WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:33:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thu, 10 Sep 2015 15:20:09 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Indy/Puro/Lucha Other Blogs Reviews Bullet Club Christopher Daniels Destination America Frankie Kazarian Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Maria Kanellis Matt Taven Michael Bennett Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH The Addiction The Kingdom TNA WWE Young Bucks Welcome to a very special edition of Honorable Mention – the once-weekly Ring of Honor breakdown exclusively available at Daily Wrestling News. Wait a tick. This isn't Daily Wrestling News, this is Cheap-Heat! What's going on here? It's like when Vince McMahon hosted ECW talent on Monday Night Raw in 1997; Cheap-Heat patrons get something […]

Welcome to a very special edition of Honorable Mention – the once-weekly Ring of Honor breakdown exclusively available at Daily Wrestling News. Wait a tick. This isn't Daily Wrestling News, this is Cheap-Heat! What's going on here? It's like when Vince McMahon hosted ECW talent on Monday Night Raw in 1997; Cheap-Heat patrons get something special, and Daily Wrestling News gets a little promotion. It's win/win. So without further ado, let's blast off into this week's 2-match show from the Meyer's Pavilion in Baltimore.

2. Lethal and Truth

This is a star-studded event with just two bouts—both of which for championship gold, however. The opening contest features the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions the Addiction, as they defend against the Young Bucks. It's Ring of Honor versus New Japan; it's experience versus youth; it's the Knights of the Red Dawn versus the Bullet Club . The Young Bucks get an early advantage over the champions, but Chris Sabin—who's conveniently located at ringside—pulls his friend from the action, in an attempt to save the titles. The referee immediately ejects Sabin from ringside, but not before the Young Bucks send him packing with a Super Kick. The �Bucks deliver another kick to Daniels, but Kazarian breaks up the monotony with a tornado DDT into the first commercial break. When we return, the Addiction is doing a number on Matt Jackson, who manages to squeeze from a body lock with an impressive corkscrew attack, and makes the hot tag.

3. Kaz and Nick Jackson

The Young Bucks are in the lead, using their quickness to cut their opponents down to size. It's no use, as the first available pin attempt is broken up by Kazarian. Kaz eats a Super Kick—that's three so far, if you're keeping track. A fourth to the face of Daniels following an attempted "Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels hits a suicide dive on Nick Jackson on the outside, but the Kingdom makes the presence felt when they blindside Daniels. Inside the ring, the �Bucks are preparing to deliver an IndyTaker to Kazarian, but opts to go the opposite way—landing a moonsault on the Kingdom and Daniels. After a successful IndyTaker, the �Bucks go for the pin, but the Kingdom pulls the official from the match. Daniels uses the distraction as an opening, and hits Nick Jackson across the skull with the championship belt. Maria distracts Matt Jackson, and Frankie Kazarian gets the pin with a roll up. The Addiction are still Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions.

4. Maria is so hot

After the match, we see ROH Matchmaker Nigel McGuinness, who says the outcome of the previous bout doesn't work for him. Therefore, Nigel says, the Young Bucks will be added to the championship match at All Star Extravaganza . On October 18 th it'll be the Addiction vs. the Kingdom vs. the Young Bucks. I'm really excited for this year's All Star Extravaganza. Certain people might scoff at a Friday night pay-per-view when the designated night for wrestling has always been Sunday. But WrestleMania 2 was on a Monday. And boxing and UFC fights go down on Saturday all the time. I say if Ring of Honor wants to differentiate itself by promoting shows on a different day of the week, more power to them. And hey—this isn't the first Friday night show they've done—there must be some magic glue inside those gentle walls. That's from the Family Matters theme song.

5. Roddy Strong

It's time for the main event. If it seems soon, remember that this is a world championship match, and the last time these competitors squared off, they went to a one-hour time limit. So it's probably smart to give them as much time as necessary. Both men adhere to the " Code of Honor, " but refused to relinquish the other man's hand. Jay Lethal is such an interesting personality; "a character babyface," as JR would say. There's nothing inherently evil about Jay Lethal, who doesn't really cheat to win, and very rarely attacks someone from behind. Jay is like Keanu Reeves in "The Devil's Advocate." Too much? Okay, let's move on. But seriously, go watch the "The Devil's Advocate"—it's fucking BONKERS: "I've got my hand up Mona Lisa's skirt!" Okay seriously, I should talk about the match, right?

6. Strong Roddy

Once things get underway this match turns into an all-out brawl with both men using whatever kind of offense they can muster. After a quick commercial, we return to find them still at odds, but now on the outside of the ring. Strong attacks Lethal's underlings—Jay Diesel and Donavan Dijak—but gets kicked in the face by Lethal in the process. Strong is juicing. If you're wondering if there's juice in this match—there's juice. Roddy gets hardwayed, and Lethal follows up with a sleeper hold—as if to pump all of Strong's blood out of his face. Strong makes his comeback when Dijak and the rest of the goons on the outside decide to get involved again; Strong uses the distraction and comes back with nearly 2 dozen vicious chops to the chest of Jay Lethal. Roddy hits Jay with a slam, but can only manage a 2-count as Jay returns to his very own Lethal Combination for the same count of two. Strong counters the Lethal Injection with a Sick Kick as we head into the final break of the night. We return and Jay Lethal is choking Roderick Strong with his wrist tape. The referee takes the tape, giving Lethal the chance to hit Strong with his title belt. There seems to be a lot of that going on tonight. After two Lethal Injections , Jay Lethal remains the undisputed Ring of Honor Champion, as he'll walk out of Baltimore with both belts once again.

7. Lethal

Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for new episodes of the B+ Players; constant coverage courtesy of ; and lots of laughs thanks to ! 0 Mon, 29 Jun 2015 17:30:52 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Top Lists Adam Cole Austin Aries Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan Davey Richards Eddie Edwards Jay Briscoe Kevin Steen Nigel McGuinness Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH ROH Champion Samoa Joe Seth Rollins Takeshi Morishima Tyler Black Xavier Welcome back to another exclusive list here at! In the past I’ve covered title belts in terms of great champions, iconic names in the industry, longest reigning NWA champions, WWE champions, cool designs and so much more! But it struck me–I never did a countdown of the Top 13 Longest Reigning Champions in Ring […]

Welcome back to another exclusive list here at! In the past I’ve covered title belts in terms of great champions, iconic names in the industry, longest reigning NWA champions, WWE champions, cool designs and so much more! But it struck me–I never did a countdown of the Top 13 Longest Reigning Champions in Ring of Honor History. This is a WHO’S WHO in the wrestling business, featuring some huge names and a couple of surprises that you probably didn’t see coming. Ready? Let’s get to it!

2. Eddie Edwards
13. Eddie Edwards
Days as Champion: 99
Number of Reigns: 1

Coming in at number thirteen is one half of the American Wolves—Eddie Edwards. Edwards just missed the hundred day mark with 99 days as champion, and successfully defended his title a total of 3 times during his 3-month run. He won the championship on March 19, 2011 in New York City when he defeated the current number one contender to the ROH title, Roderick Strong. The end came for Edwards and his reign as champion on June 26, 2011 when he was unseated by his now-tag team partner, Davey Richards.

3. Xavier
12. Xavier
Days as Champion: 182
Number of Reigns: 1

The name Xavier might not resonate with many casual fans, but Ring of Honor historians know him as the second man to hold the coveted ROH World title. Xavier defeated Low Ki on September 21, 2002 and held onto the championship through four title defenses. It was the fifth however, that cost Xavier the strap, when he dropped it to Samoa Joe on March 22, 2003.

4. Roderick Strong
11. Roderick Strong
Days as Champion: 189
Number of Reigns: 1

He is the current number one contender to Jay Lethal's Ring of Honor championship, and should he be successful in his upcoming effort, Roderick Strong will be just one of three men to hold the title twice. Roddy—as his friends and fans call him—won the ROH World Championship on September 11, 2010 in New York City from the current WWE Champion, Seth Rollins AKA Tyler Black. Roderick maintained his championship for over six months with five successful title defenses to his credit. He was finally defeated on March 19, 2011 by the first "American Wolf" to hold the title, Eddie Edwards.

5. Tyler Black
10. Tyler Black
Days as Champion: 210
Number of Reigns: 1

He is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion and in just three weeks will head into battle against the "Beast" Brock Lesnar. But once upon a time, Seth Rollins was known as Tyler Black—the tenth longest reigning ROH World Champion in history. Black defeated seven challengers during his time as champion, after first conquering the 2-time ROH Champion Austin Aries. Black held the title for the better part of seven months, and finally dropped the title to Roderick Strong on September 11, 2010 in New York.

6. Takeshi Morishima
9. Takeshi Morishima
Days as Champion: 231
Number of Reigns: 1

The only man on our countdown from the "Land of the Rising Sun" is the one and only Takeshi Morishima. Morishima's size and speed made him a formidable force when mixing it up with the smaller-statured American Indy workers, and on February 17, 2007, he defeated Homicide for the coveted ROH championship. Morishima's title defense record blows the previous numbers out of the water by nearly tripling Tyler Black's defense record with a total of 20 vanquished challengers. Morishima's unprecedented 231-days as champion came to a close on October 6, 2007 when Nigel McGuinness took the gold, and held it for nearly 2 years.

7. Adam Cole
8. Adam Cole
Days as Champion: 275
Number of Reigns: 1

If you started watching Ring of Honor when they began airing their pay-per-views on traditional cable systems, then Adam Cole might very well have been champion when you became a fan! Adam Cole is currently the leader of the Kingdom, and is the eighth longest-reigning ROH champion ever. Adam Cole won his first world title on September 20, 2013 when he defeated Michael Elgin in the tournament finals at Death Before Dishonor. He went on to carry the belt with him for an astounding 275 days and thirteen successful title defenses, until he was ultimately defeated by the man he bested in September, "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin.

8. Davey Richards
7. Davey Richards
Days as Champion: 321
Number of Reigns: 1

Joining his tag team partner is the other half of the American Wolves, Davey Richards. Richards didn't beat just anyone either, but his beloved friend and confidant Eddie Edwards. That's right, the two men who are currently competing with the Dirty Heels to decide the undisputed TNA Tag Team Championship are both former ROH World Title holders. Richards won the belt on June 26, 2011 and managed to retain his title for just shy of eleven months. During his run, Richards beat ten challengers, but finally succumbed to the eleventh on May 12, 2012. The man who beat him is the current reigning NXT Champion, Kevin Owens AKA Kevin Steen.

9. Kevin Steen
6. Kevin Steen
Days as Champion: 328
Number of Reigns: 1

From Davey Richards to Kevin Steen, the next few names are actually listed in chronological order. Kevin Steen outdid Richards' reign by one week, and an additional 8 title defenses. With 18 challengers sent packing, Kevin Steen was among the most active world champions up to that time, with but a few noteworthy exceptions. Kevin Steen eventually dropped his title to Jay Briscoe on April 5, 2013 at Supercard of Honor VII in New York City.

10. Jay Briscoe
5. Jay Briscoe
Days as Champion: 375
Number of Reigns: 2

And from Kevin Steen to Jay Briscoe! Jay Briscoe beat Kevin Steen after the formers 328-day reign as champion, but Briscoe would eventually outdo Steen over the course of TWO title runs. Only two men have ever held the Ring of Honor Championship twice; combining his first 89 days as champion with his other 286, Jay Briscoe ranks toward the top with 375 days. His first reign was cut short due to "injury," and the title was vacated and put up for grabs in a championship tournament won by Adam Cole. He then won the championship again from Michael Elgin, and carried it for nine months until recently losing it to Jay Lethal at Best in the World.

11. Austin Aries
4. Austin Aries
Days as Champion: 419
Number of Reigns: 2

The only other man besides Jay Briscoe to hold the ROH Championship twice is the guy that likes to go by "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived." Austin Aries first won the championship on December 26, 2004 when he defeated the longest reigning ROH Champion in history, but more on that in a few moments. His first reign lasted for 174 days, and consisted of sixteen successful title defenses. He was eventually bested by CM Punk, but regained his title on June 13, 2009 when he knocked off veteran journeyman Jerry Lynn. His second reign lasted even longer—a total of 245 days—and included an additional 13 successful defenses. Aries second championship reign came to an end on February 13, 2010 when he was beaten by the man who would one day be known as Seth Rollins—Tyler Black.

12. Bryan Danielson
3. Bryan Danielson
Days as Champion: 462
Number of Reigns: 1

Everyone's favorite underdog wasn't always so cute and cuddly, in fact he was one of the most vicious wrestlers to ever work inside a ROH ring. Bryan Danielson, more commonly known as Daniel Bryan, won the ROH Championship on September 17, 2005 when he defeated another WWE fixture, Jamie Noble AKA James Gibson. Danielson made a name for himself by setting the record for the most successful title defenses at 38, during which time he bested some of the greatest wrestlers on the planet. Danielson carried the ROH strap for 462 days—just over five months—until finally losing to Homicide at Final Battle 2006.

13. Nigel McGuinness
2. Nigel McGuinness
Days as Champion: 545
Number of Reigns: 1

Nigel McGuinness is the current ROH Matchmaker, and with 18+ months as world champion under his belt, is a shoe-in for any future ROH Hall of Fame. Nigel initially won the championship from the monstrous Takeshi Morishima on October 6, 2007 and went on to tie Bryan Danielson's defensive record at 38. Nigel McGuinness was one of the most prolific title holders in company history, as his reign spanned three calendar years from the tail end of 2007 to the spring of 2009. Nigel was the kind of despicable heel champion that could have only been beaten by a returning legend, and on April 3 rd , 2009, Nigel McGuinness lost the championship to Jerry Lynn.

14. Samoa Joe
1. Samoa Joe
Days as Champion: 645
Number of Reigns: 1

Samoa Joe made his WWE debut in 2015 at the age of 36. For many casual "Universe" fans, this was the first time they were afforded the chance to see Joe in action. Sure some of them got to know the "Samoan Submission Machine" thanks to his work in TNA, but not many fans are aware of what an important role Joe played in establishing Ring of Honor as a viable promotion. Samoa Joe is the longest reigning Ring of Honor Champion in history, and unlike Jay Briscoe and Austin Aries, his numbers are the result of a single run with the title. Joe debuted for Ring of Honor not long after the company debuted, and on March 22, 2003, defeated Xavier to become just the third man to hold the gold. During his 21 and a half months as champion, Joe defeated 22 challengers including some of the best and brightest from every corner of the globe. Joe was finally defeated the night after Christmas 2004 at Final Battle, by another fruitful champion and future ex-member of the TNA roster, Austin Aries. With 645 days as champion to his name, it's not hard to see why Samoa Joe's return to ROH this year was heralded as such a momentous occasion.

Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 4 Sat, 20 Jun 2015 03:53:01 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Live Show Blogs Best in the World Destination America Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal NXT Pay Per View Ring of Honor ROH Truth Martini WWE Welcome back to my once-quarterly coverage of Ring of Honor pay-per-view events. This is an interesting time for ROH as the perpetual third-party brand is finally available to fans nationwide. We just witnessed the third week of programming on Destination America, which just so happened to be a go-home show for their biggest event of […]

Welcome back to my once-quarterly coverage of Ring of Honor pay-per-view events. This is an interesting time for ROH as the perpetual third-party brand is finally available to fans nationwide. We just witnessed the third week of programming on Destination America, which just so happened to be a go-home show for their biggest event of the summer. I had mixed feelings heading into this show, as a number of matches on the card seemed rather forced . There were certainly a few slower-paced bouts, but nothing stood out as BAD . In fact, this was a pretty stellar show from top to bottom.

Donovan Dijak w/ Truth Martini vs. Mark Briscoe w/ ODB
The opening match tonight is a one-on-one preliminary bout between members of the Briscoe Clan and the House of Truth. Donovan Dijak is going head to head with Mark Briscoe, who comes to the ring with ODB. This is a fun match from start to finish, and really set the pace for things to come. I feel that people are down on Donovan Dijak for no reason; he's a rookie with very little time in the ring under his belt. That being said, I think he's pretty darn impressive, and works perfectly as part of Truth Martini's stable. My favorite part of the match was when ODB captured the valuable "Book of Truth" and tore it to shreds! The match was over when Mark Briscoe leapt from the top rope, taking out Dijak with a flying elbow. Mark Briscoe is your winner.
Winner: Mark Briscoe
Rating: 3 Stars ***

The Decade w/ Colby Corino vs. ACH and Matt Sydal
Our next contest is a tag team grudge match pitting the evilly egotistical Decade against the fan favorite duo of ACH and Matt Sydal. ACH has been feuding with BJ Whitmer and Adam Page for a number of weeks—maybe even months at this point—and Matt Sydal seems to be along for the ride. As always, the Decade is accompanied to the ring by King Steve Corino's son Colby, who holds his team's towel and a bucket of ice water. This is a fast-paced throw down wherein styles aren't so much meshing, as they are evolving to create a strong-style of sports entertainment. BJ Whitmer is a sadistic man who earns the ire of the New York crowd, and even prompts them to chant "Fuck You Whitmer." The Decade gets the pinfall thanks to Adam Page and an interruption by Colby Corino. Your winners are BJ Whitmer and Adam Page, but this rivalry is far from over.
Winner: The Decade
Rating: 3.25 Stars ***1/4

Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young
This was the match I was most looking forward to on the entire card, if you can believe that. I absolutely adore the Dalton Castle character, and have always had an affinity for Silas Young as well. Silas is the cigarette smoking nephew of Stan Hanson, whereas Dalton is an ambiguously eccentric showman who hits the ring wearing a "Freddie Mercury" jump suit, flocked by his "boys." Silas controls the pace of the match from the get-go, putting the relative newcomer through the ringer. Silas offered his hand in the "Code of Conduct," but Castle refused, presenting his hand for kiss instead. Silas gets a warm ovation from the audience despite his regular role as a heel. Castle comes back toward the tail end of the match by employing his amateur background, much to the surprise of Silas Young. He hits Silas with the Deadlift German Suplex for a near fall, sending the crowd into a frenzy! Silas gets angry with referee Todd Sinclair, and shoves him into the corner. Dalton takes advantage and rolls the veteran up with a school boy to earn an impressive victory. Your winner is Dalton Castle!
Winner: Dalton Castle
Rating: 2.5 Stars **1/2

War Machine vs. C and C Wrestling Factory
Cedric Alexander is coming into the match after earning a huge victory over the previously undefeated Moose on ROH TV. Tonight Cedric reforms C and C Wrestling Factory with Caprice Coleman to take on the dominant duo of Warbeard Hanson and Raymond Row—War Machine. Cedric defeated Moose on television this week after introducing a wrench to his opponents skull, and tried to pick up another win the same way. However Caprice Coleman was less enthused to take the low road and refused to act on Cedric's idea. War Machine was able to take advantage and pick up a win within mere moments. After the match, Cedric wrestled with whether or not to strike his partner, but decided against it. He stood across from Caprice and told him, "You and me? It's over." Cedric left Caprice in the ring. Your winners are War Machine!
Winner: War Machine
Rating: 2 Stars **

Number One Contender's Match
Michael Elgin vs. Moose vs. Roderick Strong
Moose gets a Wrestlemania entrance along with cheerleaders and football-inspired entrance gear. Admittedly—I was streaming this show illegally. And when you do things like that, it's only a matter of time before you're bit in the ass. Or at the very least, you witness somebody biting somebody else's ass. I was streaming the show and immediately following the introductions, the stream cut away to some of the most hardcore gay porn you've ever seen. Or maybe not, it really depends on what kind of gay porn you're use to watching, I guess. When the problem was fixed, this match was well underway and Roddy Strong was in firm control. He hit Moose with a sidewalk slam from the top rope and hit him with a double knee gut buster for a near fall. Roddy was moving at a hundred miles-per-hour, and took home the win after hitting Moose with two jumping knees and a SICK KICK! Roddy Strong wins, but the action is far from finished. Following the bell, Cedric Alexander returned and attacked Moose, claiming this was his match, and that he's the only person that matters.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: 3.25 Stars ***1/4

The Bullet Club vs. The Kingdom
The following contest is a six man tag team match featuring two of the most popular stables in the world. In one corner are the current IWGP tag team champions Matt Taven and Michael Bennet, alongside the former ROH World Champion Adam Cole. Their opponents are the highly decorated threesome of the Young Bucks and AJ Styles. Before the match can begin, both teams approach one another as if to engage in the "Code of Conduct," but the BC crotch chops, and the Kingdom hold up four fingers, signifying their four-person team including Maria Kanellis. Right off the bat this is perhaps the most enjoyable match of the night, and why wouldn't it be? AJ Styles is currently the IWGP champion, as well as the UK Heavyweight title holder, and his partners are the guys that made Super Kicks cool again. And the Kingdom? Matt Taven is a former world TV champion, Michael Bennett is a highly accomplished mat-technician, and Adam Cole is destined for NXT greatness. Back and forth the momentum shifts as both teams employ their signature spots including more kicks to the face than I could begin to count. The match took a turn for the Bullet Club when the �Bucks hit the Double Meltzer Driver, and even dragged Maria into the match. AJ hit Cole with "Bloody Sunday" for what was presumed to be the finale, but the Kingdom refused to give up! The fans chanted: "This is Wrestling," along with the incredible athleticism on the stage. Adam Cole was along in the ring with the Bullet Club, and it was only a matter of time before the end was at hand. The Young Bucks performed another beautiful Meltzer Driver on Cole, followed by a "Styles Clash" by AJ, earning the pinfall victory and bragging rights for the Bullet Club.
Winner: The Bullet Club
Rating: 3.75 Stars ***3/4

No Disqualification Tag Team Match
ROH World Tag Team Titles
The Addiction (c) vs. reDRagon
This is a bona fied grudge match between two teams that despise one another. The Addiction defeated reDRagon for their world titles just a few months ago when they were revealed to be two-thirds of the mysterious "Knights of the Red Dawn." Kyle O'Reilly received an opportunity at the titles by himself when Bobby Fish was unfit for competition, but this is their first official rematch since the title switch. Things are off to a hard-hitting start and all four men waste no time in leaving the ring for greener pastures—IE the narrow entry way and the unforgiving ring side area. The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels is rocking a brand new wardrobe tonight; from his Gestapo-inspired entrance attire to an all-black singlet, Christopher Daniels is feeling rather festive tonight. This is most certainly a no disqualification match, as nobody hesitates in regards to turning up the heat on the competition. Frankie Kazarian gets backdropped from the entry way onto the floor, earning a boisterous "Holy Shit" from the New Yorkers in attendance. ReDRagon is on fire; Bobby Fish puts both members of the Addiction in one chair on the outside and holds another steel chair in front of them. Kyle O'Reilly heads to the apron and runs toward the Addiction, hitting the Double Foot Stomp on the chair, and into Daniels and Kaz. ReDRagon is far more sadistic than we've seen in recent years, but that's in response to their inordinate opponents. The Addiction has a plan however. They tape Bobby Fish to the middle rope with a roll of white wrist tape, and lay into him with a punishing assault. They set their sights on Kyle O'Reilly, and this match is all but finished. That's when O'Reilly summoned the strength to apply the Triangle Choke, breaking the Addiction's momentum and allowing for an opportune opening. This match teetered from side-to-side with both team's earning the right to be called champion, but in the end, only two men would walk away with the titles. Frankie Kazarian successfully hits "Celebrity Rehab," following a distraction by fellow KRD member Chris Sabin. Kazarian gets the 1-2-3 ; your winners and still world tag team champions, the Addiction.
Winner: The Addiction
Rating: 4 Stars ****

World Championship vs. Television Championship
Jay Briscoe (World Champ) vs. Jay Lethal (TV Champ)
This show was in many ways a "one match show," where fans were excited to see a card of carnage, but were most intrigued by the main event. The pomp and circumstance associated with this match is unequalled by previous bouts, save for Christopher Daniel's SS uniform. Jay Lethal is escorted by the entire House of Truth, including Truth Martini who has a brand new "Book of Truth," with a shimmering white cover. Jay Briscoe gets an enormous ovation and the fans battle Briscoe chants against Lethal for nearly five minutes after the bell. Both men's parents are in attendance; Jay's mom and dad made the quick trip from Elizabeth New Jersey, whereas "Papa Briscoe" drove up from Sandy Fork, Delaware. This match has everything I want as a wrestling fan. The athleticism is truly main event caliber, and the story being told couldn't be any more personal if it needed to be. Referee Todd Sinclair, who's been on a hot streak tonight, sends Truth's cronies back to the locker room after Dijak gets involved early on. Jay Briscoe might not be my favorite wrestler in the world, but he's looking pretty darn good in this match. Lethal is undoubtedly more marketable, so it would seem almost inevitable that a now-nationwide company would hand the ball to someone such as "Black Machismo." Especially if he truly is the "Greatest First Generation Wrestler Ever." This is an awesome match, that could take the cake for "Match of the Night," but I think the Addiction and reDRagon might give the champs a run for their money. This was a seesaw-style contest, which allowed for both men to wow the crowd, and earn their share of adoration in the process. I like Jay Briscoe when he wears pants instead of shorts, and when he's completely bald instead of all stubbly. He looked like a real champion tonight, and despite my affinity for Jay Lethal, I was fully supportive of Briscoe's efforts. Briscoe locks Lethal in a dangerous submission hold, and nobody is louder than Lethal's dad at ringside! He slams his hand against the barricade, screaming for his son to regain his composure! Back and forth, both men have an equal shot of walking out of New York City with TWO championships! TWO titles! That's unprecedented within the confines of Ring of Honor Wrestling, and yet somebody is going to do it once the bell rings. Nigel McGuinness—who always sits ringside for the main event matches—grew tired of Truth Martini's interference, and as head match maker, kicked him out of the arena! This distraction gave the world champion an opening to delivery the "Jay Driller" to the world television champion through a table from the apron. They returned to the ring by the 18-count from senior official Todd Sinclair, and this match continued. Jay Briscoe hit the Jay Driller! Jay Briscoe hit the RAIN MAKER! But Jay Lethal refused to quit! The fans, who might otherwise loathe Lethal, cheered with all their might for both men—knowing full well that their New York accents would be hoarse the next morning. Jay Lethal rallied on account of the support and hit the Lethal Injection—for a TWO COUNT! Jay Lethal struggled to hit Briscoe with his own finishing move, but couldn't quite get it. Briscoe hit Lethal with a sunset flip, but Lethal was ready and delivered THE JAY DRILLER to the innovator of the move himself. Lethal smiled and ran toward the ropes, hit the springboard and came back for another successful LETHAL INJECTION! Jay Lethal pinned Jay Briscoe for the one, two—THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jay Lethal becomes the Ring of Honor World Champion for the first time in his life, and even shakes hands with Jay Briscoe following the match. Lethal fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as his parents cheered from ringside and the audience chanted: "You deserve it!"
Winner: Jay Lethal
Rating: 4.5 Stars ****1/2

Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:43:28 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Reviews ACH BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Colby Corino Hiroshi Tanahashi Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Matt Sydal Moose NJPW Ring of Honor ROH Steve Corino Tanahashi Tetsuya Naito TNA War Machine World Champion WWE Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and I am pleased as punch to be here just two days shy of Ring of Honor "Best in the World" live on pay-per-view. This was an excellent hour of professional […]

Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and I am pleased as punch to be here just two days shy of Ring of Honor "Best in the World" live on pay-per-view. This was an excellent hour of professional wrestling and finally hit the crescendo that we ROH fans have been anticipating for three weeks.

This week's show comes to us from the Tedreeve Arena in Toronto, Canada with Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino calling the action. There's another Corino in the arena! It's Steve's son Colby, who accompanies the Decade's BJ Whitmer and Adam Page to the ring for their match against War Machine. Colby fell victim to the menacing Moose just a few weeks ago, but has returned to the ring where he'll fulfill the necessary "Young Boy" duties bestowed upon him by BJ. Whitmer gets the microphone and tells the angry fans that a live mic is "way louder than they are." The fans try hard to bury BJ's voice, but it's no use: "Two weeks ago Colby, you came out here and you showed the world how much of a man you are, and you came within an inch of beating that big goofy bastard Moose. But I don't think your father gets it. I don't think he understands. And I think he needs to see it— AGAIN !" BJ tells Colby Corino to "step up and take his place in the match." Colby immediately takes a roll of white tape and begins to wrap it around his wrists. As soon as the bell sounds, Adam Page tags Colby into action against Raymond Rowe, who doesn't want to wrestle Corino. "You're not ready Colby," yelled Rowe, as he begged the Young Boy to listen to his father. Colby slapped Rowe across the face, causing King Corino to stand and scream: "Who taught you this?" Rowe tags out, fearful of what he might do to Steve Corino's son. According to Kevin Kelly, Ray Rowe has known Colby ever since he was ten years old, and opts to allow "Warbeard" to handle the light work. Hanson slams Colby, and tags Rowe back in, but Rowe continues to ignore the challenge, ordering the other members of the Decade to tag into the match. Rowe is forced to attack Colby Corino with a vicious backbreaker-gutbuster-powerbomb combo. Adam Page refused to tag in, and War Machine picked up the victory mere seconds later. BJ Whitmer continued to rile King Corino at ringside, to the point where the former world champion broadcaster tossed down his headset and prepared to fight. Before anything could happen however, Kevin Kelly threw the show to a break, in an attempt to restore order.


"Around this time last year, I was considered THE breakout star in Ring of Honor," Cedric Alexander is in the center of the ring, telling the fans how he is no longer the breakout star he once was. "Right now for Cedric Alexander it's do-or-die. I need to start picking up WINS ! I need to start picking up wins to prove to my family that this dream of being a professional wrestler isn't a waste of time." Cedric Alexander is ready to challenge anyone in the locker room, and decides to call out the undefeated Moose! Moose comes to the ring per usual alongside Stokley Hathaway and Veda Scott, prepared to meet whatever challenge awaits him. Cedric keeps up with the big man, evading every one of his drop kicks, and landing a sizzling sidekick to the back of Moose's head. The action spills to the outside, and Cedric is still in control over the burly Moose, but not for long! Once they return to the ring, Moose hits Cedric with a successful drop kick, sending Cedric Alexander back to the outside. We head into a commercial—for Ring of Honor Best in the World—and once we return, Moose and Cedric are still going back and forth. Cedric is very good at reversing the rookie Moose's moves, but has a tough time building any sort of discernible offense that might win him the match. The announcers make frequent mention of how Moose is friends with the majority of men and women in the back, including his manager Stokley Hathaway, as well as his opponent Cedric Alexander. Veda Scott however, has other plans for the future of Moose, and would rather see him turn a blind eye to the rest of the Ring of Honor roster. This match is heating up and Moose scores a near fall following a decapitating lariat. The fans battle chant-for-chant: "Let's go Moose" versus "Let's go Cedric," until this match devolves into a series of forearm strikes. Moose heads to the top rope, but Cedric catches him and prepares to end the undefeated streak of his friend following a litany of high impact drop kicks to the head. "Moose's eyes are dimming," says Kevin Kelly! Just before Cedric can deliver his final kick, Moose summons the strength to employ his somersault Spear. Both men are down and at the mercy of the referee's count. Veda yells at Stokley to distract the referee, and she hands a wrench to Moose. Moose refuses to use the tool to gain the victory, but Cedric Alexander has no problem earning a win that way! Cedric uses Moose's confusion against him and seizes the wrench, smacks him across the skull with it, and hands Moose the very first loss in his wrestling career.


Mandy Leone is backstage giving us a history lesson on what went down between reDRagon and the Addiction when the latter team stole the coveted tag titles from the former. Adam Cole interrupts Mandy, and cuts a promo on his return to pay-per-view this Friday night alongside Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. They'll be heading into six-man-competition this weekend against the Bullet Club's AJ Styles and The Young Bucks.

The main event tonight is—well, it's a contract signing. BUT the main event match this evening is a tag team contest. ACH and Matt Sydal will head into battle against the record-setting seven-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and the former NEVER Openweight Champion Tetsuya Naito. The NJPW team refuses to adhere to the code of honor, despite Sydal and ACH's insistence. Things kick off with Tanahashi against Matt Sydal, as both men decide take things to the mat. Naito taunts Sydal from the apron, and soon ACH is part of this match. Things wage forward with both teams earning the upper hand, and the NJPW team playing a bit of a heel role. While that might seem odd to NJPW fans familiar with Tanahashi and Naito, it makes perfect sense across the Pacific Ocean where ACH and Matt Sydal are far more popular. Tanahashi scurries back to his corner like a cowardly heel, and things speed up when ACH and Naito take control of the contest. Naito's eyeball gimmick is sort of strange, and even odder when mocked by the inordinately agile ACH. Tanahashi takes ACH to the outside and tosses him into the barricade behind referee Todd Sinclair's back; the New Japan team is most certainly the more dastardly of the two this evening. We head into a commercial break and when we return, ACH has fallen victim to both of his opponents, as Sydal struggles to get back into the action. Naito attempts a Superplex but is sent spiraling down to the canvas. ACH takes advantage of Naito's slip up and applies a double foot stomp to the back of his opponents shoulders. He tags Sydal into the match, and the former Evan Bourne gets to work in settling the score against these two international stars. The waning moments of the match are exciting and unpredictable—both Sydal and Tanahashi battle for dominance before ACH returns for a final go at the former IWGP champion. ACH hits Tanahashi with more than a dozen standing sidekicks for a near fall, and follows up with a German Suplex with a bridge for a 2 and 9/10ths count. ACH mocks Tanahashi to his face, and is awarded a Texas Cloverleaf for his efforts. Before he can reach the bottom rope, Sydal returns with a jumping knee to the face of Hiroshi Tanahashi. The match ends with a frog splash by Tanahashi on ACH for the 1-2-3, and a definitive end to an extraordinary match.


The final segment tonight, and dare I say the main event, is a contract signing between the ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe, and the ROH World Television Champion Jay Lethal. They're set to meet this Friday night at Terminal One in New York City, where both of their belts will be on the line. Lethal hits the ring first, dressed like Lou Bega (Mambo Number 5) and flanked by Truth Martini. Jay Briscoe is accompanied by his brother Mark, who will be in action on Friday against another member of the House of Truth, in Donavan Dijak. Things are tense between the champions; Jay Lethal has said on multiple occasions that his TV title is far more prestigious than the World Championship held by Briscoe. Former World Champion and current ROH matchmaker Nigel McGuinness is presiding over the precedings, and explains the rules and time limit. Nigel says that this will be the biggest match in Ring of Honor history, and asks both men for their final words going into the fight. Lethal says that the only reason he doesn't flip the table over and "beat [Briscoe] where he stands" is because he "needs him at his best." Lethal says that after June 19 th —after Best in the World—Jay Briscoe will no business in Ring of Honor anymore. Jay Briscoe responds in kind, angered by Lethal's overconfident demeanor: "June 19 th , when I get done whoopin' yo ass, when I get done with you boy , you gonna have to go back to being the �Black Machismo' man!" Take that TNA! Lethal flips the table and both men remove their shirts, and hold their belts side by side as they continue to talk smack while the camera's fade out. Great show.

Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Wed, 27 May 2015 19:06:59 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Reviews Bobby Fish Caprice Coleman Destination America Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Kevin Kelly Kyle O'Reilly Michael Elgin reDRagon Ring of Honor ROH Steve Corino TNA Todd Sinclair wrestling Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and in addition to my production credits at the "B+ Players Podcast," I'm the resident ROH reviewer at Cheap-Heat. It's tough being a Ring of Honor fan in Southern California as […]

Welcome back to another edition of "Honorable Mention," the once-weekly Ring of Honor report exclusively available at My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and in addition to my production credits at the "B+ Players Podcast," I'm the resident ROH reviewer at Cheap-Heat. It's tough being a Ring of Honor fan in Southern California as I've mentioned in the past; Sinclair Broadcasting, ROH's parent company, doesn't currently distribute their programming in Los Angeles, making it increasingly difficult to get my weekly fix without forking over a couple of dollars. But as JR likes to say: "That will not be my hill to die on." I appreciate and value the ROH product, and I recognize the strides they've made in recent years, so I can get over the lack of syndication in SoCal. For now. As a matter of fact, I finally forked over the $7.99 to subscribe to the official website, and I have to say I'm very satisfied with what Ring of Honor has to offer.

EDIT: DESTINATION AMERICA just announced Ring of Honor will debut on their network this Wednesday before a brand new episode of TNA Impact.

This week's episode of Ring of Honor TV comes to us from the Eisenhower Community Center in Hopkins, Minnesota and kicks off with none other than "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin. Does Elgin remind anybody else of the "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan? Not only does he dress like the former leader of the Dungeon of Doom, but he's also fucking crazy. Elgin is one of my favorite performers in Ring of Honor; I wasn't sold on him during his time as champion because I didn't buy him as a babyface title holder. Tonight Elgin is going one on one with Caprice Coleman, who has been conspicuous by his absence in recent months, aside from his role on commentary during the "Top Prospect Tournament." Coleman is looking to shut Elgin up once and for all, and arrives to an extraordinary ovation and a sea of streamers. According to the Tale of the Tape, Caprice Coleman has been lacing up his boots since 1998, and has no problem adhering to the "Code of Conduct." Despite his wily ways, Elgin is also receptive to the initial handshake, and then immediately takes the fight to Caprice. After a successful headlock takeover, shades of the great Brad Armstrong, Caprice was rushed to the outside of the ring by an imposing Elgin, who was unwilling to waiver at such an early stage in the match. We head into a quick commercial—even on the official website that I PAY for—and when we return, Caprice is on the offensive and putting the former world champion through his paces. Caprice hit Michael Elgin with his signature "Sky-Splitter" leg drop from the top rope, but achieved only a two count before Elgin responded. Once on his feet again, Elgin proceeded to dominate Coleman with a series of turnbuckle and spinning powerbombs for the 1-2-3.

The next match is for the world television title; Jay Lethal has been champion for over 400 days, and is the only man to wear the coveted TV belt on two separate occasions. His opponent and challenger is the former ROH world tag team champion, and one half of reDRagon, Kyle O'Reilly. Jay Lethal has become accustomed to calling himself the "Ring of Honor Champion," and has customized his television title by removing the "TV" and superimposing a golden globe. Kyle O'Reilly is only one of a handful of wrestlers on the ROH roster who actually poses a threat to the longevity of Lethal's title reign, and wastes little time in showing the "Greatest First Generation Wrestler" why he is a world-renowned professional athlete. O'Reilly is currently competing in Japan as part of the "Best of the Super Juniors" tournament along with his longtime partner Bobby Fish, but tonight O'Reilly's eyes are on the prize. He keeps Lethal grounded with an onslaught of educated feet, and an impressive precision-based mat style that would make Drew Gulak dizzy. Lethal hits Kyle with a belly-to-back suplex, but the Irish-American O'Reilly is unwilling to relent on the vice-like headlock.

After another commercial break—this time an advertisement reminding us to WATCH Ring of Honor—we head back to the ring where O'Reilly is continuing to prove himself to the current title holder. Lethal is finally coming around by now, and returns the offense with a drop kick to Kyle's jaw and a number of knees to the midsection. The TV champion Irish-whipped O'Reilly across the squared circle into the opposing corner for a near fall, and then applied an incredibly innovative submission to the technically-sound Kyle O'Reilly. This match continued back and forth with both men gaining the advantage. Truth Martini tried to council his charge, but was unable to save him from the brutality of the former ROH world tag team champion. O'Reilly locked Lethal in a submission hold around the top rope, but was blindsided by the "Book of Truth," wielded by the veteran manager Martini. Lethal took advantage by slamming O'Reilly directly into the Canadian flag adorning the ringside barricade. He then wrapped the red and white maple leaf around O'Reilly's neck and choked him until referee Todd Sinclair ordered him to cease. The action returned to the ring before the 20-count and Lethal attempted to end things quickly; he climbed the ropes, "Hailed the King" and hit a double axe handle across the skull of O'Reilly. Back and forth, kick for kick and shot for shot, both men fought valiantly for the right to be champion. There aren't many men who can go toe-to-toe with O'Reilly in terms of kicks, but Lethal is eager to try his luck at matching his opponent's veteran BJJ-skills.

Kyle O'Reilly landed a strong knee to the jaw of Jay Lethal, nearly knocking the champion unconscious in the process. He applied the "Guillotine" submission hold, which caused Lethal to fade ever so slowly, until he summoned the strength for a LETHAL COMBINATION! Jay covered Kyle for a two count, and this contest continued to a chorus of "This is Wrestling," from an army of anti-establishment former �Federation fans. O'Reilly attempted to finish the job with what could have been a Superplex, but ultimately became a full-fledged "Hail to the King" elbow drop by Lethal. Lethal tried for a Superplex of his own, but was countered into "Arm-ageddon" in the center of the ring. Lethal jockeyed for the ropes and both men went flying to the outside, where Truth Martini checked on the welfare of his champion as Todd Sinclair counted higher and higher toward twenty. Jay Lethal returned to the ring at thirteen, and O'Reilly made it just after nineteen, thanks to some fans at ringside who helped him to his feet! The two men met in the ring and stared each other down before engaging in what would be the final moments of this incredible contest.

O'Reilly almost fell from the ring but returned in much the same way as Terry Funk, or Dean Ambrose, and hit the champion with a massive lariat for this trouble. He hit Lethal with a brainbuster, and once again, locked him in the lethal—no pun intended—"Arm-ageddon" cross arm bar. Both men refused to lose as Lethal made it to the ropes and both wrestlers staggered to regain their composure. Kevin Kelly reminds the audience at home that we are less than three minutes removed from the time limit, a concept that this wrestling fan completely forgot about! Lethal went for the "Lethal Injection," but O'Reilly caught him in his patented arm-bar. The bell sounded; the time limit was up! The fans chanted "Five More Minutes," and O'Reilly led them in their cry. Lethal was given the microphone and it was on the champion to decide whether or not he would continue.

The fans chanted "Man Up"—the popular catchphrase belonging to world champion Jay Briscoe—and Lethal informed everyone that he was GOING to accept the challenge, but the fans ruined it. He left the arena just as the world champion was making his way down to ringside. "Jay Lethal stay in the back, boy," Jay Briscoe began, "Let a real fighting champion show you how it's done." Briscoe told O'Reilly that he just went to war: "To hell with five more minutes, I don't care if this takes all night!" Jay Briscoe was ready to give Kyle O'Reilly a world title match, but once the bell rang, Lethal returned to cause the disqualification.

All in all, a much better program than last week's show that never really delivered. I've said on recent episodes of "The Outsiders' Edge" that I would rather three or four two-star matches to one or two four-stars. Yes, I love to watch wrestling, but weekly broadcasts are meant to introduce the fan base to the entire roster, and that's hard to do when you're limited to just one or two matches within an hour long show. The big breaking news as of this writing is that Destination America—the current home to TNA Impact—will begin to feature Ring of Honor as early as this Wednesday, June the 3 rd . Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook, and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Sun, 15 Mar 2015 05:45:11 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Beer City Bruiser BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Cheeseburger Cliff Compton Conquest Tour J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Taven Michael Elgin Nick Jackson NJPW Proving Ground reDRagon Ring of Honor Rocky Romero Roderick Strong ROH Romantic Touch Roppongi Vice Samoa Joe Silas Young Stokely Hathaway Tommaso Ciampa Trent Baretta Trent? Truth Martini Will Ferrara Young Bucks ROH Conquest Tour March 14, 2015 Chicago Ridge, IL Credit: Greg Davis Dark match: Romantic Touch def Stokley Hathaway Truth Martini came out with J. Diesel and informed the crowd that the House of Truth had accepted the Street Fight with Cliff Compton for later in the evening. J. Diesel def Will Ferrara with his […]

ROH Conquest Tour
March 14, 2015
Chicago Ridge, IL

Credit: Greg Davis

Dark match: Romantic Touch def Stokley Hathaway

Truth Martini came out with J. Diesel and informed the crowd that the House of Truth had accepted the Street Fight with Cliff Compton for later in the evening.

J. Diesel def Will Ferrara with his AA variation

ACH def Jimmy Jacobs with the 450
– after the match Jacobs shook ACH’s hand which annoyed BJ Whitmer but the Decade still left together

Four Corner Survival: Proving Grounds match for the main event against ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe
Silas Young def Mark Briscoe, Matt Taven, & Roderick Strong after getting his knees up on an attempted froggy bow from Briscoe and pulling on the shorts
– Post match Silas wants a handshake but everyone leaves

ROH TV Title Street Fight
Jay Lethal def Cliff Compton with the lethal injection
– It’s basically a 3 on 1 handicap. Brawling outside. Jay wrestled in business attire. But was stripped of it later and is now in boxers. Lethal hit an elbow outside though a table. Truth hit Compton with salt which lead into the lethal injection

Beer City Bruiser def Cheeseburger with the Rikishi driver

Tommaso Ciampa came out to cut a promo. He talked about his injured ribs and stated that he’s a free agent because he hasn’t gotten a new contract yet. The promo was finally interrupted by Silas Young. Silas said we all have problems with our bosses. “You’re hurt, go to the back, so the last real man can win the title.” Refs had to separate the two.

Proving Ground: Instant Reward for ROH World Title
Jay Briscoe def Silas Young with the jay driller

Proving Ground: Instand Reward for ROH Tag Title
Roppongi Vice def reDRagon to win the instant reward for a ROH Tag Title match
– The Champs tried to leave but they were forced to come back

ROH World Tag Titles
reDRagon def Roppongi Vice to retain their titles after Kyle reverses Trent’s reversal of Chasing the Dragon
– Post match Roppongi Vice says they will be back for the titles but that for now they are going to focus on going back to NJPW and getting the jr tag titles from the Young Bucks

Samoa Joe def Michael Elgin

credit: PWPonderings 0 Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:32:45 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha 13th Anniversary ACH Adam Page Adam Thornstowe AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian Hanson J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Karl Anderson Kyle O'Reilly Luster the Legend Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson ODB reDRagon Reno SCUM Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Shayna Baszler Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Truth Martini Veda Scott War Beard Winner Takes All Young Bucks The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:   Dark Tag Team Match The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) Singles Match Matt Sydal defeats […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Dark Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend)

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Cedric Alexander (9:39)

Singles Match
Moose (w/Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats Mark Briscoe (5:15)

Three Way Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) defeat Karl Anderson and The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) (11:58)

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats BJ Whitmer (w/Adam Page) (11:01)

Singles Match
ODB (w/Mark Briscoe) defeats Maria Kanellis (w/Michael Bennett) (5:21)

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats ACH (15:31)

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly) (w/Shayna Baszler) (c) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (15:42)

ROH World Television Title Match
Jay Lethal (w/J. Diesel & Truth Martini) (c) defeats Alberto El Patron (12:35)

ROH World Title Four Corner Survival Match
Jay Briscoe (c) defeats Hanson and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa (16:22) 0 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:03:41 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole Adam Page AJ Styles BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Brandon Espinosa Caprice Coleman Cedric Alexander Corey Hollis Delirious Hanson Jack Jameson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs John Abraham Jon Williams Jonathan Gresham Kyle O'Reilly Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Posey Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Briscoes The Decade The Kingdom The Washington Bullets Tommaso Ciampa Trey Williams Veda Scott Winter Warriors Tour The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:   Dark Tag Team Match Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams) Singles Match Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:

Dark Tag Team Match
Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams)

Singles Match
Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey

Singles Match
Corey Hollis vs. Jonathan Gresham – No Contest

Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & BJ Whitmer) defeat Corey Hollis & Jonathan Gresham

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Delirious

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats Kyle O’Reilly (w/Bobby Fish)

Singles Match
Moose (w/John Abraham, Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats ACH

Six Man Mayhem Match
Hanson defeats Cedric Alexander and Jay Lethal and Jimmy Jacobs and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats Bobby Fish (w/Kyle O’Reilly)

Armageddon Best Two Out Of Three Falls Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) (w/Adam Cole & Maria Kanellis) defeat The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) [2:1]
– The Briscoes defeatedВ The Kingdom
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes 0 Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:34:10 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Other Reviews Reviews ACH AJ Styles Alberto El Patron Bullet Club Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Hanson IWGP Jay Briscoe Jimmy Jacobs Kevin Kelly Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson R.D. Evans Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Steve Corino The Romantic Touch The Young Bucks Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Honorable Mention ROH TV 2/14/15 Written by Mark Adam Haggerty Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll […]

Honorable Mention
ROH TV 2/14/15

Written by Mark Adam Haggerty

Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll be heading out to Sin City, as it's just a quick car ride out of Southern California, and I'll be looking forward to shooting some dice with the Young Bucks and perhaps having an appletini or two if Chris Daniels is around. This week's episode of ROH TV helped further establish the rivalries going into their biggest show of the year so far. What was the match of the night and what could we have done without seeing? Let's waste no time and get right into the thick of things with our commentators Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, and very special guest ROH world heavyweight champion Jay Briscoe.

The show begins as Ring of Honor world champion Jay Briscoe makes his way to ringside, getting set to join the usual duo of Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino on commentary. Tonight's episode of Ring of Honor TV will include four bouts, three of which feature participants in the upcoming four-way championship match in Las Vegas. Jimmy Jacobs is set to go one-on-one with the "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa. Jacobs has been making waves in recent weeks, scouting the Top Prospect Tournament in search of the Decade's newest "young boy." The match is off to a rough start for the "Zombie Princess," as Ciampa quickly resorts to his signature blend of striking offense. Announcers at ringside made mention that Jacobs has just as much fight as anyone, despite weighing-in at just 185 pounds. The onslaught of lariats and running knee-strikes took its toll on both Jacobs and the Philadelphia audience; the fans inside the 2300 Arena were silent during the unnecessary roughness of Ciampa, except for one man who yelled, "What a maneuver!" Ciampa obliterated Jimmy Jacobs in less than five minutes, leaving the Decade member broken on the outside of the ring. The official opted to forgo a count, and declared Ciampa the winner. This breathtaking display by the �Psychopath left the champion speechless. He stood to face Ciampa, sizing up what could be his most violent competition at the Anniversary Show in two weeks.

Before ROH hit the air I knew we'd be getting a dose of The Romantic Touch—it is Valentine's Day, after all! �Touch enters the arena with a heart-shaped box of chocolates and two beautiful ladies hanging on each of his arms. As he struts to the ring, Kelly and Corino question whether the champ has enough time for romance when preparing to defend his title in two weeks. Jay Briscoe says, "Well, we've been married for seven years…" Steve Corino immediately cuts him off, "Oh don't tell me the romance is all gone!" But Jay was quick on his feet, joking back, "Oh shoot no, I'm just tryin' not to have another kid!" The Romantic Touch has a prerecorded promo wherein he warns viewers at home to treat their ladies well, otherwise he's prepared to do so. His opponent tonight however, is a little less loving than �Touch might have hoped. This is the second exhibition featuring the three number one contenders to Jay Briscoe's world title, and this time it's "Warbeard" Hanson. The impressive Hanson stands at 6'2" and weighs in at 275 pounds—not a massive individual by "New York" standards, but a menacing force inside the Ring of Honor locker room. The Romantic Touch and "Warbeard" Hanson meet to engage in the "Code of Conduct," where �Touch offers Hanson a chocolate. Hanson responds with a disastrous kick, dubbed the "Spin Kick of Doom." Hanson defeated the Romantic Touch in less than thirty seconds, and even ate one of the chocolates when he was through. After the match, Hanson met eye-to-eye with Briscoe, just the same as Ciampa before him. Hanson shouted, "Look what I did," in reference to laying out his opponent. Jay responded in kind, letting Hanson know that he "ain't no Romantic Touch."

The third and final bout featuring challengers for Jay Briscoes coveted belt pits the undefeated Moose against the former Ring of Honor world heavyweight champion Michael Elgin. Moose is escorted to the ring, per usual, by Veda Scott and Stokley Hathaway. Since defeating R.D. Evans at Final Battle in December, Moose has established the "New Streak" in Ring of Honor, and will put it on the line tonight in his greatest test to-date. Elgin enters to a chorus of boos, but doesn't allow the Philadelphia fans to breach his skin as he prepares to dismantle Moose. Both men adhere to the code of conduct before quickly engaging in battle. Elgin takes advantage of the former Atlanta Falcon within the opening seconds, lifting him into a brain buster position, and holding him there for over 10-seconds before driving him into the mat. But Moose was back up just as quick as Elgin, ready to continue with a dropkick, sending the former champion barreling to the outside. This match is already more competitive than both previous bouts on the card, which makes sense; aside from Jay Briscoe, Michael Elgin is certainly the odds-on-favorite heading into Las Vegas. Michael Elgin returns to the ring and dodges a clothesline, returning with a big boot of his own. Elgin pumped his arm, mocking the choreographed way in which Moose and his entourage enter the arena. The former champion climbed the ropes, but was distracted by Veda Scott. Elgin fought her away and cartwheeled off the turnbuckle and away from and imposing Moose. He proceeded to deliver a devastating powerbomb, and then lifted the 300 pound athlete from the canvas, into the air, for another grueling power bomb. A near-three count and the contest continues with both men reeling against the ropes. Moose then shoved Elgin through the ropes and to the outside where he was face-to-face with Jay Briscoe. Just the same as Ciampa and Hanson, Elgin stared into the eyes of the champion, but unlike the �Psychopath and "Warbeard, Michael Elgin pushed Jay Briscoe back and over his chair. Briscoe wasn't going to stand for such disrespect and immediately charged the ring where he was caught in the line of fire between Elgin and a Spear by Moose. The referee called for the bell and before long all four combatants in the Thirteenth Anniversary main event were warring inside the squared-circle, with a great deal of focus placed on the reigning world champion. Luckily Jay Briscoe was saved by his brother Mark who engaged all-comers before being put down by Moose's spine-shattering Spear.

It's time for the main event at the 2300 Arena—a trios match with Ring of Honor babyfaces squaring off against Bullet Club villains. ACH, Matt Sydal and Cedric Alexander are the first team introduced, and although all three men are among the most-over in ROH, their popularity pales in comparison to their opponents. The Bullet Club coming to America and performing on Ring of Honor TV is akin to British rock bands touring America or the Harlem Globe Trotters playing in North Korea. The Young Bucks enter first wearing black pants with fringe complete with a Bullet Club logo on the side. Just before they make it to the ringside area, the lights go down and the music slowly begins. It's as if a spiritual leader of some sort has just entered this holiest of hallowed halls; the audience is almost completely silent until AJ Styles makes his dramatic appearance. They chant, "AJ, AJ, AJ," as both Styles and the Bucks cruise into the ring amidst a sea of colored streamers. All six wrestlers shake hands before returning to their respective corners and this match is underway. It's interesting to note, as this was filmed several weeks ago, AJ is without the IWGP championship title belt. AJ, of course, won the IWGP world heavyweight championship from Hiroshi Tanahashi just this past week in Japan. The �Bucks begin by each taking turns on Matt Sydal who soon trades out to his former tag team partner ACH. The Bucks work like a well-oiled machine, working their opponents down to the mat in whatever way possible. When AJ tags into the contest he is met with immediate praise from the live audience, and sets to work attacking ACH just the same as his fellow Bullet Club members. The show goes to a commercial and when we return ACH and AJ Styles are standing in the center of the ring trading knife-edge chops with deadly precision. Nick Jackson tagged back in, hitting ACH with his patented blend of Young Bucks chicanery, poking the decorated superstar in the eyes and "too sweeting" his tag team partners in the corner.

The action heats up with all six combatants seeking to get involved at the same time. Sydal finds himself alone inside the ring with the Bullet Club, who triple team the former WWE tag team champion, before Matt Jackson takes the lead, continuing to take the fight to "Reborn" Matt Sydal. The quick tags from the Bullet Club work to their advantage as one-by-one AJ and the Bucks trade shots on their opponent, isolating him from his partners. After managing to reach his corner, the contest works toward the favor of the ROH wrestlers. Cedric Alexander takes to the skies, performing an exhilarating splash, followed by "two-out-of-three Amigos." Nick Jackson countered and proceeded to superkick ACH, who was standing on the outside, from the apron. He spring-boarded into the ring where he face-busted Cedric Alexander, only to slide back out of the ring and hit ACH once more, this time with a Tornado-DDT. Not to be outdone by his brother, Matt Jackson joined the action with a misguided Swanton bomb, crash-landing on the knees of Cedric Alexander. Cedric lifted Matt Jackson up into a powerbomb predicament, complimented by a jumping knee smash courtesy of Matt Sydal. Sydal then went toe-to-toe with AJ Styles in a battle of rights-and-lefts until he was taken off his feet by a superkick from Matt Jackson. Nick and Matt Jackson were ready to deliver superkicks to whomever may ask for one, but were caught off guard with the equally-quick superkick-game of ACH. AJ attempted a 450-splash but to no avail, once again countered by the educated knees of Cedric Alexander. This time ACH would be the one going for a 450, landing expertly on Styles. Matt Sydal would hope to follow-up with his own high-risk maneuver, the Shooting Star Press. As Sydal leapt from the top turnbuckle, he was forced to make an emergency landing on his feet, met almost immediately by duel superkicks. Nick and Matt then proceeded to superkick ACH and Cedric Alexander out of contention. The end would come for Matt Sydal as the trio put him through a combination of the "Meltzer-Driver," a hanging upside down double superkick, followed by a "Styles Clash" for the 1-2-3. Your winners are the Bullet Club.

This was an excellent edition of ROH TV, which believe it or not, I'm almost getting sick of saying each week! Ring of Honor delivers at least three—in some cases FOUR highly athletic wrestling contests every time it airs. In addition, ROH isn't bogged down by heavily scripted talking segments, instead allowing for the story to be told inside the squared-circle. That might sound like a cliché, but that's only because I've said it before. Just two more episodes of ROH TV to go until Sunday March 1st and the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. Next week will feature two main-event caliber bouts—Alberto El Patron will go head-to-head with ACH, and the world television champion Jay Lethal will battle Roderick Strong. Until then, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and this has been "Honorable Mention." 0 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 16:49:21 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Page AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Hanson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Bennett Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following: ALBERTO EL PATRГ"N CHALLENGES JAY LETHAL FOR THE ROH WORLD TV TITLE LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the […]

Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following:


Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the line.

Rumors of a dream match have swirled on social media but now it is official. The legendary, 2nd generation Mexican wrestling star, Alberto El PatrГіn, will challenge Jay Lethal for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship live on Pay Per View at our 13th Anniversary event.

Upon his arrival in ROH, Alberto El PatrГіn wanted an opportunity to speak with his fans on ROH Television. Alberto proclaimed that he was finally among the best wrestlers on the planet and he wanted a shot at the most important title in professional wrestling, the ROH World Championship. Lethal and his manager, Truth Martini took major offense to this and Lethal interrupted Alberto, telling him he should have done his homework before coming to class. Lethal made it known that he is the measuring stick for the best professional wrestler on the planet and that his championship was the most important.

This meeting of two very different athletes in the prime of their careers is something that does not happen very often. This rivalry has taken on a personal twist as Lethal feels Alberto overlooked him as a champion. El PatrГіn believes Lethal has challenged his manhood, something for which Alberto will not stand.

Can Lethal add Alberto El PatrГіn to the record list of contenders he has defeated? Can Alberto El PatrГіn make history by ending the historic reign of Lethal? To find out you will either need to be live in Las Vegas or on Pay per View!

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Orleans Hotel & Casino
4500 W. Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Live Event – 7:30pm EST (4:30 PST) / PPV Broadcast 8pm Est (5pm Pst)


*Main Event*
HIGH STAKES Four Corner Survival ROH World Championship Match
Jay Briscoe (c) vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa vs. "War Beard" Hanson

ROH World Television Championship
Jay Lethal (c) w/ Truth Martini vs Alberto El PatrГіn

Also Signed to Appear:
– AJ Styles
– Matt Sydal
– Roderick Strong
– The Kingdom (Michael Bennett & Matt Taven) w/ Maria Kanellis
– The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)
– Cedric Alexander
– Moose w/ Veda Scott & Stokley Hathaway
– Mark Briscoe
– The Decade (BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs & Adam Page) 0