT Women’s Championship
Sasha Banks (c) vs. Bayley
I know everyone is enamored with how amazing the women of NXT are, and all of the Tony Schiavone-wannabes are bolstering hyperbolic boastings such as "Sasha versus Bayley will be match of the night." Guys—Kevin Steen is wrestling Prince Devitt in a fucking ladder match. Jushin Liger is making his WWE debut. Uhaa Nation is making his WWE debut. Samoa Joe is working his largest crowd in New York ever. Sasha versus Bayley will be an outstanding match—but it will not be match of the night. There's just no way. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch stole the show last month, which wasn't hard to do considering the main event never got started. Still, all scrutiny aside, I believe Sasha Banks is unquestionably the most talented in-ring performer the Diva's Division has ever had. Ever. Bayley is a fantastic sports entertainer and appears to have no trouble connecting with the crowd. I've said before that Bayley could very well be the WWE's female equivalent to John Cena—a smiling role model who wears bright colors and sells a ton of frivolous merch. But I don't think her in-ring ability is on par with Becky Lynch, or Charlotte, or Paige—let alone Sasha Banks. I think this is going to be a fun match, it'll be long with a lot of drama, and there will definitely be hugging and crying in the end.
Educated Guess: Bayley

Balor and Owens
NXT Championship
Finn Balor (c) vs. Kevin Owens
I'm not a main event mark, believe it or not. I'm one of those people who saw Savage/Steamboat and has since said: "The best stuff is on the undercard." And quite often, that's very much the case. But tonight's main event is going to be special. I've been to hundreds of events in my life; I've seen WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW, PWG, ECW, PWS, and dozens upon dozens of regional Indy promotions. This will be my first NXT event, and despite how long I've been attending wrestling live—this will also be my first ladder match . So no matter what happens, I'm going to be happy with the result. I think most people are going on the assumption that Finn Balor has to win this match because Kevin Owens is on the main roster. While I'm assuming Finn will win, I'm not so quick to assume Kevin can't. Kevin Owens needs to maintain some sort of constant presence in NXT until Sami Zayn returns. Not only is the rivalry ongoing, but with Zayn and Itami on the injured list, NXT is pretty scarce in terms of main event talent. I'm very much looking forward to this match. I think it'll probably steal the show, and could very well be the "Match of the Weekend " when all is said and done.
Educated Guess: Finn Balor

Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News !

В 3 Thu, 26 Feb 2015 02:52:56 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Alex Riley Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Brian Kendrick Bull Dempsey Charlotte Finn Balor Hideo Itami Jason Jordan Kalisto Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Rhyno Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Sin Cara Soloman Crowe Solomon Crowe Tye Dillenger Tyler Breeze WWE WWE Network Its Wednesday and we all know what that means! Best 3600 seconds of a wrestling fan's week! You're looking LIVE Ya know… if you consider filmed nearly 3 weeks go, "LIVE". – at the NXT Arena. Crowd chants NXT. Announcers welcome us. IN RING! Hideo Itami is on his way. Who will he he be […]

Its Wednesday and we all know what that means! Best 3600 seconds of a wrestling fan's week! You're looking LIVE Ya know… if you consider filmed nearly 3 weeks go, "LIVE". – at the NXT Arena. Crowd chants NXT. Announcers welcome us.


Hideo Itami is on his way. Who will he he be kicking into oblivion on this last Wednesday of February? BULL! BULL! BULL! Bell rings. Bull gets the early advantage, using his size advantage to negate Hideo's speed and legs. Eventually Hideo gets rolling. Hits his flurry of kicks, chops, backhands, and other fast paced strikes. Hangtime dropkick in the corner. Drags the big guy up, whips him off the ropes and hits his running kick finisher. Win for Hideo. He celebrates. Heads up the ramp and BAM! Gets leveled by a muppet appendage… oh… wait… that's Tyler Breeze's selfie stick! Itami is down. Breeze tries to take a selfie with the selfe stick of himself and the downed Itami, but can't get the angle right, and by the time he does? Guess who's now on his feet photo bombing? Itami. He whoops Breeze. Crowd chants GTS, but Breeze flees the scene.


Rich and Graves, joined by Alex Riley this week welcome us. They let us know we have Bayley vs. Becky Lynch tonight as well as Finn Balor vs. THE Brian Kendrick. Those should both be fun.


Announcers send us into a hype package of Kendrick. Really good stuff making Kendrick look like a million bucks and reminding the world of his WWE exploits.

THE Brian Kendrick approves of this.


Lucha Dragons are on their way out. Their opponents are Jason Jordan and Tie Dillenger. Jordan and Dillenger's entrance is "hacked" by Solomon Crowe who says he won't rest until he's the NXT Champion. Then he hits his tablet and that "unhacks" us back to the ring. Dillenger and Jordan get a little offense early, but the Dragons turn the tide. Start to dominate. Jordan gets annoyed with this. Dillenger at one point looks to his partner and yells "RELAX". So when Dillenger finally is able to get over there to make the tag? Jordan is like "I'm out". He bails. One SdS and swanton later? Dillenger loses. Lucha had some nice double team work in this. The story was about the break up. We go to commercial… I don't recap commercials unless they're AWESOME… and this was for Total Divas… so? You do the math.


Mic Stand is there to ask Finn Balor a question. Asks him how he's preparing for Kevin Owens. Balor is like, "Bruh… I got a match with THE Brian Kendrick tonight, a former WWE Tag Team Champion… I'm all �bout THAT action tonight, boss." Not an exact transcription . Dig that. Simple story telling AND love selling an opponent. Thumbs up, NXT. Thumbs UP!


Dillenger is STILL there? Oh, buddy… this can't end well for you. He says he isn't leaving until his tag team partner answers for his cowardly treacherous behavior! He doesn't care WHO is coming out, he'll fight him. Cue. Motorcycle. And Baron Corbin. Dillenger drops a mental "F-Bomb" and Corbin's entrance takes more time than the match. Dillenger did manage to lock in a solid side headlock. End of Days shortly after. Sounded like the Crowd got into the twenties before the ref hit the mat a third time!


Lady Mic Stand asks Charlotte about her NXT Women's Championship match NEXT week. Charlotte reminds us all that Banks has never beat her one on one and that the championship will be in the right place next week.


Tyler Breeze has some words for Hideo Itami. Apparently Itami fell into Breeze's trap and he's gonna get squished like a cockroach.


Next week Sami Zayn will address the NXT Universe! They show Zayn's work in Abu Dhabi.



BAYLEY IS HERE! Becky Lynch is out next. Huge Bayley chants as the bell rings, and already this match is longer than Raw's Diva's match. 8 dudes chant Becky Lynch and get booed down. Lateral press with a nice bridge out by Becky. Becky dominates early. Hits what Rich calls a pump handle suplex. Her series of three leg drops. Bayley turns the tide. Hits her leaping through the bottom corner drop kick she did at "Rival". Needs to work on that one a little more. Though I'm all about the effort. Side mounted right hands from Bayley. High velocity shoulder driven to Becky's gut. Three jumping back elbows. Bayley starts to hoist Becky for the top rope bayley to belly, but Becky targets the shoulder. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly, but Becky blocks Yeah Alliteration! – locks in a nasty arm bar and makes it worse by mounting the shoulder and REALLY wrenching back. Bayley taps. Becky wins. Becky points at the crowd and lets them know "In YOUR Face… In YOUR Face… In YOUR FACE!" She celebrates we cut away.


Rhyno with Lady Mic Stand. Why are people shocked to see Rhyno in NXT? He tuned in, and he saw intensity and fire of NXT. The same intensity and fire he's always had! So he's gonna make it to the top by cutting people in half with a GORE! GORE! GORE!


Jason Jordan is chased down. Asked about leaving Dillenger high and dry, but says he'll give us an explanation when he's good and ready.


Main Event time, y'all! Kevin Owens is a guest on Commentary. THE Brian Kendrick is out first. Crowd gives him a "welcome back". He takes a lap congratulating himself for his return. Balor is out next. Balor stink eyes Owens when he comes out. Owens' opinion of Finn "extremely talented in ring competitor, but like Zayn and Neville – he will fall." Quick start. Kendrick tweaks his ankle flipping into the ring. Balor gives him space. Owens says that's a mistake. The match takes it to the ground. Speed picks up and Balor hits a nice dropkick. The story here is actually between Riley and Owens have a few terse exchanges. Riley staying on Owens about his treatment of Zayn and Owens saying that is why Riley was never a champion. This is brilliantly uncomfortable. Graves and Rich drive this home nicely. Owens decides to cut his guest announcing duties short. Back in the ring with the announcers back into things. Nasty chop by Balor. Taking him corner to corner to corner to corner… but doesn't chop in the final corner and the crowd groans with disappointment. Kendrick catches Finn with a boot and a leaping off the middle rope DDT. Missile Dropkick and… oh sweet mercy… NASTY tiger suplex. That was scary. Kendrick going for "THE Kendrick", but Balor hits a diving clothesline. Follows up with the Sling Blade. High velocity dropkick into the corner. Double STOMP. Coup de Grace. Seals it. Nice little return match for Kendrick. Finn celebrates. Crowd chants Finn. Owens stands at the top of the ramp. Stare. Down. O' … DOOOOOOOOOM! Owens then walks over to Riley… RUN ALEX… RUN!

He didn't listen to me. Owens just threw Riley over the table. Balor is like "Dude, whats up wit dat?" Owens walks off. And… scene.


So I'm thinking this was first step to Riley getting back into the ring. Be interested to see if they go slower burn for this or if Riley attacks, or demands a match… OR? Gonna need a MONTAGE! Sports Training Montage! Solid story work this week. With Breeze and Itami continuing. Tag Team breaking up. Starting with Balor and Owens AND beginning whatever the deal with Riley and Owens might be.

It was a solid week. Nothing spectacular in ring wise. Bayley and Becky to me was probably the best bell to bell match. Kendrick and Balor was decent, but unspectacular. Fell a little flat for me considering who was involved. I think all the story telling there distracts from the in ring action. It was a good episode for furthering or kicking off storylines.

See you next week 0 Thu, 19 Feb 2015 23:48:06 +0000 Bill Wright Top Lists Adrian Neville AJ Lee Alexa Bliss Batista Bayley Becky Lynch Blue Pants Bray Wyatt Brie Bella Brock Lesnar Cesaro Charlotte Colin Cassady Curtis Axel Daniel Bryan ECW El Generico Enzo Amore Fast Lane FCW Finn Balor Florida Championship Wrestling GFW Global Force Wrestling Hideo Itami John Cena Kalisto KENTA Kevin Owens Kevin Steen Kidd Lucha Dragons Lucha Underground Natalya Nikki Bella NXT Ohio Valley Wrestling OVW PAC Paige Randy Orton RAW Rhino Rhyno Rusev Sami Zayn Sin Cara Smackdown Takeover The Ascension The Shield The Vaudevillains Titus O'Neil Triple H Tyson Kidd Usos WCW Wrestlemania WWE We have seen nXt for years as WWE switched the development program from OVW, which gave us Cena, Orton, Batista, and Brock Lesnar, to FCW. В Florida Championship Wrestling then got morphed into nXt which now comes from the Full Sail Arena. In my opinion it is the single greatest thing in wrestling today. В В Although Lucha […]

We have seen nXt for years as WWE switched the development program from OVW, which gave us Cena, Orton, Batista, and Brock Lesnar, to FCW. В Florida Championship Wrestling then got morphed into nXt which now comes from the Full Sail Arena.

In my opinion it is the single greatest thing in wrestling today. В В Although Lucha Underground and Global Force Wrestling are just a few competitors looking to change that. В For now however I must urge any wrestling fan to try the energetic next generation.

So far Rusev, The Wyatt Family, and The Shield have already changed the face of Raw, Smackdown, and even Wrestlemania.В All who have come from nXt and the funny part, nXt is even better now than it was with them!

So what follows are 5 reasons you have to watch nXt!

The Tag Team Division:

Yep Raw has had a fair chance at amazing tag team divisions. But alas they always get overlooked.В  So Usos and Ascension will have their dance for the belts and hopefully Cesaro and Kidd get a much deserved push, but the line of potential teams pulled apart continue.

No more Real Americans, no more Rybaxel, and soon no more Dust Brothers.

But at nXt Triple H is stewing some great teams.В  Take the former nXt Champs the Lucha Dragons!В  Sin Cara has his best and sometimes worst work at nXt and his partner Kalisto is the very definition of cool.

Murphy and Blake are bringing their best to hang, and the Vaudevillians bring a totally unique blend of technique and persona unlike anything WWE has done before.

Don’t forget Big Cass and Enzo who are over and also entirely unique.В  This is a tag team division that is growing and has an insane level of pure potential.

In fact if WWE 2k16 does not expand its nXt roster, I won’t even buy it in protest cause the tag team matches alone are more exciting than anything on Raw.

I mean admittedly the Usos vs The Wyatts was tremendous but with the Wyatt Family disassembled, nXt is left providing equal quality matches one a weekly basis.

The Diva Division:

I love AJ Lee, and Paige and Natalya from the WWE Divas, while the rest of sex appeal they flop nearly every time in the ring.В  I mean I am trying to exercise less criticism but every time I hear Brie Mode, I think that means Change the Channel.

Sorry D-Bry she is cute as a button but just as talented in the ring.

But what about nXt Divas… well that is money. I mean Charlotte is superior to many of her male counter parts, Natlya has stellar work there, Alex Bliss is awesome, Sasha banks is someone to love to hate but always respect, Bayley is unique and solid, and hell I even love Blue Pants… Yep dumbest song and gimmick ever and yet so dumb it is instantly endearing.

Watch Natalya vs Charlotte for the nXt Diva Championship on the WWE network and tell me that isn’t the best Diva WRESTLING match you have ever seen.

While they have a few lookers who don’t yet click in the ring, nXt Divas are the perfect mix of attractive and talented.

Oh and AJ Lee and Paige both have roots there too so if you aren’t getting the picture yet, stop wasting time on Divas and get your fill of nXt Divas today for only $9.99!

Phoenix Effect:

In ancient mythology the Phoenix was a bird of fire that would self resurrect and fly again.

Well at nXt Titus O’Neil, Tyson Kidd, and even Curtis Axel have returned to nXt to reignite their careers.

Now the man beast Rhino is back in WWE via nXt and the fans are on fire!

So how can you make the future of WWE even brighter, by adding the element of surprise when you take an underrated career like Rhino and give him the pheonix treatment to bring life back to a career.

Now not only do you have the best Diva Division, the best tag team divisions, and heart pounding action, but you never know who is gonna make their comeback?В  I F’n love nXt!

Wrestling Love:

Ok WWE is sports entertainment, you got it Vinny Mac!

But Triple H knows we love WRESTLING!В  And he means to give it to us!

For over a decade names like KENTA, El Generico, Pac, and Kevin Steen have dominated the internet as indy wrestling darlings.

Now they are Hideo Itami, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Kevin Owens and they are all on nXt!

You want matches that redefine wrestling, well Raw and Smackdown have nuggets but nXt bleeds gold.

I mean look up Cesaro vs William Regal, or Cesaro vs Sami Zayne 2 out of 3 falls… or heck just Watch nXt on the WWE network just after the most recent Takeover: Rivals!

Seriously Adrian Neville and Kevin Owens had a breathtaking match, one of the beat nXt main events ever.

Sure nXt is not perfect, but it is becoming a real challenge to find flaws in the presentation, but it is damn near impossible to find a bad match on nXt.

If you love wrestling, you love nXt and if you don’t it is only because you just don’t know it yet!


In WWE the main stage is Wrestlemania, then you get great shows mostly with Royal Rumble, Summerslam, and Survivor Series. В Everything else WWE does PPV wise is hit or miss.

Take Fastlane for example, I couldn’t care less about this show. В Get it free on WWE network, ok cause I wouldn’t buy it for $9.99 period.

Sting vs Triple H is the hook right, because there is no Lesnar defending.В  And who in their right mind predicts Cena as the new US champ over on Rusev? В No one, we know Sting vs Triple H is gonna be at Mania and this is just more build up.

Rusev will go one Undefeated to Mania, and so this whole PPV is Mania filler.

But would I pay the full six months up front for WWE to ensure I get the nXt Takeovers?В  As Austin once said “Hell ya!”

Everytime nXt gets to a Takeover Special it carries with it a Wrestlemania Energy every single time.В Presentation is flawless, intros are memorable, and the matches are jam packed with “watercooler” moments.

Every match matters, the job match matters, and the main events are so good you catch yourself so hyped up you watch the instant replay that comes on the WWE network when the live special goes off the air.

In closing I have been married for 12 years and if I could have an affair with nXt I would cause it is just that awesome.

So if you haven’t watched nXt yet think ECW meets WCW Nitro meets RAW and all three have a baby called nXt.В  It alone is worth WWE Network asking price, so get your free month of the network now!

Then go and watch nXt and you too will fall in love with Wrestling again! 3 Thu, 19 Feb 2015 02:51:12 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Adrian Neville Aiden English Bayley Becky Lynch Blue Pants Buddy Murphy Carmella CJ Parker Colin Cassady ECW Enzo Amore Finn Balor Kevin Owens NXT Rhyno Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Simon Gotch Solomon Crowe Takeover The Vaudevillains Wesley Blake William Regal WWE WWE Network Its THAT TIME! NXT. IS. LIVE!… if by "Live" I mean taped a week ago! RECAP! We open with a nice video package showing us what happened last week at Takeover: Rival. Lots of awesomeness, that's what happened. REGAL's OFFICE! Regal talks about the shocking show that was Takeover. He states that in NXT a […]

Its THAT TIME! NXT. IS. LIVE!… if by "Live" I mean taped a week ago!


We open with a nice video package showing us what happened last week at Takeover: Rival. Lots of awesomeness, that's what happened.


Regal talks about the shocking show that was Takeover. He states that in NXT a title CAN change hands via pinfall, submission, or Ref Stoppage due to knockout. Just in case you were scratching your head over the lack of pin, or submission in the Owens vs. Zayn Match. He also says Owens fancies himself a "Prize Fighter", who fights for money. Well? Mr. Owens doesn't make the rules here in NXT. Mr. REGAL DOES, SUNSHINE (I added Sunshine cuz its a wonderful word Regal sprinkles in from time to time, and should have used it here.) He announces a match for tonight: Kevin Owens vs. Adrian Neville, in a non-title match. Saying Neville hasn't earned a shot at the champ, but he HAS earned a match with Kevin Owens for Owens' sending Neville to the hospital a few weeks ago.


Kevin Owens is on his way out! He's dressed up for his in ring celebration… no shorts, he's wearing workout pants with his sleeve cut off "KO" shirt. Crowd echo chants "KEVIN OWENS… SAMI ZAYN". Owens talks about people mad at HOW he won the Championship. He says they have NO REASON to be mad. He didn't lie. He'd fight anyone and everyone to make a better life for his family. "What matters now is Sami Zayn is the past." Owens looking to the future, and that future is Finn Balor. Crowd chants "FINN". Probably cuz they're fans of Mark Twain. The ORIGINAL "Smart Mark". Tells Finn to pick a date and place and he'll be there. Says NOBODY is gonna take "THIS" holds up title for effect from him OR his family. I saw the adorable picture of his daughter with the belt, rumor has it her work rate is off the charts!


Rich, Graves, and Albert talk about the show. We have Sashsa Banks versus Blue Pants also tonight!


Oh, wow… SURPRISE TIME, if you didn't read the spoilers:

the crowd reaction here is great as Rhyno makes his entrance! Confusion melting into a "What the… holy… FOR REAL" type pop. The crowd chants "HOLY SHIT". Because this is surprising. Huge "GORE" chant. Punches. A huge belly to belly. AND? GORE! GORE! GORE! GORE! 1…2…3! Huge "ECW" and "Welcome Back" chants for Rhyno. That was a fun surprise for sure.


Finn is asked about Owens'. He too will face Owens anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Says Owens fancies himself a prize fighter, and that he too is a prize fighter, THAT prize? The NXT Championship- only before he can finish that sentiment? Rhyno walks in. Stops. Eyeballs Finn. Smirks. Walks off. That could be fun. Also paints a picture that Rhyno might be around for a little while.


Black and White and grainy projector shot as the Vaudevillains are set for a tag team match. Announcers sell the fact that there is a void for WHO will step up to face Blake and Murphy? Gotch and English pose as we get the intro for Cass and Enzo. At least 5 leopards went into the making of Enzo's jacket and bandanna tonight. Enzo's beard is also insane. Carmella gets booed during Enzo's mic work. Big "HOW YOU DOIN'" chant from the crowd as it feels like a while since we've seen these two. Gotch and Enzo kick us off. Cheap shot from English on the outside gets the Vaudevillains the precious MO. Aggression from the Villains. Enzo makes the diving tag and Cass is in wrecking house. Sidewalk slam to Gotch. Big splash to English. Double team in the corner and then a big boot later and Enzo and Cass get a big win.

On the big screen Blake and Murphy talk trash on Cass and Enzo. Hit on Carmella. Tell her to ditch the sewer rats. Congrats, a bouncing tag team rivalry is born!


Adrian Neville can tie his boots. Asked about his loss to Balor and his upcoming match with Owens. Says he almost feels relieved because forever he's been hunted, and now he's the hunter, and Kevin Owens is about experience that.


Quick hit post match interview type dealie with Bayley and Becky. Bayley promises she WILL be Women's Champion. Becky says Bayley cost her the title, and she is kinda sorry happy that Banks could win, but she is VERY Happy Charlotte lost.


CJ Parker is on his way. Jean shorts and a button down shirt informs us that he's not wrestling. CJ Parker is sick and tired. His being left out of Takeover is �BULLCRAP'. Now CJ Parker is taking over the show. Holding it hostage. Today's sign "CJ IS TAKING OVER THE TAKEOVERS". He is now Caution taping the ring. Uh oh. "Technical Difficulties". "This is Not A Test". Solomon Crowe attacks and destroys CJ Parker. The crowd figured out it was Crowe before the announcers.


SASHA BANKS IS OUT! Blue Pants is on her way out. Love they've bottled and used Cass's announcing slash singing for Blue Pants. Blue Pants might be the most over person in NXT. Blue Pants early X-Men color scheme is great. Sasha is giving her the chance to leave the ring, holding open the ropes for her. Blue Pants responds by kicking Sasha out of the ring. Drop Toe Hold! Sasha is angry. Double leg and fists of fury. Backslide gets OBP a solid two. Sasha drives her into the corner and drives a series of shoulders. Does her double knee in the corner. Covers, but pulls OBP up at the two. Crowd BOOS! Drags Pantalones Azul up, backstabber into the Crossface, aka the Banks Statement! OBP does the TAP.

Post Match. Mic Stand asks Sasha what it means to be champion. Sasha gets grabby with the mic. What's it means is Banks is "the baddest Diva in NXT".


The post match fallout for Sami Zayn. We see doctors working on him and Regal coming out to check on him. So we get an interview with Doctor Chris Amann. Sami got evaluated, and got a CAT Scan. They let Sami go to Abu Dhabi. He'll be back and ready to go! At least the crowd didn't chant "Z-Pack" at him.


Adrian Neville is on his way out! Kevin Owens is next. Owens bails much like the start of his match with Zayn. Neville gets to him quickly. Big quick, but the tide is quickly turned with a gut buster and then standing senton from Owens. Owens with an elbow drop. Then a chop in the corner. He goes into methodical pummeling mode. Clubbing blows. Stomps. Forearm. Some cheer. Some boo. Rich tries to name Owens' fans "OWENS-IACS", Graves then hits a home run with, "Lets NEVER call them that." So far this is the match we got at Rival, only with Neville playing the role of Zayn. Neville trying to fight his way out of a REVERSE… CHINLOCK… O'… DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! Owens yelling "who's the champ", and crowd chants back "NOT FOR LONG". Owens rag dolls Neville over the top rope to the outside. Man… they are making him look like the most dominant dominator that ever dominated. Owens interplays with the crowd, ramping up his douche-ness to 11. Snap mare and a boot to the shoulder blades gets a ONE PLUS! Neville tries to stage a comeback. Slingshots, but Owens catches him into fireman's carry. Neville spikes Owens with a DDT. Owens first up. Crowd getting live. Exchanging forearms. Neville gets the upper hand. Forearms. Chops. Flying forearm and then kicks. Owens gets outta dodge. Neville with a moonsault to the outside takes out Owens! Two kicks to the chest and an enzugiri. Missile dropkick gets Neville the TWO PLUS! Owens again gets outta dodge. "You're a Coward" chant from FULL SAIL. Baseball dropkick from Neville! OH MY… 450 OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR! THREE MINUS!!!! Albert asks if we've seen Owens in this much trouble? … uH… JASON? Its his fourth TV match. Great german, and then the DEADLIFT german with a bridge from Neville. High speed European, but as Neville goes in Owens lashes out with a HUGE running flying forearm. Neville in the corner. Owens charges for the cannonball… SUPERKICK. Reverse �RANA… that looked NASTY, almost botchy. OWENS KICKS OUT AT THREE MINUS! Neville drags and Climbs… Red Arrow, Owens rolls outta the way, and when both men are back up? Pop Up Powerbomb! One… Two… THREE! That. Was. AWESOME!

Owens celebrates we get replays of the awesomeness. Rich gives us the tag line "Kevin Owens Ferocious, UNYIELDING" … damn right he is. As the show comes to a close.


Another excellent edition of NXT. We had groundwork laid for the Reign of Owens, and it got off to a rousing start with his non-title bout with Adrian Neville. We got a budding tag feud between the Champs and Cass and Enzo. Sadly, no clue where this leaves the Vaudevillains. Sasha Banks also made an impressive statement in her first televised appearance as reigning Women's Champion. PLUS we got a surprise return/NXT Debut of the War Machine, Rhyno. Plus his little tease face to face with Balor. Hit the ground running, NXT continues to be the fastest 60 minutes in Pro Wrestling! I URGE YOU TO WATCH OWENS NEVILLE, if you haven't. If you have? REWATCH IT! 1 Fri, 13 Feb 2015 04:24:59 +0000 Scott Hayes Blogs Other Blogs Reviews WWE Network Reviews Adrian Neville Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Buddy Murphy Bull Dempsey Charlotte Finn Balor Hideo Itami Kalisto Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Rival Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Sin Cara Takeover Tyler Breeze Wesley Blake William Regal WWE Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girl… WRESTLING Fans of All Ages… well the literate ones at least. Welcome to another Whizz-Bang Edition of the NXT Recap slash Review slash Something. This a SPECIAL edition as this week's NXT was a SPECIAL TWO HOUR TAKEOVER: RIVAL. Five matches were officially announced with a sixth being added […]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girl… WRESTLING Fans of All Ages… well the literate ones at least. Welcome to another Whizz-Bang Edition of the NXT Recap slash Review slash Something. This a SPECIAL edition as this week's NXT was a SPECIAL TWO HOUR TAKEOVER: RIVAL. Five matches were officially announced with a sixth being added via twitter and then the pre show. So that's a whole lot of recappening (it is TOO a word!)

Good hype video. Paying special attention to Balor vs. Neville, Women's Fourway, and Zayn vs. Owens. Foreshadowing on which three matches would be my top three for this show.


Itami's music hits, as the twitter slash match against Tyler Breeze.

ANNOUNCE TABLE! Rich, Corey and Albert welcome us to the show. They put over the action which is something they excel at doing. Throw to the replay of Breeze attacking Itami. "YOU BLEW IT… YOU RUINED IT. YOU RUIN EVERYTHING." – That is a hissy fit line that always makes me giggle.


Breeze is out with a selfie stick. A "fan" then jumps the barricade and she jumps onto Tyler. Security takes the lady fan away. That is a quality selfie stick.. At least 3 muppets gave their lives to cover that selfie stick in their pelts. Bell rings. Itami is on the quick offensive. Itami gets the momentum with a nice knee to the midsection and then a vicious kick to Tyler's chest. Educated feet and going for the drop kick to a seated Breeze in the corner, but Breeze smartly gets outta dodge. Breeze gets on the offensive focusing on the bum knee of Itami. Wraps it around the ring post a few times, and… RING POST FIGURE FOUR! NICE! Breeze with a nice cloverleaf styled submission. Breeze hits the Super Model Kick for a TWO PLUS! Breeze can't believe it and the crowd gets loud for this. Tyler starts throwing hard rights, but Itami is like �NUH UH', and gets all hulked. Quick flurry of strikes: palms, forearms, kicks galore. Breeze in the corner. Stalling dropkick… RUNNING KICK TO THE HEAD! That's all they wrote. Solid opener. Breeze impressed me. I wonder what they'll do with Itami moving forward?


Referee and Regal are discussing something with Owens. He seems unimpressed with their talking and goes back to his phone, cuz that Candy ain't gonna Crush itself!


BULL! BULL! BULL! Out comes Bull Dempsey, who judging from my friend who doesn't watch NXT religiously, but pointed out that Dempsey's look teeters between "80s throwback" and "slob". Engines rev. Corbin is out and B-Lines it for Bull. Baron sporting his new t-shirt. Brawling all over the floor. Bull tries to flee. Baron chases. Bull turns the tide with a push into the apron and suplex onto the ramp. Crowd wants tables. Bull teases it but is all like, "PSYCH!" Full Sail not happy with that. More brawling. Stomps. Fists. Smashes. Bludgeons. And various What-Nottery. Huge Arn Anderson styled spine buster and Baron nearly gets the win. Graves says Dempsey was 10 feet in the air… uh… really Core? Corbin goes for a running clothesline to send Dempsey over the top rope. Corbin goes, but Dempsey doesn't… until like 4 seconds later than he should have. Oops-town Population: YOU, Bull. Dempsey hits the diving headbutt for a TWO PLUS! Stays on the attack. goes for a chair. Slides in. Charges. Corbin snatches him. End of Days. Ballgame. This was pretty average. A few botches. Didn't really find a groove. Didn't really make use of the NO DQ Stip. Post match Corbin sets up the chair and takes a seat and catches his breath and dismissively shoves Bull away with his boot. This was hindered by the fact this was their third match, in my opinion. And it was longer than the other two combined. I think Bull should've been using that No DQ stip to its FULLEST potential.


Becky Lynch is doing pushups on the steps. Bayley is looking nervous and that works its way into a confident nod.


LU! CHA! LU! CHA! LU! CHA! Sin Cara and Kalisto are out. They have a new camera set up next to the apron so we get a neat view of them trampolining into the ring. That was nifty. Next out are our tag champs. Who's music I find dreadful. Text from a buddy pointed out their tights were VERY American Wolves-y. Bell Rings. Cara and Murphy to start (Thank the wrestling gods they have their names on their tights tonight, so your humble writer can tell them apart with certainty.) – Uh oh botches are contagious early in this one. Not sure what happened. Arm drag gone awry? Crowd noticeably flat for this… and these people usually cheer and chant EVERYTHING. See:

Oh man another bit of sloppiness. Kalisto slips while running to the ring looking to do something. Cara gets the TWO PLUS with the victory roll from the top… SUPER VICTORY ROLL? Name will be a work in process. Double team pop up neck breaker is a nice move from Murphy and Blake. A kick gets Sin Cara free, and Kalisto in. Corkscrew cross body. Kalisto kick. The hurracanrana on a kneeling murphy was NICE. Kalisto has the SDS countered, A bunch of near falls. Trading two counts. Inventive double bridge where both guys had their shoulders down. Two Pluses all over the place…


Cara hits the hoist one arm power bomb. Murphy hits a running suplex almost brain buster, and Blake hits a frog splash. Three Count. and STILL Our NXT Tag Team Champions! First half the match had some sloppiness and it took a while to find a rhythm. Last 5-7 minutes were pretty enjoyable. Lots of chain wrestling. During the celebration someone is coming next week. His hype video interrupts and looks like the last few where I've seen the names "Solomon" and "Crowe" at different times. Hint. and HINT!

HYPE! NXT #1 Contendership tournament is recapped and our next matchup is hyped.


Neville is out first because… well we all know why. Lights out, and Balor is crawling his way to the ring. Paint job is slightly different. A tongue sticking out of the mouth on his chest. Added what appears to be wings and a tail to his back. Add some smoke in the corner to his entrance. Its go time. I can't wait for this. Crowd chants Finn. Neville puts his mouthpiece in. Fast start with some chain wrestling. Crisp. Clean. These two might be the best combination of pure athlete AND wrestling ability. Neville's athleticism almost gets lost in the shuffle with all the talent in NXT. A couple early ONE! counts. Neville scores a spring board dropkick then lock in the… ahem… REVERSE CHIN LOCK… O'… DOOOOOOOOOM!!! To jump back, good work by the announce crew to explain Balor's entrance. The not only psychological warfare on his opponent but to psych himself up. They should also put the layer of "currying favor" with the crowd. Take notes, Cole and Company when you're talking about Bray Wyatt's "Creepy" entrance. Neville dominates for a spell. Balor tries to turn the tide with a chop so hard it welted MY chest. Neville keeps on it though with a dropkick and stalling vertical suplex. Neville nails some 12 to 6 elbows to Balor's head, and somewhere a UFC official is screeching "STOP THE FIGHT!" Back to the RCLO'D! Balor fights out. Whip. Balor eats a boot, Neville goes to the top rope and Finn nails an enziguri. Neville to the outside. Balor nails a huge Tope. Crowd chants NXT. Neville is on the move! Finn is stalking, and then drop kicks him into/through a ringside barricade. Crowd goes with a expletive laced chant of surprise. Back in the ring. Balor with a double stomp to the back of the HEAD?!?! WHAT?! I was SURE that was it. That was a THREE MINUS! WOW. That was an amazing move. First this is awesome chant. Neville nails a forearm and a bunch of kicks. Balor with the Pele! And Neville with a desperation Superkick! (Picks up jaw off floor) Germans from Neville. One of them stalled was amazing and into a bridge! THREE MINUS!!! Neville to the middle rope… ARE YOU KIDDING?! Was that a Phoenix Splash from the middle rope?! Done flawlessly. Dude is a mutant of athletic ability. High velocity European Uppercut. Balor with a desperation Sling Blade! HUGE Clothesline turns Neville inside out. Lifting to vertical reverse DDT! My fingers can't keep up with this. Balor going to the top, but Neville grabs the leg to avoid the double stomp. He hits a kick. Then a slam. Looking for the Red Arrow, but Balor lifts the knees, AND then turns it into a roll up, and they got me AGAIN! I was sure this was done. High velocity dropkick shots Neville into the corner violently. COUP DE GRAICE! Rich asks "Have you ever seen anything like it?!" Hyperbole, sure, but that was a DAMN AMAZING match. Standing Ovation rightly deserved, fellas. *Writers Note: It was my third time watching this match 3 times when I wrote this.

Its scary the guy was NXT Champion for how long, is one of the guys they use on the road for Raw/Smackdown, but Neville still is somehow underrated. Also can we get two outta three falls for these two?


Charlotte and Sasha are getting ready! Goes right into the video package for the Women's Championship Match.


Bayley is out first. Banks is second. Becky third. And in the sake of alliteration: Bram's wife third. Lets go! We hit the ground running. Bayley with a roll up on Charlotte. Team BAE team up early. They break the LED board by throwing Charlotte into it. Then they go at Bayley. Nice double team moves from BAE as they violently throw Bayley into the turnbuckles. That was unique. Both of them make the cover on Bayley. Alliance dissolved. Becky with a nice pump handle suplex. Now Becky is in control. She works on Bayley with a dragon screw leg whip and then a nice submission, but Banks is back to break it up. Banks with a nice series of shoulders into the corner. High velocity as she channels her inner Lesnar. Charlotte back in and attacking. Ends up hitting a neck breaker for a two plus. Then hits Banks with a leg drape neck breaker in the corner. Now Charlotte and Banks exchanging violent forearms. Charlotte goes for a spear, but Banks moves. Charlotte spears Becky. Bayley back in and wheel barrows Banks, and Bayley comes in and hits a codebreaker of sorts. Charlotte big boots Bayley out of the ring.Banks ends up back in control. Double knee drops in the corner to both Charlotte, who was across the middle ropes, and Becky who was on the bottom ropes. Bayley is back with a suplex! Bayley hits a series of three running reverse elbows into the corner. She hoists Charlotte to the top rope. Top Rope �Rana! Crowd firmly behind Bayley. Bayley to Belly! Lynch breaks it up. Bayley with a nice baseball drop kick from the floor up under the bottom rope. Nifty. BANKS SUICIDE DIVE! Three are down. Charlotte in ring. "WOMEN'S WRESTLING" chant melts into "THIS IS WRESTLING", and Charlotte sling shot over the top to the outside onto the other three! Charlotte throws Becky into the ring. But Becky nails a running knee lift and a T-Bone Suplex. Man the shots in this are so high velocity and landing. Chaos in the corner. Charlotte on the top. Bayley German's Lynch. Then TOP ROPE BAYLEY TO BELL! ONE TWO… BANKS! Banks throws Bayley out violently. Gets a three minus. Then locks in a nasty cross face. Really pulls back. Becky starts to get in, but Banks kicks Becky INTO Bayley. Back to the cross face. Stretching her. Keeps pulling back. Charlotte is not tapping, but is fading. Banks pulls back even harder and then turns it into a roll up! THREE SLAP OF THE MAT LATER…


This was spectacular. Awesome story, and action bell to bell. These ladies got put in the "spot of death" between the two huge main events and OWNED it. The velocity of moves and the WRESTLING was as good as anything we see on a weekly basis, ladies, or gents. Women's MotY can be handed out, as who knows if anything will approach this on the main roster, and I could absolutely see this being on many a top ten list at year's end. MIGHT be the best Women's match I've ever seen… but that might be me being to wrapped up in the immediacy.


Zayn and Owens video package is where the awesome in ring product meets the awesome WWE Production values and things like this is where we get the melding of these worlds.


We see Owens backstage as the "drop the cage" music kind of plays before he storms through the curtain and heads out. Same thing for Zayn. This is a neat twist. Zayn sporting nifty new tights. Crowd really into the "LETS GO!" Part of Zayn's theme. Owens is ready rocking in the corner… random thing I noticed yesterday, his armpits looks like Abdullah the Butcher's forehead. What the hell is going on there? Stare down. Owens standing and leaning in the corner. Sami crouching. Big Fight announcement. "FIGHT OWENS FIGHT" followed by boos and then "SAMI" chant. They stare. Crowd "OLE's". They circle, Sami advances. Owens bails. This continues. More stalling, but eventually, Sami flies over the ref and nails a somersault onto Owens on the outside. Zayn punching and kicking. Mounted punches into the corner. Owens hoists and drops him across the top turnbuckle. A couple NASTY running clotheslines into the corner where Zayn does his best Shawn Michaels. The whip into the corner was a looney tunes sell. Owens goes on the grind offensive. Wearing down Zayn. Punishing with holds and slams. Driving his knee into his back. Owens continues to punish making occasional covers and yelling at the referee. Zayn tries to fire back with fists to the gut, starts to get some momentum, but Owens drops him gut first onto the top rope which sling shots him back into the ring, Zayn crashing onto his face/upper body. Owens locks in the Reverse Chin Lock O' DOOOOOOM! Match totally at Owens' pace. Back suplex gets a two count. On the outside its violent. Owens is dominating. Crowd starts up a "Kill Owens Kill" chant. Back in the ring. Two PLUS on Sami. Zayn looks "woozy". VIOLENT forearms and stomps into Zayn. This is a methodical dissection. Gut buster, and senton. TWO PLUS!

Forearms and Sami with a slap! Now Sami fires up with three clotheslines! Owens spills to the outside. Owens takes a bite out of the ring steps. Now Sami is brawling. He's throwing haymakers. Owens tries to rolls Sami in, but Sami rolls right back out to the other side, runs around and NAILS a clothesline. Back inside. Blue Thunder Bomb! TWO.. PLUS PLUS! each man in a corner.. Sami charges… OUCH! SUPERKICK. Sami is out on his feet! Collapses into the corner. Running CANNONBALL! THREE MINUS! Owens pump handles Sami and drops him neck first onto his knee! Whoa. THREE MINUS.. MINUS!!! Whip going for a pop up power bomb. Zayn dropkicks out of it. Half and Half by Zayn. TWO PLUS! Zayn doesn't believe it. Zayn gets dropped throat first across the top rope. Owens up top… Zayn meets him in the high rent district. They exchange up top. Owens gets the upper hand. SWANTON-NO! KNEES UP! Exploder into the corner. Sami looking for the Heluva… Owens gets outta dodge. Sami chases. Outside Owens looks for the powerbomb into the ring apron, but Sami grabs the ropes, and stops it. Sami kicks and then hits that seated spring board moonsault to the outside, but his head hit the ramp. He's woozy. Sami staggers and stumbles back in the ring. Tries to come out of the corner, but stumbles and falls feeling the effects. Charges again, pop up powerbomb nearly ends it for Owens. Ref checking on Sami. Owens goes in with nasty forearms. European uppercuts.. Rabbit punches. Basically just wailing away on Zayn. Ref trying to get Owens off. Trainers are out to check on Sami. A few smart asses chant "Z-Pac" at this. Powerbomb number TWO. AND THREE! Owens with the cocky cover. Two Zayn fans are near tears. Trainers are still checking on him. They're in ring now. Owens decides he has his OWN medical advice… three MORE Powerbombs. Oh, nope ref stops him at the third one, and calls the match. Crowd starts a bullshit chant. Stunned. Some confusion, but the crowd roars when Owens is handed the NXT Championship. Owens wins due to Ref Stoppage. A fewf and are inconsolable. Owens is bouncing between laughing and crying. He points at someone in the audience. Announcers do a great job laying out. Selling the shocked nature of this. Clearly they LOVE Owens. He celebrates, and eventually stands over the prone Zayn. Very good match, that was intense and super story based, and REALLY puts Kevin Owens over in a big way and shows how much fight Zayn has. This felt like a first chapter to what could and should be an amazing saga. Sprinkle in Balor's #1 contendership and there is a lot they can do moving forward.


ANOTHER excellent outing for the NXT Brand and their quarterly Takeovers. Top to bottom not as good as R Evolution, in my opinion, which is understandable, seeing as that show was about as perfect a wrestling show I've seen. There was one very average match: Bull and Baron. Two decent to good matches: Breeze/Itami, and Tag Titles. And three awesome matches that were unique and fun and told good stories and had amazing in ring action. And now we set off down the road to the NEXT Takeover. If you have wrestling fan friends who don't subscribe to the Network? You should invite them over and start doing NXT Viewing Parties. If they DO have the Network and DON'T watch NXT? Man… I don't know… rig them up to that contraption from Clockwork Orange, maybe?

Bottom line, if you're not, or they're not watching? You and they should be.

Till NXT time. 0 Sat, 07 Feb 2015 02:44:49 +0000 Scott Hayes Blogs Other Blogs Adrian Neville Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Buddy Murphy Bull Dempsey Charlotte Curtis Axel Finn Balor Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Rival Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Takeover The Vaudevillains Tyson Kidd Wesley Blake William Regal WWE WWE Network Ladies and Degenerates- NO! Not you guys! I'm talking about GAMBLERS! Welcome to another installment of the "Over/Under" this Cheap Heat's author's attempt at bring the sports book to the squared circle. Admittedly I have no experience handicapping, and from a betting standpoint I have little… actually… err… no… I have NO experience in any […]

Ladies and Degenerates-

NO! Not you guys! I'm talking about GAMBLERS! Welcome to another installment of the "Over/Under" this Cheap Heat's author's attempt at bring the sports book to the squared circle. Admittedly I have no experience handicapping, and from a betting standpoint I have little… actually… err… no… I have NO experience in any form of sports betting. Yeah… ya know… in case someone's watching. SO?


Disclaimer: The Over/Under is an entertainment slash hype slash super terrific fun time article. The author does not look up any possible "Lines" for wrestling matches, and suggests you not bet on a scripted contest. Though if you're at a party and your friend has had too many adult beverages and Raw is taped and you read spoilers and want to make five bucks at said friend's expense because someone upsets Kane in a match? FEEL FREE! (Hayes fact 814: Did that a party. Gonna totally send the link to this to said buddy.)

Overview: For the last few months these two have been all up in each other's bidness. What started out as a contest to see who could mash a random sack of potatoes faster? With Baron mashing so hard that it led to Bull's jealousy. Which led to a match. Which Baron won. Which led to a second match. Which Baron won. Which led to Bull costing Baron in his #1 Contendership Match. And now? These two "Hosses" will battle it out in a NO DQ Match. Their first two contests didn't last a combined 5 minutes. Baron dominated.

Favorite: Corbin -450 He's a huge favorite. He just lost and it was Bull that cost him. Violent revenge for NXT's Lone Wolf.

Underdog: Dempsey +300 Big Dog. Only way I see this win is if they really REALLY want to try hard to swerve us.

Prop Bet of the Match:
Over/Under 7 minutes. (That's bell to bell. No entrances included, or post match shenanigans included.)

Overview: This is easily the match I'm least looking forward to. I'm probably not alone, but there isn't a ton of investment in it for me. The story falls a little flat, but lets take a look at that story. The Lucha Dragons beat the Ascension and then… well… "Meh". They have a nice move set. A decent amount of support from the crowd, but something has felt flat with their reign. They dispatched the Vaudevillains easily. Were rolling, albeit, unspectacularly. Buddy and Blake appeared to fill a need as Tag Team on the Roster. Their win/loss record drove that point home. Then? They beat the Vaudevillains. THEN? They challenged the Lucha Dragons, cuz if you beat, basically the only OTHER full time tag team that isn't the champs? Boom. Title shot. AND.. THEN?!?!

AND… NNNNNEEEEEWWWWWWWWW… NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!! They shocked the world. Okay, the portion of the world who A) Follow Pro Wrestling 2) Know that there is an WWE Network iii) WATCH NXT FOURTH) or at LEAST read spoilers slash results. (I hear the results guy HERE kicks 14 kinds of ass… Just sayin'.)

Favorite: Murphy and Blake -120. A slight favorite. They just scored the upset win. I wonder if they want to bolster the Main Roster's tag ranks, and so I wonder if the Dragons are a way to add another team to the tag division. Especiallly with two teams recently having or in the process of splitting (Miz/Mizdow, and Dust Bros).

Underdog: Lucha Dragons +110. Its not a huge instance of her being an Underdog. I won't be surprised if they walk out of Rival two time tag champions. I will be interested to see how this plays out and hopefully coming out of Rival we'll see a little more shine/interest in the tag division.

Prop Bet of the Match:
Will the NXT Crowd Chant "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE… Oi Oi Oi"! (due to Murphy's Nationality) Yes -400 No +400.

Overview: Charlotte has been dominating the Women's division. She beat Bayley. Sasha Banks on the rise, and along with Team BAE (Best At Everything, for anyone unaware) bestie, Becky Lynch took out Bayley. Then Banks set off on a series of awesome Women's title matches. The stories did a nice job staying intertwined. Banks got one more shot, Lynch ended up jumping in and attacking Charlotte. <— Insert DQ Bell Ringing here. Bayley rushes to the ring to make the save. When Bayley takes too long gazing at the title lustily. Charlotte is like "HAND OFF". Bayley hits the Bayley to Bell! Regal makes the women's title match a fatal four way. They did a tag match the next week Of COURSE, chaos ensued. I'm really looking forward to this, and we could be seeing the Women's match of the year at Rival. Favorite: Charlotte -200. She's a dominant champion. Unless they're thinking "Call Up" for her, and really she is plenty ready, though I'd be sad to see her talents leave and be shuffled off into 3 minute matches centered around the cast of Total Divas? Eventually they grow up and leave the nest.

Even Money: I'm putting both Bayley and Sasha Banks here. Both have great stories and momentum behind them. This is a great match for someone (i.e. Charlotte) to lose and not get pinned and still lose the Championship. Bayley the plucky underdog/Little Engine that Could, with the most funnest entrance in the bidness! Banks, someone who is an amazing talent. Who has improved so much its mind boggling. She's a heel who is getting a "you deserve it" vibe from the crowd in her past title matches.

Underdog: Becky Lynch +600. Easily makes the least sense. Treading water as a face and then being paired with Banks almost as added muscle. Its not Lynch's time… YET.

Prop Bet of the Match:
Who takes the Tower of Doom Spot? Bayley -300. Banks -150. There is none even money. Lynch +100. Charlotte +200.

Overview: Back when we kicked off this trip toward Rival, Commissioner Regal announced a Number One Contendership Tournament. Balor beat Curtis Axel in the first round and Hideo Itami in the second round, which was a spectacularly physical encounter and almost made my prediction that "Itami hits his FIRST GTS on Balor" come true. I STILL think the first has Balor's name written all over it. Neville beat Tyson Kidd in the first round, another fantastic match, and took down the undefeated Baron Corbin in the Semi's sing it: "He got by with a little help from the Bull". So this sets up between two well traveled world class wrestlers. Both are super popular with the crowd. Neville a former NXT Champion and Balor a future NXT Champion… that is unless the WWE doesn't come calling. This has Match of the Year Contender written all over it. Don't blink. Sit back. And bathe in the excellence this contest can, and hopefully WILL, produce.

Favorite: Finn Balor -250. Crowd is behind him. Momentum is on his side. He's been awesome, and continues to entertain. A win here would be excellent as he continues rocketing up the NXT Ranks.

Underdog: Adrian Neville +100. Won't be shocked if he wins, but he certainly doesn't need a victory. Long rumored to be one of the next in line to get the call. Makes sense to elevate Balor if that rumor is true.

Prop Bets of the Match (two main events get multiple)
Balor Paints Up: Yes -300 No +300
"This is Awesome Chants": Over/Under 3.5
Post Match Attack: None -200 Tyler Breeze -100 Hideo Itami +100.

Overview: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG… breathe Hayes… BREATHE. Inhales… Exhales… I assumed we would see this. Didn't think it'd be THIS fast, and for the NXT Championship already. Sami Zayn had a long trip to the summit. At NXT R-Evolution he beat Adrian Neville in a fantastic match. The crowd, the story, the finish, the celebration. It was excellent. He and Owens hugged. He and Neville Hugged. This was all the feels we can feel watching this crazy form of entertainment! Then it lingered… and lingered… but they showed the closing graphic, and THEN Owens decided… "I'm happy for you, but I'm no THAT happy for you." Nasty pull down onto the ramp. Nastier power bomb onto the apron and the man who had debuted 114 minutes earlier just made a massive statement. Like he said in his hype videos. He was in NXT to fight, to better his and his family's life, AND its not lost on him that so many guys who he wrestled with and against across the globe got the call from WWE before he did. No wrestler was safe. No Friend. No CHAMPION. Sami begged for a match with Owens. Regal didn't want to reward Owens for his behavior, because it establishes a dangerous precedent. So it was to be non title… except… yeah Owens wasn't going to fight non title. The title is a PRIZE. One he wants. One that gets him more money. More prestige. More EVERYTHING. So in a contract signing the only thing that got broken TABLE LIVED! Were Regal and Zayn's wills. Zayn, in a self admitted lapse in judgement pleads with Regal to make the match, which he does, and here we are. Like the match for #1 Contendership? This could easily find itself on all kinds of Year End Lists.

Favorite: Kevin Owens -150. A slight favorite. Not many have walked into NXT/WWE and ended up where he is in such a short period of time. His THIRD TV Match will be for the NXT Championship. He's has promised to "take" the NXT Championship. Which is an interesting phrasing that has stuck in my mind since he used it.

Underdog: Sami Zayn -125. His chase was epic and super fulfilling. Imagine him losing the championship. The dejection, but also the realization that WHO will be able to stop Kevin Owens. Sami chasing is right in his wheelhouse, and really Owens winning really kicks off them going back and forth, if Zayn isn't destined for Monday and Thursdays? This could be the start of something incredibly beautiful. ESPECIALLY considering that a #1 Contender will be named as well.

Prop Bets of the Match:
Duration of first Hockey Styled Brawl #CrazyCanadians : Over/Under 14 seconds
Long Live the Streamers (Will any fans throw streamers) : No -350. Yes +200
There will be Blood: NO -200. THE HARD WAY – +100. Holy S. Holy S. Holy S. BLADE – +650.

So there you have it. Place your bets, I'm betting (see what I did there)

Takes action. No matter if you're dropping coin, or not on NXT Rival? You SHOULD be investing your time. The last show I was THIS excited for was R Evolution, and my geek out level is SKY HIGH. I'll see y'all for the Recap. 0 Fri, 06 Feb 2015 03:26:25 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Adrian Neville Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Big Cass Bull Dempsey Carmella Charlotte Colin Cassady Emma Enzo Amore Finn Balor Hideo Itami Kevin Owens NXT Rival Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Take Over William Regal WWE WWE Network It is time for another edition of NXT. Its a “go home show” with some big matches and lots of intrigue for WHO will earn #1 Contendership for the NXT Championship. Plus what will our Fatal Fourway combatants do, and what of our NEW Tag Team Champs?! All this and much much MUCH more… or […]

It is time for another edition of NXT. Its a “go home show” with some big matches and lots of intrigue for WHO will earn #1 Contendership for the NXT Championship. Plus what will our Fatal Fourway combatants do, and what of our NEW Tag Team Champs?! All this and much much MUCH more… or maybe a little bit more.


I’m a hair late, and as I log into the WWE Network for another NXT? Emma and Carmella are in the ring. Cass and Enzo are ring side. Feels like a while since we’ve seen Cass and Enzo. We open with a little jaw jacking. Emma showing a little more an edge. Emma hits a dissmissive boot to Carmella’s backside. Locks in the Dil-EMMA (Tarantula) – and the ref breaks the hold. My feed freezes and Carmella has her Triangle Camel Clutch on Emma. Emma taps. The NY Crew celebrates. Emma stews.


Neville vs. Corbin and Balor vs. Itami still to come!




Neville is in on his way. Motocycles rev. Here comes Corbin. Tie up and Baron goes all “I’m more bigger” and drives Neville back. Quick exchange and Neville goes all “I’m more FASTER” and nails some boots. A dropkick rocks the lone wolf into the ropes, and then Baron LEVELS Neville with a clothesline. Ouchtown, Population: Neville! Baron has the advantage. Overwhelming Neville. Keeping it grounded and methodical. Crowd pretty split. Maybe slightly pro Neville. I’m pretty sure this is ALREADY Corbin’s longest match. Neville with the low dropkick. Baron eats middle turnbuckle. Tide=TURNED! Neville tries a slingshot cross body to the outside… CAUGHT! And then Corbin hotshots him into the barricade. NASTY! Corbin rolls Adrian in, and the ref is “checking on Neville”, and UH OH… Bull! BULL! BULL! Bull runs Corbin into the ringpost on the outside. Corbin barely makes it in before the 10 count. Low dropkick. Red Arrow. Boom! Neville wins. I like that. I think a longer match for these two down the road will be really good.


Sami talked about last week’s contract signing. Said Owens played him and Regal. Saying he tricked Regal and “Regal has seen every dirty trick in the book!” I like Sami having some “buyer’s remorse” about signing the contract and giving into Owen’s demands. It so refreshing seeing wrestlers act and react like real people.

They announced that Bull and Baron will Battle in a No DQ match at Rival.



Bayley is out and she is gonna HUG YOU! Becky Lynch out next as this fills our “hype the Women’s Championship match”. Becky does a series of leg drops. She works the leg, but this sets Bayley off. Bayley returns the favor and wails away on Becky’s leg. Becky gets frustrated with the flurry of offense. Sasha Banks has gotten ringside. She’s admonishing Becky and rolls her back in the ring. Bayley to Belly and boom. Bayley wins. Charlotte’s music hits and she stands at the top of the ramp to remind us all who exactly is the Champ, or something.


Owens says he got what he wanted last week. ANd next week? He’s TAKING the NXT Championship. Trust him. Uh Kev, I like you… like… a lot, but TRUST? You powerbomb besties on the apron and strong arm title shots. You don’t exactly OOZE “trustworthiness.


OH GOODNESS There’s a lotta time for these two. THANK YOU! Neville joins the announce team. Itami out first. Balor does his thing next. They circle. Crowd chants “this is awesome” before they tie up. Good mat wrestling exchanges. Smooth and crisp. Crowd chants “better than Raw”. Whips, leapfrogs, and a nice dropkick from Finn takes us to a comercial break. Hey, did you know Wrestlemania is a THING? We come back and Itami is in control. Crowd firmly pro-Finn. Itami locks in the Reverse.. CHINLOCK…O’ DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! They exchange forearms. Whip, Itami with a sunset flip, but Finn rolls through and hits a low dropkick. Balor with an abdominal stretch variation. Even working the hands/wrist while doing so. But then quickly lets that go for roll up and the old “TWO PLUS!” Balor’s turn ot lock in the Reverse Chin Lock O’DOOOOOOOM! Yes I did it like that on purpose cuz “O’Doom” is like an Irish last name, and Finn is IRISH! More good submission stuff. Roll up and Finn gets another two.

ANOTHER Commercial BREAK! – The Rival commercial with quotes from media outlets and overlayed with crowd chants is great.


Huge chop by Balor is a fine “welcome back”. Followed by a running chop. His chops are great. At some point in time, Balor’s mouth got busted. Itami gets a flurry in. Crowd chants “GTS”. He hoists Balor and the crowd loses their MIND. Balor fights out. A crazy stiff flurry from Itami. Palm strikes and a spinning backhand. OUCH. Balor ends up hitting a violent running dropkick that Itami sells like he got gored by a rhino… not Rhyno, not the wrestling move, but legit run over by a beast. He flies back into the corner with crazy high velocity. Back of his head hit middle turnbuckle. Balor ascends and delivers the Coup De Gracie. One. TWO. THREE! Balor faces Neville at Rival! We get replays of stuff they really highlight that high velocity dropkick. Back in the ring Itami looks completely incosoleable. Frustration oozes from him. Balor offers him a hand. Itami looks unwilling to shake, but takes his hand. Crowd roars their approval and chants “NXT”. Balor celebrates a bit, and heads up the ramp. On the table clapping. Comes off a little heely. He jumps down they meet at the top of the ramp. Intense handshake. Can’t WAIT for that match.


GREAT… GREAT… AMAZING hype video for Zayn/Owens. This is where the WWE influence really pays off. their hype videos and music pieces and that is ALWAYS top notch. So you put this cherry on top of this sunday and I can’t wait. Next wednesday I’m waking up and one of my first thoughts will be “OOOH GOODY, NXT RIVAL TONIGHT!” – Can’t wait. Wrestling Christmas.


The bar is mighty high for Rival. These last 3 shows have been excellent. My only gripe is some guys are slipping through the cracks because their roster is too damn deep and insanely talented! Its a good problem to have. Ladies and Gentlemen we could very well be watching of the best wrestling shows of the year in 7 days. 0 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 05:53:41 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Adrian Neville Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Buddy Murphy Bull Dempsey Carmella Charlote Emma Finn Balor Hideo Itami Kalisto Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Sin Cara Tyler Breeze Tyson Kidd Wesley Blake WWE PREGAME! Welcome to another edition of NXT! While driving home from work today I was getting downright giddy at the prospect of getting to watch NXT tonight! On tap tonight we have the other two first round matches for the Contendership Tournament. Kidd vs. Neville and Corbin vs. Dempsey. PLUS a tag team championship match […]


Welcome to another edition of NXT! While driving home from work today I was getting downright giddy at the prospect of getting to watch NXT tonight! On tap tonight we have the other two first round matches for the Contendership Tournament. Kidd vs. Neville and Corbin vs. Dempsey. PLUS a tag team championship match as Lucha Dragons battle Murphy and Blake, AND Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will put pen to paper to make their match OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL!

Shall we?


Blake and Murphy are on their way. Hyping themselves up as we are kicking things off with a NXT Tag Team Championship Match. LU! CHA! LU! CHA! LU! CHA! Championship ring intros. We hit the ground running. Murphy dropkicks Sin Cara out of mid air while attempting his spring board cross body. Wes and Buddy dominate. Sin Cara hits his deadlift power bomb … TIDE TURNED! Kalisto gets tagged in and goes crazy. Hits the SDS, but before that happened a blind tag. A quick cover… ONE…TWO… THREE!… what?! NO WAY! NEW TAG CHAMPS. Did NOT see that coming. Much celebration and joy and what not.

We go to the announce table. Our announcers are Tom Phillips (welcome back… poor guy), Albert, and Riley.


The end of last week's Women's Championship match and making of the Fatal Fourway.


Bayley nearly falls over tying her boots. Charlotte storms in. Threatens to destroy Ms Flair. Bayley makes the comparison between her more serious nature and Sami Zayn's similar turn towards the serious and his success.


Selfie shot promo. Tyler Breeze is keeping his eye on this here tournament. I enjoy NXT's embracing of the technology. This, or Cassidy and Enzo's promos/video hi jinx.


The Man Gravity does not remember is out. And as Kidd's music hits we get… uh… some sort of video interruption. Color barcodes and some binary, and I think I saw the name "CROWE". Bell rings. Go Time. Mat wrestling kicks us off. Process of feeling out between these two. So when will seeing cats on Tyson's kick pads NOT make me laugh? Pace = picked up. Headscissors, and then Neville front handsprings off the ropes just to put on a show and show up Kidd. Excellent stuff. Kidd stays on the outside. Cocky smirk and shoulder shrug and Neville runs to the outside! NO DON'T DO IT, ADRIAN! Wrestling 101: Don't go to the outside and chase! Kidd dropkicks Neville when he tries to get in and then nails a head scissors into the steps. Ouch town, population, YOU NEVILLE! BTW listening to Tom, Its a shame they didn't give him more of a chance. He is a good play by play guy. He just got talked over and ended up not getting much in word wise between Cole and JBL's steady stream of nonsense.


WWE Wants you to buy or watch or do something.

BACK IN THE RING! Kidd is control. Kidd getting all kinds of TWO PLUSSES! Kidd puts Neville's head under the ring Apron. I can only imagine how bad it smells under there. Huge kick and clothesline. Kidd over the top rope. Alex Riley asks "Does this show not get better EVERY SINGLE WEEK?!" … its damn hard to argue with A-Ry. Neville with a huge flying half twisting somersault plancha. VERY NICE then a standing Shooting Star Press. (Tom called it a moonsault, and I was JUST heaping praise on you TOMMY! C'mon MAN!) Kidd drops Neville gut first on the top rope and man I don't know if I've seen a dude slingshot THAT hard off the top rope. "THIS IS WRESTLING CHANT", and Vince is somewhere his eye twitching and he doesn't know why… cuz he don't watch no NXT. Huge power bomb gets the THREE MINUS by Neville! Kidd landed HIGH on his neck. Neville starts to go towards the ropes, looking to possibly get to hit the Red Arrow, but Kidd grabs his left foot and holds on for dear life. He keeps it on, but Neville kicks himself free. Kidd nails a kick, and then looks for the Sharpshooter, but Neville muscles out. Big Kick in the corner and Red Arrow later? Neville wins! Excellent match.


Suited Mic Stand is in ring to ask questions. He asks about Neville potentially facing Bull or Baron. Neville is goes all Chumbawumba on the NXT Universe saying "I get knocked, but I get up again… you're never gonna keep me DOWN!" … Or something like that.


Sasha and Becky asked about how they'll get along in their impending tag match with the women's fatal four way on the horizon. Sasha says Becky will "do the right thing" and help her win the title. Becky is like "I WILL do the right thing, win the NXT Women's Championship."


Buddy and Blake with their belts, overjoyed. They're willing to defend those belts as they can hardly contain themselves. Still stunned we have new Tag Champs… and that its THOSE two.



Charlotte is out. Bayley and the inflatable dancers are out. I enjoy the hell out of Bayley's entrance. I (random Hayes fact I was an efedder) – have an efed character that would have worked wonderfully for. Banks and Becky out. Women's tag match about to go down. Bayley and Banks to start. Women's matches are at such a superior velocity in NXT (as opposed to the main roster.) – Bayley and Banks with a little flub that could have been super dangerous. Charlotte makes a tag and quickly hits a great take down cover. Super athletic, and I feel like this description. She did a split into a roll up and then rolled over Banks' legs and bridged for a TWO PLUS! Bayley ends up back in the match, and Banks and Becky use some damn dirty tricks to get the upper hand. Sasha mocks the wacky inflatable dancing tube men… or whatever Rich called them. Bayley makes the tag clothesline. chop. Suplex. Figure Four with Charlotte bridging up onto her hands to add that pressure. Becky Breaks it up. Sasha hits Bankrupt, but Bayley breaks it up. Now Charlotte and Bayley are BRAWLING! CHAOS! This one is getting thrown out, but Bayley and Charlotte are not done. They continue to brawl. Extra zebras come from the back to separate the two. One ref reminds them "You're SUPPOSED to be TEAMMATES!" As the lady folk stare daggers through one another.


Finn Balor gets asked about his huge match with Hideo Itami… cuz well.. yeah… its all the adjectives like huge and massive, and getting hyped, and even made up words like GINORMOUS! Itami interrupts saying he brought Finn to NXT, and he'll take him out if he has to. That match can get ALL THE MINUTES next week.


Emma is interviewed. She is asked about returning to NXT next week with a match against Carmella. She mentions how things haven't gone so well for her.


VROOOM VROOOM! Baron Corbin brought the spotlights and general badassery. Does anyone disagree?


Whoa. No need to get aggressive about it. Bull stomps to the ring. Crowd counts. Probably no need to count for THIS match. Baron gets a big shoulder block and we get to see the … ahem… "running of the Bull" (see what I did there?) Wrestling 101: Good guy will chase bad guy around the ring. Bad guy will slide into the ring and get the advantage. Corbin showing some more flash as he adds to his repertoire with nifty bankroll out of the ring in order to land a nasty right. Corbin nails the End of Days and… well… dang… Corbin will move on to Face Adrian Neville.




Baron gives his thoughts. Next week he takes one step closer to be the NXT Championship and Neville takes one step closer to being erased. Bull interrupts saying Baron got lucky… twice… and Baron suffers no fools. He pie faces Bull and stomps off.


Regal announces Sami. Sami comes out with a smile. Owens out next… with a SMILE… no not really. Its a scowl. Regal lays down the law. Says NO fighting… no shenanigans and if they touch each other? No match at Takeover. Large "FIGHT OWENS FIGHT" and "OLE" in Full Sail. Kevin stares. Doesn't seem interested in signing. Sami asks Owen "WHY?" He also points out that Owens has a mic. Interesting different dynamic here the table is long wise between the two of them. Which is cool. Keeping them even FURTHER apart. Owens teases the sign, and points out that the contract says "NON TITLE" and he points out its not personal. Its about the PRIZE. Sami is not the prize. THE NXT CHAMPIONSHIP is THE PRIZE. Means more money, so? He is not doing this for a non title match. Regal is like "I'm not giving in to Owens". Sami says "Make this a title match". Good stuff here. Regal grabs a pen and makes the change. Sami even initials for legitimacy. Hahaha loved that touch. Who's the lawyer on staff to suggest that? Crowd chants "SIGN OWENS SIGN". He obliges. He signs. He then dismissively flips the clipboard at Sami and then bounces the pen off Sami's eye. WHOA, KO… Just… WHOA… If you friggin' ruin this awesome match with your reckless PEN PLAY?! You and ME, sir? We gonna have some issues. Sami walks like he wants to get physical… Regal intercepts… Owens walks… Crowd boos… Copyright flashes!


Another good episode. The tag title change legit took me by surprise. Not sure I get it, unless they want Kalisto on the main roster ASAP. Maybe they move the team up? Considering where Buddy and Blake's standing was a couple shows ago to where they are NOW? That's quite the one eighty. Kidd and Neville was superb. Excellent wrestling match between two great athletes. Loved the build slash story slash spice added to the Women's Fourway. Between Bayley and Charlotte's brawl, or Becky's verbalization that she would NOT just be Sasha's Lil' Helper? I'm REALLY excited to see the women's title match at Takeover. Baron moving on wasn't surprising, still surprised by the relative lack of competitiveness in their two matches. I'm all for making an unstoppable monster, but I'd like to see what the guy can do in 5-10 minute matches. And then… after all my jokes, the Contract Signing goes off without a haymaker?! What kind of witch craft IS this wrestling program? So we get Zayn vs. Owens for the NXT Championship.

If you're like ME? You're sad for NXT to be over, but fret not fellow fans… It is a mere 167 hours till the next one! 0 Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:09:14 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Adrian Neville Aiden English Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Buddy Murphy Bull Dempsey Charlotte Curtis Axel Finn Balor HBK Hideo Itami Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Simon Gotch The Vaudevillains Tye Dillenger Tyler Breeze Tyson Kidd Vader Wesley Blake William Regal WWE Sometimes stuff happens and so recap columns happen 2 days late. Well? Better late than never, right? What time is it? VADER TIME? Clobberin' Time?! Its TIME for the best weekly wrestling show! RECAP! A few weeks ago we learned that Kevin Owens = a bit of a jerk. Jump ahead: Last week Zayn and […]

Sometimes stuff happens and so recap columns happen 2 days late. Well? Better late than never, right?

What time is it?


Clobberin' Time?!

Its TIME for the best weekly wrestling show!


A few weeks ago we learned that Kevin Owens = a bit of a jerk.

Jump ahead: Last week Zayn and Neville tore the house down.

Also last week? Kevin Owens: really really intent on displaying his jerkdom.


He's backstage in his incredibly middle management office. He announces the next NXT special will take place on February 11th! Giddyup! Also we'll have a tournament to establish a Number One Contender, AND Sasha Banks gets another shot at Charlotte since she pinned her last week!



Sami's music hits. Crowd Roars. No dancing. No joy. No smile from the NXT Champion. He's AAAALLLLLLLLLL Bidness as he stomps to the ring in his gear. Slides under the ring and starts WAILING away on Tye Dillenger. Throws Dillenger out of the ring and gets a mic. Sami isn't happy and is screaming "OWENS!"

No Owens as Regal's music hits. Regal admonishes Sami's behavior. Sami is like "I do WHATEVA I WANT! Gimme OWENS!" Regal answers with "Owens isn't going to take short cuts and jump people to climb above people to get title shots." Sami is like "It can be non title. I just need it." He even asks nicely. Regal mulls it over and says, Sami can have his match with Owens at the next Takeover. And… Good luck Fastlane competing with THAT. Crowd chants "Thank you Regal". Couldn't agree more.

HYPE! Later tonight we have Charlotte vs. Sasha (we knew that) – Also Axel vs. Balor and Itami vs. Breeze are first round #1 Contender matches… TONIGHT!


More REGAL! Next week there will be a contract signing between Owens and Zayn! … Sure that will go smoothly…. no violence or tables being broken. You can bet the house on it!


Curtis Axel's music hits and he's on his way to lose. I mean… well… yeah the match ups are fun, but the first round of this tourney is pretty predictable. Balor's music hits. Crowd chants FINN-FINN-FINN-FINN. Some smoke and awesome lights later. Finn is in ring. They feel each other out (keep your heads out of the gutter…) Axel gets the early advantage. But a big Balor Dropkick and a somersault plancha later Finn Balor is in control. Match a little more methodical. Axel lures Finn in and kicks out the knee. Then a nasty clothesline to the back of Balor's head and Lil' Perfect is back control. Axel hits a nice dropkick, crowd chants "YOU SUCK". Nasty knee lift from Curtis got 2 and change. Axel went for second rope axe handle smash, but… NOBODY HOME! Balor on the offensive. Pele. Slingblade (Shouldna-done that- he's juss a boy… mmmm hhmmmm…) Double stomp called Coupe de Grace by PbP Rich… I think its Rich. So they've named his double stomp. I dig the name. Works with his theatrics for sure. Balor moves on.


RICH! ALBERT! GRAVES! Hyping the rest of the field. Itami/Breeze. Neville/Kidd. and Corbin/Dempsey.


Women's tag team match from last week. Sasha wins with a first full of tights. C"mon Charlotte. You're dad's the Dirtiest Player in the game. You gotta see that coming!


Sasha silences a question. Then says she's gonna beat Charlotte and be the new NXT Women's Champion. One dismissive hair flip later? She walks off.


Or wherever Bull Dempsey is. He's looking at his hands. His hands are gonna do something and people are gonna chant "BULL! BULL! BULL!" and that means bad news for Baron Corbin.


Banks is out with Becky Lynch in tow. Charlotte out second. Championship Ring Intros. Jaw jacking and a shove kick us off. Charlotte flaunts her size and strength advantage. Collar and elbow with some nice mat grappling. I like how each time these two are in the ring there is a different feel. They stay in the collar and elbow and end up falling through the ropes. Charlotte stays on the attack. Lynch comes in for an attack, but Charlotte is like, "NUH UH!" Back in the ring. Knee drop gets two. Sasha reversed a whip into a Thesz Press and right hands. Then Charlotte hits a Thesz Press of her own and goes to brawl, but Lynch is in and attacks Charlotte. Bell rings. Sasha shoves Becky in frustration, but then the two on one beat down is on. Bayley is out for the save! Bayley spends a little TOO long holding and ogling Charlotte's title. So Ms Flair gets grabby and snatches the belt back. This doesn't sit well with Bayley who spins Charlotte around into a big Bayley to Belly!


Regal is back. As this special addition of NXT: Regal continues! He makes a fatal four way between Charlotte, Bayley, Becky, and Sasha. Huge Women's title match that should be excellent. A second "THANK YOU REGAL" Chant from Full Sail. Once again, I agree.


Owens is on his phone. I assume KO is playing Angry Birds. He seems like an Angry Birds dude man. Some guy walks and wants Owen's time and thoughts and words and whatnot. Owens eyeballs this suited mic stand and gets a hearty chuckle from your humble recapped with this line "DO YOU WORK HERE?!" Owens barely suffers this fool. Says whatever he has to say to Sami he'll say to him at the contract signing NEXT week. Hopefully Suited Mic Stand's second interview goes better.


Black and White and the sound of a projector can only mean ONE Thing. Time to get MANLY! Vaudevillains are on the way. Graves lets us know Gotch and English are doing "Dinosaur Training". Yyyyeah… I'm just gonna let that one go. Already in the ring are the Vaudevillains' Victims, Buddy Murphy and uhh… Something something… Blake? ooh… Wesley! That's right. Music-less entrances aren't a good sign for Murphy and Blake. Dig Wes and Buddy's matching tights. [/red carpet comentary] English in control early. Hits a nice back kick in the corner. Gotch in. Quick tags and working over Buddy. English backbreaker sends him nicely into Gotch who hits a nice vertical suplex and floats over for two. English keeps wearing on Murphy. Blake should make the most of his time by selling popcorn. They try the back breaker into a vertical suplex double team, but Murphy flips out of English's attempt and makes the desperate tag! Good thing Blake wasn't out slinging popcorn, after all! House of fire. Spring board forearm. Kips up. Hits a big power slam. Gets two and change. Gotch breaks it up. Murphy and Gotch brawl a bit and Murphy ends up on the outside. Blake reverses a whip into the ropes and ducks and as English follows in and ends up between the ropes he eats a kick from Murphy from the outside. Blake makes a cover… ONE… TWO… THREE?!?! Whoa upset!


Prince Pretty is gonna move on in this tournament no matter what the Uggos think.


Blake and Murphy are celebrating. And… SUITED MIC STAND WANTS MORE THOUGHTS! Oh Buddy is Australian…

Pretty standard promo. Not great. Not awful. They want to challenge the Lucha Dragons next week. We'll see about that, fellas.


Next week's Contender tourney matches. AND CONTRACT SIGNING!


LOOK EVERYONE ITS TYLER! Announcers sell that someone/something was behind Tyler on the ramp. I wonder if it was Marcus Louis. Breeze lounges in the corner, HBK style.

Hideo's music hits. Breeze runs and hides from Itami's kicks. Uses the ref as a human shield and hits a nice kick. Knee to the gut and vicious kick to Breeze's chest puts Hideo in the driver's seat. Breeze grabs some tights and pulls Itami into the corner. TIDE…TURNED!!!! Breeze punts Itami's ribs. Breeze showing a mean streak. Working Itami over with stomps. Kicks. A snap mare, and now… REVERSE CHINLOCK… O' … .DOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! A neck breaker gets Breeze a two plus count. They take a break. Come back. The RCOD is still locked in.

Announcers let us know the tag titles will be on the line NEXT WEEK!

Itami starts to fire up. Three clothesline. Nice leg sweep. Running knee in the corner. Tornado Hot Shot and flying clothesline. He gets the TWO PLUS! Breeze teases hitting a piledriver?! Itami reverses with a knee and a fisherman's suplex. They wrestle and counter wrestle and Breeze hits a WONDERFUL Superkick! TWO PLUS that bordered on THREE MINUS! They struggle to get up. Crowd chanting their approval. Tyler goes aggro in the corner. Has to be pulled off Hideo two different times. Breeze puts Itami up on the top rope. Kick caught by Breeze. Then a crucifix driver by Breeze! Nice!!! He got two plus outta that. Breeze starts yelling at Itami while wailing away on Itami who starts hulking up, so to speak. Series of open palm strikes, kicks, a back hand drives Breeze back into the corner. Stalling dropkick into the corner. Running high speed kick to Breeze and BOOM! Itami wins!


This kicked off an amazing road to their next live special. The tournament set up is amazing. We already have two matches for the next Takeover both of which can be amazing, and once again NXT will be lined up to out perform the WWE PPV that it shares a month with. Main Event was match of the night. Breeze had a great match with Itami. He really impressed me. I was STUNNED by the Vaudevillains loss. I liked it, though. Everything else, while entertaining was pretty predictable and this added some spice/surprise to the show. Plus the tag division is a little stagnant. Hopefully Buddy and Wes can spice it up a bit.

I saw in a tweet that Itami/Balor have never had a one on one contest… ANYWHERE. So that immediately makes that semifinal so insanely special. I hope it gets twenty or forty or the whole damn show. I'm already insanely stoked for the next Takeover!

See ya next week! 0 Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:24:34 +0000 Ken Lee Blogs Wrestler Blogs Adrian Neville Bayley Big E Cesaro Charlotte Dean Ambrose Hideo Itami Kalisto Kevin Owens Kevin Steen Konnor NXT Sami Zayn Seth Rollins The Ascension Viktor WWE WWE Network Xavier Woods NXT : An Indy Perspective Who would’ve thought that NXT has made all this progress within only 2 years of being active? I remember when it first came to life back in August of 2012. I remember catching a few episodes and thought that it was basically a watered down indy show. The characters, the […]

NXT : An Indy Perspective

Who would’ve thought that NXT has made all this progress within only 2 years of being active? I remember when it first came to life back in August of 2012. I remember catching a few episodes and thought that it was basically a watered down indy show. The characters, the stories being told… I didn’t see or feel any form of connection. I feel it was apparent with the crowd response from show to show. There was a lot of awesome talent, just being under used. Under used talent, with a low tier show… what can you do?

It always annoyed me that these talents that were brought in, had to do really dumb, idiotic, mini-games on live television, or on a taped show. These men and women are wrestlers… can they be treated as such? Don’t misunderstand, fun and games are fine, but… who will take you seriously if you’re just f*****g around playing catch or whatever gimmick on T.V.? So for a while, I quit watching it. I felt it was no different than what we do on the weekends, just more in production and maybe a different range of characters… but not much else. 2013 hit, everything changed.

The talent that was brought in, the direction, better stories, more production value… this became “The Show” for me. When I say direction, I mean the talent acquisition for the most part. I don’t recall all the talents brought in around this time, but I feel this show was saved due to this factor specifically. You brought in some pretty big guns from the indy world, and some from wherever… Not listing all, but the relevant ones now – Cesaro, Zayn, Rollins, Ambrose, Big E (This wasn’t a 2013 add, but I was a fan of the Percy Watkins character… ah… least I forget Xavier Woods, wanna say he was somewhere in the 2012 mix?) I feel their performances helped bring everyone’s game up. Everyone from that point from when I look back to now, stepped up, and stepped up in a big way. Quality of matches? Up. Better booking, up. More production value, not that the WWE has ever had a production issue. That’s your money, the goal is to get your fan base to invest in your product, have them attached. Proper booking does wonders and when the payoff hits, it’s magic. We think of the payoff as a huge thing of course, as it should be. However, today’s fan(s) aren’t stupid. They’re not oblivious, and they will be so quick to call us out in a heart-beat.

2014 has come, and this product is on fire. My only gripe is the commentary, but if you can disregard it, the wrestling you witness is amazing! Plus this roster is loaded. I mean take a look for yourself at some of the big names, you’ve got Charlotte, Neville, Balor, Hideo, Owens (Kevin Steens new last name), Zayn, Kalisto, Konnor, Viktor, and Bayley. Yeah, you can say some of these newer guys aren’t proven yet, but see… they’re already battle tested to the world. Florida is a hot bed for wrestling, and I assure you… these women & men will do quite well. William Regal said it best, “If you are a competitor in this industry, NXT is quickly becoming the place to be.”

P.S. – You can watch all NXT episodes on the WWE Network for just $9.99. Special promo, you can get a month of the Network, no commitment, for free if you sign up!

Remember to follow me, Ken Lee on twitter: @KoreaKEN_LEE 0