The Outsider's Edge: Extreme Rules Review

The Outsider's Edge: Extreme Rules Review

The Outsider's Edge:
Extreme Rules Review
Written by Dario Rivera


Extreme Rules Coverage

This Chicago crowd is very hot going into this event. The Allstate Arena isn’t even full 45 minutes before the show and there are already “Lets Go Cena/Cena Sucks” chants.

During the Preshow, the crowd erupted at the sight of Dean Ambrose. Ambrose came to the set and kicked Byron Saxton off to let everyone know that he wasn’t in Chicago for a Hot Dog or for a Deep Dish Pizza – he was there for a Chicago Street Fight. He told Booker T, Renee Young and Corey Graves that he did not forget the Powerbomb on the ladder at Wrestlemania 31.

Here we’re at the 7:34 mark and we’ve been given a Bray Wyatt promo! “A man cannot become a god, but a god can walk amongst men.” I feel like every promo he does has at least one terrific quote given.

We’re now taken to ringside with JBL, Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler. “Bad News” Barrett cuts a “Bad News” promo on Daniel Bryan to mixed reactions. Barrett claims that Daniel Bryan will not be performing tonight and that is because he is afraid of Barrett. Barrett claims to be the “English Version of Michael Jordan”, minus the horrible gambling addiction. This is awesome. He offers the crowd a “bonus” and invites Neville to the ring for a match, to a great reaction from the Chicago crowd. These two hookup and it’s entertaining from the opening bell.

Commercial. There’s a commercial, during a match, on a PPV event. Can’t they do this AFTER the match?

We’re back in the ring where Barrett is in control of Neville. These two Englishmen are putting on one hell of an entertaining match for this crowd. After a bit of back and forth, Barrett hits Neville with Wasteland and Neville kicks out after a 2 count. A few counters between the two men and we see Neville land the Red Arrow on Barrett for the 3 count and the win for the biggest win of his young career.

Winner: Neville by Pinfall

The official event has begun and we are kicking off this show with a recap of all of the recent feuds leading into tonight’s event. WWE is really recap heavy. Like, bad. At least they’re consistent, right?

This is the one night where things can get messy, things become extreme. The opening match is no different, as the Chicago Street Fight is next. Dean Ambrose is out first, looking as goofy and crazy as ever. The guy really is entertaining. Luke Harper who is equally out there and weird, is met by Ambrose on the ramp and these two are immediately beating the hell out of one another. Steel Chairs, Kendo Sticks, and Tables are already making appearances as Ambrose is beating Harper. Harper gets up with Ambrose looking for a vertical suplex on an open and standing chair but Harper counters and suplexes Ambrose, followed by a pin where Ambrose kicks out at 2. Harper has now taken control and is displaying his power game on Ambrose. Ambrose begins coming back through in this one and the match ends up in the backstage area. I miss these days. When trying to evade Dean Ambrose, Luke Harper gets into a Chevy Tahoe (Not a Dodge Ram, Michael Cole) and drives away with Dean Ambrose hanging on the outside of the passenger side door. This isn’t over.

We go to a backstage segment between Triple H and Kane, when Trips asks Kane to look for Ambrose and Harper. Seth Rollins joins them and complains about Kane throwing Rollins into a Spear from Roman Reigns. The crowd is chanting “Boring”, I couldn’t agree more. WWE hears this and makes the sound on the segment louder. Ugh.

Next up, we have the “Kiss My Arse” match and these two are nose to nose, while Sheamus is shoving Ziggler’s face. This starts out as a brawl which is something Dolph Ziggler DOES NOT want to do. This fight makes it to the outside of the ring and sheamus whips Ziggler to the steps, but Ziggler counters with a DDT. Sheamus makes it to his feet and sends Ziggler inside where things turn physical. Sheamus definitely is working stiff in this one. These punches are connecting, harshly.

A “Lets Go Ziggler” chant begins which makes Sheamus smile. A few Short Arm Clotheslines and some smack talk to Ziggler follows a comeback from Ziggler who sparks some offense but Sheamus takes over again and puts Ziggler into a Texas Cloverleaf. Ziggler counters but can barely affect Sheamus. Sheamus is really just powering Ziggler and throwing him around. Sheamus goes for a Vertical Suplex and Ziggler counters with an inside cradle for the pin and the win. Sheamus is IRATE; he refuses to honor the stipulation and is told by the referee that he needs to get in the ring. After a LOT of pushing Sheamus to do this, he gets down on his knees and gives Ziggler a low blow and then a Brogue Kick. Sheamus tells Dolph that he’d never “kiss his arse” and that he promised everyone that Ziggler would kiss his arse, so he bent down and forced Ziggler’s face into his “arse”.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The New Day’s music hits and the clapping begins, so do the boos. Time for the first title match of the night as The New Day will take on Cesaro and Tyson Kidd with Natalya for the WWE Tag Team Championships. This should be good.

Kidd and Kofi Kingston have started this one and its a bit of fast paced action until Kofi tags in Big E, which follows with Tyson Kidd tagging in Cesaro. These two are extremely powerful individuals. These two teams are evenly matched and it makes it that much more competitive. This is already stealing the show as the participants are absolutely killing it. Kofi tried to hit trouble in paradise but Kidd countered into the Sharpshooter with Big E making the save. Cesaro starts the Big Swing with Tyson Kidd making the low dropkick mid way. Cesaro tries to make the pin, but Xavier Woods distracts the referee, so Kofi Kingston rolls up Cesaro to win the Tag Team Titles. It most certainly is a “New Day”.

Winners: The New Day

A backstage interview featuring a celebrating New Day is suddenly interrupted by the returning Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper!

They’re back and they’re as crazy as ever. These two battle all the way back to the ring. The two of them, on opposite sides of the ring, begin launching every chair under the ring, into the ring! Harper grabs Ambrose after taking a chair to the face and drops Ambrose with a Powerbomb onto a chair. Two count. Harper then covers Ambrose with chairs and goes to the top rope. Ambrose then gets up, runs to the corner where Harper is and throws him off the top and onto the litter of chairs and then sets him up for “Dirty Deeds” and makes the pin. “The Lunatic Fringe” wins this wacky “kickoff” to Extreme Rules.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Next up, we have the Russian Chain Match between John Cena and Rusev for the United States Championship. Let’s have ANOTHER recap, shall we? The only thing that makes this tolerable is the Fall Out Boy song accompanying it. I’ll go on record and say now that I hope John Cena wins this match as I find the John Cena Open Invitational every Monday night very entertaining.

Rusev comes out with his own “Russian Chain”. What the hell is a “Russian Chain”? Lana looks naked without the United States Championship with her. Wait, I take that back, she’s definitely not naked. Enough. John Cena comes out and is immediately booed. I don’t know that he’s ever been popular in Chicago. This one should be hard-hitting. Rusev looks like an absolute beast. The winner will be the first man to touch all four corners of the ring in succession. If you are stopped, you will need to start over. The crowd is very into this one. I’m not sure if they’re pro-Rusev or anti-Cena. Right off the bat, Rusev splashes Cena in the corner and begins touching the corners, only to be cutoff from Cena. Cena now tries the same after a scoop slam and Rusev cuts him off at three corners. Rusev then jumps on the attack. This will not be an easy match for either man. The chain is now becoming a weapon and a tool for either Superstar. A bit of ups and downs for each guy, with both men gaining an advantage throughout. Cena being a veteran stands out a few times in this match as he rolls to the outside when Rusev is up trying to touch each corner. At another point, Rusev went to the top rope (which is something he never does) and was pulled off by Cena. During this match, the crowd began chanting “We Want Lana” and Lana actually jumped on the ring apron and began smiling and waving to everyone in attendance which only upset the Former US Champion, as he forced her to return to the locker room. Could this be a Rusev/Lana split in the works? Back to the action, Rusev locks on the Accolade Lock on Cena and Cena rises to his feet running backwards with Rusev on his back, which only turns on the lights for Rusev. Cena needs to stop him to not lose the title. These two now get in a battle over control of the chain and it results with them both touching three corners, setting up a sprint to the final corner, which Rusev attempts but Cena cuts him off and delivers the Attitiude Adjustment. Cena walks over to the corner and taps it for the win.

Winner: John Cena

Renee Young begins an interview with Roman Reigns who reminded us all what the Big Show did to him at Raw from London a few weeks ago. He said that after all that, he got back up and he’ll always get back up. Believe that!

The next match is the Divas Title match between Naomi and Divas Champion, Nikki Bella. We are reminded of Paige getting beaten up by Naomi after winning a #1 contenders Battle Royal.

Nikki and Naomi tie up and Naomi forces Nikki into the ropes to which the referee breaks it up. These two have been jostling for weeks about who the better athlete is, frankly, who cares? Just get in the ring and wrestle. It’s been a LONG time, since Naomi has even gotten a chance to compete for the Divas Championship. She’ll give a great performance. Naomi is all over Nikki, this change of attitude for Naomi is really big. She’s extremely physical tonight. Both of these girls are, as Nikki Bella herself looks mighty impressive. When down, Naomi was holding onto the bottom rope and fighting off Nikki. When the referee could finally pull Nikki off Naomi, Brie Bella kicked Naomi directly in the face. Nikki grabbed hold of Naomi and executed her “Rack Attack” and pinned Naomi. Nikki Bella retains and celebrates with her sister, Brie. As long as these two are on the same page, Nikki Bella will be WWE Divas Champion.

Winner: Nikki Bella

This next match will be extremely physical. WWE can’t put on gruesome, violent matches anymore so their current idea is to just be rougher with talent. The Big Show and Roman Reigns in a Last Man Standing match? This should definitely be interesting. Big Show comes out first and does the Andre the Giant pose, in reference to his Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal win at Wrestlemania 31. Roman comes out to a pretty strong positive reaction from the crowd. From the second the bell rings, these two begin throwing punches. Roman is trying to use power and brawling with the Big Show. He obviously has no idea that the Big Show is bigger than him. Reigns hits Show with a running clothesline to the outside and pulls out a table from beneath the ring. Big Show puts back the table and tries to drive Reigns, head first, into the ring post. Reigns has different plans and counters. Reigns pulls the table out again and Big Show stops him and breaks the table with his bare hands. Reigns grabs a kendostick and starts beating the Big Show. Big Show takes back control and breaks the stick in half, then yells to the crowd “I’M A GIANT!” He’s certainly proving it in this one. Reigns gets hold of a steel chair and finally cuts down Big Show enough to earn a count of 7. Still not enough, Reigns goes back to the outside and pulls out MULTIPLE tables, to which Big Show answers with a KO punch that lays out Reigns for a count of 8. Big Show begins setting up the table and looks to chokeslam Roman through the table. Reigns counters and hits Show with a Samoan Drop through the table. Big Show rolled out of the ring and back in after about 7 or 8 seconds and hit Reigns with a spear while Roman was setting up the other table. Big Show gets up onto the middle rope ala Vader Bomb style and drops himself onto Reigns. Reigns answers the count while Show is going to the top rope and drops Big Show where Big Show falls and straddles the turnbuckle (OUCH). Reigns grabs ANOTHER TWO TABLES and sets them up outside. Reigns goes back into the ring and tries to throw Show through those aforementioned tables. Show counters and throws Reigns off him, when Reigns comes back and suplexes Show off the top rope. Show gets up and Reigns is on the attack with Superman punches. Big Show sees a third one coming and Chokeslams Roman Reigns from the ring to the outside through the tables! Roman answers the call at 9 and Big Show is incensed. Big Show begins setting up the ring steps near the announcer’s table and meets Reigns in the ring. Big Show mocks Reigns and tries to spear Reigns through the table postioned vertically in the corner, to which Roman just sidestepped. Big Show got up again, rolls to the outside. Reigns stalks him and spears him through the ring side barrier. Big Show got up again. Big Show tries to chokeslam Reigns through the announcers table and Reigns countered with a spear through the Spanish Announcers table and Big Show got up AGAIN. Roman then, flips the announcers table onto Big Show and stands on it for the count of 10. This was Reigns’ coming out party. Great match between two guys not known for great matches. Huge surprise.

Winner: Roman Reigns

While walking around backstage, Kane runs into Randy Orton who reminds him that he knows who he used to be. He knows what it feels like to be used by The Authority and they both know that after Kane serves his purpose, they will let him go.

Yes! Bo Dallas has graced us with his presence! Bo cuts a promo on Chicago being the “Second City”, but to him they’re #1! They’re #1 at not showering before coming to the arena! Classic. All they have to do is BO-LIEVE! Ryback comes out and just runs through Bo Dallas. I really thought we’d see Bray Wyatt come out and begin the program they’ve been reported to start.

We find out during a backstage interview with Rusev conducted by Byron Saxton, that Rusev will face John Cena for the United States Championship in an “I Quit” match. Lana went to The Authority to make this happen. Rusev laughs and says, “How fitting? America was once a nation of fighters, now it is a country of quitters.”

We now have arrived at the main event: Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins in a Steel Cage Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Kane will be the “Gatekeeper” for this match, as anyone who wants to get inside the cage will have to go through him. Another stipulation for this match tonight is that Randy Orton cannot use the RKO. Silliness.

It’s weird seeing Seth Rollins WITHOUT J&J Security or the rest of The Authority.

First thing Rollins tries to do is escape. Randy jumps on him and unloads. Rollins is going to need incapacitate Orton, because there is no way in hell he will escape Orton in this one. Orton attempts a catapult into the corner, but Rollins being into parkour scales the cage and tries to get out of the cage again. These two are going at it in this one, as both men really are quite underrated in-ring workers. This is a bit more personal than their match at Wrestlemania 31, but they’re both still working each other over pretty well. Both men using the cage as a weapon as Rollins is climbing to use more of an aerial attack during this bout. Seth sends Orton down with a flying knee and then climbs the cage where Orton meets him at the top and the two engage fists while straddling the cage. The two men ended up back in the ring and the fight continues. Once Seth grounds Orton, Seth takes another turn at climbing the cage to the outside but Orton stops him once again and J&J Security comes out to try and help Rollins but are thwarted by Orton. Orton begins throwing Rollins into the cage where Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury were climbing. Randy then did something that no one saw coming: with a smile on his face, Orton applied the Pedigree to Rollins as a definite message to The Authority sent right to Triple H. Orton tries to leave the cage and Kane will not let him. Rollins tries to dropkick Orton and misses, sending the cage door into the face of Kane. Kane loses it and gets involved in the match giving Chokeslams to everyone involved but the ref. Kane then draped Rollins’ arm over Orton and Randy kicked out. Kane went for a Tombstone Piledriver and Randy countered with an RKO. Seth Rollins then immediately hits Orton with his own RKO and escaped the cage. Rollins retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: Seth Rollins

All in all, this was a better show than I expected. This event had a few surprises and great action throughout. Now I’m waiting for the return of the King of the Ring on Tuesday night. Thanks for reading, Nerdfeathers! Be sure to check out “The Outsider’s Edge” Podcast which airs Sunday nights as well as the “B+Players Podcast” which airs on Monday nights!