The B+ Players Episode 7 – Grand Slam Special w/ Chris Steeler

The B+ Players Episode 7 – Grand Slam Special w/ Chris Steeler

The Grand Slam Special featuring Chris Steeler

Mark Adam Haggerty and Gary Mastriano get a new co-host in the form of "Outsiders' Edge" podcaster and Central Florida Sports Analyst, Dario Rivera. This week's episode is dedicated to our favorite wrestlers of all time—the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, and the only GRAND SLAM CHAMPION in IWF History, Chris Steeler.

We spend a solid hour discussing the "highs" and lows of the man known to millions as "Mr. Wrestlemania." Shawn popularized the Super Kick and captured unprecedented honors in the WWE, much the same way Chris Steeler has done on the independent level. We sit down with Chris for a fascinating half hour wherein he talks about how he broke into the business, and one of the worst ribs he ever witnessed!


That's Dario, Gary, and Mark circa 2007, getting ready to watch Wrestlemania 23! Gary looks fucking miserable, doesn't he?

That's Dario, Gary, and Mark circa 2007, getting ready to watch Wrestlemania 23! Gary looks fucking miserable, doesn't he?

Listen to what happened when Mark, Gary, and Dario attended Shawn Michaels' Hall of Fame induction ceremony, hear details pertaining to our House Party in Dallas next year, and get EXCLUSIVE INSIGHTS into "WHO WAS STRETCHING SUNNY!" Dario brings a sense of sophistication to the show, but Mark and Gary won't let that stop them from acting like a couple of BAFOONS! What very important GLASS INSTRUMENT did Mark break just before going on the air? And hear-tell of the great "Viagra Jockstrap Fights" of '05.

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Next week is our Payback Recap featuring all of your favorite members of the B+ Plus Player family, as well as Milan Martin and Dave Sloyan from the popular band MILAN. We'll also be joined by Dario's better-half, Brianne, whose ready to give us a females perspective on the current state of the WWE Diva's division.

Mark Adam Haggerty on Twitter
Gary Mastriano on Twitter
Dario River on Twitter
The B+ Players on Facebook

Our theme song is "My Fault" by the BACKYARD SUPERHEROES .

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