WWE Monday Night Raw – July 13th, 2015 – Recap And Review

WWE Monday Night Raw – July 13th, 2015 – Recap And Review

raw opens up with a video package from last monday with brock lesnar, paul heyman followed by the authority alsoВ followed by lesnar destroying j & j security’s car.

out comes brock lesnar and paul heyman to a nice pop from the crowd, crowd chants suplex city as lesnar puts on aВ smile, paul heyman introduces himself and calls brock the avenger of J&J security by destroying their car andВ making rollins pay for his sins. В mentions how lesnar is walking into battleground as a challenger, mentions how heВ beat the rock at summerslam and walked out champion, he mentions how he won the ufc world title. В heyman mentions “eat, sleep, suplex, repeat”. В he tells the crowd to circle the date as he walks into the ppv challenger and heВ will walk out as new wwe champion, says he’s gonna get his ass beat by brock lesnar, suplexed by brock lesnar, F5’dВ by brock lesnar. В out comes seth rollins and kane as they look at the demolished car, rollins says this makes youВ proud and happy for destroying that car, and says this sunday he will wipe that smile off his stupid face. В rollinsВ said he gave him a chance to face him and he cowards off and destroys that car, as rollins tries to mention the carВ and botches saying admenitate as the crowd laughs at him and he tells them all to shut up. В rollins calls him aВ criminal and a vandalist for what he has done, he says he will bring the matches and gas to suplex city and burn itВ straight into the ground, lesnar tells him he’ll take him to suplex city bitch. В kane speaks up about battlegroundВ and lays an apparent threat to lesnar but heyman cuts him off and calls him the undertakers baby brother as theВ crowd chants it. В he mentions how brock conquered the takers streak at wrestlemania last year, heyman predicts thatВ they should have a contract signing as brock will come with peace, love and understanding, mentions how seth wouldВ hate to break the 11th commandment.

later tonight bray wyatt vs dean ambrose.

match 1 В randy orton/ryback vs sheamus/big show

out comes ryback with a small pop from the crowd as he gets hyped up for his match, В currently at ringside is theВ miz with the commentary team, В out next comes randy orton to a loud pop from the crowd. В (video package from lastВ month and last mondays raw between orton/kane/sheamus), out comes sheamus to a series of boos, and out comes bigВ show to zero reaction from the crowd. В ryback and sheamus kick the match off with ryback having the upper hand,В both men trading blows on the ring apron as ryback does a high flying move over the top ropes as raw goes to aВ commercial, В the match returns with randy orton and sheamus trading blows in the ring, randy orton hits him with aВ powerful irish whip as sheamus pleads for him to back off, randy orton not having any of it as he’s giving him theВ 10 punch in the corner, sheamus with an atomic drop but orton blocks it with a power clothesline, ryback now in theВ ring with a suplex but sheamus counters it and backs ryback into a corner, sheamus with an irish whip but rybackВ counters it and gives him a running shoulder block into the corner, sheamus comes back from it and gets ryback downВ as he tags in the big show, big show with an attack of his own as he tags back in sheamus, ryback grabs hold ofВ sheamus as he tags in orton, orton and sheamus take the fight outside the ring as sheamus gets a backdrop onto theВ security railing, now the action goes back into the ring as sheamus hits orton in the stomach with his knee,В sheamus clothelines orton as he rolls outside the ring and flops to the ground as raw goes to another commercial.

raw returns as sheamus has orton in a headlock in the center of the ring, orton fighting his way out of it butВ winds up in an irish curse, sheamus tags in big show as big show steps on orton, now big show with a sit downВ splash to orton, big show going for a chokeslam but orton counters it into a ddt, orton slowly trying to get toВ orton he tags in ryback as show tags in sheamus, ryback with a thesz press and then a body splash in his corner,В ryback going for a meathook as miz interrupts and misses the hook, show with a ko punch thanks to the miz’sВ interference but miz gets chased to the back by the big show, orton gives sheamus an rko as ryback finishes theВ match off with a big splash off the top rope.

Winners: ryback/randy orton ***

backstage promo with kane and seth rollins – seth tells him that his primary objective is to protect him, kaneВ tells him not to worry about it that he has this taken care of. В kane tells him if he doesnt watch what he’s doingВ that it wont end well for either of them.

match 2 dean ambrose vs bray wyatt

out comes ambrose to a huge pop from the crowd as raw goes to another commercial, В out comes bray wyatt as all theВ fireflies light up the arena, as the lights turn on roman reigns is behind bray ready to attack, bray turns aroundВ and he goes to town on bray wyatt. В he brings bray into the ring as he tries to fight back but gets the upper handВ again as he goes for a samoan drop but bray evades and receives a superman punch, bray gets knocked out of the ringВ and reigns goes to bring him back in but gets hit with the lamp as bray is able to escape

match – no contest

already in the ring is team bella w/ alicia fox, В nikki says on nov 23rd of last year she defeated aj lee to becomeВ your divas champion and for the past 232 days that she has beaten every diva, she defines the meaning of fearless,В doesnt matter if its in the ring, the red carpet or on total divas she is the total diva, as she continues offВ speaking about being the dominant diva she gets cut off by stephanie mcmahon, steph tells her that she thinks sheВ runs the divas division and the wwe but steph says SHE owns the wwe, steph puts over women who have dominated inВ soccer, mma and tennis and says that the bellas will have some real competition soon, steph then calls out paige,В nikki runs her mouth while paige comes out, steph tells paige needs backup and calls out becky lynch, the crowdВ goes nuts, steph says shes still outnumber and calls out charlotte, the crowd gets even more nuts as she comes toВ the ring, out comes naomi and tamina as she has business to settle with paige and the bellas still and shes theВ only competition she needs, steph says that theres one more person that thinks just like naomi and likes to takeВ take matters into her own hands, and its none other than the BOSS sasha banks. В steph asks nikki if this is whatВ she was looking for when she wanted some competition, now team bella is surrounded in the ring by the other 6 divasВ but all hell breaks loose as they all start brawling in the ring.

Match 3 New Day vs PTP and Mark Henry

Already in the ring is the new day with a promo shooting on atlanta, then go to say at battleground they willВ become the new wwe tag team champions.

out come PTP and Mark Henry, titus and kofi start the match with kofi with some quick strikes but titus fights himВ off as kofi makes a tag to big e, titus witha В spinebuster as darren young comes into the ring to help out, inВ comes mark henry to help clean house with titus and young as raw goes to a commercialback to the action as woodsВ has complete control over titus, big e gets tagged in as they all trade boot stomps, multiple tags in their cornerВ as kofi controls the match, kofi with some running kicks to titus followed by a big splash by big e. В 2 count forВ big e as woods gets tagged in, 2 count for woods, woods with a sleeper hold to titus o’neill as he struggles toВ fight a way out, titus tags in henry but woods takes down the big man, big e helping clean house with woods andВ kofi, woods tries to finish off kofi but becomes victim to the worlds strongest slam.

winners – PTP and Mark Henry ***

post match ptp and henry celebrate in the ring with the millions of dollars dance.

video package from last weeks destruction again with brock lesnar destroying the car

match 4 – King Barrett vs R Truth

Already in the ring is R Truth as King Barrett makes his way down to the ring, В barrett with the upper hand in theВ start of the match but truth fires back with one of his crazy dances to amuse the king, В barrett gains more controlВ of the match with some stomps to truth followed by a 2nd rope elbow drop, 2 count for barrett as he locks him intoВ a headlock but truth fights out of it, barrett tries to go for the winds of change but ends up getting hit with aВ lie detector for the victory.

Winner – R Truth ** 1/2

Match 5 Owens vs Cesaro vs Rusev

John Cena makes his way to the ring and we go to commercial.

Owens and Rusev attack Cesaro and kick him in the corner. Rusev with a kick and punches. Owens with a chop toВ Cesaro. Cesaro is Irish whipped and Rusev with punches and head butts to Owens. Rusev misses a clothesline andВ Cesaro with a drop kick to Owens. Rusev with a kick to Cesaro and Rusev tries for a suplex but Cesaro blocks him.В Cesaro with a suplex and then he is sent to the apron by Owens. Owens with a cannonball to Rusev. Cesaro with aВ running European uppercut. Rusev with a cannonball to Owens. Cesaro with a pop up European uppercut to Rusev andВ Owens breaks up the cover.

Cesaro punches Owens but Owens with a forearm and then Owens with a codebreaker to Cesaro and he lands on Rusev.В Owens gets a near fall. Owens with a slam to Cesaro. Owens goes up top for a swanton but Cesaro gets his knees upВ and Rusev with a super kick. Cesaro with a Euroepan uppercut to Rusev followed by a punch. Rusev with an Irish whipВ to Cesaro and he runs into a boot. Rusev picks up Cesaro and hits a Regal influenced Saito Suplex and everyone isВ down. Rusev kicks Cesaro and Owens. Rusev with a slam to Cesaro and Rusev goes to the apron and turnbuckles. OwensВ stops Rusev and punches him. Owens sets for a superplex but Rusev blocks it. Cesaro comes over and turns it into aВ sunset flip power bomb on Owens while Owens hits the superplex on Rusev. Cesaro with a near fall on Owens and thenВ a near fall on Rusev.

Cesaro puts Rusev on the turnbuckles and punches him. Cesaro with a drop kick to Owens and then Cesaro with aВ running European uppercut to Rusev and Cesaro puts Rusev back on the turnbuckles. Cesaro goes for a super sideВ salto but Owens stops him and he gets Owens on his shoulders. Cesaro gets to his feet and Cesaro with an elbow.В Owens with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall but Rusev with a splash to break up the cover. Rusev gets a nearВ fall on Owens and then a near fall on Cesaro.

Owens and Rusev exchange punches. Rusev with a kick and punches. Rusev with a head butt to the lower back and heВ tries for a German suplex but Owens blocks it. Owens with a standing switch and Rusev blocks. Cesaro gets behindВ Owens and hits a German suplex on both men and he gets a near fall on Owens. Cesaro is the only man in the ring asВ Owens punches Rusev and Cesaro with a corkscrew plancha.

Cesaro rolls Rusev into the ring and he goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Cesaro with the giant swing set up but Owens with a SUPER KICK to Cesaro. Cesaro goes to the apron and Owens hits a double jump moonsault on Rusev for a near fall. Cesaro drops down when Owens charges at him. Rusev with a Fallaway Slam to Cesaro and then he stomps on Cesaro's back and gets ready for the Accolade but Owens with a SUPER KICK. Owens goes after Rusev and he points at Cena. Rusev blocks the power bomb and Rusev with an Alabania Slam and he stomps on Owens' back and sets for the Accolade. Cesaro kicks Rusev and then he gets Rusev up for a delayed vertical suplex. Owens with forearms to Cesaro and Rusev. Owens slaps Cesaro and Rusev as he tells them Cena is his. Rusev and Cesaro punch and kick Owens. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Rusev and then Owens. Rusev with a clothesline to Cesaro and then he clotheslines Owens over the top rope to the floor. Owens says he has had enough and he will see Cena on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev with a reverse chin lock on Cesaro and Owens is nowhere to be seen. Cesaro with a springboardВ European uppercut and both men are down. Cesaro with a running European uppercut into the corner and then heВ connects with a lot more as Rusev appears to have trouble staying on his feet. Cesaro with a hesitation drop kickВ to Rusev. Cesaro sets for the Gorilla superplex on Rusev but Rusev blocks it with forearms and Rusev suplexesВ Cesaro onto the apron as Rusev falls to the floor.В Rusev sends Cesaro back into the ring and he says something to Cena before going up top. Rusev takes too long andВ Cesaro with two European uppercuts. Cesaro tries for a superplex and Rusev blocks him. Cesaro with a drop kick andВ then he goes back up and tries for the superplex but Rusev sends Cesaro face first to the mat and Rusev misses aВ diving head butt. Cesaro applies the Crossface and Rusev tries to fight out of the hold and he gets his arms freeВ and Rusev with a uranage side slam for a near fall.

Rusev stomps on the back but Cesaro rolls over and he sets for the Sharpshooter. Rusev gets out of the hold and heВ hits a spinning heel kick. Rusev with a flip senton. Rusev stomps on the back and he gets Cesaro set for theВ Accolade but Cesaro rolls over. Cesaro rolls through and gets Rusev in the Giant Swing and then he puts Rusev inВ the Sharpshooter and Rusev gets to the ropes but it does not matter because there are no rope breaks. Rusev rollsВ over the apron and falls to the floor.

Cesaro sends Rusev into the ringside barrier and then he hits a running European uppercut and he sends Rusev backВ into the ring. Cesaro goes up top and Rusev knocks Cesaro off the turnbuckles. Rusev with a thrust kick for theВ three count.

Winner – В Rusev ****

Already in the ring both cena and rusev get announced as the ref raises the title the bell rings and cena just dominates rusev, rusev unable to fight back after that triple threat match with cesaroВ and owens, cena with some corner splashes and a 5 knuckle shuffle, cena with an AA but rusev counters into anВ accolade, cena fighting his way out of it but cant break as owens comes in and kicks rusev in the head causing a DQВ to cena, afterwards owens delivers a pop up powerbomb to rusev.

Winner via DQ – Rusev ** 1/2

out next are the tough enough contestants followed by lita, as she refers them as the fresh blood for the nextВ generation as cole mentions one of them will be eliminated tuesday night on tough enough.

replay of bray wyatt/roman reigns encounter

backstage promo with stardust saying its all gonna come crashing down on neville tonight.

match 6 Stardust vs Neville

Neville offers his hand to Stardust and Stardust shakes it and then he kicks and punches Neville. Stardust with a short arm clothesline followed by a slam. Stardust with a wrist lock but Neville punches him and Stardust pulls Neville to the mat by the hair. Stardust kicks Neville. Stardust sends Neville over the top rope and Neville lands on the apron. Neville with a forearm and enzuigiri. Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow but Stardust gets up. Neville with a springboard move and he leaps over Stardust. Stardust with a side effect to Neville and both men are down. Stardust with a cartwheel. Stardust with a reverse chin lock but Neville gets to his feet and Stardust sends him back to the mat and gets a near fall. Stardust with a kick to Neville and then he bows to the crowd. Stardust with a kick to the back and a cravate. Neville with a back heel kick and a kick to the chest followed by another back heel kick and kick to the temple. Neville with a running forearm and a running forearm into the corner. Stardust with an Irish whip but Neville floats over and flips across the ring. Neville with a sunset flip for a near fall. Neville with a La Magistral for a near fall. Neville goes for an O'Connor Roll but Stardust rolls through and gets the three count and may have had a handful of tights.

Winner – Stardust В ***

Out comes kane and seth rollins with contract in hand and grabs the mic and says he’s sick and tired of the videoВ footage of brock destroying that 55k car that he bought for j and j security, mentions what he is also capable ofВ doing, he says that he is proud to say that he is not afraid of brock lesnar and that this sunday at battlegroundВ he will conquer him again and that he will walk out still wwe world heavyweight champion.

out comes brock lesnarВ to a nice pop from the crowd as he circles the ring staring down rollins, heyman tells him not to ever lay his eyesВ off of lesnar, mentions how he sold his soul against the shield to become the future of the wwe everybody in theВ wwe universe wanted to see someone get their hands on him, all the pressure is on rollins 6 days away atВ battleground because he’s going to get his ass kicked, hurt, slapped, punched, suplexed, F5’d, pinned andВ dethroned.

heyman tells him that he’s about to get taken to suplex city by brock lesnar. В lesnar hands him theВ contract as rollins signs it, followed by lesnar signing it but rollins puts his hands under the table and heymanВ calls him out on it, rollins calls heyman paranoid as lesnar flips the table around only to find an axehandle underВ it, lesnar dares rollins to grab it as he does, brock hits him with the table and goes to town on kane, a suplex toВ rollins, kane drags him outside the ring as they brawl out there, brock gets sent to the corner post, brock fights back and lays waste to kane and hits him with an F5 outside the ring followed up by the steel steps to kanes foot, seth rollins without any plan of attack hauls himself over the security railing as brock goes back into the ring and holds the title up high, brock leaves the arena as rollins returns to ringside saying he’s going to slay the beast at battleground and that he’s gonna rip off that sword tattoo off his chest as he leaves the ring he looks over at kane and calls him a piece of crap and that he’s nothing without seth rollins, he stomps on the injured foot of kane and walks up the stage area to end the show.

Be sure to tune in tuesday nights at 8:30pm est only on www.ustream.tv/channel/destroying-kayfabeas CM Stylez brings you live raw results.