WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Fri, 25 Sep 2015 00:00:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tue, 14 Jul 2015 16:18:30 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Top Lists Bobby Lashley Brian Meyers Chavo CHIKARA Chris Hero Curt Hawkins Doc Gallows Edge Fake Kane Festus John Morrison Johnny Mundo Johnny Nitro Kane Kassius Ohno Luke Gallows NJPW NXT ROH Shelton Benjamin The Undertaker Trent Baretta wrestling WWE How's it going everybody? Wait—no, that's Brian Alvarez's signature line. Geeze Louise, I need to figure this out fast. What's really good in the neighborhood wrestling fans? It's your buddy Mark Adam Haggerty, back in the swing of things on this beautiful summer day. It's one on a Monday here; I'm smoking weed and drinking […]

How's it going everybody? Wait—no, that's Brian Alvarez's signature line. Geeze Louise, I need to figure this out fast. What's really good in the neighborhood wrestling fans? It's your buddy Mark Adam Haggerty, back in the swing of things on this beautiful summer day. It's one on a Monday here; I'm smoking weed and drinking beer. As you've all gathered by now, I love lists! Maybe it's because I'm sort of obsessive compulsive, and find them to be calming in a completely calamitous world. I've recently compiled several different lists of varying length, and figured maybe I'd knock out another VIDEO countdown, in the hopes of mixing things up. I rummaged around my folder of unfinished projects and I was hit with an idea! This is a list of 7 former WWE Superstars who've made the most of their time away from the "Leader in Sports Entertainment." I feel that each of these individuals could—if positioned correctly—make an immediate impact upon return. I've included two videos with each name—the first is an example of how the WWE booked them, the second is a behind-the-scenes look at who these guys really are.

  • Luke Gallows
  • Most of his stuff with CM Punk was pretty cool, but Luke Gallows was very rarely ever given the chance to speak for himself while working for WWE. Once the Straight Edge Society disbanded, the WWE seemed at a loss for what to do with "The Artist Formerly Known as Festus." Just for fun, here's a video of Luke at his worst , opposite Glen Jacobs. It's Kane versus— FAKE KANE!

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Now catch this hilarious-yet-heartwarming video—courtesy of Wrestling Road Diaries —featuring the "Good Brother" at his finest.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

  • Brian Meyers
  • Brian Meyers debuted for the WWE as one-half of the Major Brothers, alongside current WWE Superstar Zack Ryder. Their remarkable resemblance to Edge gave the WWE a reason to repackage both individuals, and Curt Hawkins was born. Check out the debut of the Major Brothers, against ECW's Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    This is one of my favorite videos on the list. An inside look at Brian riding from show-to-show in the first episode of his very own YouTube series, "Making Towns."

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Okay I'm already breaking the format. Here's another video of Brian on "The Best Friends Show."

    Click here to view the embedded video.

  • Shelton Benjamin
  • Shelton Benjamin could make the biggest impact if he ever returns to the WWE in a prominent role, but I felt compelled to list him at number five, and with good reason. Shelton came into the WWE out of Ohio Valley with John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Randy Orton; he spent eight years with the company, and helped pioneer the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Shelton was a three-time WWE Intercontinental Champion and the 5 th longest- single reigning United States Champion of all time. It's hard to say the WWE dropped the ball with Shelton, but he never seemed to grab the proverbial "Brass Ring." I mean the WWE has never had a black WWE World Heavyweight Champion [the "world title" does not count], so I'm not sure Shelton ever had any real control over his own destiny within the WWE. I ranked him 5 th , because while Shelton Benjamin could be the FACE of World Wrestling Entertainment, there's a 70-year old man from North Carolina running the show. Here are a pair of Shelton Benjamin clips—his match against Shawn Michaels from Monday Night Raw, and an interview from 2014.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

  • Trent Baretta
  • There was this phenomenal tag team in the WWE called the "Dude Busters." You heard me. Trent Baretta and Caylon Croft were a couple of douche bags with greasy hair. I guess this was the prototype for Seth Rollins. Trent is currently working for New Japan Pro Wrestling with independent icon Rocky Romero, where they are IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Check out the Dude Busters debut during the "ECW New Superstar Initiative." And before anyone says anything, yes. That's Taryn Terrell as Tiffany.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Not much has changed with Trent; he's a little older and a little wiser, which shows inside the squared circle. I think he's definitely the sort of guy that could take advantage of this new "Samoa Joe" type deal, and potentially take NXT by storm. Here's Trent—featuring New Jack, I guess—talking about life after the WWE.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

  • John Morrison
  • I was a fan of John Morrison AKA Johnny Mundo as early as the MNM Days with Melina and J&J Security's Joey Mercury. Morrison was the ECW Champion, and was a three-time intercontinental champion as well. But Morrison became something of an afterthought when the WWE went PG, and the "Shaman of Sexy" suddenly became outdated. Here's how Johnny Nitro became John Morrison.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Now enjoy this Lucha Underground video, all about Johnny Mundo and his workout routine. Spoiler: If you want to look like Johnny—you can't.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    "I'm going to keep those things until I'm 45 years old." – Johnny is very specific about when he's going to lose his abs and oblique's.

  • Chris Hero
  • Number two is another guy that didn't quite click, and could perhaps make the best use of his time as a part-timer with NXT. Chris Hero had a very short run in the WWE as part of NXT in its current form. Despite longstanding success on the independent circuit and around the world, he was renamed Kassius Ohno. He was released from his contract in 2013, and has since said that "the door is always open for a return." Here's Kassius Ohno versus William Regal from April 2013.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Now for all of you Kevin Owens fans out there—here's a clip from an episode of "The Kevin Steen Show," with Chris Hero talking about "Razor Revolution."

    Click here to view the embedded video.

  • Bobby Lashley
  • People in the wrestling community have called him "The Black Brock Lesnar," and don't think for one second that thought is lost on Vince McMahon. Bobby Lashley debuted for the WWE before he even finished in developmental—or started for that matter. Vince McMahon saw him and immediately put him on television. Lashley's WWE run was similar to what we're seeing with Roman Reigns. Kids and casual fans cheered him because they were supposed to, but hardcore fans scoffed at his United States and ECW title wins. He worked an extensive program against Vince and Shane McMahon, and even had a main event moment at Wrestlemania when he shaved Vince's head with Donald Trump! Lashley left the WWE due to personal reasons that don't seem applicable any longer, so who's to say there isn't room for a return? Here's Bobby at the "Battle of the Billionaire" contract signing.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    I think Bobby has come into his own as a professional wrestler and a performer since working with TNA and Bellator. Here's Bobby Lashley describing himself as a "wrestler that fights."

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News ! 0 Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:02:11 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Reviews AAA independent wrestling John Morrison Johnny Mundo Lucha Libre Lucha Underground Mexican Prince Puma Ricochet The El Rey Network WWE We are getting closer to the season finale of Lucha Underground dubbed "Ultima Lucha," but where does the company go from there? Rumors have been running rampant regarding the potential future of Lucha Underground and what might become of its current incarnation. Speculation aside, I wish nothing but the best for a truly innovative promotion […]

    We are getting closer to the season finale of Lucha Underground dubbed "Ultima Lucha," but where does the company go from there? Rumors have been running rampant regarding the potential future of Lucha Underground and what might become of its current incarnation. Speculation aside, I wish nothing but the best for a truly innovative promotion that delivers on a weekly basis. This week's entire hour was dedicated to one match, the first thing this has happened since the show debuted last summer.

    This week's episode of Lucha Underground begins with a montage explaining the legacy of Johnny Mundo inside the Boyle Heights Temple. Johnny has been taunted and teased in previous months, the world title alluding him by inches the whole time. Johnny has competed in cage matches, ladder matches, and the inaugural "Aztec Warfare" competition to crown the first ever champion. Tonight is another first for Lucha Underground, when Johnny heads into battle against Prince Puma in an Iron Man Match. The �Temple is rocking, as is the custom, this week swaying to the sexy sounds of Mexican Dubwiser, an eclectic group of guys wearing Nazi caps and aviator sunglasses. Speaking of SEXY, Vampiro introduces himself as well as his "Sexy Partner," Matt Striker. You really get the feeling that these two men get a kick out of working together. Vampiro has been doing commentary south of the border for years, whereas Striker came through the WWE system. When positioned side by side, I dare say they are one of the best twosomes in the industry. Just my opinion though. They throw it to the action almost immediately, because this Iron Man competition will need the entire hour.


    "The following match is �One Match, One Show: All Night Long," Melissa Santos introduced the world championship match, starting with the diabolical challenger Johnny Mundo. For my money, this could be John Hennigan's first time playing a heel since he was ECW champion in 2007. This match begins as soon as Prince Puma enters the arena, with both individuals jockeying for an early advantage. The number one contender to the Lucha Underground title is Drago, who will most certainly be watching this match with intent, eager for his opportunity at "Ultima Lucha" later this summer. Puma is the first man to be swept off his feet, and may have even gone into this bout a little over confident. The first man to early a decision will have a particular edge over his opponent; theoretically, the first man to earn a pin fall or submission, would merely have to keep his distance for the remainder of the match. Back and forth they go, with the fans battle chanting "Puma" versus "Mundo." They head to the outside and Johnny misses a dive, on which Puma capitalizes with a plancha of his own. The fans are going wild, and for the first time in this match, one man is decisively in control.

    We head into a commercial break, and when the action returns, Prince Puma is still in control, and the fans are chanting: "This is awesome." Puma attempts a pin, but it's no use and the score remains tied at zero-zero. If this was tennis, it would be "Love-All." That is until the first decision in the match! Puma caught Johnny in a tight victory roll, and earned a victory thanks to referee Marty Elias. Puma mocked Johnny by holding up one finger on his right hand, and a zero with the left. Mundo resorts to dirty tactics to regain the advantage and kicks the aggression up from a six to a ten. Just over ten minutes in and Johnny is eager to earn a pin fall, but can't seem to get it done. He continues the onslaught for a number of two counts, before finally pinning puma with the help of the ring ropes.

    Puma powerbombed Mundo through—a box? Like—a wooden crate at ringside? Peculiar, but it warranted a "Holy Shit" chant from the crowd. Prince Puma and Johnny Mundo remained tied at one-a-piece for a mere matter of moments before Mundo picked up another fall by smacking Puma across the face with a crowbar. Once again, the audience chanted "Holy Shit," unbelieving the lengths the former member of MNM was willing to go. The champion was now trailing 2-to-1 with about 40 minutes remaining in the bout. Mundo took immediate advantage of Puma as soon as he reached his feet by hitting Puma with his "Moonlight Drive" signature move. Another pinfall for Johnny! The champion was now trailing by two points, and the audience began to chant "Johnny Mundo."


    Mundo hit the top rope for the "End of the World," and earned a fourth pinfall. When does the "Slaughter Rule," come into effect? Maybe Puma made a mistake by not allowing Konnan to accompany him to ringside. Puma was out, seemingly unconscious, when Johnny demanded a bottle of water from the timekeeper. Puma digs deep and tries to come back at Mundo, who's leading him by an astounding margin, that I cant recall ever seeing in an Iron Man match.

    Mundo decides to take this match further than any competitor inside the Temple, and that includes individuals such as Mil Muertes and Angelico! He assembles a set of tables on the floor of the arena, just beneath the awning over the ground-level entrance. (For those that might not watch the show, there are two entrances in Lucha Underground. One is the usual staircase, the other is underneath the audience) Johnny climbed a ladder to the tip-top balcony area of the arena, preparing to strike from an elevated perch. Puma was playing possum though! That, or he was once again able to summon enough strength to fight back. He climbed up after Johnny and the two fought clear into the crowd.

    The "Faithful" are cheering for both men, who are putting their lives on the line to compete for the richest prize in Lucha Underground. Puma hits Mundo with a Diamond Cutter-like maneuver on the staircase and hightails it back to the ring. He goes underneath the ring and returns with ANOTHER table! He sets the third on top of the other two, and repeats the process until four tables are stacked two-by-two. Puma climbed back up the balcony and returned the stairs; he attempted to Superplex Mundo, but Johnny fought back and super kicked Puma off the balcony. Puma avoided the tables, and Mundo followed after. He used his expert parkour abilities to "Mario Wall Jump" up to the Bandstand where Mexican Dubwiser is still standing. Mundo acquires the live microphone and speaks to the �Faithful' in attendance: "Hola! Look at the score board! Mundo—four; Puma—ONE!" Johnny is obviously attempting to waste time with a mere 20-minutes left in the match. He tells Mexican Dubwiser to play a song. Matt Striker refers to the lead singer as "M. Bison," so I guess they aren't dressed like Nazis. They're dressed like Street Fighter?

    "Hey Bison I know you like to look at yourself, so look at this!" – That's me paraphrasing Jean Claude Van Dam as Colonel Guile to Raul Julia as M. Bison in "Streetfighter." And then Guile did the old hand in the crux of the arm "Fuck You" sign language move. Nicely played, Capcom. Very nice.


    The band begins to play as Puma tries to regain his composure. Johnny Mundo is up in the bandstand with �Dubwiser, drinking water and taking a breath. He dances to the music while the fans boo. Puma climbs the ladder and Mundo throws a bottle of water at him, and then attempts to knock him off the ladder with a 2×4. Puma evades the actions and makes it to the top, where he proceeds to strike Mundo with Bison's Mexican flag guitar. It's not wrestling without a superfluous guitar shot! Puma tackled Mundo from up on high, and both men spilled over the edge and through the four folding tables positioned below. The fans chanted, but more importantly, Matt Striker screamed: "HOLY SHIT" on headset. Regardless of how popular Puma's actions might be, he's still trailing by three falls with just over 10 minutes left to go.

    We head into commercial and once we return, both men are still struggling to breathe, but Puma is the first to his feet. He struggles to drag Johnny to the ring—the only location where pin falls matter in this outlandish competition. Once they return the ring, Puma is able to capitalize on the carnage to cut the lead in half, and forge a new score of four-to-two. These daring individuals fight back and forth, tooth and nail, and hammer away with closed fists and clotheslines. Puma scores a third pin fall with a GTS into a spinning Michinoku Driver. Johnny is just one point ahead—meaning Puma must earn two more falls, if he wants to regain his championship. Johnny is thrown into the ropes, and catches himself, and hits the outside arena. He flips Puma the bird, and refuses to return, knowing full well that he can win this match by running away from Puma. He runs into the crowd and Puma is forced to chase after him. Mundo continues to run away, until an altercation behind the announce desk affords Puma the chance to catch him, and the champion prepares to deliver his patented multiple-rotation senton bomb. Mundo moved however, and ran back up the staircase, while Puma lay motionless in the ring.


    Mundo thought he had the match won, when an unseen individual struck him from behind—it was ALBERTO EL PATRON!! The man that Mundo disrespected and tossed through a glass window! Patron attacked Johnny and sent him back down to the ring with a kick to the face. Patron threw Johnny into the barricade, into the announce desk, and put the screws to him on the outside. Puma was able to capitalize with a springboard 450 splash, tying the score at four a piece with a little more than four minutes remaining. The action is fast and furious with either man afforded the same opportunity to become champion in a matter of moments. Johnny attempted a top rope moonsault, but Puma moved and Johnny fell flat on his back. Thirty seconds remained and Prince Puma looked around the arena. He climbed to the top rope and hit the senton with expert precision, leading the bout for the first time since the initial victory roll that earned him his first fall. Six seconds later, the bell rang and Prince Puma is your official winner.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Fri, 12 Jun 2015 01:20:12 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Indy/Puro/Lucha Reviews Black Lotus Blue Demon Cage Chavo Guerrero Dario Cueto Drago John Morrison Johnny Mundo King Cuerno Lucha Libre Lucha Underground Prince Puma Pro Wrestling From the east to the west, we're talking the worst and the best from Lucha Underground. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and if you're reading these words then you've found the NUMBER ONE Lucha Underground review in the entire world. How do I know that to be true? This is wrestling—where […]

    From the east to the west, we're talking the worst and the best from Lucha Underground. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and if you're reading these words then you've found the NUMBER ONE Lucha Underground review in the entire world. How do I know that to be true? This is wrestling—where hyperbole is law. Just ask John Cena and Kevin Owens, who are going one on one this weekend in the "most anticipated rematch in wrestling history." Really? Okay! So yes—welcome to the number one, greatest, most in-depth discussion of Lucha Underground on the planet. Agreed? Disagree? Comment here and TWEET there . As for now, let's kick things off with another excellent installment of Lucha Libre competition.

    This week's episode kicks into action the same as every episode—with a quick replay of what went down on recent episodes. This time there's a heavy emphasis placed on Black Lotus and Drago, both of whom have fallen victim to the treacherous ire of Dario Cueto. The musical act inside the Temple is still Los Rayobacks, who bring with them a more contemporary sound, compared to previous performers such as Amandititita or the Orkestra. Vampiro takes a moment to apologize to both Matt Striker and the audience for letting his emotions get the better of him toward the end of last week's show. For those who might not have seen, Vampiro hit the ring for the first time since debuting on Lucha Underground, in an effort to save Sexy Star from the merciless clutches of Pentagon Jr. Striker commends Vampiro for his actions, but Vamp continues to play-it-humble, expressing dissatisfaction with himself: "I'm a broadcaster, and that's where it needs to stay." Inside the squared circle stands Dario Cueto, who announces an event set eight weeks in the future called "Ultima Lucha." Or Ultimate Lucha. I'm not really sure—what with the accent. Dario says that this will be a yearly event, featuring the biggest fights and the most amazing matches. "But what will be the main event," Dario asked rhetorically? "That we will decide tonight!" Tonight's show will feature action designed to determine the number one contender to the Lucha Underground title currently held by Prince Puma. Dario says that he has invited every man that has challenged for Prince Puma's championship in the past, to try their luck in a triple threat match. Those men include: Hernandez, King Cuerno, and Brian Cage. Fenix isn't included because, as Dario says, "Mil Muertes sent Fenix to an early grave." Following Dario's announcement, Blue Demon Jr. makes a surprise appearance, and is referred to as the very first luchador to perform inside the Lucha Underground Temple. Demon enters the ring wearing a suit, looking to get involved in Ultima Lucha. Cueto says that he would be happy to give Demon his chance, but first he must prove himself against another returning Lucha legend, in Chavo Guerrero Jr. Chavo comes down to ringside accompanied by the Crew, and enters the ring looking for a fight.

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    The opening contest on tonight's card is a one-on-one encounter between Chavo and Blue Demon, and is a no disqualification match with a hefty prize on the line. Demon is forced to compete in his street clothes, against Guerrero who comes prepared to wrestle. Dario said "anything goes," and that is more than enough incentive for the Crew to become involved with the proceedings of the bout. After a short bit of back and forth, including an expert baseball slide to the outside by Demon, the numbers game became too much for the legend to contend with. The Crew not only entered the match, but also the ring, and proceeded to help Chavo get the victory in just a matter of moments. Chavito, as his Aunt Vickie would call him, pulled out the win following a frog splash made possible by Mr. Cisco, Cortez Castro, and Bael.

    Before we head into commercial, there's a quick vignette featuring Drago as he emerges from the flames that encompassed him upon his exit from the Lucha Temple two months ago. Once we return, Chavo Guerrero is in the depths of the Temple, standing across from Black Lotus's cell. There aren't a whole lot of basements in Southern California, so I wonder where this makeshift prison is located exactly. Chavo tells Lotus that he's sorry, but business is business. Lotus accuses him of betraying Dragon Azteca, her master and trainer, and promises that Chavo will receive what's coming to him south of the border. Dario walks around a corner in the backstage area, and stops to straighten his attire in front of a scratched-up mirror. Cueto sees a mysterious reflection and turns to see Drago standing before him. The demon that was cast away from the Temple is back, and demands to be included in the fight for Ultima Lucha. Dario tells Drago that he was banished from the Temple, which seems to register with the more understanding side of Drago. "Let me fight," he protested at the top of his lungs! "The mighty Drago has found a loop hole," Cueto said, walking toward the former Temple mainstay. "Okay Drago, you're in the match tonight. On one condition: you must win it. Because if you don't, not only will you still be banished from my Temple—you will be forced to leave your mask behind."

    Up next is a trios matchup featuring the in-ring debut of the "Disciples of Death," the masked men who accompanied Catrina to ringside during Mil Muertes' triumphant return to television. Their opponents are the colorful team comprised of Mascarita Sagrada, Pimpenela Escarlata and Bengala. Pimpenela dances around the ring like a true exotico, which seems to confuse the first of the Disciples. Matt Striker gave each of the masked men an individual designation, but I can't yet keep up with who is who, and for my money, neither can you. This is a really fun trios match between two midlevel teams competing for the adoration of the audience. Catrina remains at ringside, and seems to have some sort of unspoken control over the Disciples, just the same as she does with Mil Muertes. All three Disciples of Death teamed up on each of their opponents one by one until not a single Lucha star was standing. They picked up the victory over their opponents following a slew of highly impressive triple team maneuvers; both Bengala and Sagrada were sent spiraling to the outside, which is when Catrina licked Pimpenela Escarlata, signifying the end was near. The Disciples of Death put the exotico up in a three man crucifix powerbomb combination, earning the Disciples their first official win inside the Temple.


    We head into a commercial and once we return, Dario is done wandering around the Temple, and is instead sitting inside his office. Johnny Mundo barges in, demanding to know why he wasn't included in the number one contender's match. Johnny says that if anybody deserves a shot at the championship, it's him. "No, not this time," Dario began. "I expect you to be champion at Ultima Lucha. Please, sit down." Johnny sat down before Dario and the two continued talking about what may lie ahead for the former Tuesday Night Delight. "I'm not one to hold grudges. So what, you gave me a black eye, who cares? I look good in sunglasses," Dario assured Johnny that when he suggested starting off anew, he meant it. "You are truly the future of Lucha Underground, which is why I want to see this new Johnny unleashed on Prince Puma. You think you're better than Prince Puma? Well, I'm going to let you prove that to the world next week, in a concept never seen before. It's going to be Prince Puma versus Johnny Mundo for an hour long!" Dario announces an IRON MAN MATCH for the Lucha Underground Championship on next week's episode.

    Up next is the main event fatal four way contest, set to determine the number one contender to the Lucha Underground Championship. The first contestant to arrive is Brian Cage, followed by King Cuero, Hernandez, and finally Drago. One has to wonder how many backstage segments the studio audience is privy to, and whether or not they knew that Drago would return. Things get started with King Cuero and Drago squaring off, all while Cage and Hernandez bring their portion of the contest to the outside. Matt Striker points out that this match will consist of two very differing styles; Hernandez and Cage are both powerhouse competitors, while Drago and Cuerno adhere to a more high flying philosophy. Hernandez returns to the ring and mixes it up with King Cuerno, but Cage is quick to reenter the match, and seeks to further punish Hernandez. All four men make use of their surroundings to benefit the pace of the match, whether that be the ring ropes or even another participant! Cage teams with Cuerno, Cage teams with Drago, Drago teams with Hernandez—everybody is everybody's partner, but at the same time, nobody is safe! This is a very fast paced match that's admittedly difficult to keep up with from A-to-B, but I'm giving it my best shot. I have no idea how I'm going to write one 2000-word column about a fucking Iron Man Match between John Morrison and Ricochet, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Hernandez is incredibly out of place, compared to his 20-something contemporaries inside the ring. Although everybody is impressive to some degree or another, it's Drago and King Cuerno who prove to be specific highlights for this wrestling pundit, personally. Mid-way through this match, we see Killshot standing on top of Dario's office, staring ahead and watching the competition. Very strange—Killshot? Really? Cage and King Cuerno are working in perfect tandem, and proving to be a formidable obstacle to both of their opponents. But they too must turn on one another, and this match continues to come undone with no real designated favorite. The fans chant for Drago and Cuerno, the only two men left inside the ring. Drago surprised Cuerno with a backslide, and hooked his leg from the opposite side, as to keep the King firmly connected to the canvas. Drago earned a three count, thus earning a championship title opportunity, as well as the chance to continue competing in the Lucha Underground Temple.

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    Following the match, Prince Puma made an unscheduled appearance, and entered the ring, where he stood across from Drago holding his world championship. Will Puma be the man to face Drago at Ultima Lucha, or will Johnny Mundo secure the strap after next week's one-hour iron man match? Before the show concludes, we return to Dario's office once more. El Jefe is peering out from behind his blinds, overlooking his empire as it continues to crumble. Catrina appears: "You made a mistake not putting Mil Muertes in that match." Dario politely explained that Mil Muertes has never faced Prince Puma for the world title. "That is precisely why Prince Puma is still champion," Catrina said, standing from her seated position behind Dario's desk. "Mil Muertes destroys everything that stands in his way, so tell me, why are you in his way?" Catrina proceeded to choke Dario with his own tie, until he agreed to give Mil a shot against Drago in two weeks. The winner will be the number one contender, and will face Prince Puma at Ultima Lucha.


    Until next time, please LIKE "The B+ Players Podcast" on Facebook , and FOLLOW me on Twitter for all the latest and greatest updates courtesy of Cheap-Heat and Daily Wrestling News! 0 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 04:04:31 +0000 Gary Mastriano Blogs Other Blogs AJ Lee Bad News Barrett Big Show Brock Lesnar Cesaro CM Punk Cody Rhodes Daniel Bryan Dean Ambrose Dolph Ziggler Dust Brothers Elimination Chamber Erick Rowan Fastlane Goldust HHH Jey Uso Jimmy Uso John Cena John Morrison Kane Kidd Kofi Kingston Natalya Nikki Bella NXT Paige Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio Jr. Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Rusev Ryback Santino Santino Marella Seth Rollins Stardust Steve Austin Sting Survivor Series The Brass Ring Club The Usos Triple H Tyson Kidd Wade Barrett Wrestlemania WWE Hunchamania: Fastlane 2015 Folks, we are on the road to WrestleMania 31, and we are driving in the fast lane (see what I did there? I'm so clever). WWE brings us this new "special event" this Sunday, and I must say- there is a lot to look forward to. The February slot in the PPV […]

    Hunchamania: Fastlane 2015

    Folks, we are on the road to WrestleMania 31, and we are driving in the fast lane (see what I did there? I'm so clever). WWE brings us this new "special event" this Sunday, and I must say- there is a lot to look forward to.

    The February slot in the PPV cycle has always been a mixed bag. Feuds were either resolved so top stars could move on to different challengers at the Grandaddy the following month (Austin-HHH 2001), new feuds are set up to take us into Mania (Orton-Rey), or big matches occur that may even be better suited for the big event the next month (the criminally underrated and overall excellent Angle-Taker SHOULD have taken place at Mania 22….thanks a lot Batista).

    In recent years we have been subject to the Elimination Chamber PPV. A great gimmick match that felt completely out of place in the pre Mania slot. Not only was the risk of injury to a top star higher in the dangerous match, but it was also a huge gimmick that often felt forced. Challengers like Santino, John Morrison, and Kofi Kingston were always given spots in the match, when we all knew they would barely even make the Mania card the next month. The first few installments of the Chamber match worked so well because there were legit contenders in every pod gunning for the world title. When the match was supplanted to the February slot it lost almost all of its luster. Sure we have seen some fun spots and pairings (the HHH-Taker final 2 comes to mind) overall I am happy to see the chamber go. Hopefully it will return to a PPV that could benefit from it where there are 6 legit contenders who have a claim to the title.

    I also thought it was weird to place the chamber at the February PPV because it honestly wasn't needed. It worked well when there was 2 world titles, but the PPV never needed the rub of the gimmick match. The allure of the road to Wrestlemania is enough to sell me on the February PPV. Just use it to end some feuds and start some new angles for the next month and I am sold. That being said, this year's FastLane was looking like a legit throw away PPV at first. We knew Brock wasn't going to be wrestling, and after Royal Rumble it seemed most the top 3-4 matches were already in stone: Sting-HHH, Rusev-Cena, Brock-Reigns all looked like locks for San Francisco. However, WWE has done a pretty great job of making us question the seemingly predictable card. Now I fully believe we will get all 3 of those matches, plus most of the other rumored matches on the card, but FastLane will at least be an intriguing stop along the way, with some fascinating booking decisions I did not expect.

    Intercontinental Championship Match- Bad News Barrett vs Dean Ambrose

    The theme up and down this card is unpredictability. I think the IC title match, which I suspect with be the hot opener, could really go either way. Barrett has only been back from injury a month and was handed the IC title his first night back. WWE is clearly behind Barrett. The man has been IC pretty much any time he hasn't been injured in the past 2 years. It seems that they really want him to succeed, but injuries and bad luck keep getting in his way. While I am not a fan of his bad news gimmick (just seems more face leaning than heel), I cannot deny that it is over. Also over- Dean Ambrose. The man turns every goofy situation written for him into gold. I've seen people complain that Dean is getting "buried" or tossed aside. This is simply laughable. He has main evented more PPVs than Roman Reigns, and has been a focal point of WWE programming since the Shield split. Ambrose is a great talent, and loses don't really affect him or his character. Ambrose is simply about anarchy. WWE is taking the more classic approach with Ambrose and letting him get white hot in the mid to top of the card. He will be IC champ this calendar year, and possibly challenge for the world title by year's end (although I don't think he even needs to be in that spot to be effective). If the Andre battle royal takes place this year, Dean will win it. But he won't win the IC title, at least not on this night. Bad News Wade retains.

    Cody �Stardust' Rhodes vs Goldust

    Cheap Heat grandmaster of productivity- Mark Haggerty- and I recently did a mock draft to choose our top 10 wrestlers we want to start a company with. You'll see more on that soon, but I am going to spoil one of my draft choices here- Cody Rhodes. I have been a Cody fan dating back to the Legacy days. I knew he was the break out star of the two young guns, and he has quietly had a great mid card run. Cody has shown how incredibly versatile he can be. He can play the face, the heel, the comedy act, or the bat shit crazy Stardust character. His Dr. Doom character was my personal favorite, the one that led to his all-time best and most underrated match against Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania 27. Rhodes can do it all. I have loved the Dust Brothers team, but feel that it has run its course. Every part of me hopes their blow off, and long rumored Goldust retirement match, takes place at WrestleMania. And I hope that match is Cody, not Stardust, taking on Goldust. As far as I can tell the match this Sunday will be Stardust wrestling Sunday, not Cody. Hopefully this leads to the return of Cody for Mania, and finally a major heel push after. One can dream right? Stardust has been a great fun character, and I hope he gets brought back down the line, even in a multiple personality story line at some point. But I think it's time for Cody to return. I see this match ending in NO CONTEST of some sorts, leading to Cody finally dropping the Stardust character for the blow off match next month.

    Tag Team Championship- The Usos vs Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

    I legit marked out last month when Kidd and Cesaro wore Brass Ring Club shirts to the ring. I am still seriously contemplating purchasing one because… c'mon… that's just cool. Kidd and Cesaro are my favorite team in a long time. Both guys seem to want to prove themselves week after week and they have really lit a fire into the tag team division. What a great booking decision pairing them together. The Usos have been tag champs for … 4 years now? Not sure, but it seems like they will always hold the belts. I don't see a future past a tag team for Jimmy and Jey, and they are way over, so I know they will stick together for a while. However, I think the time is now to reward Cesaro and Kidd with a title win, even if it's just a month long reign- BOLD PREDICTION but Kidd and Cesaro take home the gold Sunday night.

    Diva's Championship- Niki Bella vs Paige

    When all the controversy came out last year with CM Punk, everyone on the internet seemed to assume days were numbered for AJ Lee. Well, to their credit, WWE has treated AJ with nothing but respect. She was the top Diva last year, holding the belt on 2 different occasions, and winning Diva of the year (do you really think AJ would have won if they weren't behind her?). There seemed to be no retaliation against AJ for the actions of her husband. Anytime AJ has missed seems to be by her own accord, and any time off seems to have been granted. And I am happy WWE were the bigger man here and treated her like the star she was, as opposed to the star she's married to.

    With that being said, and with the breaking news of the potentially massive lawsuit between CM Punk and Doc Amman, one has to question- when is it the right time for WWE and AJ Lee to cut ties. I think the time is now. I am a big AJ supporter, but I can only imagine it may be a hostile work environment for her no matter what the outcome of the lawsuit is. Can you imagine if AJ gets inured and Doc Amman has to work on her? I cannot see that being fun. AJ has had a great run, and is easily the top Diva since the Trish/Lita days, but her associations may lead to some uncomfortable and awkward situations. WWE has some of the best female wrestlers in the world down in NXT. Once talents like Charlotte and Bayley, and later on Sasha Banks, are brought up the main roster, we can hopefully expect the Diva's boom we have all wanted for a while. And while I would love AJ Lee to be a part of that…it seems like time has past her by.

    As for the current state of active Diva's, it's not actually as bad as you think. Niki Bella has been a surprisingly impressive champion. Her in ring work has been better than it has any right to be. She described herself as the "powerhouse" of the division, and I have to agree. As for her opponent this Sunday- Paige- what can be said? I am happy to see her back at the top of the division where she belongs. Paige is a GREAT in ring talent, and I think this match could go far to elevate the division. It all comes down to time, as with most Diva's matches in this era. NXT has proven that women's wrestling is worth investing in, so why not give your main roster girls a showcase? Alas, I don't think Fastlane will be the night to do so. Niki wins with shenanigans setting up a Mania mutli-lady rematch.

    Seth Rollins, Kane, and Big Show vs Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, and Ryback

    Is this match announced? Trusty old Wikipedia says it is, so let's say it is. This feud has been going on since before Survivor Series, with no end in sight. I really think we will see some sort of variation on this match at WrestleMania this year, probably without Rollins. Ziggler deserves his time to shine at the big event this year, but short of the rumored Daniel Bryan match, I just don't see any singles match happening for the Showoff. If you haven't seen the Ziggler-Rollins match from this past Monday's Raw I highly recommend it. An awesome match, and the main roster's response to the great matches happening down in NXT. Check it out. Rollins, Kane, and Big Show win here, setting up a quasi-rematch at Mania.

    US Title Match- Rusev vs John Cena

    How awesome would it be to have John Cena as the US Champ again? Talk about putting that title back on the map. Despite whatever the "smart" wrestling fan you are friends with is telling, John Cena has actually had a slight character change in the past few weeks. And I don't think many people are seeing the potential storylines that will come out of it. In case you missed it, Cena has slowly been turning into the grizzled veteran who will do anything to protect his spot. His promo work has been great and this feud with Rusev isn't your normal Cena feud- meaning Rusev actually has a chance to win. Even us Cena lovers can agree that John doesn't need/shouldn't get the first victory over Rusev. That seems too predictable. Even if he gets it eventually, it won't be Sunday night. Cena won't tap but I see Rusev winning via more shenanigans or a DQ finish to continue this feud. I stand by my claim from last August that we will see Cena vs Rusev at Mania, with Hogan in Cena's corner.

    Sting will respond to HHH's challenge, but HHH will get the upper hand via some sort of beat down on Sting. This will set up Sting' first ever WWE match at WrestleMania 31. This is the match Sting needs and deserves. No other opponent is worthy of Sting's first match but Hunter and I expect this to be a really fun ride.

    Number 1 Contender's Match- Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan

    I have to give credit where credit is due- I did NOT expect that we would see Reigns vs Bryan, especially now. WWE has done a masterful job of baiting us all into this storyline. A lot has been made of Reigns not getting the response WWE wanted. But in all honestly- he has been getting solid responses from non smark crowds. The casual fan is into and behind Roman Reigns. The problem is that EVERY fan is into and behind Daniel Bryan. I cannot recall a wrestler as over as Bryan in a long long long time. And WWE is using him very wisely. Folks- Daniel Bryan will NEVER be the number one face on the roster. Yes, I want him in that role, you want him in that role, the WWE Universe wants him that role. But once you come to accept that he will never be top guy, you can enjoy Bryan even more. Bryan will fill that HBK role of top guy who will always be close to the main event, putting on clinics with just about everyone on the roster. And that IS something to be excited about.

    I admit I am not the biggest Reigns fan. But he's the guy that won the Royal Rumble. I DO NOT want another tainted Royal Rumble winner. So for as much as I love Bryan, I want Reigns to win here. Let's give him a shot guys, what's the worst that can happen? Reigns has actually been getting more over working with Bryan.

    As for the match itself, I expect an incredibly hot crowd. They will split 70/30 in Bryan's favor, but Bryan will work hard to make Reigns look as good as possible. This is a match designed to make Reigns look good. I expect it to be hard hitting, fast paced, and tons of fun. As for the ending I see it going one of two ways. Either Reigns gets the singles clean victory he desperately needs, or someone interferes and costs Bryan the match (Rollins?) setting up whatever Bryan does at Mania. Either way Reigns wins. No triple threat this year. 0 Sun, 18 Jan 2015 08:04:32 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Anthony Nese Becky Bayless Biff Busick Candice LeRae Chuck Taylor Dino Winwood Evolve Wrestling Freakshow Wrestling Joey Ryan John Morrison Johnny Gargano Katie Leigh Laura James Moose Ryan Nemeth Sinn Bodhi The Candice & Joey Show Tony Nese Trent? Winter Episode 89 of The Worlds’ Cutest Tag Team YouTube show cleverly titled, The Candice & Joey Show. Watch us show our chemistry and teamwork while we hang out with special guests from around the world. The Candice & Joey Show Starring Candice LeRae: Joey Ryan: Episode 89 with Appearances by Tony Nese: […]

    Episode 89 of The Worlds’ Cutest Tag Team YouTube show cleverly titled, The Candice & Joey Show. Watch us show our chemistry and teamwork while we hang out with special guests from around the world.

    The Candice & Joey Show
    Candice LeRae:
    Joey Ryan:

    Episode 89
    with Appearances by
    Tony Nese:
    Chuck Taylor:
    Biff Busick:
    Laura James:
    Katie Leigh/Winter:
    Sinn Bodhi:
    Johnny Gargano:
    John Morrison:
    Becky Bayless:
    Dino Winwood:
    Ryan Nemeth:

    Filmed at Freakshow Wrestling (… ) on January 10th, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA & Evolve Wrestling on January 10th, 2015 & at Disney World January 11th-15th, 2015.

    Buy #CandiceAndJoey shirts available in tees & tanks and men & women sizes at:

    To book Candice LeRae & Joey Ryan for your next wrestling event, email 0 Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:08:32 +0000 Bill Wright Top Lists Adam Rose Bray Wyatt Chavo Chavo Guerrero Jr. Damien Sandow Dean Ambrose ECW El Rey Network GFW Global Force Wrestling HHH Jeff Jarrett John Morrison Johnny Mundo Johnny Nitro Konnan Lucha Underground Miz MizDow Monday Night Wars New Japan Pro Wrestling NJPW NXT Prince Puma RAW Ricochet Ring of Honor Rivalries ROH Seth Rollins Smackdown Sting The Authority The Bunny The Wyatt Family TNA Triple H WCW WWE WWE Network In 2014 we got to see alot of bad like Adam Rose & The Bunny, The Wyatt Family split with no rhyme or reason, and grouchy cat have a moment with Miz and Mizdow… That alone might make you turn off Raw.В  But you have to hold on to the good things to have hope. […]

    In 2014 we got to see alot of bad like Adam Rose & The Bunny, The Wyatt Family split with no rhyme or reason, and grouchy cat have a moment with Miz and Mizdow… That alone might make you turn off Raw.В  But you have to hold on to the good things to have hope.

    Good stuff like Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose redefine the lumberjack match, and nXt rEvolution which had so many great moments and an energy level like no other.В  Lastly lets remember that Sting has finally come to WWE to write his last chapter to and already legendary career.

    Now as fans we look to 2015 to once more take us on a roller coaster of emotion and fill our lives with heroes, villains, and champions.

    With out further delay lets countdown 5 big reasons to get hyped about 2015!

    Number 5: WWE Network

    Ok so in 2014 we all had the PPV go down during big moments and small moments alike. Servers stall or crash, and as of this article Europe is still clamoring for the Network.В  Year one and really with something like this you need to expect technical difficulties.В  WWE knows it and is working on it, and in time it will get better.В  As a wrestling fan though you can have ECW, Raw, Old School Raw, WCW and every PPV from the big three playing 24/7.

    Now we see new programs like Monday Night Wars and Rivalries just starting up and getting better.В  The best part is the unlimited new programming and original content that can be made to drive this fans dream come true for only $9.99.

    Honestly people nXt is getting better each week and that alone is worth price of admission. Even the monthly PPVs are worth $9.99.В  SURE WWE ppvs can be hit or miss but everyone of them have a couple gems if not a complete slam run. So with the Network growing and new content being developed 2015 already has everything a wrestling fan could ask for.

    Number 4: The Vigilante Sting

    Is this really happening? I mean did the man called Sting just end the Authority?

    Ok marking out aside this event lets you know that Sting will wrestle, he will be at Wrestlemania, and one way or the other Sting will fight and wrestle in WWE.В  Weather he faces Undertaker, HHH, or Wyatt… Who cares, get your leather duster and facepaint on cause its Showtime folks!

    Number 3: Lucha Underground

    It made its debut on Del Ray Network, with Johnny Mondo (aka Johnny Nitro), Chavo, Konnan, and Prince Puma (aka Ricochet).В  It’s fresh, stylish, And best of all diffrent.В  Some say the ratings arent hih enouh, but this show has a real potential to help Lucha Libre get over in the USA.В  I am excited to see what talent overlooked by WWE, and ex-TNA and ROH stars will come to reinvent themselves in the Lucha Underground temple.

    Number 2: Global Force Wrestling

    Jeff Jarrett is why TNA hit the map, and he left the sinking ship to create the most exciting new WWE alternative yet. With the support of 6 indy feds like the majestic New Japan Pro Wrestling, and a resource of a staggering 500 plus talents at his disposal.В  JJ may be looking to reinvent the industry and may infact be giving birth to the first real taste of competition WWE has felt in over a decade.

    Sure it is too early too say for sure but with Wrestling Kingdom 9 and Jim Ross announcing… Well let’s just say Jarrett has the stroke and is looking to make a new kimd of Impact in 2015!

    Number One: nXt

    The undeniable next generation of WWE superstars.В  After OVW, ECW 2.0, and FCW the global phenomenon of WWE has a development product that not only works but is consistently better than its flagship of RAW.В  If you have any reason to believe in a bright future for pro wrestling it may be in the idea that when Vince retires, Triple H will be the undisputed boss.В  Sure Vince still has final say on Raw and so we see Kane tombstone a bunny.В  But on nXt you get to see The Man Gravity Forgot, and International sensations Finn Balor and Hideo Itami… Or how bout Generico and Steen… I mean Zayn and Owens!В  Yes for years your best wrestling was on the indy scene.

    Now the best of the indies is on nXt and each show they get better an better.В  You want models who cant wrestle waste AJ Lee’s time, watch Raw.В  Oh you want women who kick ass even better than they look? Watch Charlotte shame even the men on nXt.
    Tired of the Uso Crazy trend… Watch refreshing and amazing teams like Lucha Dragons and The Vaudevillans.

    So Raw and Smackdown may get better in 2015 but nXt will get better and that is my number one reason to be excited about 2015!!! 2 Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:16:52 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Candice LeRae Colt Cabana Joey Ryan John Morrison Johnny Gargano Johnny Mundo The World's Cutest Tag Team Check out this week’s episode of The Candice & Joey Show, hosted by Candice LeRae and Joey Ryan. The Candice & Joey Show Starring Candice LeRae: Joey Ryan: Episode 83 with Appearances by Pro Wrestling Tees: Colt Cabana: The Hobo: Kimo: Laura James: Johnny Gargano: Gargano Angelus […]

    Check out this week’s episode of The Candice & Joey Show, hosted by Candice LeRae and Joey Ryan.

    The Candice & Joey Show
    Candice LeRae:
    Joey Ryan:

    Episode 83
    with Appearances by
    Pro Wrestling Tees:
    Colt Cabana:
    The Hobo:
    Laura James:
    Johnny Gargano: Gargano
    Angelus Layne:
    Ryan Nemeth:
    Rocky Romero:
    John Morrison:
    Brett Guennel:
    Brian J. Hunt:
    Marc Warzecha:
    Victor Sterling: :
    Shannon Ballard:…
    Shane Ballard:…

    Filmed at Second City ( ) on December 3rd, 2014 and at St. Louis Anarchy ( ) in Alton, IL & Big Time Wrestling ( ) in Newark, CA on December 5th, 2014

    Buy #CandiceAndJoey shirts available in tees & tanks and men & women sizes at:

    To book Candice LeRae & Joey Ryan for your next wrestling event, email 0 Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:21:49 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha AJ Styles Candice LeRae FWE Joey Ryan John Morrison Willie Mack Young Bucks Family Wrestling Entertainment have announced that FWE Champion John Morrison will be putting his title on the line in a Best of Three Falls match on Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at the Lure Nightclub in Los Angeles, California, an event that will also feature appearances Joey Ryan, The Young Bucks, Candice LaRae, Chris Masters, Willie […]

    Family Wrestling Entertainment have announced that FWE Champion John Morrison will be putting his title on the line in a Best of Three Falls match on Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at the Lure Nightclub in Los Angeles, California, an event that will also feature appearances Joey Ryan, The Young Bucks, Candice LaRae, Chris Masters, Willie Mack and more.

    More details on the event are available at . 0 Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:00:49 +0000 bored wrestling fan CH Podcast Billy Corgan BWF Radio Entertainment John Morrison Professional Wrestling Sports Entertainment Theatrical combat Vince McMahon This week on BWF Radio, Joe, Mark, JT, and Joe talk about the week in pro wrestling. В We talk about what we can remember from WWE programming, debate about the cheesiness of Lucha Underground, and talk about what could be the second to last episode of TNA IMPACT. В We reveal one of the guests for […]



    This week on BWF Radio, Joe, Mark, JT, and Joe talk about the week in pro wrestling. В We talk about what we can remember from WWE programming, debate about the cheesiness of Lucha Underground, and talk about what could be the second to last episode of TNA IMPACT. В We reveal one of the guests for next week’s BWF Radio Anniversary show.

    In the news, Grumpy Cat is hosting Monday Night RAW for some reason. В We’ve got interesting demographic numbers for the WWE’s television programming. В We find out more about Vince McMahon’s suprise off-air appearance at the SmackDown tapings in Liverpool. В A couple of releases – maybe – from WWE are discussed. В John Morrison talks about bad ass things and eating your lunch. В More news on Global Force Wrestling, Billy Corgan leaves Resistance Pro, and we hear about a potential new home for IMPACT. В All this and much, much more on BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 152 (MP3, 1:55:17)

    This week’s break song was “Waiting Room” by Fugazi. В Buy it here ! 0 Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:43:11 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Eric Bischoff Global Force Wrestling GWF Jeff Jarrett Joey Mercury John Morrison Johnny Mundo Lucha Underground Melina MNM NXT TNA Tough Enough WWE Brett Buchanan sent out the following:'s Sports section has up a new interview with John Morrison, now billed as Johnny Mundo in Lucha Underground. In the interview, John discusses Dolph Ziggler's struggle to become a main eventer, if Lucha Underground can compete with WWE, TNA, Global Force Wrestling, Eric Bischoff, Joey Mercury, Melina, NXT, […]

    Brett Buchanan sent out the following:'s Sports section has up a new interview with John Morrison, now billed as Johnny Mundo in Lucha Underground. In the interview, John discusses Dolph Ziggler's struggle to become a main eventer, if Lucha Underground can compete with WWE, TNA, Global Force Wrestling, Eric Bischoff, Joey Mercury, Melina, NXT, Tough Enough, and more.

    On Eric Bischoff: Eric was great to work with. Gave me some awesome insight into the business of Wrestling. At the time I was thinking in terms of what I wanted to accomplish in the business, Eric talked in business terms, what do people want to see, what will people pay for? Pro Wrestling is a business, what can you do that people will pay to see you do? I really didn't appreciate the opportunity I had as �The Apprentice' Johnny Nitro. All I wanted to do at the time was wrestle.

    On Joey Mercury's new on screen �corporate' role: Love it. Every time I see Joey on TV I get so happy! That dude has lived wrestling his entire life & is a genius in wrestling psychology. Working with him in MNM was like teaming with a non annoying agent- haha. I couldn't be happier to see him back with WWE in a fun on air role & as an agent behind the scenes as well. Of course if our paths ever crossed on-air, I'd have to let �Corporate Joe' know what a sell out he became and how badly Joey Matthews would've kicked the crap out of Corporate Joe.

    On TNA and Global Force Wrestling: I'm booked to wrestle Jeff Jarrett on December 6th, might talk a little talk about Global Force. TNA & I have had talks, I live in LA, Florida is far. Wrestling is a business, the more promotions the better, more opportunities for wrestlers to work. Both of those companies could be fun to work with. Right now I'm signed with Lucha Underground and I'm happy with where I'm at. Backstage is great, no drama, great shows, great people involved, and in my hometown of Los Angeles.

    CLICK HERE to read the full interview. 0