WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 15 Jul 2015 07:14:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tue, 14 Apr 2015 06:47:35 +0000 Jer Polk Other Reviews Reviews Brian Myers Caleb Konley Cedric Alexander Charlotte North Carolina Cheap Heat Enemy Territory Joe Black John Skyler PJ Black PWX Pure PWX Wrestling The Bravado Brothers The1andonlyJer Worst Case Scenario PWX returned to Hickory on March 21st and were greeted with another long line of the most eager, and passionate fans awaiting to see what was in store for them at ‘Enemy Territory’. Former WWE Superstars PJ Black fka Justin Gabriel & Brian Myers fka Curt Hawkins made their PWX debuts alongside The Revolt! (Caleb […]


PWX returned to Hickory on March 21st and were greeted with another long line of the most eager, and passionate fans awaiting to see what was in store for them at ‘Enemy Territory’. Former WWE Superstars PJ Black fka Justin Gabriel & Brian Myers fka Curt Hawkins made their PWX debuts alongside The Revolt! (Caleb Konley & Zane Riley) “The Southern Savior” John Skyler, PWX Champion Cedric Alexander, Worst Case Scenario, The Bravado Brothers and many more of our mult-talented roster. Shots were fired in the tug of war between The Revolt and PWX Management, and a new # 1 contender to the PWX Championship was crowned in a stellar main event as the fans of Hickory were treated to another tremendous night of pro wrestling.

Worst Case Scenario (Ethan Case & Elijah Evans IV) def Timmy Lou Retton & Mickey Gambino
The longest reigning PWX tag team champions were in action for the first time since parting ways with their long time client manager THE Tommy Thomas and were given the challenge of a brand new tag team. Retton & Gambino had previously been seen in singles & 8 man tag action but teamed up for an impressive tag team debut in Hickory, the team held their own with one of PWX’s best teams isolating Ethan Case and making the match 2 on 1 for much of the contest. There were some hiccups as the first time tag team tried to get on the same page and when you face a team as cohesive and well oiled as Evans & Case you must be almost perfect to get the victory. The PWI Ultra J Champion Ethan Case was resilient as always and fired back on his opponents despite taking much of the offense in the match. Elijah Evans IV was tremendous once Case made the tag hitting a double clothesline, high arching drop kick and his patented “Blue Thunder Bomb”. Worst Case Scenario hit the assisted uppercut KO on Retton to foil a valiant effort by the newly formed tag team.

Mr. Elite Drew Meyers def Mason Maddox
Meyers came out in dockers, a blazer and boat shoes rather than his usual ring attire but he didn’t forget to bring his unwavering confidence in himself. Meyers is never at a loss for nice things to say…about himself at least as he berated the crowd and stroked his own ego before Mason Maddox hit the ring for his second match with PWX Wrestling. Maddox looked good here as he continues to make his name in PWX, the young man has all the tools and looks to be coming along well in developing them, Maddox hit a beautiful dropkick on the former ITV champion and controlled the match early on. For all his bravado and conceit,В  Mr Elite is far from a slouch in the ring and was just too much on this night for the young Mason Maddox. Myers used his mat wrestling skills and picture perfect suplexes and throws in route to picking up the win with a bridging german suplex.

Amber Young came to the ring and called out her former boyfriend Anthony Henry. The scorned Amber told Henry that she used to be the most precious thing in the world to him and now wrestling was. Amber left the ringside area as Henry stood there bewildered.

Best of 5 Series
“Do or Die” Chip Day (0-1) defВ  “The Black Cloud” Joe Black (1-0)
On the heels of their great opener from PWX’s 10th anniversary Ippv ‘Rise of a Champion X’ the management at PWX made the decision to institute a Best of 5 series between these two evenly matched competitors. Joe Black got the victory back in February so he entered the matchup with a 1 match lead, perhaps being down a match was all the motivation Chip Day neeeded as he came into the meeting in Hickory fired up. Day & Black engaged in a battle of strikes and one upsmanship that could’ve gone either way with Black looking like he’d extend his lead in the series but Chip Day managed to kick out of everything Joe threw at him and avoid the lethal lariat that put him away one month prior. in the end it was Chip Day who got the three count to even the series at 1 match a piece as the crowd showed their respect to each of man. There is a lot of business to be settled yet between Joe Black & Chip Day.

PWX Innovative Television Title Match
Lance Lude def (c)В  ‘Son of the South’ Billy Brash w/ Dany Only by DQ
The Innovative Teleivison Champion hit the ring with his new running mate, ‘The Human Hand Grenade’ Dany Only. Brash boasted about defeating “the best big man in wrestling” Moose the previous month and continued to tout his title reign (which is now over 6 months long) but The Son of the South was interrupted by the man he defeated for that championship, the returning LANCE LUDE! The crowd erupted for the return and Lude wasted no time in going right at the champion with kicks, dives and high energy, speedy offense nearly regaining the championship in no time but Brash stopped the momentum of Lude, grounding him and using his roughneck style offense to punish his adversary. Dany Only also played a big role once again using every opportunity to inject himself into the action distracting Lude, choking him and eventually helping Brash walk away with the ITV title still around his waist. Lude locked in the ‘Cristo’ and seemed to have the champion beaten but Only broke up the hold. Lude won the match via disqualification but Brash remains champion and he & Only had the last words with Only package piledriving Lude and The Son of the South hitting the “Mason-Dixon Line” before they left celebrating their “win”.

PWX Heavyweight Title Match
Cedric Alexander (c) def Zane Riley
Zane made his entrance in ‘Manscout’ Jake Manning’s singlet, we’ve seen several homages to Manning from The Revolt in recent months and as Zane was addressing the crowd as to the mision of The Revolt he was interrupted by the PWX Champion. Alexander proposed that this match needed to happen and offered to put the title on the line and we were off! The champion attacked immediately as there is no love lost between Cedric and The Revolt, Alexander has been one of the main targets of their gripes about PWX over the last few months and Alexander prefers to settle those debates in the middle of the ring. Riley, who is synonomous with fun, light hearted matches was invovled in something totatlly different at Enemy Territory, a FIGHT, a FIGHT with one of the most talented men in independent wrestling, and a FIGHT for the PWX Championship! a title that The Revolt would love to have control of as they push their agenda to the masses. Zane hung with the champion move for move here and kept himself in the fight, it was a wild back and forth, high intensity matchup with a WILD finish. Riley got a rollup on the champion but PWX Owner (and Public Enemy #1 to The Revolt) Brian Kanabroski was arguing with Sr. Referee Mitch Blalock causing him to miss the pinfall and Cedric recovered hitting the brain buster to retain the title.

‘The Prince of Queens’ Brian Myers def ‘The 5 Star King’В  Anthony Henry
‘The Prince of Queens’ Brian Myers debuted for PWX against a man who has been through physical and emotional hell the last 9 months. Anthony Henry had battled John Skyler month in and month out over the last year and was still feeling effects of that war as he was presented with one of the biggest matches of his career against a former WWE superstar. Henry answered the call and gave Myers everything he had, taking what Myers dished back and showing that he hasn’t lost his fight and desire to be counted amongst the best in the southeast. Henry seemed like he might have the match won and himself back on track but Amber Young appeared at ringside, Henry jumped down from the top rope questioning her and she kissed him and jumped down from the ring, as Henry tried to figure out the turn of events he was hit with a spear and Brian Myers picked up the win in his PWX debut. Amber, once again left Anthony Henry alone in the ring.

Triple Threat #1 Contender’s Main Event
Caleb Konley vs “Darewolf” PJ Black vs “The Southern Savior” John Skyler
Three very different men, all with the same goal met in the huge main event of ‘Enemy Territory’. Caleb Konley, the longest reigning PWX champion in history and a man who desperately wants to restore PWX to it’s “former glory”, “The Southern Savior” John Skyler, who believes he has been overlooked as a contender to the title and is stepping up to get what he rightly deserves, and PJ Black the former WWE superstar formerly known as Justin Gabriel making his PWX debut and readjusting to life in independent wrestling wants to wrestle the best and prove he is the best. Combine all these elements and the desire of each competitor to advance to the PWX championship match and you get an outstanding, evenly matched, and hard fought main event. None of the three men seemed to get along so it was every man for himself from start to finish, Konley who knows exactly what it takes to be PWX champion was impressive and nearly earned himself another shot at PWX Champion Cedric Alexander. Skyler proved that the preaching he does is in fact the truth as he showed he deserves to be in the high profile matches and cannot be denied as a serious contender to the PWX gold. PJ Black was the X factor in this match and perhaps that worked to his advantage, most in attendance had seen what he had to offer in WWE but that was just a small dose of what he’s capable of as he unleashed an aerial assault, some innovative offense and toughness we weren’t able to see in his time with WWE. Skyler & Konley eventually grounded Black tying him up in the corner and going 1 on 1, but as they went for a superplex PJ pulled himelf up and german suplexed both men off in a tremendous moment of the match! Again at the end of the match it was Skyler vs Konley in the middle of the ring Konley looked to have the win but The “Darewolf” recovered again hitting a springboard 450 on both men, pinning Skyler to win the match and become #1 contender to the PWX Heavyweight Championship.


For many years, PWX has run some of the best indy wrestling shows across the southeast but it had been some time since they had been in Charlotte, NC so when ‘Pure’ began developing, a show centered around in ring performance, wins and losses and proving you can hang with the best in the business, Charlotte seemed like the perfect place to host the first event of it’s kind. Wrestling fans had been requesting a ‘return home’ for quite some time and on March 22nd we delivered and once again fans packed the house for PWX: Pure ‘The Return Home’.

Zane Riley kicks off the show and talks about the concept of ‘Pure’ he says it’s a place where young guys, guys the PWX fan base may not be aware of to come and prove they belong, but it’s also an opportunity for those who have been around to prove they STILL belong and he wants to be first to prove that he does. Riley issues an open challenge which is quickly answered by his former tag team partner Lance Lude!!

Zane Riley & Lance Lude wrestled to a 10 minute time limit draw
There isВ  no love lost between these two former friends and partners, Riley turned on Lude and soon after joined The Revolt in what was to be a celebration of his last match with PWX, Lude was left laying in the ring and now he was back and quick to get a measure of revenge. Lude is always full throttle when in the ring and this was no exception as he brought the battle right to Riley but these are two men who are very familiar with one another and Riley slowed the match down and used his size and strength to slow his former partner down. In the end neither man could get the best of his former friend and the time limit expired but not before both men accomplished what they set out to, PROVE THEY BELONG. After the match, Riley extended his hand to Lude perhaps trying to bury the hatchet, more likely trying to expand the ranks of The Revolt but Lude had the last word hitting the “Lude Awakening” this time leaving Riley laying in the middle of the ring.

Mason Myles def Alex Kai
Two newcomers to PWX got exactly the opportunity that Pure was created to offer next as Mason Myles took on Alex Kai. Both young men made good cases for themselves in this match and Myles gained a good bit of support from the PWX faithful cheering him on. This was an evenly matched contest and Kai’s mean streak almost earned him the victory but he was also a bit cocky and focused on the crowd allowing the more focused competitor Mason Myles to pick up a big victory and perhaps secure himself a return to compete again for PWX in the future.

Mr. Elite Drew Meyers def “The Crown Jewel” Chase Owens
Mr. Elite came out even more boastful than normal, Meyers told the crowd that he got back on track and snapped his losing streak in Hickory the night before but he was just getting started. Drew went on to say when he wins tonight that’ll be two in a row and he’ll start what will be the longest winning streak in PWX history. One of the best Jr. Heavyweights in professional wrestling stood in Meyers way, Chase Owens is a world traveled veteran who regularly competes in Japan and like Drew Meyers was a collegiate wrestler. This would be a stiff test for Mr. Elite but he is no stranger to such tests having battled Eddie Edwards, Cedric Alexander and former TNA Champion Magnus in the past. As expected this was a battle of positioning and amateur wrestling for the most part with both men looking very impressive, Meyers got in a couple of cheap shots but Owens persisted and countered or kicked out of nearly everything his opponent threw at him. The Crown Jewel went for his package piledriver but Meyers had it scouted and was able to avoid it and after several attempts earlier in the match, Mr. Elite hit hisВ  finisher, the bridging german suplex to pick up the huge victory and start the winning streak he prophesied earlier.

Worst Case Scenario (Elijah Evans IV & Ethan Case) def James Drake & Kid Chaos
The longest reigning tag champs in PWX history were thrown another new tag team to PWX at Pure in Charlotte. “The Enforcer” James Drake, a long time veteran of the independent scene and his young tag partner Kid Chaos. The fan favorite team of Ethan Case & Elijah Evans IV were tested in this one but managed to rise to the occasion once again and pick up the victory. Evans & Case are making themselves known as perennial contenders to get the PWX tag titles back and took one more step towards doing so in this one even without their former client manager THE Tommy Thomas. No disrespect to Worst Case Scenario, but the story in this match was the newcomers to PWX. Drake is a ring general and remained in full control of the action from bell to bell, keeping his partner on task and ensuring a memorable debut. Kid Chaos was lighting quick and dazzled the PWX faithful with his high flying. Chaos & Drake were given some of the best competition PWX has to offer and though they fell short, the two men were left with a “Please Come Back!” chant and the satisfaction that they rose to, superseded, and personfied the ‘Pure’ way of thinking.

“The THOROUGHBRED” Jaxson James def “The Prince of Queens” Brian Myers
This was a match that was a long time coming as the former WWE Superstar (known then as Curt Hawkins) faced a man who may well be on his way to that level in Jaxson James. Myers was accompanied to the ring in Charlotte by a manager who ended up doing less to help and more to hurt Myers. Put that together with the brute force and athleticism of James, a former collegiate football player and genuine THOROUGHBRED and Jaxson James picked up one of the bigger wins of his career. Myers showed that he has a lot of tricks left to reveal from his WWE days and nearly hit his finisher the spear on a few occasions but James was able to avoid it and take advantage of some follies from Myers’ manager as well as overcome a few double teams to pick up the victory and continue the momentum he is building in PWX.

Caleb Konley def “The Southern Savior” John Skyler
Both of these men had something to prove in Charlotte having fallen just a bit short in an excellent main event the previous night. It was a given that PWX management would be watching this matchup closely to determine a contender to face whomever came out of the event as PWX champion,and it that fact was very clear at the finish of this excellent one on one matchup. Skyler refused an offer by Konley and Zane Riley to join the Revolt before the match, hitting the ‘Saving Grace’ on Zane as PWX management had Riley escorted from the venue and the match was on. Konley attacked Skyler and got the advantage early but couldn’t find a way to put his opponent down for the 3 count as Skyler battled back. The match continued to seesaw with neither man gaining a decisive advantage and eventually the action spilled onto the floor and devolved into a brawl. At that point the Owner of PWX Brian Kanabroski came back to ringside barking orders at Skyler who quickly shrugged off the boss and went to try and finish his opponent off, Kanabroski then got on the ring apron apparently in an attempt to further disrupt the matchup and as The Southern Savior took exception to that he turned around into an inside cradle and Caleb Konley scored the pinfall.

Tessa Blanchard def Kacee Carlisle
The Queen of the Carolinas has been appealing, even begging and harassing PWX management for months to bring in stiffer competition and they have obliged yet Tessa remains unbeaten inside a PWX ring. On this Sunday afternoon in Charlotte, NC in front of her father in-law, the legendary Magnum TA her opponent was the current Valkyrie Women’s champion Kacee Carlisle. As usual, Tessa grabbed a mic and prodded the fans at ringside as well as her opponent but Carisle rushed the ring attacking Blanchard and the fight was on! This was one of the hardest hiting, most brutal and out of control women’s matches in recent memory at PWX. These two ladies went at it inside the ring, took the action outside of the ring ramming each other into the steel ring posts while yelling and screaming, this was an intense matchup. The two finally made it back into the ring and jockeyed for position but it was Tessa who hit a sprinboard bulldog to pick up the win and remain undefeated in PWX.

The Bravado Brothers def Timmy Lou Retton & Mickey Gambino
The Bravado Bandwagon rolled back into PWX and Harlem & Lancelot were met with Timmy Lou Retton and Mickey Gambino, the two teamed for the first time the previous night and had an impressive showing so much so they were now referring to themselves as Wrestling’s Best Kept Secret! WBKS were in for another tough challenge in their short career with the world traveled Bravados, who are another team that have been in pursuit of the PWX tag titles for well over a year now. Gambino & Retton were impressive once again yet showed a few hiccups as it seemed Retton was not on the same page with Gambino more than once which angered the veteran Gambino, at one point Mickey tried a “mock tag” behind the referee’s back and when questioned whether or not a tag was made Retton simply told the truth and enraged his partner. The Bravados are seasoned pros who could work as well as they do together now if they were wearing blindfolds, the brothers took advantage of every rookie mistake their opponents made and picked up the win with ‘The Gentleman’s Agreement’. In the end these two tests against four of the best PWX has to offer should sharpen the teamwork of Wrestling’s Best Kept Secret, and as good as they already are that could wind up widening the competition for the PWX tag team titles even more.

Adam Page def ‘The 5 Star King’ Anthony Henry
Anthony Henry was once again looking to find some success in the singles ranks of PWX after being in a bitter feud over the last ten months, on this night he was met with ROH star and 1/2 of the PWX tag team champions Adam Page. Page hasn’t had many singles matches over the last sixteen months since changing his ways and forming Country Jacked with Corey Hollis. Henry had another excellent showing here but was met with an equally impressive showing by Page and some more bad luck involving his former girlfriend Amber Young. Henry looked to have a huge win in the bag on a couple of occasions but Amber was again drawn to the ring and in turn Henry was drawn to his former love, whom he again tried to get answers from but after not receiving any he tried to send her away and refocus on the match. Henry climbed to the top rope but was caught by Page who delivered the “PlowDriver” to pick up the win as Amber Young cost Anthony Henry once again.

PWX Heavyweight Championship
Cedric Alexander (c) def “DareWolf” PJ Black
Main Event Time in Charlotte! A city that has hosted championship matches involving legends like Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes and countless others and on Sunday afternoon for Premiere Wrestling Xperience, Cedric Alexander revisited his famed “Dream Match Series” defending his title against PJ Black (fka Justin Gabriel) a man who recently left WWE. Black outlasted two of PWX’s best the night before to earn this shot and came to Charlotte with gold on his mind, but the volatile, devil may care champion Cedric Alexander no matter your personal thoughts about him is one of the best on the indepedent scene today and no stepping stone, the result of these two meeting was another fantastic championship main event to add to the historic legacy of the Queen City. PJ Black was beyond ready for the talents of the reigning & defending PWX champion and looked to have the title within his grasp a number of times, The Darewolf launched a mixture of aerial assault and quick strikes that were met by the champion with innovative offense, back breaking suplexes and some brawling on the cold, hard floor of the venue. In the end, Black attempted one more aerial maneuver but was caught with a lumbar check but it still was not enough as PJ Black fought back, the champion responded and finally hit the Brain Buster to finish off Black and remain PWX Heavyweight Champion. 0 Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:36:39 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha AR Fox Austin Aries Biff Busick Brian Cage Caleb Konley Chris Hero DGUSA Dragon Gate USA Drew Galloway Drew Gulak Drew McIntyre Ethan Page EVOLVE Johnny Gargano Justin Gabriel PJ Black Rich Swann Ricochet Roderick Strong SHINE SoCal Val Timothy Thatcher TJ Perkins TNA Tommy End Uhaa Nation Wrestlemania WWE WWN WWN Live EVOLVE returns to Florida on April 17th and 18th. Tickets go on sale today in the Shop. The events are: EVOLVE 41 The Orpheum 1915 E. 7th Ave. Ybor City, FL Belltime: 9pm EVOLVE 42 4801 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32808 Double header with FIP! FIP Belltime: 4pm EVOLVE Belltime: 7pm he following […]

EVOLVE returns to Florida on April 17th and 18th . Tickets go on sale today in the Shop. The events are:

The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Ave.
Ybor City, FL
Belltime: 9pm

4801 W. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808
Double header with FIP!
FIP Belltime: 4pm
EVOLVE Belltime: 7pm

he following events are taking place as part of the WWNLive Experience in San Jose:

EVOLVE 39 – Thursday, March 26th – 8pm PST , 11pm EST

EVOLVE Title Match
EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway defends vs. “Darewolf” PJ Black

New Stipulation: DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano defends vs. AR Fox

A Wrestling Odyssey Rematch
Timothy Thatcher vs. Drew Gulak

Just Announced: Six Man Tag Team Attraction
Ricochet, Rich Swann & Uhaa Nation vs. Caleb Konley, TJ Perkins & Brian Cage w/SoCal Val

First Time Ever Match
Chris Hero vs. Ethan Page

Pro Wrestling Clinic
Biff Busick vs. Tommy End

EVOLVE 40 – Friday, March 27th- 3pm PST , 6pm EST

First Time Ever Dream Match
Ricochet vs. PJ Black

Bonus Main Event – Non-Title
EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. Uhaa Nation

Grudge Tag Team Match
Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann vs. Caleb Konley & Brian Cage with So Cal Val

Special Challenge Match #1
Chris Hero vs. Biff Busick

Special Challenge Match #2
Timothy Thatcher vs. Tommy End

Special Attraction Match
AR Fox vs. Ethan Page

Just Added: Pro Wrestling Clinic
Drew Gulak vs. TJ Perkins

WWN Supershow – Saturday, March 28th – 4pm PST , 7pm EST

Champion vs. Champion (if both retain their titles at EVOLVE 39)
EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. DGUSA Champion Johnny Gargano

Generation Next vs. The New Generation
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Ricochet & Uhaa Nation

Dareworlf vs. Daredevil
PJ Black vs. AR Fox

Grudge Match
Chris Hero vs. Timothy Thatcher

SHINE Presents A Six Woman Tag Team Match!

Plus more with Rich Swann, Biff Busick, Drew Gulak, Tommy End, Ethan Page and Premier Athlete Brand members Caleb Konley, TJ Perkins and Brian Cage with So Cal Val 0 Wed, 25 Feb 2015 17:26:29 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Anthony Nese AR Fox Biff Busick Bill Carr Caleb Konley Chris Hero Dan Barry Drew Galloway Drew Gulak EVOLVE EVOLVE 38 FIP Full Impact Pro Matt Cage Roderick Strong Team TREMENDOUS Trent Baretta Gabe Sapolsky announced the updated card for the next EVOLVE ippv: EVOLVE 38 Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Belltime – 8pm EST. The Sportatorium 435-13 Brook Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 Tickets are on sale now in the Shop or by calling 267-638-6583! Watch on live iPPV at in HD! Watch on the WWN […]

Gabe Sapolsky announced the updated card for the next EVOLVE ippv:


Sunday, March 8th, 2015
Belltime – 8pm EST.
The Sportatorium
435-13 Brook Avenue
Deer Park, NY 11729

Tickets are on sale now in the Shop or by calling 267-638-6583!

Watch on live iPPV at in HD! Watch on the WWN Roku Channel!

Steel Cage Match – Non-Title – Must Be A Winner By Pinfall, Submission Or Knock Out
EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. FIP World Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong

Special Challenge Match
AR Fox vs. Trent Baretta

Grudge Match
Chris Hero vs. Drew Gulak

Title Match On The Line
Biff Busick vs. Caleb Konley

Special Attraction Match
Anthony Nese vs. Matt Cage

Plus: Team Tremendous of Dan Barry & Bill Carr and others!!! 0 Sun, 18 Jan 2015 10:20:45 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Adam Page Alexish Parrish Amanda Rodriguez Amber Anthony Henry Billy Brash Bravado Brothers Caleb Konley Chase Brown Chip Day Chuck Taylor Corey Hollis Country Jacked Drew Myers Elijah Evans IV Ethan Case Greg Excellent Harlem Bravado Jaxson James Joe Black John Skyler Lancelot Bravado Moose Moose Ojinnaka Premiere Wrestling Xperience PWX Quinn Ojinnaka Rise of a Champion Tim Donst Tommy Thomas Uhaa Nation Worst Case Scenario Young Bucks Zane Riley PWX Taken By Force II Jan 17, 2015 Hickory, NC Credit: Indy Power Rankings – American Tiger & "Cauliflower" Chase Brown def "Mr Elite" Drew Meyers & Tim Donst when Brown forced Meyers to tap out to a reverse arm bar. – PWX Innovative Television Champion "Son of The South" Billy Brash def "Do or […]

PWX Taken By Force II
Jan 17, 2015
Hickory, NC

Credit: Indy Power Rankings

– American Tiger & "Cauliflower" Chase Brown def "Mr Elite" Drew Meyers & Tim Donst when Brown forced Meyers to tap out to a reverse arm bar.

– PWX Innovative Television Champion "Son of The South" Billy Brash def "Do or Die" Chip Day & "The Black Cloud" Joe Black to retain the title after the champion pinned Black following a devastating spin kick from Chip Day.

– Uhaa Nation & Moose Ojinnaka had an absolute war that ended in a double countout.

– Amanda Rodriguez def Alexish Parrish spoiling the PWX debut of The "Wicked Beauty".

– PWX Tag Team Champions Country Jacked (Adam Page & Corey Hollis) came out for their Southern Celebration, The champs were drinking Fireball Whiskey and were in GREAT SPIRITS! They said they'd beaten everyone and there was no one else back there for them to face. Anthony Henry came out and said he was there to wrestle, he attacked the champs, "The Thoroughbred" Jaxson James came out to help, and the match was on!

– Country Jacked def Anthony Henry & Jaxson James in a non title match. Hollis spit whiskey in James face and rolled him up for the victory.

– Zane Riley def Greg Excellent after reversing a sunset flip from the apron to pick up the win. Caleb Konley came out and said the match that just happened was a Charade put on by Brian Kanabroski and PWX management to stifle their momentum and further damage the reputation of a promotion that he helped to build. Konley & Riley were escorted from the building.

– Worst Case Scenario (Ethan Case & Elijah Evans IV) def The Bravado Brothers after hitting �Finito' (Assisted Jackhammer) and with a little help from their talent manager THE Tommy Thomas.

– "The Southern Savior" John Skyler def "The Kentucky Gentleman" Chuck Taylor with �Sliced Bread' in the main event. After the match, Skyler was mistreating Anthony Henry's girlfriend Amber (who is forced to be with Skyler due to a match stipulation from November) Henry came out and attacked Skyler, and said last year at Rise of a Champion he said "I Quit" this year he will beg for his life in a STREET FIGHT. Henry then curb stomped The Southern Savior and left the ring as Amber seemed to enjoy what she saw.

PWX returns to Winston Salem and worldwide on IPPV February 22nd with Rise of a Champion X featuring The debut of The Young Bucks in the Carolinas, Caleb Konley, PWX Tag Champs Country Jacked, John Skyler, Jaxson James, "Cauliflower" Chase Brown, Worst Case Scenario, and much more 0 Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:18:06 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Anthony Nese AR Fox Biff Busick Bravado Brothers Caleb Konley Chris Hero Chuck Taylor Drew Galloway EVOLVE EVOLVE 37 Harlem Bravado Johnny Gargano Lancelot Bravado Moose Rich Swann Ricochet Roderick Strong Ronin Saka Otoshi Shane Strickland Su Yung Timothy Thatcher Trevor Lee Uhaa Nation EVOLVE 37 January 10th, 2015 Winter Park, FL Singles Match Anthony Nese (with Su Yung and Caleb Konley) def Shane Strickland with a single leg crab Ratings Match: Timothy Thatcher def Roderick Strong with the Fujiwara arm bar Ratings Match: Trevor Lee def AR Fox via ref stoppage Ratings Match: Biff Busick def Uhaa Nation […]

January 10th, 2015
Winter Park, FL

Singles Match
Anthony Nese (with Su Yung and Caleb Konley) def Shane Strickland with a single leg crab

Ratings Match:
Timothy Thatcher def Roderick Strong with the Fujiwara arm bar

Ratings Match:
Trevor Lee def AR Fox via ref stoppage

Ratings Match:
Biff Busick def Uhaa Nation with the Saka Otoshi submission

– post match Biff Busick challenges Chris Hero to a match for WM weekend

EVOLVE Championship Match:
Drew Galloway def Ricochet with the future shock to retain

Losing Team Must Split Up:
Ronin (Johnny Gargano, Rich Swann, and Chuck Taylor) def The Bravado Brothers and Moose after Gargano hit a lungblower followed by a kick from Taylor and a frog splash to Harlem.

– After the match Gargano stated that as Open the Freedom Gate championship he will strive to be the face of WWNLive and have it be the most prestigious title in the World. Drew Galloway came out and said that it is the EVOLVE Title that is the most important in pro wrestling .

Credit: PWInsider 0 Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:39:48 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Anthony Nese AR Fox Biff Busick Bolt Brady Caleb Konley Chasyn Rance David Starr Dos Ben Dejos Drew Galloway Eddie Graves Evan Gelistico EVOLVE EVOLVE 36 FIP Full Impact Pro Gary Jay Gran Akuma Harlem Bravado Jesus De Leon Jody Kristofferson John Wayne Murdoch Johnny Gargano JT Dunn Lance Bravado Lince Dorado MSL Pierre Abernathy Rich Swann Ricochet Roderick Strong Su Yung Teddy Stigma The Bravado Brothers The Submission Squad Timothy Thatcher Trevor Lee Trina Michaels Uhaa Nation January 9th, 2015 will see EVOLVE 36 with a special pre-show from Full Impact Pro. You will get both events for one iPPV price. For fans attending live, you will get to see all this action for one ticket price. Here is the latest updated cards heading into the iPPV: FIP at 7PM ET * […]

January 9th, 2015 will see EVOLVE 36 with a special pre-show from Full Impact Pro. You will get both events for one iPPV price. For fans attending live, you will get to see all this action for one ticket price. Here is the latest updated cards heading into the iPPV:

* FIP World Tag Team Championship Match: David Starr & JT Dunn defend vs. Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma w/Trina Michaels
* FIP Florida Heritage Championship Match: Chasyn Rance w/MSL defends vs. Gran Akuma
* The Submission Squad of Pierre Abernathy, Gary Jay & Evan Gelistico vs. Lince Dorado & Dos Ben Dejos of Cruz & Rios
* Jesus De Leon vs. Bolt Brady
* Jody Kristofferson vs. John Wayne Murdoch

* Open The Freedom Gate Championship Match: Johnny Gargano defends vs. Open The United Gate Champion Caleb Konley w/Su Yung
* Non-Title Grudge Match: EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. Roderick Strong
* 10 Minute Flash: Rich Swann vs. Anthony Nese w/Su Yung ( These Rivals Will Be Locked In Combat For 10 Minutes To See Who Can Get The Most Falls In A Contest Designed To Push Their Athleticism And Explosiveness)
* Grudge Tag Team Match: AR Fox & Uhaa Nation vs. Harlem & Lancelot Bravado
* Special Challenge Match: Biff Busick vs. Trevor Lee
* Ricochet vs. Timothy Thatcher

You can order both the FIP & EVOLVE shows on iPPV, 2 shows for the price of 1, at this link . 0 Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:26:13 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Anthony Nese AR Fox Biff Busick Bravado Brothers Caleb Konley Drew Galloway EVOLVE EVOLVE 36 FIP Full Impact Pro Johnny Gargano Rich Swann Trevor Lee Uhaa Nation EVOLVE 36 Friday, January 9th, 2015 Bell Time – 9 PM FIP KICKOFF! 2015 – 7 PM The Orpheum 1915 E. 7th Avenue Ybor City, FL Open The Freedom Gate Championship Match Johnny Gargano defends vs. Open The United Gate Champion Caleb Konley w/Su Yung Non-Title Grudge Match EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. Roderick Strong […]

Friday, January 9th, 2015
Bell Time – 9 PM
FIP KICKOFF! 2015 – 7 PM
The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Avenue
Ybor City, FL

Open The Freedom Gate Championship Match

Johnny Gargano defends vs. Open The United Gate Champion Caleb Konley w/Su Yung

Non-Title Grudge Match
EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway vs. Roderick Strong

Two Top Ranked Wrestlers Collide!
Ricochet vs. Timothy Thatcher

NEW MATCH – Stipulation To Be Announced Next Week

Rich Swann vs. Anthony Nese w/Su Yung

NEW MATCH – Grudge Tag Team Match

AR Fox & Uhaa Nation vs. Harlem & Lancelot Bravado

Special Challenge Match
Biff Busick vs. Trevor Lee

Live Event Hostesses Heather Lynn & Joanna Rose

FIP Kickoff Showcase – Belltime 7pm – Get Both EVOLVE & FIP For One Ticket Or iPPV Buy!

FIP World Tag Team Championship Match

David Starr & JT Dunn defend vs. Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma w/Trina Michaels

FIP Florida Heritage Championship Match
Chasyn Rance w/MSL defends vs. Gran Akuma

Rematch from the finals of Fallout 2014!
The Submission Squad of Pierre Abernathy , Gary Jay & Evan Gelistico vs. Lince Dorado & Dos Ben Dejos of Cruz & Rios

Jesus De Leon vs. Bolt Brady

Jody Kristofferson vs. John Wayne Murdoch

Plus More Featuring:
-FIP World Heavyweight Champion Rich Swann
-The MSL Universe 0 Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:20:57 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Alex Colon Alex Reynolds Alexander James AR Fox Biff Busick Bill Carr BLK Jeez Buxx Belmar Cage of Death Caleb Konley Chris Dickinson Combat Zone Wrestling CZW Dan Barry Dave Crist Davey Richards David Starr Devon Moore DJ Hyde Drew Gulak Eddie Edwards Greg Excellent Jake Crist Joe Gacy John Silver Jonathan Gresham Lucky tHURTeen Matt Tremont Mike Bailey Ohio Is For Killers OI4K Papadon Pepper Parks Rich Swann Sexxy Eddy Shane Strickland Sozio Team TREMENDOUS The American Wolves The Beaver Boys The following results are from a recent Combat Zone Wrestling internet pay-per-view event. The event took place on December 13th, 2014 at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees Township, New Jersey. Singles Match Chris Dickinson defeated DJ Hyde. Tag Team Match Papadon & Pepper Parks defeated Lucky tHURTeen & Devon Moore. Tag Team Match The […]

The following results are from a recent Combat Zone Wrestling internet pay-per-view event. The event took place on December 13th, 2014 at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees Township, New Jersey.

Singles Match
Chris Dickinson defeated DJ Hyde.

Tag Team Match
Papadon & Pepper Parks defeated Lucky tHURTeen & Devon Moore.

Tag Team Match
The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) defeated Team Tremendous (Bill Carr & Dan Barry).

CZW Wired Television Championship Match
Joe Gacy defeated Shane Strickland to become the new Champion.

Norman Smiley Memorial Bunkhouse Brawl Ultraviolent Food Fight Of Life & Death Match
Greg Excellent & Sexxy Eddy defeated Matt Tremont & Buxx Belmar.

6-Way Scramble Match
Jonathan Gresham defeated AR Fox, Alex Colon, Caleb Konley, David Starr and Mike Bailey.

Singles Match
Alexander James defeated Rich Swann.

CZW Tag Team Championship Match
OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeated The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards).

Cage Of Death Match For The CZW World Heavyweight Championship
BLK Jeez defeated Biff Busick, Drew Gulak and Sozio to become the new Champion. 0 Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:57:41 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Adam Page Caleb Konley Corey Hollis Country Jacked Drew Galloway John Skyler Magnus Premiere Wrestling Xperience PWX TNA WWE PWX returns to Ziggy’s in Winston Salem on November 30th for “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger IV” LIVE on iPPV at 5pm Special Appearances by TNA’s Magnus and former WWE star Drew Galloway. Tickets available at You can visit their website by clicking HERE.

PWX returns to Ziggy’s in Winston Salem on November 30th for “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger IV” LIVE on iPPV at 5pm
Special Appearances by TNA’s Magnus and former WWE star Drew Galloway.

Tickets available at

You can visit their website by clicking HERE . 0 Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:16:13 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Allysin Kay AR Fox Biff Busick Caleb Konley Chuck Taylor CITIC Cup Dragon Gate USA FIP Fire ANt Full Impact Pro Harlem Bravado Ivelisse Ivelisse Velez Jody Kristofferson Johnny Gargano Lance Bravado mia yim Rich Swann Ricochet SHINE Silver Ant Su Yung The Bravados Timothy Thatcher Trent Baretta WWN The following results are from a recent WWN Live event. The event took place on November 16th, 2014 at the MasterCard Center in Beijing, Hebei Province, China. FIP Heavyweight Championship Match Rich Swann (c) defeated AR Fox. Singles Match Allysin Kay defeated Su Yung. Singles Match Chuck Taylor defeated Jody Kristofferson via countout. Singles Match […]

The following results are from a recent WWN Live event. The event took place on November 16th, 2014 at the MasterCard Center in Beijing, Hebei Province, China.

FIP Heavyweight Championship Match
Rich Swann (c) defeated AR Fox.

Singles Match
Allysin Kay defeated Su Yung.

Singles Match
Chuck Taylor defeated Jody Kristofferson via countout.

Singles Match
Timothy Thatcher defeated Biff Busick.

SHINE Championship Match
Mia Yim defeated Ivelisse Velez to become the new Champion.

Dragon Gate Open The United Gate Championship Match
Caleb Konley & Trent Barreta (c) defeated The Bravados (Harlem Bravado & Lance Bravado) and Fire Ant & Silver Ant.

CITIC Cup/Dragon Gate Open The Freedom Gate Championship
Johnny Gargano defeated Ricochet to win the cup and become the new Champion. 0