The Iron Side of the Stories (June 26th, 2015)

The Iron Side of the Stories (June 26th, 2015)

What a week in the world—

Everyone is trying to ban the Confederate flag.

Gay marriage has been officially legalized in America.

Jeff Jarrett shows up in TNA wearing a Global Force t-shirt. What a crazy time we’re living in.

As I always do in this article, I’m going to run through a few things that happened this week in wrestling, and my thoughts on them. Here we go:

2015 America Finally Catches Up With 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment:


My thoughts go out to Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo, whose Twitter feeds surely got blown up today with tons of less than funny tweets referencing their legendary Smackdown storyline.

Remember 2002 in WWE? Billy and Chuck. Rico. And who can forget H.L.A.? Not only did it bring us teenagers the image of two girls fondling each other in bikinis, but we got Stephanie McMahon kissing…


…in drag.

By the end of 2002, we closed it with Torrie and Dawn Marie kissing on pay per view, so I guess that evens everything out.

Okay, so this particular section has little to do with wrestling this week. But I thought it was important to send out a big congratulations to America for attempting to be more open minded. While I’m not gay, I feel like it’s ultimately your individual decision to be with whoever you want. No law or religion should be able to decide what your heart wants. Today was a big step for the U.S.

I wonder how many Christians are going to proceed to set themselves on fire now…

Daniel Bryan Suffering From Serious Concussion Symptoms:

Earlier in the week, Bret Hart wrote an article stating that he believes that the career of Daniel Bryan was over, due to an injury reminiscent of the one that “The Hitman” had sustained himself at WCW Starrcade 1999. For those unaware, Hart suffered an accidental kick to the skull while wrestling Bill Goldberg in the main event of that pay per view, which ultimately led to the end of Bret’s storied career.

The speculation is that not only is Bryan suffering with severe post concussion symptoms now, but he was suffering with these symptoms going into this years WrestleMania, with WWE’s full knowledge. Ten years ago, this wouldn’t have been news, but because if what we’ve learned in sports about concussions in recent years, combined with the recent concussion lawsuit brought upon by ex-employeees like Big Vito and Luther Reigns against WWE, it’s a much bigger story.

I don’t know the situation, but I doubt WWE forced Bryan to wrestle with his condition. If anything, Bryan takes a lot of pride in his work, and most likely believed he could continue on and the problems would go away. As wrestlers, we’ve all done it with injuries one time or another.

I wish the best for Bryan. The guy has nothing to prove anymore. He’s proved that he’s among the best ever, he made a bunch of money, got the girl, and above all else, lived out his lifelong dream. I hope he can walk away from the industry satisfied with his accomplishments and knowing that he’s positively effected so many lives.

Global Force Owner Jeff Jarrett Shows Up On Impact Wrestling:

There’s something you probably never thought you’d read, eh?

Double J came back this week to TNA, announcing his entry into the upcoming “King of the Mountain” match.

So that’s it? Just “King of the Mountain.”

There’s gotta be more to the situation, right? Rumors are floating around that this is part of a deal which will see Jarrett inducted into TNA’s Hall of Fame. Others say there may be a Global Force invasion, while some are saying that Jarrett’s appearance on Impact may be part of some potential buyout.

My opinion? I’m– not sure. The whole situation is intriguing. It just goes to show that the old adage is true. You can never say “never” in the world of pro wrestling.

I gotta go for now. I have to go write long posts on internet forums about the Confederate flag.

JK. JK. LOL. I’m going to go play SNES. Later!


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