WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW - Blogs, Reviews, Top Lists, Indy News & Results Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:33:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tue, 21 Jul 2015 03:13:07 +0000 Jer Polk Other Reviews Reviews Caleb Konley Chip Day Elijah Evans IV Ethan Case Jaxson James Joe Black PWX Wrestling Roderick Strong Tessa Blanchard The Young Bucks The1andonlyJer Tommaso Ciampa #1MansOpinion- PWX Superkick World 7-12-15 Concord, North Carolina Jer Polk (@The1andonlyJer)PWX returned to Cabarrus Arena in Concord, North Carolina and received a very warm reception. Over 400 fans packed the venue to see the return of worldwide stars The Young Bucks, Roderick Strong & Tommaso Ciampa along with a core roster that never fails to […]


#1MansOpinion- PWX Superkick World

PWX ITV Title Match

Moose (c) def Ethan Case w/ Elijah Evans IV

The journey begins for the very successful and popular former PWX tag team champions Worst Case Scenario who have decided to pursue the singles ranks. The first big roadblock in their voyage came in the form of ROH superstar, former NFL superstar and new innovative television champion MOOSE! Elijah Evans IV accompanied Ethan Case to the ring but Case launched his attack (literally) with a suicide dive as the champion made his entrance. The more experienced half of WCS in 1 on 1 matchups tried to stay on Moose with kicks and strikes and managed some effective offense even before the bell rang to start the ten minute bout. Eventually the ROH top contender’s brute force presented problems, as Moose created enough space to unleash his brute strength offense hitting a tremendous jumping corner dropkick as the challenger was now in the defensive position absorbing the heavy blows of the ITV champion. Evans at ringside slapped the canvas and rallied his former partner and Case used the speed advantage and some dynamic offense to keep himself in the match. As the time ticked down and Case built up steam it was all halted with a booming spear and Moose retained in his first title defense. Post match Moose got on the mic and acknowledged he doesn’t usually do so but wanted to thank Worst Case Scenario for the impact they had on him being where he is today, as all three men shook hands.

#1MansOpinion: Add another excellent matchup to the history of the PWX Innovative Television Title division, a belt in the past by names like Cedric Alexander, Mr. Elite Drew Myers, Lance Lude, & Billy Brash it’s now Moose’s turn to face the onslaught of ten minute challenges from the best in the business. Ethan Case is perfectly suited for this type of his match as he can and did ramp his high energy sports entertaining as evidenced by the beautiful and daring suicide dive to kick off the match. It’s hard to be surprised by an athlete who has the chops to have once played in the National Football League but Moose accomplishes that with agility and a leaping ability that is astounding. You’d be hard pressed to find a more charismatic showman that the man on a “quest for contracts” Ethan Case who appears to have a great solo career ahead of him. Moose undeniably has the potential to be the longest reigning ITV champion in the title’s history and combating his perfect combination of size, power, and agility will be a task for any future challenger.

Anthony Henry w/ Amber Young def Tommaso Ciampa

Tommaso Ciampa made his return to PWX next and received a huge ovation while his opponent, a very changed man Anthony Henry strolled to the ring alongside the main reason for that transformation Amber Young. The problems between Henry & Young are well documented but the devious duo have again seemed to find their raucous rhythm still this would be another in a long, grueling test for Anthony Henry. As well known as the history between Henry and Young are the wreckless tendencies of The Sicilian Pyschopath Tommaso Ciampa, it didn’t take long for the fast and hectic pace expected to kick in and these two crazy men kept it there for the duration of the match. Ciampa controlled the early going delivering thunderous chops to Henry as the action spilled onto the floor, where Amber made the careless decision to try and stop the brutality against her man. Ciampa nearly made her pay dearly but Henry took advantage of the distraction to turn the tide of the match. It was Anthony Henry now delivering kicks and strikes, choking his opponent much to the delight of Amber Young. Their is no quit in crazy however as Ciampa fought back and the two exchanged strikes until Ciampa went for an “air raid crash” Henry slipped out and went to the top getting caught again but blocked a second air raid crash from the middle rope. Ciampa was frustrated and lookingВ  to end it so again he battled back hitting “Project Ciampa” but just as the referee went to count three it was Amber Young again inserting herself and saving the matchup by draping Henry’s leg across the bottom rope. Ciampa had seen enough and grabbed Young threatening to hit her with his devastating finisher but Henry caught him with a kick and an inverted implant DDT to pick up a big victory spoiling the return of Tommaso Ciampa.

#1MansOpinion: I’m going to start with what may be an unpopular opinion but as of this match I have yet to connect with “The Sicilian Pyschopath” I see the intensity, brutality and skill so it’s no slight is intended to the man or his commitment to his craft perhaps the old adage “to each his own” applies here. Anthony Henry has had more going on than perhaps any other star of PWX in the last year and a half a blood feud with John Skyler, relationship issues, and huge opportunities where he came up a bit short. The man once known as The 5 Star King has grown from each of those experiences and put on some attention grabbing performances. Putting all of these things aside Tommaso Ciampa and Anthony Henry left it all in the ring at Cabarrus Arena with a hard hitting, brutal back and forth battle that ramped up the intensity of the whole card to another level. Henry’s conditioning is second to none and serves him very well in the tough tests PWX is presenting him with, Say what you will about Ciampa (and I have) but the guy can inflict punishment of the highest degree while Henry proved he can withstand it and more importantly OVERCOME with offensive arsenal of high flying, strikes and innovative maneuvers I think it’s safe to say Anthony Henry is at his most dangerous and successful level right now. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the impact of Amber Young on the change of her man as this young lady’s importance, poise, and unique talents at ringside cannot be understated. The Psychopath from Sicily won me over a bit even in a losing effort and I am glad I get to see more of Ciampa for myself as he’ll return to PWX in August, perhaps with revenge against PWX’s Lethal Lovers on his mind.

The “THOROUGHBRED” Jaxson James def Elijah Evans IV w/ Ethan Case

Round two for the singles voyage of Worst Case Scenario in PWX. Elijah Evans IV much like his partner earlier in the night was given a tall task (literally and figuratively) in Jaxson James. Evans as you may know is tall with long limbs as well so this would be an interesting battle between two of PWX’s more towering athletes. Evans eased into this match much moreso than partner Ethan Case earlier in the night and it seemed James was looking to exploit that and ramp up the intensity early on, Evans responded and the two went back and forth but The THOROUGHBRED had more brutality and intensity and took over control of the match with a beautiful dropkick. James used his fists to prove most of his point and had the tag team specialist on the ropes and looked to finish it with “Satiety” (the pump handle finisher he’s won many matches with. It was Evans who had a surprise for his opponent and the fans in attendance. After slipping out and hitting a scissors kick, EEIV donned his best bandana (Daniel LaRusso) style and displayed some karate! That however wasn’t the last surprise of the match as moments later Jaxson James grabbed a handful of tights on a rollup (hiding it from the referee brilliantly)В  to get the win and leave WCS winless for the night.

#1MansOpinion: Two of PWX’s most towering talents had a big mountain to climb in the third match of the evening, one of the more unique on the card. The crowd admittedly seemed a little spent from the previous encounter and overall hot start of the show. Add to that the unfamiliar “scenario” of it being Elijah Evans IV’s first singles matchup and the mixed reaction to his opponent Jaxson James who is still trying to establish his identity within PWX and this match was not without it’s problems. Talent was NOT an issue as both men have proven themselves time and time again, and have athleticism to do big things. The fans enjoyed Evans feel good persona especially his “Karate Kid” routine complete with bandana, crane kick pose and martial arts display that went over very well. The THOROUGHBRED surprised many using a handful of tights to pick up the win, so surprising in fact that I think a lot of the already spent crowd may have missed the act altogether. Both did a fine job with the time they were given yet suffered from the placement of the match. If given the right opportunities in the future I have no doubt the two can prove themselves even further within PWX and beyond.

Best of 5- Match # 5- Last Man Standing

“The Black Cloud” Joe Black def “Do or Die” Chip Day to win the series & become # 1 contender to the PWX Heavyweight Championship

For the last 6 months no two members of the PWX roster have done battle the way Chip Day and Joe Black have. Beginning with their battles against the ITV champion, onto a 1 on 1 grudge match in February off of which PWX management made the decision to initiate the best of 5 between two of their most popular, hungry members and it all culminated in Concord at Superkick World. The last man standing stipulation and having to incapacitate your opponent for a 10 count guaranteed this one was going to get ugly and it did QUICK! The action spilled out of the ring and around the venue with strikes being dealt and heads being ran into concrete walls! When the action returned to the ring a table was introduced into the mix as The Black Cloud suplexed Chip Day onto it the referee only reached 6 before Day got do his feet and the war raged on. As it did Cedric Alexander strolled to ringside to check out the match even sitting front row for awhile but the former PWX champion stood at ringside to get an even closer look. Inside the war continued as it was very evident neither man wanted to come this far and not earn that final, ultimate victory. Day utilized his lightning quick, brutal strikes while Black relied heavily on devastating, backbreaking suplexes yet neither man would relent to the ten count and got up when no mere mortal would. In the end it was Joe Black following many, many suplexes prevailing in the phenomenal best of 5 series and earning a shot at PWX champion “The Southern Savior” John Skyler. Following the match Cedric Alexander approached a battered, apprehensive but still standing Chip Day shook his hand and whispered something which Day seemed confounded by. That story is developing but enough respect and congratulations cannot be given to these two warriors on an epic series for the ages.

#1MansOpinion: As expected there were many mixed emotions in this one exhilaration of the “sudden death” situation after a six month battle, wonder over the brutality the two men put themselves through and some disappointment that the war was coming to an end. I doubt I can express proper words to summarize this epic best of 5 but I’ll certainly do my best. Chip Day and Joe Black have fought and clawed for EVERYTHING they’ve gotten in the business and that battle continues for each warrior. To go out month after month and top what looked to be impossible to top is something that must be met with the highest regard. On this final match of the series the back and forth war of attrition that “The Black Cloud” and “Do or Die” pulled off left no other option, no matter the outcome than to make everyone watching look at them differently. Quite simply, Joe Black and Chip Day produced the best series of matches since Cedric Alexander’s Dream Series if you haven’t seen the matches seek them out it was an absolute pleasure to witness.

PWX Tag Team Titles Match

The Bravado Brothers (c) fought to a no contest with Trevor Lee & Andrew Everett

“Dem North Carolina Boys” returned to PWX following a brief run as the top team in PWG and were met with a tough task in perhaps the most dominant tag team in the Carolinas right now Harlem and Lancelot The Bravado Brothers. The Bravados were coming off their biggest win in PWX defeating Country Jacked less than a month earlier. Lee & Everett are no strangers to taking on elite tag teams and competing in big matches but it was the “home team” champs taking control of the match early on and frustrating the challengers with quick tags, their innovative tag team offense and a lot of momentum. The match broke down into a brawl and it was “The Carolina Caveman” Trevor Lee hitting a running punt to neutralize the tag champions and give the challengers the advantage. The “Apex of Agility” Andrew Everett employed his high octane brand of offense to maintain control of the match and nearly win he & Lee more tag gold but The Bravados are one of the more cohesive and experienced teams in the area and battled back isolating Everett in their corner and turned the tide yet again but the champions could not keep Everett down to retain the titles. Finally, Everett made the tag to a fresh Trevor Lee who took on both tag champions while his partner took a breather. Again Lee nearly made the reign of The Bravados a short one but the former champions Adam Page and Corey Hollis Country Jacked stormed the ring with bull ropes attacking the champions and tying Lancelot Bravado to the ring post. Page and Hollis bound Harlem in the middle of the ring, Hollis grabbed a mic addressing the incapacitated Bravados directly saying they “took” something from Country Jacked last month now they’re gonna take something from them and Page cut the goatee of Harlem with a Bowie knife!! Following the assault Country Jacked fled with the tag team titles and The Bravados were freed and understandably enraged. Before leaving the ring, Harlem used a few choice words to describe the former champions and said if they wanted a match all they had to was ask, but it’ll be on The Bravados terms in a STREET FIGHT!

#1MansOpinion: Amongst high profile names like The Young Bucks and The Addiction there is perhaps no more underrated tag team than Harlem & Lancelot The Bravado Brothers. The brothers have certainly been dominating in PWX leading up to just recently where they reached the pinnacle and gained the tag team titles.В  Grandma Bravado’s favorites bring a globe trotting resume with some of the most crisp, innovative tag team offense that is often overlooked but the gentlemen from Draper, NC are looking to change that. Conversely their opponents are just getting started and already building a reputation for being one of the most exciting, promising new tag teams in the world of professional wrestling. Trevor Lee & Andrew Everett provided an excellent mixture of high risk, high impact offense in this one to really give the champions a challenge and with a set of tag titles already to their credit once again proved that they are ready for any high profile matchup that comes their way.

Roderick Strong def Cedric Alexander

No strangers to one another both being a part of Ring of Honor Roderick Strong and Cedric Alexander added another exciting chapter to their history on July 12th. Alexander claims to be best in the world and certainly is one of the most decorated and successful in PWX history, once consider a “torch carrier” for the company Alexander has a new attitude that only makes him more dangerous. It had been quite some time since the man known as “Mr. ROH” and the current PWG champion Roderick Strong competed in a PWX ring, this was an instant classic in the making and didn’t disappoint. Alexander was very confident beginning the match screaming at Strong “You’re nowhere near as good as me!” Strong responded with vicious knife edge chops and the two brawled around the outside of the ring. Once they got established back in the ring a steady game of one upsmanship began with Cedric hitting precise, torpedo like kicks as Roddy responded by focusing on the back of Alexander and looking to hit the “sick kick” but Cedric had ideas of his own to hit the concussion on delivery (C.O.D.) and the battle resulted in more back and forth with neither being able to put the other away as this phenomenal match continued. That is until Strong hit the “Strong Breaker” and nearly ended it, but despite the referee counting three, Alexander did just kick out prior. This gave Cedric a last chance to hit the lumbar check but this time it was Strong kicking out at the last second and just a moment later Roddy connected with the sick kick and delivered a second Strong Breaker to pick up a big win in his return to PWX. Following the match with fans on their feet applauding the efforts of both men Strong offered a handshake which Alexander accepted as a little piece of the “code of honor” was displayed in Concord.

#1MansOpinion: It was a successful return to the Carolinas for the newly formed Mount Rushmore 2.0 and it all began with PWG champion Roderick Strong getting a big win over one of PWX’s biggest talents. As I said above this was another great chapter between two of Indy Wrestling’s best as Cedric Alexander never fails to put on a memorable match in PWX and he and Roddy went back and forth with brutal kicks, back breaking suplexes bringing the style and competitionВ  of ROH & PWG to the premiere promotion in the Carolinas. As expected “Mr. ROH” and “Kick 2 Kill” put on a show that could headline any show around the world.

Tessa Blachard def Kiera Hogan & Priscilla Kelly in a Triple Threat match

“Queen of the Carolinas” Tessa Blanchard has been devouring her opponents in PWX for over a year now and has an undefeated record to show for it. At SuperKick World the challenge would be intensified as Tessa had not one but two opponents to deal with. Those ladies were Kiera Hogan & Priscilla Kelly who are both parts of Atlanta Wrestling Entertainment and making their in ring debuts for PWX. Hogan has announced in the past but this was our first time seeing her in action. Of course Tessa never misses a chance to tell everyone just how great she is and upon her arrival to the ring she did just that, listing the talented women she’s beaten and belittling the two opponents she had in front of her. The bell rang and Kelly & Hogan tried to work together against their common enemy. The duo got some offense in but once again Tessa was unstoppable just as she said she’d be and made short work of Hogan & Kelly. Seconds after her match Tessa bragged that there is no one who can beat her, she then called Cedric Alexander’s wife (Kris Kelly) out and Kelly hit the ring and took over! Kelly said she’s listened to the bragging long enough, she’s much more than “Cedric’s wife” and warned Tessa to be careful what you wish for. The two new rivals got nose and an unofficial match was made for August 16 when PWX returns to Hickory.

#1MansOpinion: The Queen of the Carolinas has had her share of tough challenges in PWX passing everyone with flying colors. No disrespect intended but the less experienced young ladies of Atlanta Wrestling Entertainment were outmatched pretty heavily in this one as Tessa notched another quick win to remain unbeaten. The story of this match was the combustible situation afterwards between Tessa and the wife of Cedric Alexander (Aerial Monroe/Kris Kelly) Blanchard has been seeking the best competition and she may have found her answer in the young, fiery wife of Cedric Alexander. Their is a lot of potential in the feud between these two and I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

The Young Bucks def The Revolt

Before Sunday it had been about four months since the best tag team in the world debuted in PWX. On that night in February, Nick and Matt Jackson did battle with three of the best tag teams in PWX history. The debut was highly successfulВ  at the gimmick table, with the fans,in every aspect except winning their match. A lot has changed in those months, the presence of Caleb Konley & Zane Riley The Revolt has strengthened considerably in their mission to rid PWX of evil and give the company back to the fans and athletes who helped build it. The team has also been very successful inside the ring in that time while it’s well documented that the current IWGP Jr. & PWG Tag Team Champions are no strangers to wins either so this main event was indeed a blockbuster. The capacity crowd in Concord was pretty split and it was as hard to ignore the abundance of Young Bucks memorabilia & t-shirts as it was the supporters for Zane and Caleb. The very talented former PWX champion, Konley held his own early on amongst the high energy offense of the brothers Jackson and Zane hit a big dive to the outside as both members of The Revolt kept in lock step with their opponents. Riley tagged in and out but it was the speedier Konley who battled the Bucks to the mid way point where Nick and Matt turned the ride with their unique, trademark offense which as you may know included lots of super kicks!! Riley eventually got the tag and hit his trademark cannonball followed by a middle rope “Belushi Driver” for a near fall. Moments later Konley hit cradle shock again nearly dropping The Bucks to 0-2 in PWX competition. A winless record in any promotion for a team of that caliber is a tough task and The decorated champions stopped Zane with a double Superkick as he went for a corner splash, then pulled off their coupe de grace the “Meltzer Driver” on Konley to get the victory and ensure their second (and certainly not last) trip to North Carolina was successful all the way around. No sooner than the three had been counted chants of “Losers!” began over the sound system and they were coming from Sr. Vice President of Talent Relations The Tommy Thomas. The tried and true company man strolled to the ring still goadingВ  Caleb and Zane with jeers but as he went to get in the ring The Young Bucks accomplished a rare feat reloading and hitting him with a head shaking, spectacle breaking double Superkick to shut the loud mouth of the smarmy “yes man”. Thomas laid motionless but the double Superkick did not spell the end for him, Konley grabbed the napping corporate stooge and went to deliver the rope assisted pile driver (made famous by The Revolt’s pal Jake Manning) but PWX owner Brian Kanabroski hit the ring and warned his former champion he’d be suspended if he followed through. Konley is at the forefront of a movement called The Revolt afterall so he not so politely took his boss’ warning and promptly planted Thomas headfirst into the mat to end the show.

#1MansOpinion: What does PWX do for an encore? Following heated championship matches, a back and forth battle between two of the best in the world and two absolute wars that left the live crowd spent, they put on a tag team main event worth of headlining any internet ppv across the US. The Young Bucks were just as exciting, and dynamic in this matchup as they are week in and week out all across the world. It was Caleb Konley (who has battled the brothers a few times) and Zane Riley who really impressed even in a losing effort. Konley continues to prove that he is one of the best unsigned talents in professional wrestling and Riley who is always entertaining is breaking out of the “comedic bubble” and showing he can hang in with the best of the best.

#1MansFINALOpinion: I can’t stress enough that Concord is the place to be for PWX as SuperKick World was a success in every sense of the word. 79% of the crowd were new to the product and they were treated to outstanding performances and tremendous excitement throughout the night that is guaranteed to make the majority of those fans eager to experience PWX live again as soon as possible. The rise of Joe Black has been very exciting to witness as he & Chip Day have done something truly special. In spite of a changing landscape guys like Caleb Konley and Cedric Alexander continue to turn out phenomenal performances while Anthony Henry, Ethan Case, and Jaxson James look to follow them in carving out their place amongst the promotion. Noticeably missing in the evolving promotion are formerly integral and in some cases wildly popular stars like two time ITV champion Billy Brash, Mr. Elite Drew Myers, Mason Maddox, and the injured Lance Lude to name a few and even in an action packed, top notch show you can’t help but miss their presence and a little of the “old school” PWX feel. The fact remains that Premiere Wrestling Xperience continues to shine amongst the top indies in the country as well as be a desirable destination that many of the top stars in the sport want to share the spotlight in. I’ve been a staunch advocate of the promotion for many years and still highly recommend it to anyone looking for the best shows in pro wrestling.

Aug PWX Too Close For Comfort

PWX returns to Hickory with ‘Too Close for Comfort’ an exclusive, limited seating event on August 16th at Main Cellar City Club and plenty of questions are yet to be answered. What is the future of The Revolt if Caleb Konley is indeed suspended? Can Joe Black parlay his best of 5 series win into the biggest win of his career and become PWX Heavyweight Champion? Has Tessa Blanchard finally bitten off more than she can chew? Where do the dastardly duo of Anthony Henry and Amber Young take their new cutthroat attitude? Two debuts and one return have already been announced for the next big event with the exotic, unusual ROH star Dalton Castle, former WWE superstar and current ROH standout Matt Sydal, and the retirement tour of Chuck Taylor passes through Hickory and PWX for maybe the last time, all are set to take part in this huge upcoming event. Keep your eyes on the official PWX website, follow me @The1andonlyJer and them @PWXWrestling on twitter, like the PWX Facebook page, as well as join the ‘Too Close for Comfort’ event page for all the latest. 0 Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:10:12 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha Ring of Honor ROH Tommaso Ciampa Ring of Honor Star Tommaso Ciampa announced earlier today on his facebook account that he has parted ways with the company. Ring of Honor and I have decided to part ways. I will be finishing up my services this weekend in Texas. My eternal thanks to the fans and my entire ROH family! Posted by […]

Ring of Honor Star Tommaso Ciampa announced earlier today on his facebook account that he has parted ways with the company.

Ring of Honor and I have decided to part ways. I will be finishing up my services this weekend in Texas. My eternal thanks to the fans and my entire ROH family!

Posted by Tommaso Ciampa on Sunday, March 29, 2015 0 Sun, 15 Mar 2015 05:45:11 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Beer City Bruiser BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Cheeseburger Cliff Compton Conquest Tour J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Kyle O'Reilly Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Taven Michael Elgin Nick Jackson NJPW Proving Ground reDRagon Ring of Honor Rocky Romero Roderick Strong ROH Romantic Touch Roppongi Vice Samoa Joe Silas Young Stokely Hathaway Tommaso Ciampa Trent Baretta Trent? Truth Martini Will Ferrara Young Bucks ROH Conquest Tour March 14, 2015 Chicago Ridge, IL Credit: Greg Davis Dark match: Romantic Touch def Stokley Hathaway Truth Martini came out with J. Diesel and informed the crowd that the House of Truth had accepted the Street Fight with Cliff Compton for later in the evening. J. Diesel def Will Ferrara with his […]

ROH Conquest Tour
March 14, 2015
Chicago Ridge, IL

Credit: Greg Davis

Dark match: Romantic Touch def Stokley Hathaway

Truth Martini came out with J. Diesel and informed the crowd that the House of Truth had accepted the Street Fight with Cliff Compton for later in the evening.

J. Diesel def Will Ferrara with his AA variation

ACH def Jimmy Jacobs with the 450
– after the match Jacobs shook ACH’s hand which annoyed BJ Whitmer but the Decade still left together

Four Corner Survival: Proving Grounds match for the main event against ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe
Silas Young def Mark Briscoe, Matt Taven, & Roderick Strong after getting his knees up on an attempted froggy bow from Briscoe and pulling on the shorts
– Post match Silas wants a handshake but everyone leaves

ROH TV Title Street Fight
Jay Lethal def Cliff Compton with the lethal injection
– It’s basically a 3 on 1 handicap. Brawling outside. Jay wrestled in business attire. But was stripped of it later and is now in boxers. Lethal hit an elbow outside though a table. Truth hit Compton with salt which lead into the lethal injection

Beer City Bruiser def Cheeseburger with the Rikishi driver

Tommaso Ciampa came out to cut a promo. He talked about his injured ribs and stated that he’s a free agent because he hasn’t gotten a new contract yet. The promo was finally interrupted by Silas Young. Silas said we all have problems with our bosses. “You’re hurt, go to the back, so the last real man can win the title.” Refs had to separate the two.

Proving Ground: Instant Reward for ROH World Title
Jay Briscoe def Silas Young with the jay driller

Proving Ground: Instand Reward for ROH Tag Title
Roppongi Vice def reDRagon to win the instant reward for a ROH Tag Title match
– The Champs tried to leave but they were forced to come back

ROH World Tag Titles
reDRagon def Roppongi Vice to retain their titles after Kyle reverses Trent’s reversal of Chasing the Dragon
– Post match Roppongi Vice says they will be back for the titles but that for now they are going to focus on going back to NJPW and getting the jr tag titles from the Young Bucks

Samoa Joe def Michael Elgin

credit: PWPonderings 0 Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:32:45 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha 13th Anniversary ACH Adam Page Adam Thornstowe AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian Hanson J. Diesel Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Karl Anderson Kyle O'Reilly Luster the Legend Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson ODB reDRagon Reno SCUM Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Shayna Baszler Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Truth Martini Veda Scott War Beard Winner Takes All Young Bucks The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:   Dark Tag Team Match The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) Singles Match Matt Sydal defeats […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on March 1st, 2015 from theВ Orleans Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Dark Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & Jimmy Jacobs) defeat Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend)

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Cedric Alexander (9:39)

Singles Match
Moose (w/Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats Mark Briscoe (5:15)

Three Way Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) defeat Karl Anderson and The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) (11:58)

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats BJ Whitmer (w/Adam Page) (11:01)

Singles Match
ODB (w/Mark Briscoe) defeats Maria Kanellis (w/Michael Bennett) (5:21)

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats ACH (15:31)

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly) (w/Shayna Baszler) (c) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (15:42)

ROH World Television Title Match
Jay Lethal (w/J. Diesel & Truth Martini) (c) defeats Alberto El Patron (12:35)

ROH World Title Four Corner Survival Match
Jay Briscoe (c) defeats Hanson and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa (16:22) 0 Sat, 28 Feb 2015 18:31:05 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Alex Reynolds AR Fox Beaver Boys Best Friends Biff Busick Cedric Alexander Chris Hero Chuck Taylor Drew Gulak Ethan Page John Silver Josh Alexander Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Mike Bailey Monster Mafia Nick Jackson Pro Wrestling Guerrilla PWG Ricochet Roderick Strong Tommaso Ciampa Trent Baretta Trevor Lee Young Bucks The following results are from a recent Pro Wrestling Guerrilla live event. В The event took place on February 27th, 2015 from the American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, California: Singles Match Biff Busick defeats Mike Bailey Singles Match Cedric Alexander defeats Tommaso Ciampa Tag Team Match Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) defeat The Beaver […]

The following results are from a recent Pro Wrestling Guerrilla live event. В The event took place on February 27th, 2015 from the American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, California:
Singles Match
Biff Busick defeats Mike Bailey

Singles Match
Cedric Alexander defeats Tommaso Ciampa

Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) defeat The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Singles Match
ACH defeats AR Fox

Singles Match
Chris Hero defeats Drew Gulak

Singles Match
Ricochet defeats Matt Sydal

Tag Team Match
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

PWG World Title Match
Roderick Strong (c) defeats Trevor Lee 0 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:03:41 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Cole Adam Page AJ Styles BJ Whitmer Bobby Fish Brandon Espinosa Caprice Coleman Cedric Alexander Corey Hollis Delirious Hanson Jack Jameson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs John Abraham Jon Williams Jonathan Gresham Kyle O'Reilly Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Posey Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Briscoes The Decade The Kingdom The Washington Bullets Tommaso Ciampa Trey Williams Veda Scott Winter Warriors Tour The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:   Dark Tag Team Match Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams) Singles Match Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey […]

The following results are from a recent Ring of Honor live event. В The event took place on February 21st, 2015 from the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Atlanta, Georgia:

Dark Tag Team Match
Brandon Espinosa & Jack Jameson defeat The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams)

Singles Match
Caprice Coleman defeats Mike Posey

Singles Match
Corey Hollis vs. Jonathan Gresham – No Contest

Tag Team Match
The Decade (Adam Page & BJ Whitmer) defeat Corey Hollis & Jonathan Gresham

Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats Delirious

Singles Match
Roderick Strong defeats Kyle O’Reilly (w/Bobby Fish)

Singles Match
Moose (w/John Abraham, Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) defeats ACH

Six Man Mayhem Match
Hanson defeats Cedric Alexander and Jay Lethal and Jimmy Jacobs and Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa

Singles Match
AJ Styles defeats Bobby Fish (w/Kyle O’Reilly)

Armageddon Best Two Out Of Three Falls Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) (w/Adam Cole & Maria Kanellis) defeat The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) [2:1]
– The Briscoes defeatedВ The Kingdom
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes
– The Kingdom defeatedВ The Briscoes 0 Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:34:10 +0000 Mark Adam Haggerty Other Reviews Reviews ACH AJ Styles Alberto El Patron Bullet Club Cedric Alexander Christopher Daniels Hanson IWGP Jay Briscoe Jimmy Jacobs Kevin Kelly Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Michael Elgin Moose Nick Jackson R.D. Evans Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Steve Corino The Romantic Touch The Young Bucks Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Honorable Mention ROH TV 2/14/15 Written by Mark Adam Haggerty Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll […]

Honorable Mention
ROH TV 2/14/15

Written by Mark Adam Haggerty

Love is in the air, everywhere you look around! It's Valentine's Day at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and Ring of Honor is back in action with another star-studded hour of power, just two weeks away from the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. I'll be heading out to Sin City, as it's just a quick car ride out of Southern California, and I'll be looking forward to shooting some dice with the Young Bucks and perhaps having an appletini or two if Chris Daniels is around. This week's episode of ROH TV helped further establish the rivalries going into their biggest show of the year so far. What was the match of the night and what could we have done without seeing? Let's waste no time and get right into the thick of things with our commentators Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, and very special guest ROH world heavyweight champion Jay Briscoe.

The show begins as Ring of Honor world champion Jay Briscoe makes his way to ringside, getting set to join the usual duo of Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino on commentary. Tonight's episode of Ring of Honor TV will include four bouts, three of which feature participants in the upcoming four-way championship match in Las Vegas. Jimmy Jacobs is set to go one-on-one with the "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa. Jacobs has been making waves in recent weeks, scouting the Top Prospect Tournament in search of the Decade's newest "young boy." The match is off to a rough start for the "Zombie Princess," as Ciampa quickly resorts to his signature blend of striking offense. Announcers at ringside made mention that Jacobs has just as much fight as anyone, despite weighing-in at just 185 pounds. The onslaught of lariats and running knee-strikes took its toll on both Jacobs and the Philadelphia audience; the fans inside the 2300 Arena were silent during the unnecessary roughness of Ciampa, except for one man who yelled, "What a maneuver!" Ciampa obliterated Jimmy Jacobs in less than five minutes, leaving the Decade member broken on the outside of the ring. The official opted to forgo a count, and declared Ciampa the winner. This breathtaking display by the �Psychopath left the champion speechless. He stood to face Ciampa, sizing up what could be his most violent competition at the Anniversary Show in two weeks.

Before ROH hit the air I knew we'd be getting a dose of The Romantic Touch—it is Valentine's Day, after all! �Touch enters the arena with a heart-shaped box of chocolates and two beautiful ladies hanging on each of his arms. As he struts to the ring, Kelly and Corino question whether the champ has enough time for romance when preparing to defend his title in two weeks. Jay Briscoe says, "Well, we've been married for seven years…" Steve Corino immediately cuts him off, "Oh don't tell me the romance is all gone!" But Jay was quick on his feet, joking back, "Oh shoot no, I'm just tryin' not to have another kid!" The Romantic Touch has a prerecorded promo wherein he warns viewers at home to treat their ladies well, otherwise he's prepared to do so. His opponent tonight however, is a little less loving than �Touch might have hoped. This is the second exhibition featuring the three number one contenders to Jay Briscoe's world title, and this time it's "Warbeard" Hanson. The impressive Hanson stands at 6'2" and weighs in at 275 pounds—not a massive individual by "New York" standards, but a menacing force inside the Ring of Honor locker room. The Romantic Touch and "Warbeard" Hanson meet to engage in the "Code of Conduct," where �Touch offers Hanson a chocolate. Hanson responds with a disastrous kick, dubbed the "Spin Kick of Doom." Hanson defeated the Romantic Touch in less than thirty seconds, and even ate one of the chocolates when he was through. After the match, Hanson met eye-to-eye with Briscoe, just the same as Ciampa before him. Hanson shouted, "Look what I did," in reference to laying out his opponent. Jay responded in kind, letting Hanson know that he "ain't no Romantic Touch."

The third and final bout featuring challengers for Jay Briscoes coveted belt pits the undefeated Moose against the former Ring of Honor world heavyweight champion Michael Elgin. Moose is escorted to the ring, per usual, by Veda Scott and Stokley Hathaway. Since defeating R.D. Evans at Final Battle in December, Moose has established the "New Streak" in Ring of Honor, and will put it on the line tonight in his greatest test to-date. Elgin enters to a chorus of boos, but doesn't allow the Philadelphia fans to breach his skin as he prepares to dismantle Moose. Both men adhere to the code of conduct before quickly engaging in battle. Elgin takes advantage of the former Atlanta Falcon within the opening seconds, lifting him into a brain buster position, and holding him there for over 10-seconds before driving him into the mat. But Moose was back up just as quick as Elgin, ready to continue with a dropkick, sending the former champion barreling to the outside. This match is already more competitive than both previous bouts on the card, which makes sense; aside from Jay Briscoe, Michael Elgin is certainly the odds-on-favorite heading into Las Vegas. Michael Elgin returns to the ring and dodges a clothesline, returning with a big boot of his own. Elgin pumped his arm, mocking the choreographed way in which Moose and his entourage enter the arena. The former champion climbed the ropes, but was distracted by Veda Scott. Elgin fought her away and cartwheeled off the turnbuckle and away from and imposing Moose. He proceeded to deliver a devastating powerbomb, and then lifted the 300 pound athlete from the canvas, into the air, for another grueling power bomb. A near-three count and the contest continues with both men reeling against the ropes. Moose then shoved Elgin through the ropes and to the outside where he was face-to-face with Jay Briscoe. Just the same as Ciampa and Hanson, Elgin stared into the eyes of the champion, but unlike the �Psychopath and "Warbeard, Michael Elgin pushed Jay Briscoe back and over his chair. Briscoe wasn't going to stand for such disrespect and immediately charged the ring where he was caught in the line of fire between Elgin and a Spear by Moose. The referee called for the bell and before long all four combatants in the Thirteenth Anniversary main event were warring inside the squared-circle, with a great deal of focus placed on the reigning world champion. Luckily Jay Briscoe was saved by his brother Mark who engaged all-comers before being put down by Moose's spine-shattering Spear.

It's time for the main event at the 2300 Arena—a trios match with Ring of Honor babyfaces squaring off against Bullet Club villains. ACH, Matt Sydal and Cedric Alexander are the first team introduced, and although all three men are among the most-over in ROH, their popularity pales in comparison to their opponents. The Bullet Club coming to America and performing on Ring of Honor TV is akin to British rock bands touring America or the Harlem Globe Trotters playing in North Korea. The Young Bucks enter first wearing black pants with fringe complete with a Bullet Club logo on the side. Just before they make it to the ringside area, the lights go down and the music slowly begins. It's as if a spiritual leader of some sort has just entered this holiest of hallowed halls; the audience is almost completely silent until AJ Styles makes his dramatic appearance. They chant, "AJ, AJ, AJ," as both Styles and the Bucks cruise into the ring amidst a sea of colored streamers. All six wrestlers shake hands before returning to their respective corners and this match is underway. It's interesting to note, as this was filmed several weeks ago, AJ is without the IWGP championship title belt. AJ, of course, won the IWGP world heavyweight championship from Hiroshi Tanahashi just this past week in Japan. The �Bucks begin by each taking turns on Matt Sydal who soon trades out to his former tag team partner ACH. The Bucks work like a well-oiled machine, working their opponents down to the mat in whatever way possible. When AJ tags into the contest he is met with immediate praise from the live audience, and sets to work attacking ACH just the same as his fellow Bullet Club members. The show goes to a commercial and when we return ACH and AJ Styles are standing in the center of the ring trading knife-edge chops with deadly precision. Nick Jackson tagged back in, hitting ACH with his patented blend of Young Bucks chicanery, poking the decorated superstar in the eyes and "too sweeting" his tag team partners in the corner.

The action heats up with all six combatants seeking to get involved at the same time. Sydal finds himself alone inside the ring with the Bullet Club, who triple team the former WWE tag team champion, before Matt Jackson takes the lead, continuing to take the fight to "Reborn" Matt Sydal. The quick tags from the Bullet Club work to their advantage as one-by-one AJ and the Bucks trade shots on their opponent, isolating him from his partners. After managing to reach his corner, the contest works toward the favor of the ROH wrestlers. Cedric Alexander takes to the skies, performing an exhilarating splash, followed by "two-out-of-three Amigos." Nick Jackson countered and proceeded to superkick ACH, who was standing on the outside, from the apron. He spring-boarded into the ring where he face-busted Cedric Alexander, only to slide back out of the ring and hit ACH once more, this time with a Tornado-DDT. Not to be outdone by his brother, Matt Jackson joined the action with a misguided Swanton bomb, crash-landing on the knees of Cedric Alexander. Cedric lifted Matt Jackson up into a powerbomb predicament, complimented by a jumping knee smash courtesy of Matt Sydal. Sydal then went toe-to-toe with AJ Styles in a battle of rights-and-lefts until he was taken off his feet by a superkick from Matt Jackson. Nick and Matt Jackson were ready to deliver superkicks to whomever may ask for one, but were caught off guard with the equally-quick superkick-game of ACH. AJ attempted a 450-splash but to no avail, once again countered by the educated knees of Cedric Alexander. This time ACH would be the one going for a 450, landing expertly on Styles. Matt Sydal would hope to follow-up with his own high-risk maneuver, the Shooting Star Press. As Sydal leapt from the top turnbuckle, he was forced to make an emergency landing on his feet, met almost immediately by duel superkicks. Nick and Matt then proceeded to superkick ACH and Cedric Alexander out of contention. The end would come for Matt Sydal as the trio put him through a combination of the "Meltzer-Driver," a hanging upside down double superkick, followed by a "Styles Clash" for the 1-2-3. Your winners are the Bullet Club.

This was an excellent edition of ROH TV, which believe it or not, I'm almost getting sick of saying each week! Ring of Honor delivers at least three—in some cases FOUR highly athletic wrestling contests every time it airs. In addition, ROH isn't bogged down by heavily scripted talking segments, instead allowing for the story to be told inside the squared-circle. That might sound like a cliché, but that's only because I've said it before. Just two more episodes of ROH TV to go until Sunday March 1st and the Thirteenth Anniversary Show in Las Vegas. Next week will feature two main-event caliber bouts—Alberto El Patron will go head-to-head with ACH, and the world television champion Jay Lethal will battle Roderick Strong. Until then, my name is Mark Adam Haggerty and this has been "Honorable Mention." 0 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 16:49:21 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Adam Page AJ Styles Alberto El Patron BJ Whitmer Cedric Alexander Hanson Jay Briscoe Jay Lethal Jimmy Jacobs Maria Kanellis Mark Briscoe Matt Sydal Matt Taven Michael Bennett Michael Elgin Mike Bennett Moose Ring of Honor Roderick Strong ROH Stokely Hathaway The Addiction The Decade The Kingdom Tommaso Ciampa Veda Scott Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following: ALBERTO EL PATRГ"N CHALLENGES JAY LETHAL FOR THE ROH WORLD TV TITLE LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the […]

Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following:


Sunday, March 1st at 8:00PM ET/ 5:00PM PT Live on Pay Per View, Jay Lethal puts his World Television championship on the line.

Rumors of a dream match have swirled on social media but now it is official. The legendary, 2nd generation Mexican wrestling star, Alberto El PatrГіn, will challenge Jay Lethal for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship live on Pay Per View at our 13th Anniversary event.

Upon his arrival in ROH, Alberto El PatrГіn wanted an opportunity to speak with his fans on ROH Television. Alberto proclaimed that he was finally among the best wrestlers on the planet and he wanted a shot at the most important title in professional wrestling, the ROH World Championship. Lethal and his manager, Truth Martini took major offense to this and Lethal interrupted Alberto, telling him he should have done his homework before coming to class. Lethal made it known that he is the measuring stick for the best professional wrestler on the planet and that his championship was the most important.

This meeting of two very different athletes in the prime of their careers is something that does not happen very often. This rivalry has taken on a personal twist as Lethal feels Alberto overlooked him as a champion. El PatrГіn believes Lethal has challenged his manhood, something for which Alberto will not stand.

Can Lethal add Alberto El PatrГіn to the record list of contenders he has defeated? Can Alberto El PatrГіn make history by ending the historic reign of Lethal? To find out you will either need to be live in Las Vegas or on Pay per View!

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Orleans Hotel & Casino
4500 W. Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Live Event – 7:30pm EST (4:30 PST) / PPV Broadcast 8pm Est (5pm Pst)


*Main Event*
HIGH STAKES Four Corner Survival ROH World Championship Match
Jay Briscoe (c) vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa vs. "War Beard" Hanson

ROH World Television Championship
Jay Lethal (c) w/ Truth Martini vs Alberto El PatrГіn

Also Signed to Appear:
– AJ Styles
– Matt Sydal
– Roderick Strong
– The Kingdom (Michael Bennett & Matt Taven) w/ Maria Kanellis
– The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)
– Cedric Alexander
– Moose w/ Veda Scott & Stokley Hathaway
– Mark Briscoe
– The Decade (BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs & Adam Page) 0 Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:15:07 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha "Speedball" Mike Bailey Alex Reynolds Beaver Boys Biff Busick Cedric Alexander Chris Hero Chuck Taylor Drew Gulak Ethan Page John Silver Josh Alexander Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Mike Bailey Monster Mafia Nick Jackson Pro Wrestling Guerrilla PWG Ricochet Roderick Strong The Best Friends Tommaso Ciampa Trent Barreta Trevor Lee Uhaa Nation Young Bucks PWG returns Friday, February 27th. Tickets go on sale Thursday, January 29th at 8PM PDT Main Event PWG World Title Match: Trevor Lee vs Roderick Strong **Uhaa Nation will not be able to do the show** Singles Match "Speedball" Mike Bailey vsBiff Busick Singles Match Drew Gulak vs Chris Hero Tag Team Match  Monster Mafia (Ethan […]

PWG returns Friday, February 27th .
Tickets go on sale Thursday, January 29th at 8PM PDT

Main Event
PWG World Title Match:
Trevor Lee vs Roderick Strong
**Uhaa Nation will not be able to do the show**

Singles Match
"Speedball" Mike Bailey vsBiff Busick

Singles Match
Drew Gulak vsВ Chris Hero

Tag Team Match
В Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)В vsВ The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Tag Team Match
В The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vsВ The Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Barreta)

Singles Match
Cedric Alexander vsВ Tommaso Ciampa

Singles Match
Ricochet vsВ Matt Sydal 0 Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:28:27 +0000 Cassidy Haynes Indy/Puro/Lucha ACH Biff Busick Brian Cage Chris Hero Drew Galloway Evan Daniels International Wrestling Federation IWF Jacob Austin Young Joey Ryan Kevin Krunk Matt Cage Matt Jackson Matt Sydal Nick Jackson Shane Strickland Shaun Ricker Tommaso Ciampa Trevor Lee Uhaa Nation Young Bucks The following results are from a recent International Wrestling Federation live event. В The event took place on January 23rd, 2015 from the The Arizona Event Center in Mesa, Arizona:   Dark Match Kevin Krunk defeated Evan Daniels IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final Uhaa Nation defeated Matt Sydal IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final Chris […]

The following results are from a recent International Wrestling Federation live event. В The event took place on January 23rd, 2015 from the The Arizona Event Center in Mesa, Arizona:

Dark Match
Kevin Krunk defeated Evan Daniels

IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final
Uhaa Nation defeated Matt Sydal

IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final
Chris Hero defeated ACH

Singles Match
Matt Cage defeated Jacob Austin Young

IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final – ICW Heavyweight Title Match
Drew Galloway (c) defeated Tommaso Ciampa

IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Semi Final
Brian Cage defeated Biff Busick

Singles Match
Shaun Ricker defeated Joey Ryan

Tag Team Match
Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) defeated Shane Strickland and Trevor Lee

IWF Heavyweight Title Tournament, Final – 4-Way Match – IWF Heavyweight Title Match
Brian Cage defeated Chris Hero and Drew Galloway and Uhaa Nation – TITLE CHANGE!!! 0