Gregory Iron: Why Ambrose And Rollins Works In The Cell

Gregory Iron: Why Ambrose And Rollins Works In The Cell

2014-10-16 21.52.36

It’s official. On October 26th at the WWE Hell In A Cell pay per view (which is also available to watch on The WWE Network– can’t recall how much it costs), Dean Ambrose will battle Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton takes on John Cena, inside of the demonic Hell In A Cell structure. The two bouts are being labeled as a “Double Main Event,” but which match should close the show?

My pick goes to Ambrose and Rollins. Here’s why:

Ambrose, Rollins, and Roman Reigns, collectively as The Shield was the hottest and best booked stable of young talent that WWE produced in years— maybe ever. Nexus had a chance to be something special, but multiple losses in big match scenarios, as well as random changes in leadership led to the demise of the faction. The Corre was doomed from the start, largely in part to having a random extra “r” in the group name. The Nation of Domination had youth that found some success, with the likes of D’lo Brown and Kama. It took him a while, but Mark Henry eventually made it to the main event picture.

Oh yea. There was this Rocky Maivia guy. I think he won a belt or two before he left to go do some films.

No stable in recent WWE history had ever taken every guy in the group, particularly ones that were relative unknowns upon their debut, and made an attempt to propel them all to the top of the card. The Shield did it, thanks to top notch talent, and smart booking, and most importantly, the opportunity to succeed. The Shield were immediately thrusted into the main event scene, assisting CM Punk in successfully retaining his WWE Championship,  and fighting and beating the likes of Daniel Bryan, Kane, Ryback, Cena, Orton, The Big Show, and even The Undertaker himself— all within their first year. They booked to win as well, remaining undefeated for months. Even in the end, in their final match as a team, The Shield defeated Randy Orton,  Batista, and Triple H, Evolution, one of the most dominant factions of all time.

2014-10-16 21.51.46 When The Shield split following WWE Payback, no one predicted it. The Shield showed no rift from within the group. There were no visible dents in their collective armor. When Seth Rollins blasted Roman Reigns with a steel chair on Raw, it was unexpected. People continued to watch in shock as Rollins assaulted Ambrose.

No one expected The Shield to explode— not then. And no one wanted to see them end. I know I didn’t. Not only did they each bring something unique to the team— Reigns the silent but deadly muscle, Rollins the risk taking, high flying technician, Ambrose the unstable lunatic— but not since the days of the Von Erichs and The Freebirds had six man tag team matches been cool. The Shield made tag wrestling in general cool again.

At the very moment Rollins beat down his former allies and joined The Authority, the crowd chanted “YOU SOLD OUT.” It wasn’t something that stopped that night. It’s followed him from arena to arena across the country. I think many fans admire Rollins’ athletic ability, but they greatly despise the character for taking something away from the program that they enjoyed, that being The Shield.

2014-10-16 21.51.05 Many industry experts predicted that if The Shield were to split, Ambrose would be the catalyst. Well, learn to expect the unexpected. Ambrose staying the anti hero may have been WWE’s best decision yet. Put his crazy, never give up attitude (sorry, Cena) and insanely original interviews against Rollins’ selfish, whatever it takes to get what he desires mentality and incredible in ring abilty, and build it up to the point where you have to settle it inside the ultimate final chapter, Hell In A Cell,  you have yourself magic.

2014-10-16 21.49.56 I’m not saying Cena and Orton won’t deliver (this will actually be the first time we are seeing a rematch inside Hell In A Cell). In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and say Cena and Orton are going to surprise some people. What I am saying, though, is that the animosity between Ambrose and Rollins has been the best thing going on WWE programming. Unless we have a surprise WWE Championship match with Brock Lesnar, why end the pay per view with something that’s second best?

By the way.. I never noticed that I occasionally go to that same place Orton goes… ya know, where he hears the voices…


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