Thoughts and Ramblings: WWE Monday Night RAW Edition – 12/23/14

Thoughts and Ramblings: WWE Monday Night RAW Edition – 12/23/14

Some Raw thoughts:

- Rollins vs Cena was AMAZING. Really love their chemistry together in the ring. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I marked when Cena busted out a pop-up sit-out powerbomb. I said it last week and I’ll say it again this week, these two work GREAT with one another. Fuck it, give ‘em another match! Pure gold, these two.

- Swagger loses to Fandango? Okay. Did he get another DUI or something? Also, Fandango’s new gimmick sucks.

- Tyson Kidd’s look with the head phones is great. Douchebag personified. #FACT

- I can’t believe I was a Rosebud a few months ago. Amazing how a de-push and constant burial can change someone in the eyes of a wrestling fan. Oh well.

- Minneapolis felt incredibly smarky and faux-bellious tonight towards Roman Reigns. I get it. He’s the new “it” guy the WWE Machine wants to push to the moon. We’re supposed to hate that and rebel! Woooooo!!! Fuck what’s popular!
“Boring!” “You can’t wrestle” “Michael Cole!”

- Shut up. Just… shut, the fuck, up. As soon as the man started going crazy on the outside and put Show over the table, you marked and cheered for him. Make up your minds. Jesus CHRIST, you hypocrites.

- I hope this Goldust and Stardust jobbing is leading to a feud between the two. Otherwise, there’s just no point in wasting their talents like this.

- Harper sounds like The Yellow King from True Detective. #Carcosa

- Man the opening to the IC title match GOT me. I thought it was over quick, which would’ve been amazing in a sense that, it added so much more to this brewing rivalry between Harper and Ziggler. Nevertheless, we got a fantastic match out of the two and Ziggler pulled out a hard fought win that made him look like diamonds.

- If they continue building Ziggler as the Resilience King like HBK and Rey Rey used to be, I’ll be more inclined to shake my pom-poms at Zigglermania.

- Also… does anyone else get this vibe that they’re pushing Ziggler for the upset victory in the Royal Rumble? Because I do.

- One more thing… Ziggler REALLY gets some height on that Fameasser.. which I thought was supposed to be called the Namedropper?


- God I love Piper. He’ll always be one of my favorites to watch.

- Ryback and Rusev is going to be one awful match, and it kind of sucks that they’re inevitably going to give Ryback that distinctive first victory against Rusev, AND a title. Blah.

- But maybe that’s just the Punk Podcast influencing my opinion of Ryback? I don’t know.

- This crowd is just fucking too obnoxious. The whole WHAT? chanting during Bray’s awesome promo? Made me sick

- Loved the idea of this “Miracle on 34th Street Fight”. And when I saw the presents I loved it even MORE. Though, I was disappointed there wasn’t a piranha tank inside one of those presents.

- Great match. Really hated this crowd, though. They chanted boring during every match of the night. Completely unwarranted, IMO.

- Surprised Wyatt won the match, to be honest. Ambrose has lost every match so far from this feud. Great for Wyatt, but I wonder where they go from here for the man who had the hottest item on shop zone for the holidays.

- Solid Raw. Great effort, and I feel like this was a response to the criticism WWE has taken after being shown their ass by NXT.