WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Mon, 29 Jun 2015 07:44:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mon, 15 Jun 2015 14:38:53 +0000 Jer Polk Other Reviews Reviews CWF CWF Mid-Atlantic CWF WorldWide Episode 4 of CWF WorldWideВ  kicks off with Rising Generation League Champion Ethan Alexander Sharpe halfheartedly bragging on the team he has assembled. Sharpe introduces Chappy (whom he says isn’t very good) , then announces Darius Lockhart as a “brash, young upstart” and before he’s able to give an underhelming introduction to “Sis” the RGL […]

Episode 4 of CWF WorldWideВ  kicks off with Rising Generation League Champion Ethan Alexander Sharpe halfheartedly bragging on the team he has assembled. Sharpe introduces Chappy (whom he says isn’t very good) , then announces Darius Lockhart as a “brash, young upstart” and before he’s able to give an underhelming introduction to “Sis” the RGL champ is cut off by their opponents, the team ofВ  Aaaron Biggs, Chris Lea, Smith Garrett, and Samoa Joey. Brad Stutts & Cecil Scott are on commentary.

Biggie Smoove (Chris Lea & Aaron Biggs), Smith Garrett & Samoa Joey def Ethan Alexander Sharpe, Darius Lockhart, Sis, & Chappy

Smith Garrett starts off with Chappy and no sooner than the bell is rung, Garrett absolutely LEVELS Chappy with a clothesline and they isoalate The All-Star’s errand boy in the corner laying in brutal chops until Darius Lockhart makes the save. A lot of history in this matchup with Lockhart and Lea having feuded lately and Samoa Joey feuding with the RGL champion Sharpe, though as the announcers astutely pointed out NO ONE cares for the RGL champ. The team of Biggie Smoove (Chris Lea and Aaron Biggs) used some excellent double teams on Sharpe, as they continue to have the opening 8 man tag decisively in their favor. “Sis” tags into the match for the first time and this lady gives ZERO care to who she locks up with as she hits an exploder suplex on Chris Lea to gain the first advantage for her team. The cocky Darius Lockhart tags in to do some damage on Lea, but it’s Sho Smoove hitting a blue thunder bomb and tagging Aaron Biggs who takes out all four members of the opposition. Now it’s Darius Lockhart who receives a triple superkick from Lea, Joey, and Garrett and the only opponent left now is Chappy, Aaron Biggs hits the running thesz press and makes a grease spot of Chappy to pick up the win for his team.

Analysis: POOR CHAPPY! The errand boy of the All-Stars is a current and perhaps permanent grease spot on the canvas of the Sportatorium courtesy of Aaron Biggs. The rising stars of CWF Mid-Atlantic were on display here once again as the team of Biggie Smoove (Chris Lea and Aaron Biggs) really drove their team and displayed some excellent tag team wrestling in this 8В  man tag match. The young powerhouse Smith Garrett picked up his second big win on CWF WorldWide and continues to build momentum as a true contender in the Rising Generation League. Sharpe’s team never got on the same page in this one and their “leader” the RGL champ is only interested in retaining his championship and continues to make no friends. Biggs absolutely destroyed Chappy to pick up the dominating win for Team Samoa Joey, but there is still a score to be settled between Joey and Ethan Alexander Sharpe.

Footage is shown from the main event Lumberjack match between Zane Dawson and Arik Royal last week on CWF WorldWide. If you’ve yet to see this WILD main event I implore you to check out CWF WorldWide Episode 3.

We go to comments from a frustrated Arik Royal directly following the match. Royal is questioning what he has to do. The longest reigning champion in CWF Mid-Atlantic history says he is sick and tired of being taken advantage of and vows that at Absolute Justice someone will feel that wrath.

C.L. Party interviews “Flawless” Brandon Day about his upcoming match with Dave Dawson, Day says it doesn’t matter if you’re from The RIOT, CWF, or otherwise he’s going to make it hurt.

Brandon Day & Dave Dawson battled to a time limit draw
Brandon Day opens up with a headbutt to Dave Dawson, Dawson responds with some punches and the FIGHT is on between these two big, rough bruisers. Day hits a nice dropkick and goes to work with some knees, whipping Dawson into the corner but the younger Dawson brother responds with a clothesline. The two exchange open hand shots, knife edge chops and elbows and Day goes for a hurracanrana but Dawson hits a sitout powerbomb for a nearfall. After showing off some of their surprising wrestling skill, these two big men devolved back to an all out brawl and try as they might neither could get that decisive edge in the allotted time to pick up the win as the time ran out but the fight continued. Dawson & Day battled after the bell with Brandon Day hitting the discus elbow and knocking Dave Dawson out of the ring.

Analysis: CWF Mid-Atlantic presents another in their series of hard hitting brawls, The Sportatorium has housed some great fights in the first four months of CWF WorldWide and this one takes it’s place amongst them. Day in addition to being a brawler showed he has some underlying skill that can catch a competitor off guard, but Dave Dawson who gets his jollies off bouncing the roughest, toughest guys out of bars had no give in him whatsoever. These two may have a future date, perhaps with a longer time limit and more relaxed rules to settle or at least renew their fight.

C.L. Party previews the next upcoming live event CWF BattleBowl on June 13th. Match participants will be drawn at random by fans and the winners of those matches will advance to the BattleBowl Battle Royale for a shot at PWI International Heavyweight Champion Zane Dawson. You can see all the action from BattleBowl beginning Wednesday June 17 at 9 pm on CWF WorldWide .

Coach Gemini led former CWF Mid-Atlantic Champion Roy Wilkins to the ring for a grappling exhibition. Coach informed the crowd that Wilkins is the greatest scientific wrestler on the planet and he was going to prove it… Against their own errand boy CHAPPY! Of course Chappy was still worse for wear from earlier in the night and the events to follow would in no way help his cause. Roy Wilkins applied an abdominal stretch which forced Chappy to tap out twice immediately, then a figure four where the errand boy of the All-Stars actually lost consciousness and finally Wilkins applied his signature stretch muffler. As the exhibition was coming to a close The Kamikazi Kid returned to CWF Mid-Atlantic and wanted to take part in the grappling challenge, Coach and Wilkins declined based on him having just “competed” and The All-Stars left the ring.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Champion Chet Sterling def PWI International Ultra J Champion Eithan Case to retain the TV title

Per a pre match stipulation, Brad Stutts joined the competitors in the ring for a coin toss to determine which championship would be on the line. The brash, cocky Ultra J Champion called the toss and won it so it would be a 10 minute time limit with the Television championship of the fastest rising star in the mid-atlantic Chet Sterling on the line. Sterling and Case felt each other out a bit to begin but the champion understood the sense of urgency to retain his title, not being content with a time limit draw he went for some early pin falls but Case kicked out. Conversely, Case in his first television title match took his time and delayed the action as Sterling continued to try to get the pin but it was the Ultra J Champion who ran the TV champ head first into the turnbuckle to gain control of the matchup, when Ethan Case hits you he hits you HARD and he really had Sterling reeling for the better part of this match. The Ultra J Champ was more concerned about trash talking and claiming to be the most “TV Ready” person in CWF which allowed Sterling to get victory rolls, backslides and other pinning combinations but again it wasn’t quite enough. Case fired back and hit a couple of ace crushers but this time it was the TV champion showing his resilence and kicking out before the three! Case became frustrated as time was running down, with 30 second remaining he hit ‘Sliced Bread’ but AGAIN Sterling kicked out and that refusal to give up turned the tide as again Case went back to the ace crusher but Sterling countered to the backslide and got the pinfall with seconds remaining to retain his television championship and continue his roll.

Analysis: A stellar main event between two top notch talents with huge ceilings. Case was very pleased that his championship was not on the line and it was a huge opportunity for him to leave Gibsonville as a double champion, but the TV champion took advantage of his familiar match stipulations, the cocky attitude of his opponent and a lot of aduration from the crowd at the Sportatorium. Case has a legit claim to being one of the best juniors in the world as the Ultra J Champion but Sterling is in the midst of the hottest streak of his entire career and has been proving no challenge is too big. Heart and focus won this for Sterling as he took a beating for much of the match but kept his head in the matchup and found a pinning combination that caught Case off guard. This is a feud that looks to be continuing as Case will not accept the loss or the notion that Sterling got the better of him.

Final Analysis: POOR, POOR CHAPPY! I think that best sums up episode 4 of CWF WorldWide. The All-Stars errand boy was decimated by Chris Lea, Aaron Biggs, Samoa Joey & Smith Garrett and then to add insult to injury it was his own “teammates” in the All-Stars who furthered his misery for a grappling exhibition. The former CWF Mid-Atlantic champion Roy Wilkins has a legitimate claim to being one of the best scientific wrestlers in the world, but he has to begin to accept challenges from guys like Kazi to prove that fact. The brawls of CWF Mid-Atlantic are becoming legendary, Royal vs Zane Dawson, King vs Wohlfert, and now Brandon Day vs Dave Dawson. CWF WorldWide offers a little bit of everything for everyone and if you’re a fan of FiGHTS they certainly deliver. In the case of delivering the same can be said for the first four main events of CWF WorldWide, as a long time fan of the promotion it’s no surprise to me but the guys at the “top of the card” deliver each and everytime. Sterling and Case had a phenomenal ten minute matchup that left you wanting more and I believe they could’ve delivered had the coin toss went the other way and been a 30 minute Ultra J Championship matchup. Would Chet Sterling now be a TRIPLE champion? That remains to be seen but it seems very possible that he is a bonafide challenger to Ethan Case’s Ultra J Championship and I would love to see a match made in the future and Sterling to get that opportunity.

Don’t forget CWF WorldWide airs every Wednesday at 9 pm directly following WWE NXT at cwfmidatlantic you can view the episodes (past and present) on demand at anytime as well and it’s all FREE! Don’t miss your chance to see the promotion that mixes old school mid-atlantic wrestling with the new school feel of today’s pro wrestling. Follow them @cwfmidatlantic for the latest info and join the conversation about #CWFWorldWide with me @The1andonlyJer 0 Sun, 14 Jun 2015 03:59:47 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha BattleBowl CWF Mid-Atlantic CWF Mid-Atlantic – BattleBowl June 13th, 2015 Gibsonville, NC Brandon Day def Nick Richards in a NO DQ Open Fight. Day is first to advance to the battle royale later tonight. RGL Champion Ethan Alexander Sharpe's randomly drawn 8 man team (John Skyler, Aaron Biggs, Cecil Scott, & Mark James) def "Samoa" Joey Hogan's randomly […]

CWF Mid-Atlantic – BattleBowl
June 13th, 2015
Gibsonville, NC

Brandon Day def Nick Richards in a NO DQ Open Fight. Day is first to advance to the battle royale later tonight.

RGL Champion Ethan Alexander Sharpe's randomly drawn 8 man team (John Skyler, Aaron Biggs, Cecil Scott, & Mark James) def "Samoa" Joey Hogan's randomly drawn team (Roy Wilkins, Jesse Adler, Michael McCallister & Chris Lea) when Biggs pinned Wilkins whom received no assistance from his team. Sharpe's team advances to the battle royale.

Non-BattleBowl Women's Tag Match

Sis & Su Yung def Amy Love & Amanda Rodriguez when Yung got Amber w/ the mandible claw

Brad Attitude & Evan Banks def Aric Andrews & Smith Garrett. Attitude hit the Superkick on Garrett after Andrews leaves his partner. The CWF Mid-Atlantic Champ (Attitude) and Banks advance to the battle royale.

Triple Threat TV & Ultra J title match

Chet Sterling (TV champ) def Darius Lockhart & Ethan Case (Ultra J Champ)

Lockhart was drawn as the random opponent to challenge Sterling for the Television title, Ethan Case came out and demanded to be added into the matchup. Stutts asks the fans opinion & unanimously they
Agree to a 3 way with BOTH belts on
the line!

Chet Sterling pinned Darius Lockhart while Case had him in the figure four. Sterling retains the TV title and due to not being pinned Case is still Ultra J Champion.

Battle Bowl Battle Royale: Winner receives PWI International Title Shot vs Zane Dawson

Aaron Biggs won the Battle Bowl Battle Royale last eliminating Brandon Day

PWI International Heavyweight Championship Match

Zane Dawson defeated Aaron Biggs to retain the PWI International Heavyweight Title

See all the action from this event beginning Wednesday at 9 pm on CWF WorldWide at 0 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:20:15 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Aaron Biggs Arik Royal Brad Attitude Chet Sterling Corey Edsel CWF CWF Mid-Atlantic Ethan Sharpe Evan Banks Jesse Adler Lance Lude Lee Valiant Manny Garcia Marcellus King Michael McAllister Nick Richards Ray Kandrack Ric Converse Rob McBride Roy WIlkins Smith Garrett The Dangerous E-Lliance The Riot Walter Eaton CWF Mid Atlantic – Redemption Feb 21, 2015 Gibsonville, NC 1.) ROY WILKINS of the All Stars defeated SMITH GARRETT after an assist from the All Stars water boy “Chappy” who was annihilated by Garrett after the bout. 2.) AARON BIGGS & ROB “BOOGIE WOOGIE MAN” McBRIDE defeated “DANGEROUS E” COREY EDSEL & MICHAEL […]

CWF Mid Atlantic – Redemption
Feb 21, 2015
Gibsonville, NC

1.) ROY WILKINS of the All Stars defeated SMITH GARRETT after an assist from the All Stars water boy “Chappy” who was annihilated by Garrett after the bout.


3.) RAY KANDRACK defeated WALTER EATON of the All Stars in a grudge match.

ARIK ROYAL stormed the ring and demanded a response from RIC CONVERSE as to why Converse cost Royal his match at #CWF400 two weeks ago. Instead Rising Generation League Champion ETHAN SHARPE interrupted and took credit for driving Converse out of CWF Mid-Atlantic with a humiliating forfeit in January. Royal was poised to attack Sharpe until MARCELLUS KING slid into the ring and said that his scheduled opponent EVAN BANKS was still in Virginia snowed in. Since neither man was getting who they wanted tonight, King challenged Royal to a one-on-one match instead.

4.) ARIK ROYAL defeated MARCELLUS KING with la magistral. After the bout King went nuts throwing chairs into the ring and going after the official.

5.) CHET STERLING survived a grueling 30-minute “Battle for the Future” elimination scramble against MANNY GARCIA, JESSE ADLER and NICK RICHARDS of The Riot.

After the evening’s scheduled bouts concluded, LEE VALIANT of The Riot and Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion BRAD ATTITUDE went at it in an unsanctioned non-title fight that went all over the building. Eventually Valiant was joined by his teammate Richards and seemed poised to against smash Attitude’s head in with a chair until a returning LANCE LUDE made the save and along with Attitude left Richards and Valiant KO’d at the end of the night.

Lude went on to explain that Valiant had actually told the truth at Battlecade XV when Valiant insinuated that Lance was leaving the sport due to injuries inflicted by Valiant. Lude said he was hurt, exhausted, depressed and had every intention of stepping away to recover but with the Riot threatening CWF’s future and stability and guys like Attitude fighting on despite doctor’s orders, he could sit idle no longer. Lude and Attitude led the crowd in an impassioned “CWF” chant to end the night.

You can watch the entire CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Double Barrel (1/24/15) Event FOR FREE below 0 Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:46:26 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Adam Page Arik Royal Brad Attitude Charlie Weston Chet Sterling CWF Mid-Atlantic Ethan Alexander Sharpe Evan Banks Jesse Adler John Skyler Lee Valiant Manny Garcia Marcellus King Mason Maddox New Years Knockout Nick Richards Ray Kandrack Ric Converse Roy WIlkins Walter Eaton The following results are from a recent CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling live event. The event took place on January 10th, 2015 at the New Mid Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina. Singles Match Ethan Alexander Sharpe defeated Ric Converse. Singles Match Adam Page defeated Jesse Adler. Singles Match Marcellus King defeated Mason Maddox. CWF Mid-Atlantic Television […]

The following results are from a recent CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling live event. The event took place on January 10th, 2015 at the New Mid Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina.

Singles Match
Ethan Alexander Sharpe defeated Ric Converse.

Singles Match
Adam Page defeated Jesse Adler.

Singles Match
Marcellus King defeated Mason Maddox.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Championship Match
Manny Garcia (c) defeated Charlie Weston.

Singles Match
Chet Sterling defeated John Skyler.

Tag Team Match
Arik Royal & Ray Kandrack defeated Roy Wilkins & Walter Eaton.

Singles Match
Lee Valiant defeated Evan Banks.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship Match
Brad Attitude (c) defeated Nick Richards. 0 Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:07:24 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Aaron Biggs Arik Royal Battlecade Brad Attitude Cedric Alexander Chase Dakota Chet Sterling Chris Lea Coach Gemini Corey Duncum Corey Edsel CWF Mid-Atlantic Donnie Dollars Ethan Alexander Sharpe Ethan Case Jason Miller Jesse Adler Jimmy Parker Lance Lude Lee Valiant Manny Garcia Marcellus King Mark James Matty de Nero Michael McAllister Nick Richards Ray Kandrack Ric Converse Rob McBride Roy WIlkins Sis Smith Garrett The Brutes The Dangerous E-Lliance Timmy Retton Tommy Thomas Trevor Lee Zane Dawson Zane Riley The following results are from a recent CWF Mid-Atlantic live event. The event took place on December 27th, 2014 at the CWF Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina. CWF Mid-Atlantic Rising Generation League Championship Match Ethan Alexander Sharpe defeated Jesse Adler to become the new Champion. Tag Team Match The Brutes (Jimmy Parker & Mark […]

The following results are from a recent CWF Mid-Atlantic live event. The event took place on December 27th, 2014 at the CWF Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Rising Generation League Championship Match
Ethan Alexander Sharpe defeated Jesse Adler to become the new Champion.

Tag Team Match
The Brutes (Jimmy Parker & Mark James) defeated Corey Duncum & Smith Garrett.

Golden Ticket Fatal Four Way Match
Marcellus King defeated Donnie Dollars, Ray Kandrack and Timmy Retton.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Aaron Biggs, Rob McBride & Zane Riley defeated The Dangerous E-Lliance (Corey Edsel, Michael McAllister & Sis).

CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Championship Match
Manny Garcia defeated Chris Lea to become the new Champion.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match
Chet Sterling & Trevor Lee defeated Nick Richards & Zane Dawson (w/Jason Miller) to become the new Champions.

Fatal Four Way Match For The PWI Ultra J Championship
Ethan Case (w/Tommy Thomas) (c) defeated Cedric Alexander, Chase Dakota and Lance Lude.

Singles Match
Lee Valiant defeated Matty de Nero.

Singles Match
Arik Royal defeated Ric Converse.

No DQ Match For The CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship
Brad Attitude defeated Roy Wilkins (w/Coach Gemini) to become the new Champion. 0 Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:10:28 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Arik Royal CWF Mid-Atlantic Ethan Case Trevor Lee CWF Mid-Atlantic sent out the following, hyping their big event this Saturday: The fallout from the wildest Rumble ever has launched CWF Mid-Atlantic into pure chaos in recent weeks and now the ultimate night of tag-team warfare comes your way on Saturday November 15th at ULTIMATE SURVIVOR 2014! Featuring the Torneo Cibernetico, Triathlon Survivor Match, […]

CWF Mid-Atlantic sent out the following, hyping their big event this Saturday:

The fallout from the wildest Rumble ever has launched CWF Mid-Atlantic into pure chaos in recent weeks and now the ultimate night of tag-team warfare comes your way on Saturday November 15th at ULTIMATE SURVIVOR 2014! Featuring the Torneo Cibernetico, Triathlon Survivor Match, Traditional Elimination Match AND Mid-Atlantic versus the Midwest in STEEL CAGE WARFARE!

Saturday November 15
LIVE from the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium
1001 Springwood Ave. Gibsonville, NC 27249

Doors open at 7 PM and bell time is 7:30 PM.


REED BENTLEY leads Indiana's Evolution Pro Wrestling into Steel Cage Warfare against CWF Mid-Atlantic and ARIK ROYAL with the fate of Battlecade XV on the line! If the Midwest team wins they get HALF of our anniversary supercard on December 27. Royal has volunteered to captain Team CWF, despite being scheduled for the 16-man Torneo Cibernetico and challenged other CWF Mid-Atlantic cornerstones to do the same, even calling out the Dynasty's RIC CONVERSE by name. Check back for updates on who will represent each team in this battle for ultimate survival!

2 out of 3 Falls Triathlon Survivor Match:
The Dynasty: BRAD ATTITUDE, RIC CONVERSE & BRAD RAINZ VS. Coach Gemini's All Stars: WALTER EATON, Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion ROY WILKINS & ?

With RAY KANDRACK seemingly on the outs with the All-Stars, who will the Coach get to fill out his team and go against the reunited original Dynasty?!

8 Person Elimination Tag-Team Match:

Corey Edsel's interference cost BOTH The Killbillies and Smith & Weston shots at the Mid-Atlantic Tag-Team Championship, can the former rivals come together and topple Edsel's monster army?!

16 Man Torneo Cibernetico:
Team Captain TREVOR LEE
Mid-Atlantic Tag-Team Champion NICK RICHARDS
Mid-Atlantic Tag-Team Champion JASON MILLER
Mid-Atlantic Television Champion MANNY GARCIA
PWI Ultra J Champion ETHAN CASE
Team Captain ARIK ROYAL
JOSH ADAMS from the CZW Wrestling Academy

With injuries sidelining TWO members of Arik Royal's team, who will be drafted to replace Lance Lude and Aaron Biggs?! Keep checking back for updates as teams are finalized heading into the ultimate night of tag-team warfare.

Like what you see? CWF Mid-Atlantic runs between 30-40 live events each year; many of which emanate from the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in the heart of the legendary NWA territory along Tabacco Road (1001 Springwood Ave; Gibsonville, NC). Aside from hosting live events, CWF also fully trains all prospective wrestlers and have had no less than two dozen compete for the WWE. For more information on training or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at , , or follow us on twitter @CWFMidAtlantic! 0 Sun, 02 Nov 2014 23:49:09 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Aaron Biggs Aric Andrews Arik Royal Brad Attitude Charlie Weston Chase Dakota Chet Sterling Chris Lea CWF Mid-Atlantic Darius Lockhart Donnie Dollars Evan Banks Jason Miller Jimmy Parker Manny Garcia Marcellus King Mark James Michael McAllister Nick Richards Rage & The Machine Ray Kandrack Roy WIlkins Smith & Weston Smith Garrett The Killbillies The Mecha Mercenary Trevor Lee Walter Eaton CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling live event. The event took place on November 1st, 2014 at the Mid Atlantic Sportatorium in Burlington, North Carolina. Singles Match Arik Royal defeated Marcellus King. Fatal Four Way Match Ray Kandrack defeated Chase Dakota, Chet Sterling and Darius Lockhart. Singles Match Brad Attitude defeated Walter Eaton. CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Championship Match […]

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling live event. The event took place on November 1st, 2014 at the Mid Atlantic Sportatorium in Burlington, North Carolina.

Singles Match
Arik Royal defeated Marcellus King.

Fatal Four Way Match
Ray Kandrack defeated Chase Dakota, Chet Sterling and Darius Lockhart.

Singles Match
Brad Attitude defeated Walter Eaton.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Championship Match
Manny Garcia (c) defeated Chris Lea.

6-Way Gauntlet Match For The CWF Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championships
Jason Miller & Nick Richards (c) defeated Aaron Biggs & Donnie Dollars, The Killbillies (Aric Andrews & Evan Banks), Smith & Weston (Smith Garrett & Charlie Weston), Mark James & Jimmy Parker and Rage & The Machine (The Mecha Mercenary & Michael McAllister).

Submission Or Knockout Match For The CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship
Roy Wilkins (c) defeated Trevor Lee. 0 Sun, 19 Oct 2014 05:30:20 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha CWF Mid-Atlantic Ethan Case Lance Lude CWF Mid-Atlantic �Pure Chaos' 10-18-14 Gibsonville, NC   "Pure Chaos 2014″ lived up to its name as perhaps the most out of control event in CWF history! With the wrestlers calling the shots and making their own matches, the action was manic and unpredictable. LEE VALANT interrupted the opening of the event and proclaimed […]

CWF Mid-Atlantic �Pure Chaos'
Gibsonville, NC

"Pure Chaos 2014″ lived up to its name as perhaps the most out of control event in CWF history! With the wrestlers calling the shots and making their own matches, the action was manic and unpredictable.

LEE VALANT interrupted the opening of the event and proclaimed himself to be chaos personified and again vowed to destroy CWF Mid-Atlantic. CHRIS LEA stood up to him, saying he originally intended on calling out Television Champion MANNY GARCIA but he couldn't stomach hearing another word from Valiant's mouth.

1.) LEE VALIANT defeated CHRIS LEA after an assist from Television Champion MANNY GARCIA.


3.) Mid-Atlantic Tag-Team Champions JASON MILLER & NICK RICHARDS survived a crazy fight against MECHA MERCENARY & MICHAEL McALLISTER, THE KILLBILLIES and SMITH GARRETT & CHARLIE WESTON to retain the championship. Earlier in the week, Miller and Richards had issues an open challenge in keeping with the theme of the event. When THREE teams of potential challengers took them up on it, the match was made into a fatal four-way.

4.) ETHAN CASE defeated PWI Ultra J Champion LANCE LUDE by pinfall to win the championship. Ethan vowed he would bring "sports entertainment" to the very traditional CWF audience and tried to goad Lude into shenanigans before the bell rang. Once the fight was finally on, Case surprised everyone in the Sportatorium with a KO strike that won him the championship in his very first CWF Mid-Atlantic bout, in one of the most shocking results in CWF history. Case insisted upon PWI President WILLIAM L. CROSS coming into the ring and strapping the championship around his waist, while Case proclaimed that sports entertainment had triumphed over traditional pro wrestling

5.) Television Champion MANNY GARCIA defeated CHET STERLING after jabbing him violently in the throat with his Dominican flag pole. CHRIS LEA was at ringside mocking Garcia late in the bout and a Television Championship bout between the two has been signed for Saturday November 1st at FALLOUT 2014.

In pre-recorded comments, TREVOR LEE cited Mid-Atlantic Champion ROY WILKINS using the ropes for illegal assistance in two recent title defenses. Trevor went on to challenge Wilkins to the first ever No Ropes Match in CWF MId-Atlantic history on Saturday November 1st at Fallout in a battle for ultimate supremacy to settle their issue once and for all.

6.) In the scheduled main event, WALTER EATON and Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion ROY WILKINS defeated ARIK ROYAL and RIC CONVERSE. The bout had been suggested by Eaton earlier in the night when both Royal and Converse petitioned for a Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship bout against Wilkins. As a result of the agreed upon pre-match stipulations, BOTH Converse and Royal cannot challenge Wilkins again for as long as he holds the championship.

7.) In an impromptu main event, BRAD ATTITUDE defeated "THE ASSASSIN" RAY KANDRACK. Eaton stated earlier in the night that Coach Gemini, who was away on business, put him in the charge of the All Stars for the night and Eaton had "benched" Kandrack. When a livid Brad Attitude showed up and destroyed Wilkins and Eaton with a baseball bat, it was Kandrack, presumably in an attempt to assert his position within the All Stars group, who stopped the attack. After the loss Eaton berated Kandrack and without the Coach there to cool them down, the two came to blows in a wild scene as Attitude vowed that he would continue to tear apart the All Stars down on November 1st at Fallout. 0