WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:33:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thu, 26 Feb 2015 02:52:56 +0000 Scott Hayes Reviews WWE Network Reviews Alex Riley Baron Corbin Bayley Becky Lynch Brian Kendrick Bull Dempsey Charlotte Finn Balor Hideo Itami Jason Jordan Kalisto Kevin Owens Lucha Dragons NXT Rhyno Sami Zayn Sasha Banks Sin Cara Soloman Crowe Solomon Crowe Tye Dillenger Tyler Breeze WWE WWE Network Its Wednesday and we all know what that means! Best 3600 seconds of a wrestling fan's week! You're looking LIVE Ya know… if you consider filmed nearly 3 weeks go, "LIVE". – at the NXT Arena. Crowd chants NXT. Announcers welcome us. IN RING! Hideo Itami is on his way. Who will he he be […]

Its Wednesday and we all know what that means! Best 3600 seconds of a wrestling fan's week! You're looking LIVE Ya know… if you consider filmed nearly 3 weeks go, "LIVE". – at the NXT Arena. Crowd chants NXT. Announcers welcome us.


Hideo Itami is on his way. Who will he he be kicking into oblivion on this last Wednesday of February? BULL! BULL! BULL! Bell rings. Bull gets the early advantage, using his size advantage to negate Hideo's speed and legs. Eventually Hideo gets rolling. Hits his flurry of kicks, chops, backhands, and other fast paced strikes. Hangtime dropkick in the corner. Drags the big guy up, whips him off the ropes and hits his running kick finisher. Win for Hideo. He celebrates. Heads up the ramp and BAM! Gets leveled by a muppet appendage… oh… wait… that's Tyler Breeze's selfie stick! Itami is down. Breeze tries to take a selfie with the selfe stick of himself and the downed Itami, but can't get the angle right, and by the time he does? Guess who's now on his feet photo bombing? Itami. He whoops Breeze. Crowd chants GTS, but Breeze flees the scene.


Rich and Graves, joined by Alex Riley this week welcome us. They let us know we have Bayley vs. Becky Lynch tonight as well as Finn Balor vs. THE Brian Kendrick. Those should both be fun.


Announcers send us into a hype package of Kendrick. Really good stuff making Kendrick look like a million bucks and reminding the world of his WWE exploits.

THE Brian Kendrick approves of this.


Lucha Dragons are on their way out. Their opponents are Jason Jordan and Tie Dillenger. Jordan and Dillenger's entrance is "hacked" by Solomon Crowe who says he won't rest until he's the NXT Champion. Then he hits his tablet and that "unhacks" us back to the ring. Dillenger and Jordan get a little offense early, but the Dragons turn the tide. Start to dominate. Jordan gets annoyed with this. Dillenger at one point looks to his partner and yells "RELAX". So when Dillenger finally is able to get over there to make the tag? Jordan is like "I'm out". He bails. One SdS and swanton later? Dillenger loses. Lucha had some nice double team work in this. The story was about the break up. We go to commercial… I don't recap commercials unless they're AWESOME… and this was for Total Divas… so? You do the math.


Mic Stand is there to ask Finn Balor a question. Asks him how he's preparing for Kevin Owens. Balor is like, "Bruh… I got a match with THE Brian Kendrick tonight, a former WWE Tag Team Champion… I'm all �bout THAT action tonight, boss." Not an exact transcription . Dig that. Simple story telling AND love selling an opponent. Thumbs up, NXT. Thumbs UP!


Dillenger is STILL there? Oh, buddy… this can't end well for you. He says he isn't leaving until his tag team partner answers for his cowardly treacherous behavior! He doesn't care WHO is coming out, he'll fight him. Cue. Motorcycle. And Baron Corbin. Dillenger drops a mental "F-Bomb" and Corbin's entrance takes more time than the match. Dillenger did manage to lock in a solid side headlock. End of Days shortly after. Sounded like the Crowd got into the twenties before the ref hit the mat a third time!


Lady Mic Stand asks Charlotte about her NXT Women's Championship match NEXT week. Charlotte reminds us all that Banks has never beat her one on one and that the championship will be in the right place next week.


Tyler Breeze has some words for Hideo Itami. Apparently Itami fell into Breeze's trap and he's gonna get squished like a cockroach.


Next week Sami Zayn will address the NXT Universe! They show Zayn's work in Abu Dhabi.



BAYLEY IS HERE! Becky Lynch is out next. Huge Bayley chants as the bell rings, and already this match is longer than Raw's Diva's match. 8 dudes chant Becky Lynch and get booed down. Lateral press with a nice bridge out by Becky. Becky dominates early. Hits what Rich calls a pump handle suplex. Her series of three leg drops. Bayley turns the tide. Hits her leaping through the bottom corner drop kick she did at "Rival". Needs to work on that one a little more. Though I'm all about the effort. Side mounted right hands from Bayley. High velocity shoulder driven to Becky's gut. Three jumping back elbows. Bayley starts to hoist Becky for the top rope bayley to belly, but Becky targets the shoulder. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly, but Becky blocks Yeah Alliteration! – locks in a nasty arm bar and makes it worse by mounting the shoulder and REALLY wrenching back. Bayley taps. Becky wins. Becky points at the crowd and lets them know "In YOUR Face… In YOUR Face… In YOUR FACE!" She celebrates we cut away.


Rhyno with Lady Mic Stand. Why are people shocked to see Rhyno in NXT? He tuned in, and he saw intensity and fire of NXT. The same intensity and fire he's always had! So he's gonna make it to the top by cutting people in half with a GORE! GORE! GORE!


Jason Jordan is chased down. Asked about leaving Dillenger high and dry, but says he'll give us an explanation when he's good and ready.


Main Event time, y'all! Kevin Owens is a guest on Commentary. THE Brian Kendrick is out first. Crowd gives him a "welcome back". He takes a lap congratulating himself for his return. Balor is out next. Balor stink eyes Owens when he comes out. Owens' opinion of Finn "extremely talented in ring competitor, but like Zayn and Neville – he will fall." Quick start. Kendrick tweaks his ankle flipping into the ring. Balor gives him space. Owens says that's a mistake. The match takes it to the ground. Speed picks up and Balor hits a nice dropkick. The story here is actually between Riley and Owens have a few terse exchanges. Riley staying on Owens about his treatment of Zayn and Owens saying that is why Riley was never a champion. This is brilliantly uncomfortable. Graves and Rich drive this home nicely. Owens decides to cut his guest announcing duties short. Back in the ring with the announcers back into things. Nasty chop by Balor. Taking him corner to corner to corner to corner… but doesn't chop in the final corner and the crowd groans with disappointment. Kendrick catches Finn with a boot and a leaping off the middle rope DDT. Missile Dropkick and… oh sweet mercy… NASTY tiger suplex. That was scary. Kendrick going for "THE Kendrick", but Balor hits a diving clothesline. Follows up with the Sling Blade. High velocity dropkick into the corner. Double STOMP. Coup de Grace. Seals it. Nice little return match for Kendrick. Finn celebrates. Crowd chants Finn. Owens stands at the top of the ramp. Stare. Down. O' … DOOOOOOOOOM! Owens then walks over to Riley… RUN ALEX… RUN!

He didn't listen to me. Owens just threw Riley over the table. Balor is like "Dude, whats up wit dat?" Owens walks off. And… scene.


So I'm thinking this was first step to Riley getting back into the ring. Be interested to see if they go slower burn for this or if Riley attacks, or demands a match… OR? Gonna need a MONTAGE! Sports Training Montage! Solid story work this week. With Breeze and Itami continuing. Tag Team breaking up. Starting with Balor and Owens AND beginning whatever the deal with Riley and Owens might be.

It was a solid week. Nothing spectacular in ring wise. Bayley and Becky to me was probably the best bell to bell match. Kendrick and Balor was decent, but unspectacular. Fell a little flat for me considering who was involved. I think all the story telling there distracts from the in ring action. It was a good episode for furthering or kicking off storylines.

See you next week 0 Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:16:27 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Blogs Other Blogs ACH Adam Cole AJ Styles Bobby Fish Brian Kendrick Bryan Danielson Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels CM Punk Corey Graves Daniel Bryan Drew Gulak Frankie Kazarian GFW Global Force Wrestling Jay Briscoe Jay Letal JBL Jerry Lawler Kevin Kelly Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Michael Cole Minoru Suzuki New Japan Pro Wrestling Nigel McGuinness NJPW reDRagon Ring of Honor ROH Silas Young Steve Corino Tag Wars The Addiction The Briscoes TNA WWE Honorable Mention ROH TV 12/27/14 By Mark Adam Haggerty Everybody needs somebody sometime and for me it's the internet wrestling community, because as annoying as I may find you on a daily basis I cannot imagine life without you! I apologize for my week-long absence as I was visiting family for the holidays in my […]

Honorable Mention
ROH TV 12/27/14
By Mark Adam Haggerty

Everybody needs somebody sometime and for me it's the internet wrestling community, because as annoying as I may find you on a daily basis I cannot imagine life without you! I apologize for my week-long absence as I was visiting family for the holidays in my home state of New Jersey. Since touching back down in Southern California however I've felt the journalistic itch and here I am scratching away per usual! While most televised promotions have already cut production weeks back in an effort to capitalize on maximum viewership going into the New Year, ROH is delivering another flawless program complete with not one but two main event caliber contests.

The entire show had a hint of seasonal celebration, and not just for the generic holidays as most ROH talent made no bones about explicitly saying, "Christmas" rather than one of the more politically correct alternatives. Not that I care—this is "Cheap-Heat" not NPR, and nobody loves a good unsecular slip up more than this guy, I just thought it was peculiar as Ring of Honor is the property of the multi-media juggernaut known as Sinclair Broadcasting. The warm wishes from ROH alum were surprisingly heartfelt and included The Briscoes talking gibberish or whatever it is that they do; Jay Lethal's especially jolly disposition claiming that he would be the TV champion forever; but Adam Cole clearly won the Battle of the One-Liners when he said, “More and more women are ending up on the Naughty List this year because they want some �Cole' in their stocking.” Missed opportunity, Michael Cole. A tragically missed opportunity.

Kevin Kelly is always so excited as soon as the cameras start rolling and the crane cam comes swooping in toward both he and his broadcast colleague. If I was looking as festively plump as Mr. Kelly this holiday season, I would cherish the moments that I wasn't paraded around in front of a national television audience, but that's just me—self-conscious as always, I suppose. Steve Corino on the other hand may in fact be one of the best competitors-turned-commentators in the sport today, although who else even falls into that category anymore? Jerry Lawler, JBL, and Corey Graves? The man is far more entertaining and unquestionably more knowledgeable than any of the aforementioned WWE personalities, not to mention he's far more likeable by comparison. Although I'm not sure whether I should attribute the endearing facets of Steve Corino to his personality or what appears to be either a lazy eye or some insanely strong spectacles. In any case and regardless of the fun I may poke at both ROH desk jockeys, Kelly and Corino are perhaps the best pair of wrestling announcers working today and I salute them for an incredible year calling some amazing action.

Whenever I have a friend who's eager to learn more about ROH but I know they're more commonly caught up on the WWE product, I generally preface their viewing pleasure by asking that they give the lesser-known talents the same chance they afford workers whom they already know. Everybody's excited to see Matt Sydal and Jay Lethal square off, and who isn't all about AJ Styles whenever he makes a rare ROH appearance courtesy of his contract with NJPW? But it's important not to ignore the Cedric Alexanders and Silas Youngs of the world who've yet to make their mark as action figures or on Slurpee Cups. More often than not when I attempt to sell an independent or international event to a friend their first question is, "Who's going to be there?" Meaning: "Who from the WWE or TNA is going to be wrestling? Because I don't care about Drew Gulak or Minoru Suzuki." I try and compromise with the "McMahonequins" of the world by stressing the importance of witnessing a rising star before it bursts high above for the world to see; if you watch Ring of Honor, you might see the next CM Punk or Bryan Danielson before they even become a blip on WWE's radar.

Sort of a strangely placed spot for a pro-indie wrestling rant, but that's how I'm going to segue into my thoughts on a somewhat unknown talent to the casual cable wrestling fan—Adam Cole, bay bay! I have quite a bit to say both about Cole, as well as his hotly-contested throw-down with former WWE World Championship contender Brian Kendrick. First of all, I think it's fairly clear that Adam Cole could be the next gem plucked by Connecticut Talent Scouts from ROH's highly lucrative diamond mine. Standing at what easily passes for six feet tall on television, Cole seems to possess the charismatic nuances that the big leagues value, as well as the same athletic edge that makes most former ROH World Champions such extremely hot commodities. Unlike a majority of his peers on the independent circuit who rely more on cultivating their mat-based ability than perfecting their theatrical presentation, Cole is able to develop a consistent character that translates to any audience, whether he's performing in front of hundreds or thousands, in Kentucky or at Korakuen Hall. When a cliché is warranted, I'm happy to dust it off and toss it in with the rest of my writing—Adam Cole has, "IT" plain and simple.

I was among the many viewers who welcomed Brian Kendrick back with open arms and justified jubilation, as it's almost flattering whenever a big name returns to perform for a smaller yet in some ways more appreciative fan base. Kendrick wasted little time in reconnecting with those who may have forgotten what an incredibly talented worker he truly is. From the get-go I was happy to witness a handshake, even if it was quickly thwarted by Kendrick's impeccably educated feet, appearing to be a reaction to Cole's unequivocal arrogance. I found Steve Corino's shallow attempt at putting Kendrick over to be comical yet questionable as relates to the matter at hand; Corino went into expressed detail about how he and Kendrick have known one another for thirteen years and even have the same birthday, when all I wanted was clarification as to why Kendrick stood any chance of beating the former world champion. I understand that Brian Kendrick is just as talented and has several years' worth of experience on the far younger Adam Cole, but Kayfabe will undoubtedly die when we continuously choose to ignore it. What an incredible match when you take into account the number of eyeballs on any given episode of Ring of Honor Television—I'm not even sure that's the official name of the show, I've just fallen into the habit of calling it ROH TV. You hear a lot of old timer's try to remain relevant nowadays, giving the younger generation condescending advice as it relates to not bumping the same for a house show as they might for pay-per-view events. And while that makes all the sense in the world, there's still a lot to be said for the ROH talent who give 110% of themselves on a weekly basis despite knowing nobody's watching except for a handful of die-hard fans like you and me.

While Cole maintained the edge for the majority of the match, the superstar formerly known as, "Spanky" was not without formidable offense of his own. As the momentum waned and reversal attempts begot near-falls, a Super Kick battle broke out featuring two of the best in the business. If you need help putting Cole's ring presence into perspective, search no further than the almost archaic way in which he employs several all-but-extinct heel tendencies—pacing back and forth around Kendrick attempting to belittle the underdog at every turn. Corino continues putting over the colorful career of Brian Kendrick, this time adding to the match by making mention that Brian's toured Japan over forty times. Although the internet fans were more than likely able to predict Cole's success in this seemingly meaningless exhibition, Kendrick did all he could to convince even the smartest of marks that this contest could go any way at any time. Perhaps the most pivotal point occurred when Cole went for another kick to the jaw and instead caught Kendrick in the leg. It was only a matter of time before Cole was hip to Kendrick's assault pattern and was thus able to ward off even the most innovative pin-fall attempts. Adam Cole had victory in his sights, securing such by first properly placing another Super Kick, catching the now-desperate Kendrick in midair coming out of some sort of springboard attempt. The 1-2-3 was finally earned following Cole's cunning and colloquially named "Florida Keys"—a cross arm variation on the German Suplex, referred to by some as, "The Straight Jacket Suplex." A two and a half star match with plenty to get excited about from beginning to end.

The main event and last match for ROH in 2014 is ever-so-fittingly the finale of Tag Wars 2014. It's almost a daily basis by this point that I'll hear how the tag team scene is dead and needs to be resurrected, to which I say, "Get out from of the bubble in which you're living because tag team wrestling is alive and well." You also don't need to take a thirteen hour flight to Tokyo to catch some of the best and brightest talents to currently call themselves tag team wrestlers. This match was spectacular on a variety of levels, and if I don't first mention the championship stakes I'd of course be ignoring the most important part. The bizarre thing about ROH in contrast to much of their competition is that their championship titles actually carry with them a fair amount of prestige. ReDragon is arguably the best tag team in the world, and they've got the dual hardware draped across their shoulders to prove it. I've said it before, but as the world gets higher on the enormously talented Kyle O'Reilly I hold my ground that Bobby Fish is one of the best wrestlers in the world and the standout star of the two. While TNA might deliver a four-way comprised of eight mismatched wrestlers and WWE just calls the first four teams that aren't already booked, the Ring of Honor tag titles are being defended in a dramatic contest by the best team in the world against two of the other best teams in the world—plus ACH and Matt Sydal.

Nigel McGuinness finds his way to ringside as he regularly does during main event matches, and much to my delight as I love everything about Nigel. Seriously, if you haven't been reading my Top Podcast Countdown each week, you'd be interested to know that Nigel is among the many reasons I'm always so happy with Nerdist's Wrestling Compadres Slamcast. He's an incredibly intelligent man with lofty goals inside the industry that only someone of his character could ever hope to accomplish. As for his abilities as a broadcaster, Nigel never claimed to be the second coming of Gordon Solie and for what he provides I'm generally very pleased. Matt Sydal and ACH as I just mentioned are the wild card pairing standing toe to toe with three of the best tag teams of the last ten years. I have to say, Matt Sydal is a lot cooler than Evan Bourne; the hair, the jacket, the music all come together to generate a wrestling superstar the likes of which we've never seen before. And ACH? If a new age talent like Sydal was going to pick anyone to tag with, who better than the pride of Ring of Honor, the thrill-seeking, record setting ACH?

I find the blind tag nature of the match very enticing as I grew up during the Attitude Era where multi-team tag matches were the norm and elimination rules were all but the name of the game. Everybody knows that I have some political opposition to the Briscoe Brothers outside the squared circle, but Geeze Louise, I can't deny what Dem Boys are capable of when the bell sounds. Jay Briscoe never has any trouble proving why he is the deserving and more importantly defending ROH World Champion, and his brother Mark always has a habit of earning my admiration within the first few minutes of any match. When the Briscoes were the first team to be eliminated, all three men at ringside appeared utterly flabbergasted, which I thought was an awfully strange reaction. Once again, conserving Kayfabe is always on the tip-top of my list of priorities, but given your target audience I'm willing to bet the majority of viewers weren't shocked when the WORLD CHAMPION didn't win the Tag Titles, especially not on a taped program, and ESPECIALLY not mere days before reDragon's set to appear in Japan for Wrestle Kingdom 9. But still, the always elated Kevin Kelly just couldn't wrap his head around how the "clear favorites" were eliminated.

I have to admit that by this point in the match my interest in ACH and Sydal had gone the way of the dinosaurs and I was anxious to see the match break down into a two-on-two featuring The Addiction and reDragon. In fact at one point as the two presumably more formidable teams battled inside the ring, I couldn't spot ACH and Sydal anywhere and even thought out loud, "Were they eliminated and I missed it?" But man I must like the taste of leather because I keep putting my foot in my mouth; once my curiosity peaked I was privy to an onslaught of aerial assaults courtesy of the high flying duo who nobody thought could compete. As Kazarian made the ill-fated attempt for the Flux Capacitor, the gruesome twosome of Sydal and ACH managed to flip the script and catch The Addiction in the crosshairs of their most vicious combination yet. Following the elimination of The Addiction, it became clear that Fish and O'Reilly would retain their titles, but the questions became how would it happen and how long would it take? The answer to both would be one word: fast. ReDragon is a fundamentally fluid tag team who makes the most elegant of situations appear almost mundane; the pair uses more than just a variety of double-team maneuvers, but are instead able to turn the most regular of rest-holds into individually choreographed works of art. Despite a short lived upheaval by their last remaining challengers, Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish were able to come out on top, not only in this championship contest but as the champions of Tag Wars 2014.

I thought this was an incredible hour of professional wrestling and I hope other promotions can borrow a cue from the ladies and gentlemen that work to make every episode of Ring of Honor as wonderful as it is. The lesson learned for larger companies is that less is more, why do in three hours what can be accomplished in one? I'm impressed with the detail and dedication that went into this December 27th edition of TV; when most of the competition has taken official breaks in programming, it would have been especially easy for ROH to take it slow themselves. I'm optimistic about what 2015 holds for Ring of Honor as 2014 was a monumental year in itself, the only thing for ROH to do now is move forward and continue to grow. Hopefully as GFW and NJPW work to draw more eyes to a non-WWE product, so too will ROH have a spike in popularity. Until next time, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty thanking you your loyalty and promising to be back each and every week delivering you "The Honorable Mention." 0 Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:18:23 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Brian Kendrick Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Kevin Kelly Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Nigel McGuinness reDRagon Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Steve Corino Tag Wars 2014 The Addiction The Briscoes We start off the show with The Briscoes, Jay Lethal, and Adam Cole wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. We are in Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly. Before the match starts, we get comments from Adam Cole in the Cabana Corner and he says that for the first time he […]

We start off the show with The Briscoes, Jay Lethal, and Adam Cole wishing everyone a Merry Christmas .

We are in Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly.

Before the match starts, we get comments from Adam Cole in the Cabana Corner and he says that for the first time he faces Brian Kendrick. He says Brian is a talented wrestler. He wants Brian to look in the mirror and ask himself if he can beat Adam Cole. If he says no, he has already lost. If he says yes, then he is a fool. He says that he will prove to Brian what he has proven to everyone in Ring of Honor, his face is Ring of Honor.

Match Number One: Brian Kendrick versus Adam Cole

Kendrick with a boot to the head before the bell ring and Cole goes to the floor. Kendrick goes for a suicide dive but Cole with an enzuigiri. Cole sends Kendrick to the apron and Kendrick flips over Cole as Cole goes to the floor. Kendrick with a suicide dive onto Cole. Kendrick goes up top and he hits a cross body but he runs into a knee. Cole sends Kendrick into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Kendrick. The referee warns Cole as he continues to kick Kendrick in the corner.

Cole with an Irish whip and Kendrick floats over. Kendrick lands on his feet when Cole tries to flip him and Kendrick with a victory roll for a near fall. Kendrick with a side head lock take down. Cole gets to his feet and he backs Kendrick into the corner. Kendrick avoids a punch from Cole and he connects with forearms. Cole gets Kendrick on his shoulders as Kendrick tries to float over. Kendrick gets back to his feet. Cole tries for a German suplex but Kendrick lands on his feet and Kendrick with a super kick and then he tries for Sliced Bread #2 but Cole is able to send Kendrick to the floor.

We go to commercial and we get Christmas wishes from Roderick Strong.

We are back and Cole kicks Kendrick in the head as he shows him no respect. Kendrick with a shoulder and forearms. Cole with a kick and then he get Kendrick on his shoulder when Kendrick tries for a leap frog and Cole hits a Death Valley Neck Breaker for a near fall. Cole sends Kendrick into the turnbuckles and Cole with a forearm followed by a hard Irish whip.

Cole with a back breaker to Kendrick and he gets a near fall. Cole with a reverse chin lock. Kendrick with elbows but Cole with a sleeper. Kendrick with elbows but Cole tries for another sleeper but Kendrick drops down and gets a victory roll for a near fall. Kendrick with a backslide for another near fall. Cole with a bicycle kick to Kendrick. Cole runs into an elbow and then Kendrick with a boot. Kendrick with another kick and then Cole is sent into the apron.

Kendrick with a full nelson but Cole escapes and hits an enzuigiri followed by a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Cole pulls down his knee pad and he sets for another Shining Wizard but Kendrick ducks and Kendrick with a rollup for a near fall. Kendrick charges into the corner while Cole sets for a super kick so Kendrick stops short and covers his face. That forces Cole to hit a super kick to the knees and then Cole goes to the turnbuckles. Kendrick stops Cole with forearms. Kendrick tries for a superplex but Cole with punches to the midsection and then Cole with a sunset flip power bomb followed by a Shining Wizard for a near fall.

Cole tries for a suplex but Kendrick lands on his feet and hits a drop kick followed by a Burning Hammer for a near fall. Kendrick with a full nelson but Cole with an elbow to escape the hold. Cole misses an enzuigiri but Kendrick does not miss with a running back senton. Kendrick tries for Sliced Bread #2 but this time he is crotched on the top turnbuckle by Cole. Cole climbs the turnbuckles for German superplex but Kendrick lands on his feet and Cole is stuck in the Tree of Woe. Kendrick with a drop kick.

Kendrick with a Dragon suplex for a near fall. Kendrick goes to the apron and when he goes for a springboard move, Cole with a super kick followed by a brainbuster shoulder breaker and Florida Key for the three count.

Winner: Adam Cole

We go to commercial with the Briscoes talking about how they will become the tag team champions tonight when they win Tag Wars. Mark says tonight is the night they will finally slay the dragons.

We are back and Nigel McGuinness joins Steve and Kevin at the announce table .

We see how the three challengers made their way to the finals of Tag Wars.

Before our main event starts, we go to the Cabana Corner for comments from the tag team champions with Kyle dressed in a very appropriate Christmas themed sweater . Bobby tells Kyle it is that time of year. Bobby says that all he wants for Christmas is to be the best team on God's green. Kyle says that he loves Christmas, but there is one thing he loves more . . . gold.

Match Number Two: ACH and Matt Sydal versus Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe versus Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian versus Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly for the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles in the finals of Tag Wars 2014

ACH and Kazarian start things off. They lock up and Kazarian with a waist lock and drop toe hold into a side head lock. ACH with a top wrist lock and take down but Kazarian with a front face lock. ACH counters into a side head lock. Kazarian with a forearm to the ribs and Daniels tags in and he clotheslines ACH. Daniels sends Kazarian onto ACH with a belly-to-back drop. Daniels with a quebrada for a near fall.

ACH escapes a suplex attempt and he sends Daniels into a boot from Sydal. Sydal tags in and he hits a running clothesline into the corner. ACH with a sliding clothesline to the floor. Sydal with a jumping leg lariat followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Sydal has a suplex blocked and then Daniels with a back body drop before he tags in Fish. Fish with a kick to the back of the leg. Sydal with a jumping back heel kick. Sydal tries for a springboard move but Jay makes the tag. Sydal doesn't know why that happened so Jay apologizes with a forearm to force Sydal to the floor.

Fish with a knee and he tags in O'Reilly. Jay with a European uppercut and then he sends Kyle into the corner and follows with a kick and he chokes Kyle. Mark tags in and he hits a running clothesline into the corner followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Mark with an arm bar and modified camel clutch but Mark adds some cross faces to Fish. Mark with a belly-to-back into an uranage and then he tags in Jay who kicks Kyle.

Jay with head butts followed by a drop kick but Daniels tags in and Jay and Daniels argue. They shake hands and Jay goes to the corner but Kyle pushes Daniels into Jay and since Jay didn't see that Daniels was pushed into him (and Mark couldn't tell Jay what happened), Jay and Daniels exchange punches. That brings Mark and Kazarian into the ring to try to break things up. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Fish and O'Reilly go after ACH and Sydal on the apron.

Fish and O'Reilly go to the apron where they celebrate what they just did while The Briscoes and Addiction fight in the ring by posing for the fans. Then they see Fish and O'Reilly on the apron so they have a Christmas Cease Fire to set their sights on Fish and O'Reilly. They bring Fish and O'Reilly into the ring and they pinball the champions before they fall to the floor.

Jay with a flying clothesline that sends Kazarian and himself to the floor. Mark with a kick to Daniels but Daniels with a back body drop and Mark lands on his feet. Daniels avoids an enzuigiri and Daniels hits an STO. Daniels sets for a dive to the floor but Jay intercepts and gets Daniels on his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver . Kazarian sends Jay to the apron and then Jay goes for a shoulder from the apron but Kazarian sees it coming and he avoids it and hits a leg drop that has Jay hanging on the middle rope. Kazarian with a plancha into a sunset flip power bomb that sends Jay to the floor.

Fish picks up Kazarian and runs him into the guardrails. Fish sets for the flying drop kick off the apron but Daniels clotheslines Kyle on the apron and he goes to the floor. ACH taps Daniels on the back and chops him. ACH ducks a clothesline from Daniels and hits a Fosbury Flop onto Fish and O'Reilly on the floor. Daniels tries for a hip toss to send Sydal over the top rope to the floor but Sydal stops himself on the top rope and he hits a double sledge onto Kazarian, Fish, O'Reilly, and his own tag team partner.

Daniels figures that so many people are stopping his runs to the floor that he goes for an Arabian press onto Sydal and ACH. Back in the ring, Mark Briscoe sees Daniels going after his brother on the floor for Angel's Wings so Mark goes up top but Kazarian with a boot to the head to knock Mark back into the ring.

Sydal is sent into the guardrails while Kazarian hits a belly-to-back onto Daniels' knees for a gutbuster to pin Mark.

Jay and Mark Briscoe Eliminated

Fish and O'Reilly go after Daniels and Kazarian in the ring and the send Kazarian to the floor. Fish and O'Reilly kick Daniels.

We go to commercial with Christmas wishes from ACH.

We are back and Kyle kicks Daniels and chokes him in the corner. Fish comes in and Daniels sends Kyle into Bobby and he tags in Kazarian. Daniels with an elbow and then he hits a curb stomp on Kyle followed by a forearm to Fish while Kazarian gets a near fall on Kyle. Kazarian with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Kazarian sends Kyle into Daniels' boot and he tags in. Daniels with a hard Irish whip followed by a suplex for a near fall.

Daniels with a forearm to Kyle. Kyle spits at Daniels and then he goes to the floor with Daniels following after him. Kyle stops Daniels in the ring and that allows Fish to kick Daniels in the back of the leg. Kyle with an arm wringer to take Daniels to the mat while Fish knocks Kazarian off the apron. Fish gets a near fall. Fish with a wrist lock and uppercut to the injured arm. Fish with a snap mare followed by a double jump slingshot senton for a near fall.

Kyle tags in and he hits a knee to the ribs while Fish keeps Daniels from getting to his corner. Kyle with a knee drop to the midsection for a near fall. Kyle with a rear chin lock into a quarter nelson and chin lock. Daniels with elbows to Kyle and he tries for a sunset flip but Kyle counters into a cross arm breaker. Fish keeps Daniels from getting to the ropes on one side but Daniels gets to the ropes to force Kyle to release the hold.

Fish tags back in and he kicks Daniels. Fish with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Fish mocks Kazarian but that allows Daniels to recover for a moment and he gets in a few punches. Fish with a kick and Kyle tags in and he connects with a running boot to Kazarian to knock him off the apron. Daniels with punches and chops to Kyle. Kyle with kicks but Daniels with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Fish tags in and Daniels cannot tag in Kazarian because Fish hits a baseball slide on Kazarian. Daniels with an STO and Sydal tags in. Sydal with a head scissors and drop kick to Fish. Kyle comes in and he tries for a German suplex but Sydal blocks it. ACH comes in and he hits a drop kick on Kyle. Sydal with the step over leg lariat drop for a near fall. Sydal goes up top and Kyle pushes Fish out of the way so he can take the double knee drop from Sydal since he is not the legal man in the match.

ACH, who made the tag, hits a cross body on Fish for a near fall. ACH with a chop. Kyle with a knee to ACH's back and ACH knocks Kyle off the apron with a forearm. Fish tags Kazarian in and Frankie with a shoulder and a drop kick and back elbow. Kazarian with a float over into a swinging neck breaker on Sydal.

ACH with chops followed by an Irish whip and he tries to monkey flip Kazarian towards Sydal but Kazarian turns it into a modified spear that sends Sydal into the turnbuckles. Kazarian with a hip toss neck breaker and he tags in Daniels. Daniels ties up ACH for Kazarian to hit a springboard leg drop to the back of the neck and Daniels gets a near fall that is broken up by Sydal. Daniels punches Sydal but Sydal with a leaping knee to Daniels. Kazarian with a forearm to Sydal and then Sydal goes for a springboard move but Kazarian counters it into a cutter.

ACH misses two enzuigiris, but he does not miss the third and Kazarian goes down. ACH with chops and forearms Daniels. Both men go for cross bodies and they both go down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Daniels with a running palm thrust to ACH. Daniels puts ACH on the turnbuckles and connects with another palm thrust. ACH pushes Daniels off the turnbuckles. Kazarian with a kick to ACH and he climbs the turnbuckles but Sydal stops Kazarian. They push Kazarian off the turnbuckles to the floor. Daniels climbs the turnbuckles and he goes for a superplex on Sydal but ACH holds on to Sydal. Sydal knocks Daniels off the turnbuckles. Sydal with a Shooting Star Press followed by a 450 splash to pin Daniels.

Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels eliminated

Kyle and Bobby attack ACH and Sydal now that we are down to two teams. Fish sends Sydal to the floor as they focus on the legal man. Fish with an elbow to ACH and he tags in Kyle. They set for Chasing the Dragon but ACH gets to his feet and he pushes Kyle into Bobby. Sydal with a leaping knee strike to the head of Fish. Kyle with a knee to ACH but Sydal with a leaping knee to Kyle.

Sydal with a body scissors to send Kyle to the floor and then Sydal sets for an Asai Moonsault onto Kyle, but Fish with a leg sweep that knocks Sydal off the apron and to the floor. ACH with the springboard flip dive onto Fish and O'Reilly on the floor. ACH sends Kyle into the ring and he goes up top for the 450 splash but Kyle moves and ACH hits the mat hard. Fish with a running knee into the corner followed by a running kick from Kyle.

Fish with a back breaker and Kyle comes off the turnbuckles with a knee to the head while ACH is on Fish's knee. Kyle gets a near fall but Sydal breaks it up. Fish with a forearm to Sydal but Sydal with chops and kicks to Fish and O'Reilly. Kyle blocks a kick form Sydal and Fish with a back heel kick to Sydal. Kyle with a kick and forearm to Sydal followed by a Saito suplex to Sydal that sends him to the floor.

Kyle with a forearm to ACH followed by a high low combination to ACH and Chasing the Dragon for the three count.

Winners: Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly

We go to credits with BJ Whitmer refusing to wish people a Merry Christmas.

Credit: PWInsider 0 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 07:35:58 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha "Brutal" Bob Evans ACH Adam Cole BJ Whitmer Bob Evans Bobby Fish Brian Kendrick Brutal Burgers Caprice Coleman Cedric Alexander Cheeseburger Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian Hanson J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson Papadon reDRagaon Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Briscoes The Decade The Young Bucks Tommaso Ciampa Truth Martini Will Ferrara The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor Wrestling live event. The event took place on November 22nd, 2014 at the William J. Myers Pavillion in Baltimore, Maryland. ROH Tag Wars 2014 First Round Match The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) defeated Jay Lethal & J. Diesel (w/Truth Martini). ROH Tag Wars […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor Wrestling live event. The event took place on November 22nd, 2014 at the William J. Myers Pavillion in Baltimore, Maryland.

ROH Tag Wars 2014 First Round Match
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) defeated Jay Lethal & J. Diesel (w/Truth Martini).

ROH Tag Wars 2014 First Round Match
The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) defeated The Decade (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer).

ROH Tag Wars 2014 First Round Match
ACH & Matt Sydal defeated The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson).

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeated Papadon.

Tag Team Match
Caprice Coleman & Will Ferrara defeated Brutal Burgers (Cheeseburger & Bob Evans).

Singles Match
Michael Elgin vs. Hanson was declared a no contest.

No DQ Match
Tommaso Ciampa defeated Cedric Alexander.

Dark Match (Internet Exclusive Match)
Moose (w/Stokely Hathaway) defeated ???.

Singles Match
Adam Cole defeated Brian Kendrick.

ROH Tag Wars Finals Four-Way Elimination Match For The ROH World Tag Team Championships
reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) (c) defeated ACH & Matt Sydal, The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) and The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe). 0 Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:51:35 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Brian Kendrick D&D Security Danny Duggan Darrell Allen IPW IPW UK Isaac Zercher James Davis Jimmy Havoc John Klinger Kieran Donnelly Leah Von Dutch Mad Man Manson Magnus Marty Scurll Paul London RJ Singh Rob Lynch Robert Rose Scott Star Tennessee Honey The London Riots The following results are from a recent International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom live event. The event took place on November 16th, 2014 at the Snodland Community Centre in Snodland, Kent, England. Singles Match Robert Rose defeated Scott Star. Singles Match John Klinger defeated Mad Man Manson. 8 Man Tag Team Match Isaac Zercher, Jimmy Havoc […]

The following results are from a recent International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom live event. The event took place on November 16th, 2014 at the Snodland Community Centre in Snodland, Kent, England.

Singles Match
Robert Rose defeated Scott Star.

Singles Match
John Klinger defeated Mad Man Manson.

8 Man Tag Team Match
Isaac Zercher, Jimmy Havoc & The London Riots (James Davis & Rob Lynch) defeated Brian Kendrick, Paul Lodnon and D&D Security (Danny Duggan & Kieran Donnelly).

Singles Match
Tennessee Honey defeated Leah Von Dutch.

Singles Match
Magnus defeated Marty Scurll.

No Holds Barred Match For The All England Championship
RJ Singh defeated Darrell Allen to become the new Champion. 0 Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:58:15 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole Bobby Fish Brian Kendrick Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian HoT House of Truth J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Nick Jackson reDRagon Ring of Honor ROH Tag Wars The Addicition The Briscoes Young Bucks Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following: ACH & MATT SYDAL Added To Tag Wars 14! Our next stop in Baltimore will be extra special as we bring you THE ROAD TO FINAL BATTLE: TAG WARS 2014! We are less than 2 weeks away from our huge Charm City return on November 22nd. This […]

Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following:

ACH & MATT SYDAL Added To Tag Wars 14!

Our next stop in Baltimore will be extra special as we bring you THE ROAD TO FINAL BATTLE: TAG WARS 2014! We are less than 2 weeks away from our huge Charm City return on November 22nd. This is a special television taping and will air as future episodes of ROH TV!

TAG WARS is a unique single night tournament where ANY of the teams entered can end the evening as the ROH Tag Team Champions! Six contender teams will be entered. The first round consists of 3 tag matches as these six teams are pitted against each other. The three advancing teams will go on to the finals: a four-way elimination tag with reDRagon standing in the fourth corner. And the titles WILL be on the line!

Already confirmed for TAG WARS:

– The Young Bucks

– The Addiction

– Jay & Mark Briscoe

– The Decade (BJ Whitmer & Jimmy

– The House of Truth (Jay Lethal & J. Diesel)



The final team entered into TAG WARS comes as a total surprise! These two athletes have never teamed together. In fact, just last weekend in Columbus, ACH and Sydal competed AGAINST each other in the first round of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! But after a closely contested battle, they left with nothing but respect for each other.

Now the two highest flyers in ROH are going after the ROH World Tag Team Championship! Just a week a after ACH has his first World Title opportunity, he'll be gunning for the tag titles, too. This team is sure to have fans buzzing before they've had a single match. ACH and Matt Sydal are arguably the most innovative athletes in Ring of Honor. Combining their talents into one cohesive unit might be what it takes to go all the way!

Don't miss out on TAG WARS 2014! For tickets to be there live, click HERE .


William J. Myers Pavilion
4300 West Bay Ave.
Baltimore, Md. 21225
Doors open 5:00pm / 6:00 PM bell time.

ROH Teams with Toys For Tots
When you bring an unwrapped new toy or make a cash donation to TOYS FOR TOTS you will receive a FREE posed photo with ROH World Champion Jay and his brother Mark – THE BRISCOES

Matches signed

Adam Cole vs. Brian Kendrick

No DQ Grudge Match
Tommaso Ciampa vs Cedric Alexander

Signed to appear:
– Roderick Strong
– Hanson
– Caprice Coleman
– Brutal Bob & Cheeseburger
– Will Ferrara
– Plus … Fox 45 in Baltimore's own Traffic Jam Jimmy! 0 Mon, 03 Nov 2014 21:42:37 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Big Damo Brian Kendrick BT Gunn Carmel Chris Renfrew Darkside Dickie Divers Drew Galloway Grado ICW Insane Championship Wrestling Jack Jester Jackie Polo James R. Kennedy Joe Coffey Joe Hendry Kay Lee Ray Kenny Williams Kid Fite Liam Thompson Lionheart Michael Dante Mikey Whiplash New Age Kliq Noam Dar Paul London Polo Promotions Sha Samuels Stevie Boy Sumerian Death Squad Tommy End Wolfgang ICW Fear & Loathing VIISunday November 2, 2014Glasgow Barrowlands Ballroom ICW Zero-G Championship – Four-Way – Kenny Williams defeated Big Damo, Kid Fite & Joe Hendry w/James R. Kennedy by Pinfall to retain the ICW Zero-G Championship. 2 Out Of 3 Falls – Liam Thomson & Carmel defeated Stevie Boy & Kay Lee Ray by […]

ICW Fear & Loathing VII
Sunday November 2, 2014
Glasgow Barrowlands Ballroom

ICW Zero-G Championship – Four-Way
– Kenny Williams defeated Big Damo, Kid Fite & Joe Hendry w/James R. Kennedy by Pinfall to retain the ICW Zero-G Championship.

2 Out Of 3 Fall s
– Liam Thomson & Carmel defeated Stevie Boy & Kay Lee Ray by 2 Falls to 1.

– Prior to the Sumerian Death Squad vs New Age Kliq, Sumerian Death Squad brought a bodybag to the ring, opening it to reveal Mikey Whiplash, who joined them.

Six-Man Tag Team
– Sumerian Death Squad (Tommy End, Michael Dante & Mikey Whiplash) defeated New Age Kliq (Chris Renfrew, Darkside & Dickie Divers) by Pinfall.

Last Man Standing
– BT Gunn vs Wolfgang ended in a draw as neither man could answer the count.

– Following the match, Wolfgang challenged BT Gunn to a rematch at �The Fourth Annual Square Go' inside a steel cage.

ICW Tag Team Championship
– Polo Promotions defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick by Pinfall to become the new ICW Tag Team champions.

– Following the match, Jackie Polo spoke about Lionheart. Lionheart came to the ring and both men fought with each other. Lionheart challenged Jackie Polo to a match on March 29th at �Barramania'.

Best Of 5 Series
– “The Decider” Joe Coffey defeated Noam Dar by Pinfall to win the Best Of 5 Series, 3-2.

– Sha Samuels defeated Grado by Pinfall*.

*Martin Stone got involved in the match which allowed Sha Samuels to pick up the victory.

ICW Heavyweight Championship
– Drew Galloway defeated Jack Jester by Pinfall to become the new ICW Heavyweight champion.

the full event is available to view on ICW’s On Demand service – available for only ВЈ3.99/$5.99 per month. ! 0 Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:24:32 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Addy Starr Brian Kendrick Dama O'Connor Danny Blaze Doug Williams Douglas Williams Jimmy Havoc Jonny Storm Kay Lee Ray Martin Stone Michael Dante Nikki Storm Paul London Paul Robinson Pollyanna Rhia O'Reilly RJ Singh Sam Nayler The Sumerian Death Squad Tommy End X Wrestling Alliance XWA The following results are from a recent X Wrestling Alliance live event. The event took place on November 1st, 2014 at the Liquid & Envy Nightclub in Colchester, England. Tag Team Match The Sumerian Death Squad (Tommy End & Michael Dante) defeated RJ Singh & Paul Robinson. Singles Match Rhia O'Reilly defeated Addy Starr. Singles […]

The following results are from a recent X Wrestling Alliance live event. The event took place on November 1st, 2014 at the Liquid & Envy Nightclub in Colchester, England.

Tag Team Match
The Sumerian Death Squad (Tommy End & Michael Dante) defeated RJ Singh & Paul Robinson.

Singles Match
Rhia O'Reilly defeated Addy Starr.

Singles Match
Doug Williams defeated Brian Kendrick.

PRO-Wrestling:EVE Championship Match
Nikki Storm (c) defeated Pollyanna.

Triple Threat Match
Sam Nayler defeated Jonny Storm and Danny Blaze.

Hardcore Rules Match
Kay Lee Ray defeated Jimmy Havoc.

Triple Threat Match For The XWA British Heavyweight Championship
Damo O'Connor (c) defeated Paul London and Martin Stone. 0 Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:37:12 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Brian Kendrick Bubblegum Charlie Garrett Chris Masters Dave Mastiff Dave Rayne El Ligero Jim Hunter Lee Hunter Mad Man Manson Martin Kirby Noam Dar Paul Lonon PCW Preston City Wrestling Rampage Brown Rich Swann T-Bone Team Single The Hunter Brothers Tyler Bate Uhaa Nation Zack Gibson The following results are from a recent Preston City Wrestling live event. The event took place on October 31st, 2014 at Evoque in Preston, England. Fatal Four Way Match Charlie Garrett defeated Rich Swann, Zack Gibson and Tyler Bate. PCW Tag Team Championship Match Team Single (Rampage Brown & T-Bone) (c) defeated The Hunter Brothers […]

The following results are from a recent Preston City Wrestling live event. The event took place on October 31st, 2014 at Evoque in Preston, England.

Fatal Four Way Match
Charlie Garrett defeated Rich Swann, Zack Gibson and Tyler Bate.

PCW Tag Team Championship Match
Team Single (Rampage Brown & T-Bone) (c) defeated The Hunter Brothers (Lee Hunter & Jim Hunter).

PCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Bubblegum (c) defeated Martin Kirby.

Tag Team Match
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Dave Rayne & Mad Man Manson was declared a double pin.

Singles Match
Uhaa Nation defeated Joey Hayes.

Open Challenge Match
Noam Dar defeated Charlie Garrett.

Singles Match
El Ligero defeated Mad Man Manson.

PCW Heavyweight Championship Match
Chris Masters (c) defeated Dave Mastiff. 0 Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:26:19 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Brian Kendrick BT Gunn Chris Renfrew Damo Dave Mastiff Dickie Divers Grado ICW Insane Championship Wrestling Jack Jester Jackie Polo Jimmy Havoc Joe Coffey Joe Hendry Kenny Williams Kid Fite Liam Thomson Mark Coffey New Age Kliq Noam Dar Paul London Stevie Boy Wolfgang The following results are from a recent Insane Championship Wrestling live event. The event took place on October 19th, 2014 at the O2 Academy in Birmingham, England. Singles Match Stevie Boy defeated Joe Hendry. ICW Tag Team Championship Match Brian Kendrick & Paul London defeated New Age Kliq (BT Gunn & Chris Renfrew) by DQ. […]

The following results are from a recent Insane Championship Wrestling live event. The event took place on October 19th, 2014 at the O2 Academy in Birmingham, England.

Singles Match
Stevie Boy defeated Joe Hendry.

ICW Tag Team Championship Match
Brian Kendrick & Paul London defeated New Age Kliq (BT Gunn & Chris Renfrew) by DQ.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Brian Kendrick, Paul London & Wolfgang defeated New Age Kliq (BT Gunn, Chris Renfrew & Dickie Divers).

Singles Match
Noam Dar defeated Liam Thomson.

Tag Team Match
Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey defeated Grado & Kenny Williams.

Singles Match
Joe Coffey defeated Kid Fite.

Singles Match
Damo defeated Dave Mastiff.

Hardcore Match For The ICW Heavyweight Championship
Jack Jester (c) defeated Jimmy Havoc. 0