What if: Monday Night Wars 2.0

What if: Monday Night Wars 2.0

For my second entry into the series of “What If?” I am going to explore a possible future that WWE could persue anytime they wanted to apply this unusual but exciting business plan.

You see the lack of competition has given WWE no pressure to run on for innovation and aggressive change.В  When people are your business, and you advertise the with out us there is no you, then how can you afford to ignore us?

Two year in a row you don’t give the fans the man they want, and you don’t even keep Bryan in the ring for a solid length of time.В  So now the chosen Reigns gets boos and momentum changes. В Just another shining example of how WWE is losing steam due to over a decade with out a serious competitor.

So what if WWE allows itself to become its own competitor?В  What if Vince allows Triple H or someone he trusts to run a competing brand such as WCW? В You see nXt should remain development territory, but if WWE was to use the Network to show alternatives to the main brand, you create an internal competition.

Let me show you what I mean.


Triple H and Stephanie McMahon become enraged with Vince on Raw and vow to put him out of business.В  Announcing that they will be putting on their own show on Monday Nights to compete with Raw, but the new WCW Nitro will only show on the WWE Network.
Nitro will relaunch WCW as a Network exclusive highlighting new talent and new championships completely removed from Raw and Smackdown.

Now we have two feds competing for fans attention and putting dynamic differences in creative and presentation.
A bonus being that Nitro would give fans another reason to own the Network for new wrestling not just historical rehash (which we all do love).


WCW would focus on the Wrestling and pull itself as a contrast to the promoriffic sketch based sports entertainment.В  WCW would also bring in new talent to fill the shallow roster with cheap hungry marketable talent that Impact, ROH, Lucha Underground and the indies is swelling with.


I would bring back the WCW Title for your main guy, steal the US Title back for Nitro, and crown Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships to round the roster out.В  In time your can also bring in a Womens champisonship when the ladies flesh the rest of the roster out.

The cruiserweights made Nitro so bringing back the tag title exclusive to that decisions will keep the titles very different and exciting.
And Divas are Raw, on WCW we want women who can wrestle like AJ Lee and Paige, so bring back Kharma and get this division the most competitive in wrestling for the fairer sex.


WCW would start with four very unique PPVs remaining different than WWE but still adding to the need to pay your $9.99.

Fall Brawl: War Games would bring in team warfare in two cages of complete chaos.

World War 3: would make the sixty man three ring madness return, often hiring one night only and indy guests to earn a spot on the permenant programming.

Bash at the Beach: would bring us to the beach for classic outdoor summer fun!

STARRCADE: would return with Battle Bowl giving fans an amazing combination tag team battle royal for the belt!

The Roster:

There are endless names here but this is my top five picks to jump start a new WWE network exclusive WCW.

AJ Styles: The consumate cruiserweight. The perfect guy to make this new cruiser division mean as much as a heavyweight title.В  A man fans anticipate to see in the WWE someday and this is a great way to bring him in

Gunner: He has the look and the skills to be a WWE champion, but what a great way to bring him in and keep WCW fresh!

Samoa Joe: Fans love to chant “Joes gonna kill you” and many dream of his run in WWE, so start him with WCW and let his Impact on the WWE universe begin!

Goldberg: Gonna gamble, then gamble big and bring the Phenom in for a year to jumpstart the new Network exclusive program and sell out your live arenas with thia marquee name. A year undefeated in new WCW while Ryback build his on Raw and Smackdown, then you have your mania match!

Sting: Just a presence alone will sell tickets to see where his justice will land. Even if he only made impact appearances it would put a solid corneratone of your relaunched brand.

Recap: WCW nestalgia, a roster that allowed new talent to get exposure.В  A WWE network exclusive and a chance to really compete with yourself seems like it is full of wins.

Yes next we will do ECW, but first let your voice be heard.

Would you like WWE Network to relaunch WCW, and if so who and what would you like to see?!

  • Harriszilla

    yes! yes! yes! I love this idea!!!