The Highlight of the Night: The Top Moments from Raw – 11/10/2014

The Highlight of the Night: The Top Moments from Raw – 11/10/2014

Wow. What an ending to Raw! What an episode, overall! I wrote in my recap that the show was lacking as far is in ring action, but that’s not to say it wasn’t an entirely entertaining three hours of sports entertainment.Tonight’s episode came to us from Liverpool, England–a taped show, but that wasn’t enough to keep the WWE from delivering what I feel has been the best episode of Monday Night Raw in a long while. But enough of that, there’s no time! If I could only pick five moments to tune in, they would be:

5. Ambrose Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost
The way in which this program is playing out through a series of slow-paced promos and vignettes that keep both superstars at arm’s length is a perfect way to build tension and add suspense. Whenever I think of a slow building feud I think back to Sting and Hollywood Hogan. Sting was blindsided by Hogan’s betrayal at Bash at the Beach 1996 when the NWO was initially established. But he didn’t have the opportunity to take vengeance until Starrcade the following year. That was 17 months of mind games without physical contact. Very similar to the past three weeks between Wyatt and Ambrose, except there is no Hollywood Hogan. Just two unstable superstars at the beginning of their climb to the top of the mountain, with nothing to lose and everything to gain by having an unforgettable program, perhaps even a potential Slammy Award candidate for the 2015 feud of the year. You need to watch both of these promos to understand the total scope of this rivalry, but if I had to pick one, it would be Dean Ambrose’s stirring monologue from the first hour of the show.

4. The Team is Almost Complete
This was a feel good moment and a very well put together segment that didn’t drag, it performed it’s purpose, and actually came off as pretty darn cool! Following the Big Show saving Dolph Ziggler from the imposing wrath of the World’s Strongest Man, ‘Show and Ziggler meet up with John Cena in the back hallway of the arena where they are soon met by Sheamus. By this point, The Celtic Warrior’s ready to join Team Cena in response to his recent problems with Rusev. While rallying against the Authority, they mention they have four members and all they need is one more. What happened to Jack Swagger? Did the Authority really beat him up so bad that he won’t be available for the Survivor Series in 2 weeks? I don’t buy that and I don’t agree with it. Aside from that minor detail, this scene was awesome. It featured four of the most popular superstars on the roster, getting together to conquer a greater evil. It’s like when Batman and Superman team up against Lex Luther and the Joker. It’s exactly like that. This is what I love about Survivor Series; the beneficial comradery makes for dynamic storytelling and I just hope the WWE decides to employ this formula in atleast one other match on the card.

Rose Bunny

3. The Potential Return of Leo Kruger
For those of you who don’t know it, Adam Rose is an incredibly talented worker. The prancing and dancing and comic-book punching is part of an act that he’s willingly embraced due to his high level of professionalism. Before it was “Party Time, All the Time,” the South African Superstar was Leo Kruger, a far more ruthless wrestler with a straight-forward, psychological style reminiscent of former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Raven. In recent weeks we’ve seen Rose lose his cool on more than one occasion when it comes to the ‘Bunny.’ The vicious assault on his fellow party animal that followed his loss this evening was a bit more in the style of the former Leo Kruger. While Rose smiled and seemed almost apologetic after his actions last time, this week he maintained his edge and it wasn’t until the last minute that he snapped back into ‘party mode.’ Will we see the evolution of Adam Rose continue to play out as weeks go on? Will Leo Kruger return? Was the Adam Rose character designed to fail? Only one way to find out and that’s to keep tuning into Raw and Smackdown.

2. You Don’t Write the Big Guy’s Checks
I thought for sure that this opening segment to Raw would be my favorite, because the WWE has had a lopsided booking strategy as of late and I wasn’t anticipating much else after this. The crowd was hot, asking where their ‘Network is, singing along with Cena’s theme, siding with him when he earned their admiration. Great crowd all night, but the audience didn’t get voted number 2 on our list. I thought for sure RyBack would be joining Team Cena, and I suppose he still could if things continue to play out the way they appear to be. I think it’s a little too obvious, and I don’t think RyBack’s outrage against his team mates stemmed from anything beyond his problem with Kane. I think the Authority will attempt to work through this just as they tried to with Orton and Rollins. I was, in no way, expecting the turn on Cena. RyBack has never been one of my favorites, but he’s got a great look and his work on the mic is most definitely main event calibur. The way in which he said “The Big Guy’s Back,” sent chills up my spine. However the phrase he used prior to hitting Cena with the spine buster was absolutely perfect: “John Cena doesn’t write the Big Guy’s checks.” Wow. If he didn’t act like Goldberg before…. Haha just kidding. But an awesome moment sure to make it onto the next “Best of…” Yearly compilation DVD.

Harper Authority

1. I’m a Team Player
My favorite moment of the night was the shortest, but stood out and caused one of my dear friends to text me: “Ah!!!!! Awesome ending.” And it was. The makeup of either team is still a matter of what the coming weeks have in store. I was more than just a little confused following the blowout that left most of the members of the Survivor Series main event laying in and around the ring. The Authority’s ‘ace-in-the-hole’ RyBack may have just proven to be problematic, when suddenly a mercenary emerges with the Intercontinental Champion in hand. Dolph Ziggler is thrown into frame. Lain at the feet of the empirical Authority by the evil and mysterious Luke Harper. That is when we’re left with the cryptic last words of the night: “I am a team player.” Powerful stuff, Mr. Harper. Powerful stuff.

And that’s the way it is, everybody! Those are my Top Moments from Monday Night Raw! If you don’t have the time to sit through an entire episode of Raw, you can count on me to tell you what’s worth watching. Until next time, I’m Mark Adam Haggerty and I’m no longer allowed to list my cats as emergency contacts.