WWE Quick to Defend Brand Against Linda McMahon’s Political Opponent

Feb 05, 12 WWE Quick to Defend Brand Against Linda McMahon’s Political Opponent

- After issuing a letter to Linda McMahon political opponent Chris Shays last month, WWE representative Robert Zimmerman has once again defended Linda by issuing a "formal reprimand" to Journal Inquirer Managing Editor Chris Powell.

"Maybe in time Connecticut will consider the pornography and mock violence of the wrestling business from which McMahon draws her fortune to be as legitimate as any other business," Powell wrote last week.

WWE's Robert Zimmerman sent a letter to Powell and Connecticut political reporters. "Although this was an opinion piece, your position as managing editor of the Journal Inquirer would ethically require you to report the fact accurately and not distort the truth. For future editorials and news stories that may pertain to WWE, we want to reiterate the facts to you so you clearly understand our programming content and the type of entertainment we provide to our more than 300,000 fans in the State of Connecticut," Zimmerman wrote.

While Linda has been looking to distance herself from WWE in this campaign, it appears that WWE will be quick to defend her from attacks. Zimmerman was asked if the two letters signifies an effort by WWE to correct what it sees as falsehoods about the WWE brand and said "yes."

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