WWE NXT Review – July 28th, 2015

WWE NXT Review – July 28th, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another Wrestling Wednesday! We are three weeks and change away from NXT Takeover, Brooklyn! A card that has two matches set and probably will have 3 or 4 more added to it! Tonight we're going to get some more information and stories will no doubt be furthered. So? Away we go!


Enzo and Cass's Music! We're opening with a tag match. They're out with Carmella. Enzo is explaining the things that we can't be taught. He asks how we're doing. That's nice of him. Crowd asks Enzo and Cass "How you doing?" – Enzo says he's doing great, thanks for asking. Next out are (Scott) Dash and Dawson (Wilder) #NoFlipsJustFists.

Dawson and Wilder start off working Enzo, but eventually Enzo ends up behind Cass as he talks trash. Great stuff. Graves even draws the parallel with Enzo and Scrappy Doo. Big mouth, wants to fight. Has a big friend to back him up. We settle into Zo being beat down. Standard fare. If Enzo and Cass are in the ring? Safe bet Enzo is gonna be in peril for a lot of the match. Good quick tags from Dash and Dawson. Love the sling shot suplex.

That's right. Finally Enzo hits the hot tag. Cass cleans house. Fists. A splash. Big boot drops Wilder. A kind of spinning side walk slam (Black Hole Slam). Carmella slaps Enzo "awake", as they look for their tandem finisher. But Cass gets pulled out. Dash and Wilder hit a nice hoisting code breaker double team move. They call it the "Shatter Machine". Big win for Dash and Dawson. Surprising finish.


Good tag match. Crowd was into it. Good action. Little formulaic as I've become accustomed to Enzo and Cass' matches. Surprised by the win. Wonder what this means… I figured Enzo and Cass could be involved in a tag title match in Brooklyn. Not sure about that, now. I do like the tag division ramping up even more. More teams. More competitive. More gooder!


Jordan and Gables say why they're the best. Gable tries to get Jordan to say his name. Jordan refuses. Good promo from those two.


Charlotte and Dana Brooke's history is highlighted. Beginning with Charlotte being in a Tap Out ad. This is a one on one a few months in the making.


Motorcycles rev. Baron Corbin is out. His opponent is in the ring (He's gonna have a bad time) – Jesse Soreson. Knee lift. Crowd is counting. Corbin looks around cockily. End of Days. 1.2.3. YYyyyyup. No overview. Squishy squishy. Graves reminds us that Corbin doesn't get paid by the hour.


Tyler Breeze barges in on Regal. Breeze still wants an opponent. An opponent we already know because their social media has told us who it is… Okay.


Gable and Jordan are on their way out. Elias Sampson and Levas Valenzuela Jr. Sampson tags in, and says "I want Gable". Full Sail is super into Gable. Little standing work. Arm Ringers, but Gable goes to the ground and shows his amateur skill. Locks him into a nice submission before again dominating on the mat. Sampson and Valenzuela Jr end up getting the best of Gable after some heely shenanigans. Elias locks in the Reverse Chinlock O' DOOOOM! But Gable gets out . Hits a throw. Hot tag to Jordan. Jordan hits some moves. They hit the "Grand Amplitude" double team finisher. Three count.


Glorified squash. Little back and floor, but Gable and Jordan continue to gel and have a nice following building. Lot of potential with them.


Dana Brooke talks about how she's taking over the NXT Divas division, and how no one believes in her… just like they didn't believe in her for fitness competitions. That'll start tonight. Good promo from Dana Brooke. Might've been her best bit of mic work.


Bull Dempsey's last few weeks is recapped. Then Bull gets up and says "Now its time… to get BULL FIT!" Cue 80s work out montage. Pretty amusing. We'll see how this goes for Mr. Dempsey.


Charlotte is out. Dana is out next with Emma. Charlotte starts off beating down Dana, until she misses a shoulder into the corner. Dana starts working a body scissors. Dana dominates for a while, but Charlotte fires up. Hits a spear. Knocks Emma off the ropes. Hits Natural Selection. That's that.


Pretty predictable. With a Bayley and Charlotte match in the not too distant future, you have to figure Charlotte is winning this one… and I'm guessing Bayley and Charlotte is for a shot at Sasha Banks.


They ask Regal about getting hit by Owens last week. Owens comes in and says he lost his cool and apologizes. Regal actually says "I can't wait to se him get beat… well and truly beat on the 22nd of August". Well that little ending gave us a tinge of villain Regal. Interesting to see how he played that.


Eva says her hard work is paying off! She's coming for Sasha Banks. Good luck with that, Eva.


Kevin Owens is coming out. His opponent is already in the ring (Gonna have a bad time) , missed the name, but he's from London England! Boot. Clubbing blows. Clothesline. Owens pummeling. Dude hits a couple moves, but Owens back on top. Hits the seton. Punch. Hits belly to back suplex. Cannonball. Swanton. Pop Up. Ball Game. Squashtacular. Owens wins and reminds us, and Finn Balor, how dangerous he is. Takeover will be a lot of fun. Oooh, post match he hits the apron power bomb. Then gets up on the turnbuckle and hits a Balor pose.


Rhyno will face off against Samoa Joe next week. So they hype up the Man Beast.


English and Gotch! Vaudevillains are out. Blake and Murphy out next with Alexa Bliss. Big fight intros for the Tag Team Championship match. Starts off hot and heavy. Gotch with a nice roll up into an arm bar attempt. Dukes up by the Vaudevillains for a two count. Gotch and English dominate us all the way to the commercial break!

We're back! And Gotch working the left arm of Murphy. Quick tags as the Villains stay in control. English gets dropped getting back into the ring. English getting worked over. RCoD. They keep English in their corner. Gotch gets the hot tag. Series of running forearms. Nice knees and kicks in the middle of the ring. Bliss with the distraction, but Gotch nearly gets a three. Big back body drop on Murphy. Going for the Whirling Dervish, but as English hits the ropes, Bliss grabs the leg! Roll up! Blake and Murphy win! They begin celebrating, but Vaudevillains attack. Whirling Dervish. Leaves Bliss in the ring with Gotch and English. Crowd chants "Chivalry" at them. They pace but then go and hold open the ropes for her, but she talks trash and slaps the taste outta both their mouths! Vaudevillians teeth in the ring, and Blake and Murphy celebrate on the ramp! Hit the logo!


I really enjoyed this. Wasn't super long, but for what it did? It worked perfectly. Gotch and English looked strong. Blake and Murphy looked like overmatched heels who are being expertly managed by Alexa Bliss. Post match was such a perfect cherry on the Sundae. This feels like its building to a multi team match in the not too distant future. Takeover, perhaps?


Good episode of NXT. Anchored with a couple nice matches. Jam packed with quick hitting segments and interview segments. Kept everything tight and purposeful. The show flew by, but didn't do a ton i the way of answering any questions as far as what other matches we'll be seeing in Brooklyn! Luckily we'll see you in seven and can hopefully figure this all out!