Top 13 Most Forgettable WWE Superstars

Top 13 Most Forgettable WWE Superstars

It's been a few weeks since I've hit you up with one of my patented "Top Thirteen" countdowns. I figured the best way to make a memorable return would be with a "baker's dozen" of barely recognizable names. The WWE has had its fair share of enhancement talent, all of whom are given ridiculous gimmicks and shallow backstories—that's not what we're talking about. We are talking about thirteen professional wrestlers that the WWE tried to push, but gave up on for whatever reason. My name is Mark Adam Haggerty and this is "13 WWE Superstars that Nobody Remembers."

2. Phantasio
Isn't it strange how Sting got over big with "Crow" fans, but Phantasio didn't? Not only did he debut even closer to the film's release, but he was a MAGICIAN! Magic was HUGE in the mid-90s! Here's the thing about Phantasio—he only wrestled one televised match. That's it! That might be the shortest recognized career in WWE history. There've been jobbers, but Harry Del Rios created this character with the intent to succeed on the grandest stage of them all. In addition to one house show appearance, Phantasio remains UNDEFEATED in WWE.

3. Bam Neely
Bam Neely
Bam Neely debuted for the WWE's ECW Brand in the Spring of 2008, and quickly ascended to the top of the card—so to speak. He was aligned with the ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero and—by association—the World Champion Edge. He was billed as a former bodyguard, brought to protect Chavo Guerrero from the monstrous Kane. Bam only lasted about a year on the main roster, and was released from the company within the first ten days of 2009.

4. Mystery Man
Mystery Man
This guy was played by Brutus the Barber Beefcake, so that kind of disqualifies him from contention on my list. But it's my list, and if I want to cop-out to include an honorable mention, then that's what I'll do! Mystery Man—what can be said about Mystery Man? First off, this was not his only outfit. And he never wrestled a single match! Brutus Beefcake was injured in a parasailing accident which left his face "disfigured," according to reports. So the Barber was out, and the Mystery Man was in! His name wasn't even MYSTERY MAN —he just didn't have a name! He ran into the ring during matches, attacked the heel, and left. But by the time the Barber Shop segment debuted, the Mystery Man was no more!

5. Ryan Braddock
Ryan Braddock
Ryan Braddock debuted for the WWE on its short-lived ECW brand, and made a home for himself on Smackdown for the little while he existed within the WWE Universe. His first several matches were legit squashes—so as to affirm the demeanor of the 6'4 Chicago Native. Within a matter of weeks however, Braddock was being used as a plot device in other major—and minor—storylines. Braddock's most famous moment while under contract was during the "Jesse and Festus are repo-men" days; Braddock was hogtied with sheets of cellophane and prepared to be sent first class by the future Luke Gallows. Braddock spent a total of four years working for the WWE, on both the main roster and down in developmental, and was finally cut in the Spring of 2009.

6. Alex Porteau
"The Pug" Alex Porteau
A great deal of the names we're mentioning are from either the early days of "Sports Entertainment," or the highly forgettable "New Superstar Initiative." Alex Porteau stands apart from the rest as an "Attitude Era" athlete. The Pug—as he would come to be known—debuted for the WWE in 1994, but became a regular fixture on the roster by the tail end of 1996. He achieved moderate success over several opponents, and even entered the arena to the same song as the Steiners—the Michigan Fight Song. By early 1997 however, it became clear the white meat amateur wrestler wasn't living up to expectations. Alex Porteau was released in 1997 before any sort of real "boom" affected the industry.

7. Eric Escobar
Eric Escobar
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think Eric Escobar is the most recent Unrecognizable wrestler on this list, right? Escobar—for those that might not recall—was a Puerto Rican professional wrestler who arrived on the scene alongside Vickie Guerrero. Vickie had since done away with Dolph Ziggler, Edge, and the rest of her short term flings. Escobar was sent down to WWE Developmental as early as 2005, but didn't make his main roster debut until 2009, when he was cast as Vickie's lover. Escobar appeared as Guerrero's arm-candy for quite a while, until writers decided to turn him babyface. Once he turned on Vickie, he was forced into a number of handicap matches against the likes of the Hart Dynasty and "Jeri-Show." Escobar's last match was against Kane on December 18, 2009.

8. Sylvester Terkay
Sylvester Terkay
I'm 100000% certain that Sylvester Terkay was supposed to be a star. He debuted on the ECW brand before the infamous "New Superstar Initiative," as a world-renowned fighter with Elijah Burke in his corner. Both men wore black track suits with a random color scheme embedded on their shoulders, which sort of looked like the German flag. Both Terkay and Burke are American of course; Terkay was a Division 1 amateur wrestler, who went toe-to-toe with Kurt Angle during his amateur days. Terkay's biggest match was a winning tag team effort alongside Elijah against the F.B.I., at December to Dismember . Terkay would appear a few more times, as Elijah's enforcer, but was soon released from his contract in January 2007.

9. Key
For those that might not remember Droz —he was the third member of the Legion of Doom. A former NFL player that could make himself regurgitate on command, Droz was positioned as a key focal point—no pun intended—and was thus outfitted with his own stable of cronies. His most memorable partner was without a doubt Prince Albert AKA A-Train, AKA Giant Bernard, AKA Lord Tensai, AKA Jason Albert. But who remembers the third component to their crew—a guy named KEY. Key was of course played by hardcore wrestler, and former ECW Original, Vic Grimes. Key was unlike anyone else in the WWE at the time; his athletic ability was questionable, and his character lacked any kind of depth. The only thing anyone knew about Key, is that he was supposed to be some kind of drug dealer. It came as no surprise when Key disappeared from television soon after he was introduced.

10. Just Joe
Just Joe
There's always been an inordinate amount of backstage hijinks in the WWE. If you watch any other promotion—even WCW— you won't see nearly as much locker room exposition. Given the WWE's penchant for unnecessary storytelling, it was only a matter of time until a character developed. Just Joe was the coffee guy at WWE events, and frequently began appearing in segments with other Superstars. The Undertaker would be arguing about the world title with Steve Austin, or the Hardyz would have a bone to pick with Edge and Christian—Just Joe was always there. He eventually made his debut as an in ring competitor, wearing something similar to what you might see Santino in. After just over a year on the main roster, Just Joe was released in March of 2001. Side note: If you do a Wiki search on this dude, he looks like an old haggard version of Adam Cole.

11. Gunner Scott
Gunner Scott
The "New Superstar Initiative" was an excuse for Smackdown and ECW to introduce a litany of unknowns during the span of just a few months. Some Superstars used their time on TV as a vehicle to get over, whereas others—like Gunner Scott—were left stranded somewhere in the rearview. Not much to say about this guy. He was without question the most unimpressive person on this list, and I don’t wish to offer him any more publicity than that.

12. Dan Rodman
Dan Rodman
This is the only person of the countdown that I don't remember. Seriously. The majority of these guys are memorable enough if you really think back, but Dan Rodman? Who the fuck is Dan Rodman? Rodman was one of the finalists on Tough Enugh Season 4, the competition that Daniel Puder won, and made his main roster debut in 2007. Though his time on television was incredibly short lived, the 6'7 300-pounder did find himself in direct competition with then-WWE Champion, John Cena. Rodman was eventually released from his contract in August of 2007, and has not been heard from since.

13. Palmer Cannon
Palmer Cannon
Back during the dying days of ECW, Paul Heyman introduced a character named "Cyrus," played by former WWE talent Don Callis. Cyrus was a network executive, and served as the on-screen patsy for everything that went wrong on the short-lived TNN broadcast. Years later, the WWE introduced a network executive of their own. His name was Palmer Cannon who—aside from a few backstage segments with Teddy Long—experienced an exceptionally short run. Palmer was instrumental in bringing the Boogeyman to television, , he was the figurehead behind the expulsion of Muhammad Hassan, and played an integral role in Smackdown's success at the Survivor Series in 2005. Rumors began to run rampant regarding the reason Cannon—AKA Brian Mailhot—quick the company. Word has it that Palmer Cannon was not enamored with the hazing he received courtesy of JBL, and subsequently resigned. Palmer Cannon might be the only name on this list to leave the company voluntarily.

14. Ricky Ortiz
Ricky Ortiz
John Cena's gimmick in 2015 is that he brings a towel to the ring. As much as I want to replace all of my washcloths with "Cenation" paraphernalia, we cannot ignore the original rally towel—introduced by Ricky Ortiz. Imagine what the offspring of Carlito and Chuck Palumbo might look like, and you've got an earnest idea of what Ricky Ortiz was all about. He was initially introduced as part of ECW and Smackdown's "New Superstar Initiative," and was immediately catapulted to the top of the card. Prior to his wrestling career, Ortiz was an American football player, and even competed for the short-lived XFL as part of the Orlando Rage. After debuting on the main roster, Ortiz enjoyed a winning streak that was eventually broken during an 8-man tag match. Ricky Ortiz was eventually released from his contract on August 8, 2009—just about eleven months removed from his debut.

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