WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 30 Sep 2015 02:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:15:19 +0000 Gregory Iron Blogs Wrestler Blogs AIW Dennis Stamp Dick Justice Grado Gregory Iron I'm Not Booked     I’ve been absent from for awhile. My sincerest apologies. Things have been hectic lately. No worries, though. I’m now committed to bringing you two– yes, TWO- articles a week. Sooo, that’s something to look forward to, right?   Life, man. We all have stuff going on. It gets busy sometimes. As busy […]


Dennis Stamp got booked and I didn’t. Credit: Ichiban Drunk

I’ve been absent from for awhile. My sincerest apologies. Things have been hectic lately. No worries, though. I’m now committed to bringing you two– yes, TWO- articles a week. Sooo, that’s something to look forward to, right?

Life, man. We all have stuff going on. It gets busy sometimes. As busy as it may get, though, sometimes you just need a few moments to stop and think about how wild and unpredictable it can be. I guess I wanted to give you a tiny glimpse into a couple days of my life from this weekend.

I’m especially fortunate to be able to live out a childhood dream nearly every weekend, one that would be nearly unattainable for most ambidextrous individuals. Yet, here I am lucky enough to say that I have looked passed the naysayers and busted my ass to be a pretty good one armed wrestler (I think so, at least). Now, if you’re reading this and you’re not a wrestler, chances are pretty good that our lives and the lives of those I’m going to mention in this, in some respects, are going to be substantially different. With that said, if you have something that you truly love and are passionate about, chances are that we all aren’t that much different. I’ve said it a hundred times: Not everyone can understand wrestling (it’s weird). Everyone can understand passion.

On Friday, February 20th, I had a local show in my hometown of Cleveland for Absolute Intense Wrestling. It’s rare that I wrestle anywhere near my home anymore, as most of my gigs are out of state. I was excited not to have to drive or fly several hours to my destination, at least for one evening. Now, why is it so rare for me to wrestle in my area? Well for one, most of the local-ish wrestling in Ohio are bush league feds ran by wannabe “promoters”– full grown adults so inept at life that they have a hard time keeping minimum wage jobs, spelling words and constructing second grade level sentences– yet somehow think that they can appoint themselves head of a “company,” and create something that brings in revenue. Let’s not forget that the “talent” they book usually look less like athletes and more like good candidates as the next contestant on “The Biggest Loser.”

With that out of the way, though I don’t always see eye to eye with the guys behind it, AIW’s John Thorne and Chandler Biggins have created a strong cult following for it’s brand. They have managed to branch out beyond the slums of Lorain Avenue in Cleveland, gaining nationwide and even worldwide attention through using a mixture of talented wrestlers, quality DVD distribution, consistent marketing through social media via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube, and of course, word of mouth.

In the weeks leading up to the event, I actually wasn’t booked, which got me sort of irritated, as I hadn’t been booked for the previous event either. I was told that I was stale, and that I was going to get some time off. ‘Okay,’ I thought, ‘but I feel I’m the most genuinely hated guy in the organization.’ Whatever. I had no time or energy to argue– until I saw someone else booked.

Someone who, besides jumping, doesn’t do any tricks.

Someone who doesn’t gets booked.


Dennis Stamp.

Unfamiliar with Stamp? If so, you probably shouldn’t call yourself a wrestling fan, but I believe in second chances. Get familiar with him right now by watching his legendary appearance in the 1999 documentary “Beyond The Mat.”

Click here to view the embedded video.

68 year old Dennis Stamp, a retired exterminator, a father– hell, a GRANDFATHER– was booked, but 28 year old me was.. too stale?

When I saw this, I thought about how unbelievable and ironic this was. I had always found his clip in “Beyond The Mat” to be the absolute best. Knowing the D-bag that I can be, I just knew I had to be the guy to confront him. So, unannounced, I showed up to AIW. I set it up to where I was going to interrupt Stamp’s big speech.

After telling the crowd about how happy he was to have recently beat terminal cancer and to have finally gotten a booking, I spoiled his celebration. I came to the ring, and hit every one of his lines from “Beyond The Mat” in some form.

“I’m not booked!”

“I can have a great match with any guy in that locker room. Ya know who could have a great match with Dory Funk?! ME! Not you!”

“You’re like one of the old dogs that come into the locker room– just HOPING that someone recognizes you. ‘Here Spot! Here Spot!”

It was surreal. If you would have asked me a month earlier, I’d have guessed Dennis Stamp was dead. If you would have told 13 year old Greg in 1999 that in 2015, you’ll be trash talking that guy that jumped on the trampoline with weights in his hands while wearing a speedo in “Beyond The Mat,” I’d have pondered the assortment of drugs you surely must have consumed.

Even more surreal than all that: Wrestling Stamp, and being pinned by him. The confrontation ended up turning into a six man tag team match, featuring myself and Iron Curtain members Ben Boone and Jerry, against “Super Cop” Dick Justice, TNA British Boot Camp star Grado, and Dennis. F’N. Stamp. Mind you, this was literally Stamp’s first match since 1991. Somehow, no one had capitalized on his BTM appearance in sixteen years.

The Clothesline From Not Booked Hell. Credit: Ichiban Drunk

The Clothesline From Not Booked Hell. Credit: Ichiban Drunk

Was it embarrassing losing to a 68 year old guy? Sure. I mean, technically, if you watch the footage, I clearly kicked out before three. However, from what I understand, Dennis Stamp being booked to wrestle for the first time in nearly twenty five years– and winning– in front of a few hundred fans made his life. As depressing as it was to take the “L,” I guess I did a good thing. Dennis, wherever you are, I hope you’re happy.

I wish I could say that the waves of good vibrations brought to the crowd by the feelgood story of Dennis Stamp could have lasted throughout the night…


Check out Part Two this week right here on Head on over to to get linked up to my merch, and check out my upcoming dates. Write me if you’d like to bring me in some form to your next event. I’m available alone, or together with former WWE Superstar and one legged wrestler Zach Gowen as “The Handicapped Heroes.” We are open for wrestling, signings, seminars, speaking engagements,  and various other events. You can also book me with The Iron Curtain, or build your own Chapter of The Iron Curtain in your promotion. Contact me directly through my site or email me directly at

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-Greg 0