The Highlight of the Night: The Top Moments from Raw – 11/3/2014

The Highlight of the Night: The Top Moments from Raw – 11/3/2014

Another Monday Night Raw has come and gone, and per usual we’re left with more questions and fewer answers. But despite any confusion brought on by the the final moments in the show, the Survivor Series is shaping up to be better than expected and might even serve as the launching point for some long-term WrestleMania 31 storytelling. If I could only pick five moments to tune in, they would be be:

5. Mark Henry Dives for the Pin
This is last for a reason, and that’s because perhaps I’m overselling it. I think we can all agree that Mark Henry’s match with the Big Show came off better than anticipated. I had average expectations, but the force and speed with which these two 20-year veterans collided left me highly impressed. The moment of the match came following the Big Show’s attempt at aerial offense. Show climbed the ropes and Henry tossed him off, and then followed up with the farthest I’ve ever seen Mark Henry jump. He dove onto the Big Show for what turned out to be a fruitless pin, but the uncharacteristic move out of the Worlds Strongest Man was still worth the watch. The move was in fact a mere microcosm of a match I was dreading but was ultimately pleased with.

Wyatt 2

4. Bray Wyatt’s Absurd Appearance
Dean Ambrose’s match with Cesaro was good, but it was predictable and unnecessary. However, I was drawn back into the action once Bray Wyatt made his presence known, rocking back and forth not 50 feet away. Bray sitting atop the stage watching Deans every move from a respectable distance is exactly the type of bewildering story device the WWE needs to employ to stretch this saga out and make it matter. This is a story of mutual respect gone wrong over what sounds to be an unknown personal problem from the kayfabe past. Which I am 100% okay with, because that’s professional wrestling people. Anyone who’s not okay with it has a warped concept of what wrestling really is. As I’ve stated before, I’m stoked for this program and hope the staredowns and mind games continue past Survivor Series and culminate at a later date.

Ziggler Rollins

3. The Intercontinental Title Match
If you know me, you know I love the IC title. I’ve gotten so sick of the way the belt’s been booked, and even when it finds it’s way around the waist of a deserving champion, he’s met with little-to-no viable competition. The match ended exactly how anyone would expect it to, and that’s with a heavy dose of WWE tomfoolery. But knowing what to expect, I was able to enjoy the match for what it was. I value movement and chain wrestling which is something Dolph does almost too well. His chemistry with Seth was unmistakable and one has to wonder which of these talents will reach the top of the mountain first. As much as I love Ambrose, I’d rather see Seth engaged with an opponent with the skillset of Dolph Ziggler. Aside from the match itself, the events directly proceeding it were a combustible combination of tension and intrigue. I think Triple H’s promo on Ziggler was as close to a shoot as a company man like H is ever going to cut on Raw. It was personal and made me, a perennial heel-fan, want Ziggler to put The Authority in it’s place.

2. The Return of Vince McMahon
It was only for a short while, but it was glorious. I almost started bowing in my living room. When the music started playing, I swore I was just confusing it with something else. But sure enough, there he was! The way he pranced out from behind the curtain might have seemed weird for anyone else, but not Vinnie Mac. He looked great. A little leaner than we’ve seen in recent years, not to mention his haircut fits his head for the first time since “Battle of the Billionaires” in 2007. I liked his relationship with the Authority and thought Vince did a fine job at walking the line and not playing favorites. I thought his handshake with Dean Ambrose could have been a silent nod toward things to come, but that might be me reading into it. I do know that Ambrose is often compared to Stone Cold, and the Texas Rattlesnake is rumored to have a more prominent role within the WWE in 2015. We shall see. I thought it was kind of a let down that Vince made his long awaited return just to sell the Network, but if the Authority stands the chance of losing at Survivor Series, then maybe we might be seeing Vince again soon.

Orton Authority

1. Randy Orton Takes on The Authority
The last 5-10 minutes of Raw was great. As I wrote in my Raw Recap, I wasn’t sold on the idea of Orton vs. Rollins on Raw but after everything that followed the match, I’m happy it went down as it did. I like how Triple H and Stephanie sit by during Authority matches, like members of the Royal Family in the Roman Colosseum. My favorite moment from this segment was Randy as he walked down and shook the hand of each member of the Authority. Before arriving at Rollins, shaking his hand, and delivering the RKO. This entire angle has played out much faster than I would have preferred. But if the idea is to write Randy off television until the Survivor Series, then this was the perfect time to do it. Triple H’s apprehension and seeming regret made me consider a Stephanie vs. Triple H program in the future. Oh, and kudos to Randy Orton for bringing blood back to Monday Nights.

There you have it, folks. Those are my Top Moments from Monday Night Raw. If you don’t have the time or desire to sit through an entire episode of Raw, you can count on me to tell you when to lift the finger from fast forward. Until next time, I’m Mark Adam Haggerty and anyone that tells you different is a liar.