WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:33:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:43:28 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Reviews ACH BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Colby Corino Hiroshi Tanahashi Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Matt Sydal Moose NJPW Ring of Honor ROH Steve Corino Tanahashi Tetsuya Naito TNA War Machine World Champion WWE Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and I am pleased as punch to be here just two days shy of Ring of Honor "Best in the World" live on pay-per-view. This was an excellent hour of professional […]

Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and I am pleased as punch to be here just two days shy of Ring of Honor "Best in the World" live on pay-per-view. This was an excellent hour of professional wrestling and finally hit the crescendo that we ROH fans have been anticipating for three weeks.

This week's show comes to us from the Tedreeve Arena in Toronto, Canada with Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino calling the action. There's another Corino in the arena! It's Steve's son Colby, who accompanies the Decade's BJ Whitmer and Adam Page to the ring for their match against War Machine. Colby fell victim to the menacing Moose just a few weeks ago, but has returned to the ring where he'll fulfill the necessary "Young Boy" duties bestowed upon him by BJ. Whitmer gets the microphone and tells the angry fans that a live mic is "way louder than they are." The fans try hard to bury BJ's voice, but it's no use: "Two weeks ago Colby, you came out here and you showed the world how much of a man you are, and you came within an inch of beating that big goofy bastard Moose. But I don't think your father gets it. I don't think he understands. And I think he needs to see it— AGAIN !" BJ tells Colby Corino to "step up and take his place in the match." Colby immediately takes a roll of white tape and begins to wrap it around his wrists. As soon as the bell sounds, Adam Page tags Colby into action against Raymond Rowe, who doesn't want to wrestle Corino. "You're not ready Colby," yelled Rowe, as he begged the Young Boy to listen to his father. Colby slapped Rowe across the face, causing King Corino to stand and scream: "Who taught you this?" Rowe tags out, fearful of what he might do to Steve Corino's son. According to Kevin Kelly, Ray Rowe has known Colby ever since he was ten years old, and opts to allow "Warbeard" to handle the light work. Hanson slams Colby, and tags Rowe back in, but Rowe continues to ignore the challenge, ordering the other members of the Decade to tag into the match. Rowe is forced to attack Colby Corino with a vicious backbreaker-gutbuster-powerbomb combo. Adam Page refused to tag in, and War Machine picked up the victory mere seconds later. BJ Whitmer continued to rile King Corino at ringside, to the point where the former world champion broadcaster tossed down his headset and prepared to fight. Before anything could happen however, Kevin Kelly threw the show to a break, in an attempt to restore order.


"Around this time last year, I was considered THE breakout star in Ring of Honor," Cedric Alexander is in the center of the ring, telling the fans how he is no longer the breakout star he once was. "Right now for Cedric Alexander it's do-or-die. I need to start picking up WINS ! I need to start picking up wins to prove to my family that this dream of being a professional wrestler isn't a waste of time." Cedric Alexander is ready to challenge anyone in the locker room, and decides to call out the undefeated Moose! Moose comes to the ring per usual alongside Stokley Hathaway and Veda Scott, prepared to meet whatever challenge awaits him. Cedric keeps up with the big man, evading every one of his drop kicks, and landing a sizzling sidekick to the back of Moose's head. The action spills to the outside, and Cedric is still in control over the burly Moose, but not for long! Once they return to the ring, Moose hits Cedric with a successful drop kick, sending Cedric Alexander back to the outside. We head into a commercial—for Ring of Honor Best in the World—and once we return, Moose and Cedric are still going back and forth. Cedric is very good at reversing the rookie Moose's moves, but has a tough time building any sort of discernible offense that might win him the match. The announcers make frequent mention of how Moose is friends with the majority of men and women in the back, including his manager Stokley Hathaway, as well as his opponent Cedric Alexander. Veda Scott however, has other plans for the future of Moose, and would rather see him turn a blind eye to the rest of the Ring of Honor roster. This match is heating up and Moose scores a near fall following a decapitating lariat. The fans battle chant-for-chant: "Let's go Moose" versus "Let's go Cedric," until this match devolves into a series of forearm strikes. Moose heads to the top rope, but Cedric catches him and prepares to end the undefeated streak of his friend following a litany of high impact drop kicks to the head. "Moose's eyes are dimming," says Kevin Kelly! Just before Cedric can deliver his final kick, Moose summons the strength to employ his somersault Spear. Both men are down and at the mercy of the referee's count. Veda yells at Stokley to distract the referee, and she hands a wrench to Moose. Moose refuses to use the tool to gain the victory, but Cedric Alexander has no problem earning a win that way! Cedric uses Moose's confusion against him and seizes the wrench, smacks him across the skull with it, and hands Moose the very first loss in his wrestling career.


Mandy Leone is backstage giving us a history lesson on what went down between reDRagon and the Addiction when the latter team stole the coveted tag titles from the former. Adam Cole interrupts Mandy, and cuts a promo on his return to pay-per-view this Friday night alongside Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. They'll be heading into six-man-competition this weekend against the Bullet Club's AJ Styles and The Young Bucks.

The main event tonight is—well, it's a contract signing. BUT the main event match this evening is a tag team contest. ACH and Matt Sydal will head into battle against the record-setting seven-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and the former NEVER Openweight Champion Tetsuya Naito. The NJPW team refuses to adhere to the code of honor, despite Sydal and ACH's insistence. Things kick off with Tanahashi against Matt Sydal, as both men decide take things to the mat. Naito taunts Sydal from the apron, and soon ACH is part of this match. Things wage forward with both teams earning the upper hand, and the NJPW team playing a bit of a heel role. While that might seem odd to NJPW fans familiar with Tanahashi and Naito, it makes perfect sense across the Pacific Ocean where ACH and Matt Sydal are far more popular. Tanahashi scurries back to his corner like a cowardly heel, and things speed up when ACH and Naito take control of the contest. Naito's eyeball gimmick is sort of strange, and even odder when mocked by the inordinately agile ACH. Tanahashi takes ACH to the outside and tosses him into the barricade behind referee Todd Sinclair's back; the New Japan team is most certainly the more dastardly of the two this evening. We head into a commercial break and when we return, ACH has fallen victim to both of his opponents, as Sydal struggles to get back into the action. Naito attempts a Superplex but is sent spiraling down to the canvas. ACH takes advantage of Naito's slip up and applies a double foot stomp to the back of his opponents shoulders. He tags Sydal into the match, and the former Evan Bourne gets to work in settling the score against these two international stars. The waning moments of the match are exciting and unpredictable—both Sydal and Tanahashi battle for dominance before ACH returns for a final go at the former IWGP champion. ACH hits Tanahashi with more than a dozen standing sidekicks for a near fall, and follows up with a German Suplex with a bridge for a 2 and 9/10ths count. ACH mocks Tanahashi to his face, and is awarded a Texas Cloverleaf for his efforts. Before he can reach the bottom rope, Sydal returns with a jumping knee to the face of Hiroshi Tanahashi. The match ends with a frog splash by Tanahashi on ACH for the 1-2-3, and a definitive end to an extraordinary match.


The final segment tonight, and dare I say the main event, is a contract signing between the ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe, and the ROH World Television Champion Jay Lethal. They're set to meet this Friday night at Terminal One in New York City, where both of their belts will be on the line. Lethal hits the ring first, dressed like Lou Bega (Mambo Number 5) and flanked by Truth Martini. Jay Briscoe is accompanied by his brother Mark, who will be in action on Friday against another member of the House of Truth, in Donavan Dijak. Things are tense between the champions; Jay Lethal has said on multiple occasions that his TV title is far more prestigious than the World Championship held by Briscoe. Former World Champion and current ROH matchmaker Nigel McGuinness is presiding over the precedings, and explains the rules and time limit. Nigel says that this will be the biggest match in Ring of Honor history, and asks both men for their final words going into the fight. Lethal says that the only reason he doesn't flip the table over and "beat [Briscoe] where he stands" is because he "needs him at his best." Lethal says that after June 19 th —after Best in the World—Jay Briscoe will no business in Ring of Honor anymore. Jay Briscoe responds in kind, angered by Lethal's overconfident demeanor: "June 19 th , when I get done whoopin' yo ass, when I get done with you boy , you gonna have to go back to being the �Black Machismo' man!" Take that TNA! Lethal flips the table and both men remove their shirts, and hold their belts side by side as they continue to talk smack while the camera's fade out. Great show.

Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Tue, 14 Apr 2015 06:47:35 +0000 Jer Polk Other Reviews Reviews Brian Myers Caleb Konley Cedric Alexander Charlotte North Carolina Cheap Heat Enemy Territory Joe Black John Skyler PJ Black PWX Pure PWX Wrestling The Bravado Brothers The1andonlyJer Worst Case Scenario PWX returned to Hickory on March 21st and were greeted with another long line of the most eager, and passionate fans awaiting to see what was in store for them at ‘Enemy Territory’. Former WWE Superstars PJ Black fka Justin Gabriel & Brian Myers fka Curt Hawkins made their PWX debuts alongside The Revolt! (Caleb […]


PWX returned to Hickory on March 21st and were greeted with another long line of the most eager, and passionate fans awaiting to see what was in store for them at ‘Enemy Territory’. Former WWE Superstars PJ Black fka Justin Gabriel & Brian Myers fka Curt Hawkins made their PWX debuts alongside The Revolt! (Caleb Konley & Zane Riley) “The Southern Savior” John Skyler, PWX Champion Cedric Alexander, Worst Case Scenario, The Bravado Brothers and many more of our mult-talented roster. Shots were fired in the tug of war between The Revolt and PWX Management, and a new # 1 contender to the PWX Championship was crowned in a stellar main event as the fans of Hickory were treated to another tremendous night of pro wrestling.

Worst Case Scenario (Ethan Case & Elijah Evans IV) def Timmy Lou Retton & Mickey Gambino
The longest reigning PWX tag team champions were in action for the first time since parting ways with their long time client manager THE Tommy Thomas and were given the challenge of a brand new tag team. Retton & Gambino had previously been seen in singles & 8 man tag action but teamed up for an impressive tag team debut in Hickory, the team held their own with one of PWX’s best teams isolating Ethan Case and making the match 2 on 1 for much of the contest. There were some hiccups as the first time tag team tried to get on the same page and when you face a team as cohesive and well oiled as Evans & Case you must be almost perfect to get the victory. The PWI Ultra J Champion Ethan Case was resilient as always and fired back on his opponents despite taking much of the offense in the match. Elijah Evans IV was tremendous once Case made the tag hitting a double clothesline, high arching drop kick and his patented “Blue Thunder Bomb”. Worst Case Scenario hit the assisted uppercut KO on Retton to foil a valiant effort by the newly formed tag team.

Mr. Elite Drew Meyers def Mason Maddox
Meyers came out in dockers, a blazer and boat shoes rather than his usual ring attire but he didn’t forget to bring his unwavering confidence in himself. Meyers is never at a loss for nice things to say…about himself at least as he berated the crowd and stroked his own ego before Mason Maddox hit the ring for his second match with PWX Wrestling. Maddox looked good here as he continues to make his name in PWX, the young man has all the tools and looks to be coming along well in developing them, Maddox hit a beautiful dropkick on the former ITV champion and controlled the match early on. For all his bravado and conceit,В  Mr Elite is far from a slouch in the ring and was just too much on this night for the young Mason Maddox. Myers used his mat wrestling skills and picture perfect suplexes and throws in route to picking up the win with a bridging german suplex.

Amber Young came to the ring and called out her former boyfriend Anthony Henry. The scorned Amber told Henry that she used to be the most precious thing in the world to him and now wrestling was. Amber left the ringside area as Henry stood there bewildered.

Best of 5 Series
“Do or Die” Chip Day (0-1) defВ  “The Black Cloud” Joe Black (1-0)
On the heels of their great opener from PWX’s 10th anniversary Ippv ‘Rise of a Champion X’ the management at PWX made the decision to institute a Best of 5 series between these two evenly matched competitors. Joe Black got the victory back in February so he entered the matchup with a 1 match lead, perhaps being down a match was all the motivation Chip Day neeeded as he came into the meeting in Hickory fired up. Day & Black engaged in a battle of strikes and one upsmanship that could’ve gone either way with Black looking like he’d extend his lead in the series but Chip Day managed to kick out of everything Joe threw at him and avoid the lethal lariat that put him away one month prior. in the end it was Chip Day who got the three count to even the series at 1 match a piece as the crowd showed their respect to each of man. There is a lot of business to be settled yet between Joe Black & Chip Day.

PWX Innovative Television Title Match
Lance Lude def (c)В  ‘Son of the South’ Billy Brash w/ Dany Only by DQ
The Innovative Teleivison Champion hit the ring with his new running mate, ‘The Human Hand Grenade’ Dany Only. Brash boasted about defeating “the best big man in wrestling” Moose the previous month and continued to tout his title reign (which is now over 6 months long) but The Son of the South was interrupted by the man he defeated for that championship, the returning LANCE LUDE! The crowd erupted for the return and Lude wasted no time in going right at the champion with kicks, dives and high energy, speedy offense nearly regaining the championship in no time but Brash stopped the momentum of Lude, grounding him and using his roughneck style offense to punish his adversary. Dany Only also played a big role once again using every opportunity to inject himself into the action distracting Lude, choking him and eventually helping Brash walk away with the ITV title still around his waist. Lude locked in the ‘Cristo’ and seemed to have the champion beaten but Only broke up the hold. Lude won the match via disqualification but Brash remains champion and he & Only had the last words with Only package piledriving Lude and The Son of the South hitting the “Mason-Dixon Line” before they left celebrating their “win”.

PWX Heavyweight Title Match
Cedric Alexander (c) def Zane Riley
Zane made his entrance in ‘Manscout’ Jake Manning’s singlet, we’ve seen several homages to Manning from The Revolt in recent months and as Zane was addressing the crowd as to the mision of The Revolt he was interrupted by the PWX Champion. Alexander proposed that this match needed to happen and offered to put the title on the line and we were off! The champion attacked immediately as there is no love lost between Cedric and The Revolt, Alexander has been one of the main targets of their gripes about PWX over the last few months and Alexander prefers to settle those debates in the middle of the ring. Riley, who is synonomous with fun, light hearted matches was invovled in something totatlly different at Enemy Territory, a FIGHT, a FIGHT with one of the most talented men in independent wrestling, and a FIGHT for the PWX Championship! a title that The Revolt would love to have control of as they push their agenda to the masses. Zane hung with the champion move for move here and kept himself in the fight, it was a wild back and forth, high intensity matchup with a WILD finish. Riley got a rollup on the champion but PWX Owner (and Public Enemy #1 to The Revolt) Brian Kanabroski was arguing with Sr. Referee Mitch Blalock causing him to miss the pinfall and Cedric recovered hitting the brain buster to retain the title.

‘The Prince of Queens’ Brian Myers def ‘The 5 Star King’В  Anthony Henry
‘The Prince of Queens’ Brian Myers debuted for PWX against a man who has been through physical and emotional hell the last 9 months. Anthony Henry had battled John Skyler month in and month out over the last year and was still feeling effects of that war as he was presented with one of the biggest matches of his career against a former WWE superstar. Henry answered the call and gave Myers everything he had, taking what Myers dished back and showing that he hasn’t lost his fight and desire to be counted amongst the best in the southeast. Henry seemed like he might have the match won and himself back on track but Amber Young appeared at ringside, Henry jumped down from the top rope questioning her and she kissed him and jumped down from the ring, as Henry tried to figure out the turn of events he was hit with a spear and Brian Myers picked up the win in his PWX debut. Amber, once again left Anthony Henry alone in the ring.

Triple Threat #1 Contender’s Main Event
Caleb Konley vs “Darewolf” PJ Black vs “The Southern Savior” John Skyler
Three very different men, all with the same goal met in the huge main event of ‘Enemy Territory’. Caleb Konley, the longest reigning PWX champion in history and a man who desperately wants to restore PWX to it’s “former glory”, “The Southern Savior” John Skyler, who believes he has been overlooked as a contender to the title and is stepping up to get what he rightly deserves, and PJ Black the former WWE superstar formerly known as Justin Gabriel making his PWX debut and readjusting to life in independent wrestling wants to wrestle the best and prove he is the best. Combine all these elements and the desire of each competitor to advance to the PWX championship match and you get an outstanding, evenly matched, and hard fought main event. None of the three men seemed to get along so it was every man for himself from start to finish, Konley who knows exactly what it takes to be PWX champion was impressive and nearly earned himself another shot at PWX Champion Cedric Alexander. Skyler proved that the preaching he does is in fact the truth as he showed he deserves to be in the high profile matches and cannot be denied as a serious contender to the PWX gold. PJ Black was the X factor in this match and perhaps that worked to his advantage, most in attendance had seen what he had to offer in WWE but that was just a small dose of what he’s capable of as he unleashed an aerial assault, some innovative offense and toughness we weren’t able to see in his time with WWE. Skyler & Konley eventually grounded Black tying him up in the corner and going 1 on 1, but as they went for a superplex PJ pulled himelf up and german suplexed both men off in a tremendous moment of the match! Again at the end of the match it was Skyler vs Konley in the middle of the ring Konley looked to have the win but The “Darewolf” recovered again hitting a springboard 450 on both men, pinning Skyler to win the match and become #1 contender to the PWX Heavyweight Championship.


For many years, PWX has run some of the best indy wrestling shows across the southeast but it had been some time since they had been in Charlotte, NC so when ‘Pure’ began developing, a show centered around in ring performance, wins and losses and proving you can hang with the best in the business, Charlotte seemed like the perfect place to host the first event of it’s kind. Wrestling fans had been requesting a ‘return home’ for quite some time and on March 22nd we delivered and once again fans packed the house for PWX: Pure ‘The Return Home’.

Zane Riley kicks off the show and talks about the concept of ‘Pure’ he says it’s a place where young guys, guys the PWX fan base may not be aware of to come and prove they belong, but it’s also an opportunity for those who have been around to prove they STILL belong and he wants to be first to prove that he does. Riley issues an open challenge which is quickly answered by his former tag team partner Lance Lude!!

Zane Riley & Lance Lude wrestled to a 10 minute time limit draw
There isВ  no love lost between these two former friends and partners, Riley turned on Lude and soon after joined The Revolt in what was to be a celebration of his last match with PWX, Lude was left laying in the ring and now he was back and quick to get a measure of revenge. Lude is always full throttle when in the ring and this was no exception as he brought the battle right to Riley but these are two men who are very familiar with one another and Riley slowed the match down and used his size and strength to slow his former partner down. In the end neither man could get the best of his former friend and the time limit expired but not before both men accomplished what they set out to, PROVE THEY BELONG. After the match, Riley extended his hand to Lude perhaps trying to bury the hatchet, more likely trying to expand the ranks of The Revolt but Lude had the last word hitting the “Lude Awakening” this time leaving Riley laying in the middle of the ring.

Mason Myles def Alex Kai
Two newcomers to PWX got exactly the opportunity that Pure was created to offer next as Mason Myles took on Alex Kai. Both young men made good cases for themselves in this match and Myles gained a good bit of support from the PWX faithful cheering him on. This was an evenly matched contest and Kai’s mean streak almost earned him the victory but he was also a bit cocky and focused on the crowd allowing the more focused competitor Mason Myles to pick up a big victory and perhaps secure himself a return to compete again for PWX in the future.

Mr. Elite Drew Meyers def “The Crown Jewel” Chase Owens
Mr. Elite came out even more boastful than normal, Meyers told the crowd that he got back on track and snapped his losing streak in Hickory the night before but he was just getting started. Drew went on to say when he wins tonight that’ll be two in a row and he’ll start what will be the longest winning streak in PWX history. One of the best Jr. Heavyweights in professional wrestling stood in Meyers way, Chase Owens is a world traveled veteran who regularly competes in Japan and like Drew Meyers was a collegiate wrestler. This would be a stiff test for Mr. Elite but he is no stranger to such tests having battled Eddie Edwards, Cedric Alexander and former TNA Champion Magnus in the past. As expected this was a battle of positioning and amateur wrestling for the most part with both men looking very impressive, Meyers got in a couple of cheap shots but Owens persisted and countered or kicked out of nearly everything his opponent threw at him. The Crown Jewel went for his package piledriver but Meyers had it scouted and was able to avoid it and after several attempts earlier in the match, Mr. Elite hit hisВ  finisher, the bridging german suplex to pick up the huge victory and start the winning streak he prophesied earlier.

Worst Case Scenario (Elijah Evans IV & Ethan Case) def James Drake & Kid Chaos
The longest reigning tag champs in PWX history were thrown another new tag team to PWX at Pure in Charlotte. “The Enforcer” James Drake, a long time veteran of the independent scene and his young tag partner Kid Chaos. The fan favorite team of Ethan Case & Elijah Evans IV were tested in this one but managed to rise to the occasion once again and pick up the victory. Evans & Case are making themselves known as perennial contenders to get the PWX tag titles back and took one more step towards doing so in this one even without their former client manager THE Tommy Thomas. No disrespect to Worst Case Scenario, but the story in this match was the newcomers to PWX. Drake is a ring general and remained in full control of the action from bell to bell, keeping his partner on task and ensuring a memorable debut. Kid Chaos was lighting quick and dazzled the PWX faithful with his high flying. Chaos & Drake were given some of the best competition PWX has to offer and though they fell short, the two men were left with a “Please Come Back!” chant and the satisfaction that they rose to, superseded, and personfied the ‘Pure’ way of thinking.

“The THOROUGHBRED” Jaxson James def “The Prince of Queens” Brian Myers
This was a match that was a long time coming as the former WWE Superstar (known then as Curt Hawkins) faced a man who may well be on his way to that level in Jaxson James. Myers was accompanied to the ring in Charlotte by a manager who ended up doing less to help and more to hurt Myers. Put that together with the brute force and athleticism of James, a former collegiate football player and genuine THOROUGHBRED and Jaxson James picked up one of the bigger wins of his career. Myers showed that he has a lot of tricks left to reveal from his WWE days and nearly hit his finisher the spear on a few occasions but James was able to avoid it and take advantage of some follies from Myers’ manager as well as overcome a few double teams to pick up the victory and continue the momentum he is building in PWX.

Caleb Konley def “The Southern Savior” John Skyler
Both of these men had something to prove in Charlotte having fallen just a bit short in an excellent main event the previous night. It was a given that PWX management would be watching this matchup closely to determine a contender to face whomever came out of the event as PWX champion,and it that fact was very clear at the finish of this excellent one on one matchup. Skyler refused an offer by Konley and Zane Riley to join the Revolt before the match, hitting the ‘Saving Grace’ on Zane as PWX management had Riley escorted from the venue and the match was on. Konley attacked Skyler and got the advantage early but couldn’t find a way to put his opponent down for the 3 count as Skyler battled back. The match continued to seesaw with neither man gaining a decisive advantage and eventually the action spilled onto the floor and devolved into a brawl. At that point the Owner of PWX Brian Kanabroski came back to ringside barking orders at Skyler who quickly shrugged off the boss and went to try and finish his opponent off, Kanabroski then got on the ring apron apparently in an attempt to further disrupt the matchup and as The Southern Savior took exception to that he turned around into an inside cradle and Caleb Konley scored the pinfall.

Tessa Blanchard def Kacee Carlisle
The Queen of the Carolinas has been appealing, even begging and harassing PWX management for months to bring in stiffer competition and they have obliged yet Tessa remains unbeaten inside a PWX ring. On this Sunday afternoon in Charlotte, NC in front of her father in-law, the legendary Magnum TA her opponent was the current Valkyrie Women’s champion Kacee Carlisle. As usual, Tessa grabbed a mic and prodded the fans at ringside as well as her opponent but Carisle rushed the ring attacking Blanchard and the fight was on! This was one of the hardest hiting, most brutal and out of control women’s matches in recent memory at PWX. These two ladies went at it inside the ring, took the action outside of the ring ramming each other into the steel ring posts while yelling and screaming, this was an intense matchup. The two finally made it back into the ring and jockeyed for position but it was Tessa who hit a sprinboard bulldog to pick up the win and remain undefeated in PWX.

The Bravado Brothers def Timmy Lou Retton & Mickey Gambino
The Bravado Bandwagon rolled back into PWX and Harlem & Lancelot were met with Timmy Lou Retton and Mickey Gambino, the two teamed for the first time the previous night and had an impressive showing so much so they were now referring to themselves as Wrestling’s Best Kept Secret! WBKS were in for another tough challenge in their short career with the world traveled Bravados, who are another team that have been in pursuit of the PWX tag titles for well over a year now. Gambino & Retton were impressive once again yet showed a few hiccups as it seemed Retton was not on the same page with Gambino more than once which angered the veteran Gambino, at one point Mickey tried a “mock tag” behind the referee’s back and when questioned whether or not a tag was made Retton simply told the truth and enraged his partner. The Bravados are seasoned pros who could work as well as they do together now if they were wearing blindfolds, the brothers took advantage of every rookie mistake their opponents made and picked up the win with ‘The Gentleman’s Agreement’. In the end these two tests against four of the best PWX has to offer should sharpen the teamwork of Wrestling’s Best Kept Secret, and as good as they already are that could wind up widening the competition for the PWX tag team titles even more.

Adam Page def ‘The 5 Star King’ Anthony Henry
Anthony Henry was once again looking to find some success in the singles ranks of PWX after being in a bitter feud over the last ten months, on this night he was met with ROH star and 1/2 of the PWX tag team champions Adam Page. Page hasn’t had many singles matches over the last sixteen months since changing his ways and forming Country Jacked with Corey Hollis. Henry had another excellent showing here but was met with an equally impressive showing by Page and some more bad luck involving his former girlfriend Amber Young. Henry looked to have a huge win in the bag on a couple of occasions but Amber was again drawn to the ring and in turn Henry was drawn to his former love, whom he again tried to get answers from but after not receiving any he tried to send her away and refocus on the match. Henry climbed to the top rope but was caught by Page who delivered the “PlowDriver” to pick up the win as Amber Young cost Anthony Henry once again.

PWX Heavyweight Championship
Cedric Alexander (c) def “DareWolf” PJ Black
Main Event Time in Charlotte! A city that has hosted championship matches involving legends like Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes and countless others and on Sunday afternoon for Premiere Wrestling Xperience, Cedric Alexander revisited his famed “Dream Match Series” defending his title against PJ Black (fka Justin Gabriel) a man who recently left WWE. Black outlasted two of PWX’s best the night before to earn this shot and came to Charlotte with gold on his mind, but the volatile, devil may care champion Cedric Alexander no matter your personal thoughts about him is one of the best on the indepedent scene today and no stepping stone, the result of these two meeting was another fantastic championship main event to add to the historic legacy of the Queen City. PJ Black was beyond ready for the talents of the reigning & defending PWX champion and looked to have the title within his grasp a number of times, The Darewolf launched a mixture of aerial assault and quick strikes that were met by the champion with innovative offense, back breaking suplexes and some brawling on the cold, hard floor of the venue. In the end, Black attempted one more aerial maneuver but was caught with a lumbar check but it still was not enough as PJ Black fought back, the champion responded and finally hit the Brain Buster to finish off Black and remain PWX Heavyweight Champion. 0 Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:32:45 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha 13th Anniversary ACH Adam Page Adam Thornstowe AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian Hanson J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Karl Anderson Kyle O'Reilly Luster the Legend Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson ODB reDRagon Reno SCUM Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Shayna Baszler Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Truth Martini Veda Scott War Beard Winner Takes All Young Bucks The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:   Dark Tag Team Match The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) Singles Match Matt Sydal defeats […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Dark Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend)

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Cedric Alexander (9:39)

Singles Match
Moose (w/Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats Mark Briscoe (5:15)

Three Way Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) defeat Karl Anderson and The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) (11:58)

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats BJ Whitmer (w/Adam Page) (11:01)

Singles Match
ODB (w/Mark Briscoe) defeats Maria Kanellis (w/Michael Bennett) (5:21)

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats ACH (15:31)

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly) (w/Shayna Baszler) (c) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (15:42)

ROH World Television Title Match
Jay Lethal (w/J. Diesel & Truth Martini) (c) defeats Alberto El Patron (12:35)

ROH World Title Four Corner Survival Match
Jay Briscoe (c) defeats Hanson and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa (16:22) 0 Sat, 28 Feb 2015 18:31:05 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Alex Reynolds AR Fox Beaver Boys Best Friends Biff Busick Cedric Alexander Chris Hero Chuck Taylor Drew Gulak Ethan Page John Silver Josh Alexander Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Mike Bailey Monster Mafia Nick Jackson Pro Wrestling Guerrilla PWG Ricochet Roderick Strong Tommaso Ciampa Trent Baretta Trevor Lee Young Bucks The following results are from a recent Pro Wrestling Guerrilla live event. В The event took place on February 27th, 2015 from the American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, California: Singles Match Biff Busick defeats Mike Bailey Singles Match Cedric Alexander defeats Tommaso Ciampa Tag Team Match Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) defeat The Beaver […]

The following results are from a recent Pro Wrestling Guerrilla live event. В The event took place on February 27th, 2015 from the American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, California:
Singles Match
Biff Busick defeats Mike Bailey

Singles Match
Cedric Alexander defeats Tommaso Ciampa

Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) defeat The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Singles Match
ACH defeats AR Fox

Singles Match
Chris Hero defeats Drew Gulak

Singles Match
Ricochet defeats Matt Sydal

Tag Team Match
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

PWG World Title Match
Roderick Strong (c) defeats Trevor Lee 0 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:03:41 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole Adam Page AJ Styles BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Brandon Espinosa Caprice Coleman Cedric Alexander Corey Hollis Delirious Hanson Jack Jameson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs John Abraham Jon Williams Jonathan Gresham Kyle O'Reilly Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Posey Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Briscoes The Decade The Kingdom The Washington Bullets Tommaso Ciampa Trey Williams Veda Scott Winter Warriors Tour The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:   Dark Tag Team Match Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams) Singles Match Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:

Dark Tag Team Match
Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams)

Singles Match
Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey

Singles Match
Corey Hollis vs. Jonathan Gresham – No Contest

Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & BJ Whitmer) defeat Corey Hollis & Jonathan Gresham

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Delirious

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats Kyle O’Reilly (w/Bobby Fish)

Singles Match
Moose (w/John Abraham, Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats ACH

Six Man Mayhem Match
Hanson defeats Cedric Alexander and Jay Lethal and Jimmy Jacobs and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats Bobby Fish (w/Kyle O’Reilly)

Armageddon Best Two Out Of Three Falls Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) (w/Adam Cole & Maria Kanellis) defeat The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) [2:1]
– The Briscoes defeatedВ The Kingdom
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes 0 Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:34:10 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Other Reviews Reviews ACH AJ Styles Alberto El Patron Bullet Club Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Hanson IWGP Jay Briscoe Jimmy Jacobs Kevin Kelly Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson R.D. Evans Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Steve Corino The Romantic Touch The Young Bucks Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Honorable Mention ROH TV 2/14/15 Written by Mark Adam Haggerty Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll […]

Honorable Mention
ROH TV 2/14/15

Written by Mark Adam Haggerty

Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll be heading out to Sin City, as it's just a quick car ride out of Southern California, and I'll be looking forward to shooting some dice with the Young Bucks and perhaps having an appletini or two if Chris Daniels is around. This week's episode of ROH TV helped further establish the rivalries going into their biggest show of the year so far. What was the match of the night and what could we have done without seeing? Let's waste no time and get right into the thick of things with our commentators Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, and very special guest ROH world heavyweight champion Jay Briscoe.

The show begins as Ring of Honor world champion Jay Briscoe makes his way to ringside, getting set to join the usual duo of Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino on commentary. Tonight's episode of Ring of Honor TV will include four bouts, three of which feature participants in the upcoming four-way championship match in Las Vegas. Jimmy Jacobs is set to go one-on-one with the "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa. Jacobs has been making waves in recent weeks, scouting the Top Prospect Tournament in search of the Decade's newest "young boy." The match is off to a rough start for the "Zombie Princess," as Ciampa quickly resorts to his signature blend of striking offense. Announcers at ringside made mention that Jacobs has just as much fight as anyone, despite weighing-in at just 185 pounds. The onslaught of lariats and running knee-strikes took its toll on both Jacobs and the Philadelphia audience; the fans inside the 2300 Arena were silent during the unnecessary roughness of Ciampa, except for one man who yelled, "What a maneuver!" Ciampa obliterated Jimmy Jacobs in less than five minutes, leaving the Decade member broken on the outside of the ring. The official opted to forgo a count, and declared Ciampa the winner. This breathtaking display by the �Psychopath left the champion speechless. He stood to face Ciampa, sizing up what could be his most violent competition at the Anniversary Show in two weeks.

Before ROH hit the air I knew we'd be getting a dose of The Romantic Touch—it is Valentine's Day, after all! �Touch enters the arena with a heart-shaped box of chocolates and two beautiful ladies hanging on each of his arms. As he struts to the ring, Kelly and Corino question whether the champ has enough time for romance when preparing to defend his title in two weeks. Jay Briscoe says, "Well, we've been married for seven years…" Steve Corino immediately cuts him off, "Oh don't tell me the romance is all gone!" But Jay was quick on his feet, joking back, "Oh shoot no, I'm just tryin' not to have another kid!" The Romantic Touch has a prerecorded promo wherein he warns viewers at home to treat their ladies well, otherwise he's prepared to do so. His opponent tonight however, is a little less loving than �Touch might have hoped. This is the second exhibition featuring the three number one contenders to Jay Briscoe's world title, and this time it's "Warbeard" Hanson. The impressive Hanson stands at 6'2" and weighs in at 275 pounds—not a massive individual by "New York" standards, but a menacing force inside the Ring of Honor locker room. The Romantic Touch and "Warbeard" Hanson meet to engage in the "Code of Conduct," where �Touch offers Hanson a chocolate. Hanson responds with a disastrous kick, dubbed the "Spin Kick of Doom." Hanson defeated the Romantic Touch in less than thirty seconds, and even ate one of the chocolates when he was through. After the match, Hanson met eye-to-eye with Briscoe, just the same as Ciampa before him. Hanson shouted, "Look what I did," in reference to laying out his opponent. Jay responded in kind, letting Hanson know that he "ain't no Romantic Touch."

The third and final bout featuring challengers for Jay Briscoes coveted belt pits the undefeated Moose against the former Ring of Honor world heavyweight champion Michael Elgin. Moose is escorted to the ring, per usual, by Veda Scott and Stokley Hathaway. Since defeating R.D. Evans at Final Battle in December, Moose has established the "New Streak" in Ring of Honor, and will put it on the line tonight in his greatest test to-date. Elgin enters to a chorus of boos, but doesn't allow the Philadelphia fans to breach his skin as he prepares to dismantle Moose. Both men adhere to the code of conduct before quickly engaging in battle. Elgin takes advantage of the former Atlanta Falcon within the opening seconds, lifting him into a brain buster position, and holding him there for over 10-seconds before driving him into the mat. But Moose was back up just as quick as Elgin, ready to continue with a dropkick, sending the former champion barreling to the outside. This match is already more competitive than both previous bouts on the card, which makes sense; aside from Jay Briscoe, Michael Elgin is certainly the odds-on-favorite heading into Las Vegas. Michael Elgin returns to the ring and dodges a clothesline, returning with a big boot of his own. Elgin pumped his arm, mocking the choreographed way in which Moose and his entourage enter the arena. The former champion climbed the ropes, but was distracted by Veda Scott. Elgin fought her away and cartwheeled off the turnbuckle and away from and imposing Moose. He proceeded to deliver a devastating powerbomb, and then lifted the 300 pound athlete from the canvas, into the air, for another grueling power bomb. A near-three count and the contest continues with both men reeling against the ropes. Moose then shoved Elgin through the ropes and to the outside where he was face-to-face with Jay Briscoe. Just the same as Ciampa and Hanson, Elgin stared into the eyes of the champion, but unlike the �Psychopath and "Warbeard, Michael Elgin pushed Jay Briscoe back and over his chair. Briscoe wasn't going to stand for such disrespect and immediately charged the ring where he was caught in the line of fire between Elgin and a Spear by Moose. The referee called for the bell and before long all four combatants in the Thirteenth Anniversary main event were warring inside the squared-circle, with a great deal of focus placed on the reigning world champion. Luckily Jay Briscoe was saved by his brother Mark who engaged all-comers before being put down by Moose's spine-shattering Spear.

It's time for the main event at the 2300 Arena—a trios match with Ring of Honor babyfaces squaring off against Bullet Club villains. ACH, Matt Sydal and Cedric Alexander are the first team introduced, and although all three men are among the most-over in ROH, their popularity pales in comparison to their opponents. The Bullet Club coming to America and performing on Ring of Honor TV is akin to British rock bands touring America or the Harlem Globe Trotters playing in North Korea. The Young Bucks enter first wearing black pants with fringe complete with a Bullet Club logo on the side. Just before they make it to the ringside area, the lights go down and the music slowly begins. It's as if a spiritual leader of some sort has just entered this holiest of hallowed halls; the audience is almost completely silent until AJ Styles makes his dramatic appearance. They chant, "AJ, AJ, AJ," as both Styles and the Bucks cruise into the ring amidst a sea of colored streamers. All six wrestlers shake hands before returning to their respective corners and this match is underway. It's interesting to note, as this was filmed several weeks ago, AJ is without the IWGP championship title belt. AJ, of course, won the IWGP world heavyweight championship from Hiroshi Tanahashi just this past week in Japan. The �Bucks begin by each taking turns on Matt Sydal who soon trades out to his former tag team partner ACH. The Bucks work like a well-oiled machine, working their opponents down to the mat in whatever way possible. When AJ tags into the contest he is met with immediate praise from the live audience, and sets to work attacking ACH just the same as his fellow Bullet Club members. The show goes to a commercial and when we return ACH and AJ Styles are standing in the center of the ring trading knife-edge chops with deadly precision. Nick Jackson tagged back in, hitting ACH with his patented blend of Young Bucks chicanery, poking the decorated superstar in the eyes and "too sweeting" his tag team partners in the corner.

The action heats up with all six combatants seeking to get involved at the same time. Sydal finds himself alone inside the ring with the Bullet Club, who triple team the former WWE tag team champion, before Matt Jackson takes the lead, continuing to take the fight to "Reborn" Matt Sydal. The quick tags from the Bullet Club work to their advantage as one-by-one AJ and the Bucks trade shots on their opponent, isolating him from his partners. After managing to reach his corner, the contest works toward the favor of the ROH wrestlers. Cedric Alexander takes to the skies, performing an exhilarating splash, followed by "two-out-of-three Amigos." Nick Jackson countered and proceeded to superkick ACH, who was standing on the outside, from the apron. He spring-boarded into the ring where he face-busted Cedric Alexander, only to slide back out of the ring and hit ACH once more, this time with a Tornado-DDT. Not to be outdone by his brother, Matt Jackson joined the action with a misguided Swanton bomb, crash-landing on the knees of Cedric Alexander. Cedric lifted Matt Jackson up into a powerbomb predicament, complimented by a jumping knee smash courtesy of Matt Sydal. Sydal then went toe-to-toe with AJ Styles in a battle of rights-and-lefts until he was taken off his feet by a superkick from Matt Jackson. Nick and Matt Jackson were ready to deliver superkicks to whomever may ask for one, but were caught off guard with the equally-quick superkick-game of ACH. AJ attempted a 450-splash but to no avail, once again countered by the educated knees of Cedric Alexander. This time ACH would be the one going for a 450, landing expertly on Styles. Matt Sydal would hope to follow-up with his own high-risk maneuver, the Shooting Star Press. As Sydal leapt from the top turnbuckle, he was forced to make an emergency landing on his feet, met almost immediately by duel superkicks. Nick and Matt then proceeded to superkick ACH and Cedric Alexander out of contention. The end would come for Matt Sydal as the trio put him through a combination of the "Meltzer-Driver," a hanging upside down double superkick, followed by a "Styles Clash" for the 1-2-3. Your winners are the Bullet Club.

This was an excellent edition of ROH TV, which believe it or not, I'm almost getting sick of saying each week! Ring of Honor delivers at least three—in some cases FOUR highly athletic wrestling contests every time it airs. In addition, ROH isn't bogged down by heavily scripted talking segments, instead allowing for the story to be told inside the squared-circle. That might sound like a cliché, but that's only because I've said it before. Just two more episodes of ROH TV to go until Sunday March 1st and the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. Next week will feature two main-event caliber bouts—Alberto El Patron will go head-to-head with ACH, and the world television champion Jay Lethal will battle Roderick Strong. Until then, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and this has been "Honorable Mention." 0 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 16:49:21 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Page AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Hanson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Bennett Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following: ALBERTO EL PATRГ"N CHALLENGES JAY LETHAL FOR THE ROH WORLD TV TITLE LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the […]

Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following:


Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the line.

Rumors of a dream match have swirled on social media but now it is official. The legendary, 2nd generation Mexican wrestling star, Alberto El PatrГіn, will challenge Jay Lethal for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship live on Pay Per View at our 13th Anniversary event.

Upon his arrival in ROH, Alberto El PatrГіn wanted an opportunity to speak with his fans on ROH Television. Alberto proclaimed that he was finally among the best wrestlers on the planet and he wanted a shot at the most important title in professional wrestling, the ROH World Championship. Lethal and his manager, Truth Martini took major offense to this and Lethal interrupted Alberto, telling him he should have done his homework before coming to class. Lethal made it known that he is the measuring stick for the best professional wrestler on the planet and that his championship was the most important.

This meeting of two very different athletes in the prime of their careers is something that does not happen very often. This rivalry has taken on a personal twist as Lethal feels Alberto overlooked him as a champion. El PatrГіn believes Lethal has challenged his manhood, something for which Alberto will not stand.

Can Lethal add Alberto El PatrГіn to the record list of contenders he has defeated? Can Alberto El PatrГіn make history by ending the historic reign of Lethal? To find out you will either need to be live in Las Vegas or on Pay per View!

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Orleans Hotel & Casino
4500 W. Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Live Event – 7:30pm EST (4:30 PST) / PPV Broadcast 8pm Est (5pm Pst)


*Main Event*
HIGH STAKES Four Corner Survival ROH World Championship Match
Jay Briscoe (c) vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa vs. "War Beard" Hanson

ROH World Television Championship
Jay Lethal (c) w/ Truth Martini vs Alberto El PatrГіn

Also Signed to Appear:
– AJ Styles
– Matt Sydal
– Roderick Strong
– The Kingdom (Michael Bennett & Matt Taven) w/ Maria Kanellis
– The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)
– Cedric Alexander
– Moose w/ Veda Scott & Stokley Hathaway
– Mark Briscoe
– The Decade (BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs & Adam Page) 0 Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:15:07 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha "Speedball" Mike Bailey Alex Reynolds Beaver Boys Biff Busick Cedric Alexander Chris Hero Chuck Taylor Drew Gulak Ethan Page John Silver Josh Alexander Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Mike Bailey Monster Mafia Nick Jackson Pro Wrestling Guerrilla PWG Ricochet Roderick Strong The Best Friends Tommaso Ciampa Trent Barreta Trevor Lee Uhaa Nation Young Bucks PWG returns Friday, February 27th. Tickets go on sale Thursday, January 29th at 8PM PDT Main Event PWG World Title Match: Trevor Lee vs Roderick Strong **Uhaa Nation will not be able to do the show** Singles Match "Speedball" Mike Bailey vsBiff Busick Singles Match Drew Gulak vs Chris Hero Tag Team Match  Monster Mafia (Ethan […]

PWG returns Friday, February 27th .
Tickets go on sale Thursday, January 29th at 8PM PDT

Main Event
PWG World Title Match:
Trevor Lee vs Roderick Strong
**Uhaa Nation will not be able to do the show**

Singles Match
"Speedball" Mike Bailey vsBiff Busick

Singles Match
Drew Gulak vsВ Chris Hero

Tag Team Match
В Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)В vsВ The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Tag Team Match
В The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vsВ The Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Barreta)

Singles Match
Cedric Alexander vsВ Tommaso Ciampa

Singles Match
Ricochet vsВ Matt Sydal 0 Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:58:08 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Other Reviews Reviews 13th Anniversary Adam Cole Alberto Del Rio Alberto El Patron Ashley Sixx BJ Whitmer Bruiser Brody Caprice Coleman Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Dalton Castle Donovan Dijak Frankie Kazarian Hanson Jake Dirden Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Kazarian Kevin Kelly Maria Kanellis Matt Morgan Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Nigel McGuinness Ring of Honor ROH Steve Corino The Addiction The Briscoes The Kingdom Todd Sinclair Tommaso Ciampa Top Prospect Tournament Truth Martini WWE X-Division Honorable Mention ROH TV 1/17/15 Written by Mark Adam Haggerty It's that time of the week once more when I return to discuss the most recent events from Ring of Honor TV. With the Thirteenth Anniversary show just over one month away, what is matchmaker Nigel McGuinness prepared to do regarding the number one contender […]

Honorable Mention
ROH TV 1/17/15

Written by Mark Adam Haggerty

It's that time of the week once more when I return to discuss the most recent events from Ring of Honor TV. With the Thirteenth Anniversary show just over one month away, what is matchmaker Nigel McGuinness prepared to do regarding the number one contender situation? Last week's episode ended as "Warbeard" Hanson, Tommaso Ciampa and Michael Elgin's three way dance imploded and devolved into an all-out street fight with referee Todd Sinclair caught in the crossfire. This week the ROH World Title is on the line with Jay Briscoe defending against an unnamed member of the Kingdom. In addition, Alberto El Patron is set to make his Ring of Honor debut. What does the former WWE Champion have to say about the no compete clause he was issued just four months ago? Ladies and gentlemen my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and this is "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly critique of what's been called by many "the best hour of wrestling on television"—Ring of Honor TV.

ROH is off and running with a pre-recorded promo per Jay Briscoe, speculating on the fate of his championship come the end of tonight's mystery main event against the Kingdom. Briscoe's original title belt was stolen and revamped, currently clad in pink fur by Maria, dubbed her "Title of Love." Jay says that if he's willing to put his title on the line, they should be willing to do the same. Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino welcome fans back to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds in beautiful Nashville, where they can now confirm tonight's main event will in fact be a world title match. The opening contest of the show features the 17-year veteran Frankie Kazarian as he gets set to square off against the incomparable Cedric Alexander. Kazarian comes to the ring accompanied by his tag team partner, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, who makes residence alongside Kelly and Corino at the broadcast position. The match is an evenly-paced back-and-forth contest between two individuals with a ton of respect for one another. The last time these wrestlers stood inside the same squared circle was at Final Battle when they stood on the same side in a six man tag match. Kelly and Corino ask Christopher Daniels how someone who's use to tag team competition might fare in a singles match, implying that "The Addiction" might work better together than apart. I suppose the announcers forgot both workers and their stellar singles careers including multiple X-Division titles between the two of them. Daniels is obviously insulted, although keeps his cool and insists that Kazarian will be just fine. The experience gap is uncanny as Frankie Kazarian made his professional debut in 1998, eleven years before Cedric hit the ring in 2009. Both men are tremendous wrestlers, but Kazarian puts his wealth of knowledge on display by systematically picking Cedric apart, concentrating on specific body parts and targeting them until Alexander has no choice but to give in. Back on the outside, Kelly asks Christopher Daniels about his match next week against former WWE champion Alberto El Patron. Daniels appears to have great respect for "Dos Caras," but insists that he will defeat Patron next week, serving him his first loss in his debut match. As Alexander's high-risk offense started to hinder the mat-based-game of Frankie Kazarian, the tag team competitor decided to take it upstairs as well. In an attempted powerbomb from the top rope, Kazarian tossed Alexander into the air, a move that Cedric skillfully reversed by landing clean on his feet. Cedric kicked Kaz in the side of his head, followed by another impactful boot to the other side. Things looked to be going in Cedric's favor until an ill-fated top-rope move was caught in a cutter by Kazarian—I guess the "RKO" really can come outta nowhere, even in a Ring of Honor Ring! Staggered, Cedric stepped directly into the sights of Frankie Kazarian who sealed the deal, delivering a Tomikaze inverted double underhook facebuster.

With the main event looming, the Kingdom decides it's time to announce who Jay Briscoe will be defending his ROH World Title against in less than one hour. Matt Taven appears backstage, and says he always thought Jay was the smarter of the Briscoe brothers, but he must have been wrong if Jay Briscoe is willing to put the belt on the line—against him. Taven warns Briscoe and fans around the world, that he's going to beat Jay Briscoe and become the new ROH World Champion. Back at ringside, Caprice Coleman is back to assist Kevin and Steve in covering the upcoming first round match in the Top Prospects Tournament. This week the rookies featured are Jake Dirden and Donovan Dijak. Kevin Kelly is floored at the sheer size of these individuals, each standing at around 6'7" and weighing 275 pounds; what's considered average in the WWE is gargantuan in other promotions. Dirden reminds me Luke Harper, Bruiser Brody, or any number of crazy-haired unkempt brawlers, set to take on a 2-sport college athlete in Donovan Dijak. Once things get underway we're privy to a one-sided battle with Dijack taking the lead. From bell to bell, Dirden has his patches of considerable offense, but this match served as the "Coming Out Party" for Donovan Dijak. After a few moments of wrestling a very spirited contest, the Decade appears in the entry way. BJ Whitmer leads the trio and says, "Continue! Continue! Impress us!" The Decade is obviously on hand looking to scout the next potential diamond in the rough from this Top Prospect Tournament. Graduating from UMass after four years of basketball and football, Dijak has the power and unpredictable force of a super heavyweight, with the agility of a luchador. He reminds me of Matt Morgan—just an all-around impressive talent with a plethora of positive qualities just one year into his wrestling career. Once he was finished promoting his bottomless well of power-based offense, Dijak opted to showcase his aerial abilities by performing a beautifully executed swan dive over the top rope to the outside. It was at this point that Jake Dirden began his comeback, beginning with clasping his fingers around the throat of Dijak and choke slamming him into a 2-count. Dirden made quick work of evening the odds, and was soon ready to pin the dynamic Donovan Dijak. But rather than covering his opponent to advance in the tournament, Dirden instead chose to finish things with the crippling, "Asiatic Spike," a thumb strike similar to the move Umaga used in the WWE. After pacing around the ring waiting for an opportune occasion, Dirden was blindsided by the former football player. Dijak lifted the humungous Dirden onto his shoulders in a "Torture Rack," and finished with a variation of the GTS called "Feast Your Eyes." Dijak advances in the tournament and will wrestle the winner of Ashley Sixx and Dalton Castle in the second round.

Backstage once more and a mysterious figure is sitting in front of a television monitor, currently tuned to Ring of Honor programming. The figure was completely unrecognizable due to the shadow effect and the way in which their voice as disguised. The only words we're given from this masked vigilante are, "We are coming. And we are bringing change with us." So maybe it's Barack Obama? With his tenure as president nearing an end, would working a wrestling program really be such a dramatic downgrade? Back at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds, Kevin Kelly is on hand awaiting the arrival of Alberto El Patron. The crowd give the former-Del Rio a huge ovation and chant, "Si! Si! Si," before Patron can even say a word. Once inside the ring alongside Kevin Kelly, Alberto has quite a bit to get off his chest relating to his "no compete clause" and his unnamed former employers. "Four months ago," he began, "Somebody said I was not going to be able to wrestle in the United States—for one year!" The live audience is loving the anti-WWE shoot, and get even further behind the second-generation athlete when he went on to say, "I said Wrestlers, because that's what we are! I am not a �sports entertainer,' I am a WRESTLER!" Alberto says that the real reason he's in ROH is to compete with the best, and issues a challenge to ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe in the process. Instead of "Reach for the Sky," we hear the demonic laughter of Truth Martini, who escorted the record-setting TV champion to the ring. Truth begins by saying, "I don't care about anything you've done in your career. When you said you wanted to face the best, you failed to mention this guy." Truth pointed at Lethal, who was now in possession of the microphone. "Do your homework before you come to class! The number one man around here is not Jay Briscoe." Both Lethal and Truth argue the merits of the television championship, even calling it "the greatest title in the world." Jay Lethal demands an apology from Patron, a request that Alberto initially obliges, until disrespect makes room for stupidity. "Let's dance," El Patron exclaimed, shredding his t-shirt! Jay Lethal too began preparing for war until Truth Martini interrupted, saying that Patron hasn't yet earned the right to wrestle Lethal. I really like this rivalry as a way to incorporate Patron into the TV title picture; with so many viable world title contenders, I was worried ROH would immediately strap the belt around Patron's waist. But instead it appears as though Patron might be the one to take Lethal's TV title, just short of 300 days since winning it last year.

The events of last week's three way dance are explained, and the announcers at ringside begin to speculate as to who the number one contender is. Before they can come up with any names, former ROH champion and matchmaker Nigel McGuinness appeared presumably to address the situation head on. Nigel says he wants Jay Briscoe to come down the aisle so that he may give the champion the news to his face. Briscoe walks down the entry way and already has his own ideas for the Thirteenth Anniversary: "Vegas is a gamblin' city, and I'm a gamblin' man. Let's just make all three of them [the number one contender]!" Briscoe pitches a simple 4-way match under the banner, "High Stakes Four Corners Survival Match"—perhaps meaning that this will be an elimination style contest? Briscoe continues his walk to the ring, where he patiently awaits the Kingdom and Matt Taven. Alongside the challenger is Michael Bennett and Maria Kanellis, stacking the deck even higher against the self-confessed "gamblin' man." Jay Briscoe did more than give Matt Taven a schooling in ringwork, he proceeded to squash the former TV champion in order to send a message to Adam Cole. Bennett makes his presence known throughout the match, getting involved several time including landing an exceptionally executed superkick to the side of Briscoe's head. Maria puts herself in the match as well, tripping Briscoe into a near-fall attempted victory for Taven—but Briscoe powers out just before three. Briscoe fights the junior heavyweight competitor into the corner where he delivers nine solid punches as the audience in Nashville counts along. Before the final tenth punch however, Taven slid out of harm's way and was once again on the offense. Taven attempted a top rope hurricanrana, and got nearly 75% of it until Briscoe reversed the maneuver in md-air. The wind was knocked out of Taven, allowing him zero chance of kicking out. Your winner and still ROH World Champion: Jay Briscoe. After his successful title defense however, Bennett and Maria hit the ring to obliterate the world champion. Maria is one of the best female promos in professional wrestling today, and the finale of ROH TV was no different. Maria told Jay, who was now in the clutches of Bennett and Taven, that he didn't have the BALLS to fight her. This was all the finest practitioner of redneck kung-fu needed to storm the squared circle and save his brother. Mark Briscoe says that this feud has gone on long enough, and next week he wants Taven and Bennett against the Briscoes in the opening match!

Another incredible hour of professional wrestling courtesy of the promotion who does it better than anyone this side of the Pacific Ocean. Next week's episode will of course continue the "Top Prospect Tournament," as well feature the tag team bout between the Kingdom and the Briscoes. Perhaps most important-of-all, next week's episode of ROH TV will include the in-ring debut of the man once known as "Alberto Del Rio," Alberto El Patron. My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and until next time, thanks for joining me for this installment of, "Honorable Mention." 0 Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:21:56 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole Adam Page Alberto El Patron Ashley Sixx Beer City Bruiser BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Chris LeRusso Christopher Daniels Dalton Castle Donovan Dijak Frankie Kazarian Hanson Jake Dirden Jay Briscoe Jay Diesel Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Maria Kanellis Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mikey Webb Moose Nigel McGuinness ODB Ring of Honor ROH Stokely Hathaway The Briscoes The Decade The Kingdom The Romantic Touch Tommaso Ciampa Truth Martini Veda Scott Will Ferrara The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor TV Taping. The taping took place on January 3rd, 2015 at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds/Expo in Nashville, Tennessee. Pre-Show Match Cheeseburger defeated Chris LeRusso. TAPING ONE Singles Match Roderick Strong defeated Mark Briscoe. In Ring Segment Nigel McGuinness came out to open the show and […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor TV Taping. The taping took place on January 3rd, 2015 at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds/Expo in Nashville, Tennessee.

Pre-Show Match
Cheeseburger defeated Chris LeRusso.


Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeated Mark Briscoe.

In Ring Segment
Nigel McGuinness came out to open the show and announced that Hanson vs. Michael Elgin would be a #1 Contender's Match for the ROH World Championship and then called out Tommaso Ciampa, informing him that he wouldn't be fired by Ring of Honor and would owe one to Nigel for him going to the higher-up. Ciampa said that he wanted a ROH World Championship match because of the match that he had with Brsicoe in the United Kingdom. Michael Elgin came out and said that Ciampa lost to him at Final Battle, however Ciampa said that no one wanted Elgin in Ring of Honor, while Elgin stated that himself and Nigel were former ROH World Champions and belong in ROH. McGuinness announced that the match between Elgin and Hanson would now be a triple threat match with Ciampa now involved and that it would still be a number one contender's match.

Top Prospect Tournament Match
Will Ferrara defeated Jay Diesel (w/Truth Martini).

Triple Threat #1 Contender's Match
Michael Elgin vs. Hanson vs. Tommaso Ciampa was declared a no contest when the referee was hit. Post-match, there was a brawl between all three men.


Singles Match
Frankie Kazarian defeated Cedric Alexander.

Top Prospect Tournament Match
Donovan Dijak defeated Jake Dirden.

In Ring Segment
Alberto El Patron came to the ring and said that he is not a sports-entertainer and that he is a wrestler and he's after the ROH World Championship. ROH TV Champion Jay Lethal came to the ring with Truth Martini and said that the ROH TV Championship is the title in Ring of Honor and not the title that Jay Briscoe holds. El Patron attempted to get Jay Lethal into working a match, however Truth told El Patron to get in line and left the ring with Lethal.

In Ring Segment
Nigel McGuinness came to the ring and brought out Jay Briscoe. Jay declared that he wants a fatal four way match in Las Vegas for his World Title with Ciampa, Hanson and Michael Elgin, which McGuinness said that he would consider. Jay then called out The Kingdom.

ROH World Championship Match
Jay Briscoe (c) defeated Matt Taven. Post-match, Michael Bennett attacked Jay Briscoe until Mark Briscoe came out and made the save.


Tag Team Match
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) (w/ODB) defeated The Kingdom (Michael Bennett & Matt Taven) (w/Maria Kanellis) via DQ.

Top Prospect Tournament Match
Beer City Bruiser defeated Mikey Webb.

Singles Match
Alberto El Patron defeated Christopher Daniels. Post-match, Jay Lethal and Jay Diesel attacked Alberto, however Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian made the save.


Singles Match
Moose (w/Veda Scott & Stokely Hathaway) defeated The Romantic Touch.

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Decade (Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Page & Chris LeRusso) (w/BJ Whitmer) defeated ???, ??? & ???.

Top Prospect Tournament Match
Ashley Sixx defeated Dalton Castle. Adam Cole came out the ring after the match was over to address the crowd, but instead brought a chair into the ring, looked at the camera, dropped the mic and gave it the finger before leaving.

Triple Threat Match For The ROH World TV Championship
Jay Lethal (w/Truth Martini) (c) defeated Matt Sydal and ACH. 0